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23146607 No.23146607 [Reply] [Original]

Is this entire board just jumping between scams and fads, hoping to make it in a month, or is anyone actually still building bags of quiet genuine gems for future comfort?

>> No.23146634

I have accumulated RSR last year at .002 still hodling.

>> No.23146790


Long holding ADA and researching into AGI, HBAR (Skeptical) and I'll check lesser known coins from time to time. I never buy anything biz shills. Link was the exception but already sold the top and saw the RSR crash coming from a mile away. Yes it's mostly scam threads on here, they're starting to get a little better but the threads always smell of shit to me. Same motos, same catalog flooding tactics, really just comes down to basic research, biz isn't some underground secret club of investors it's a circle jerk of neets thinking they know something but don't this includes myself. DYOR and place your bet.

>> No.23146960


how the fuck do you get rsr

>> No.23147042
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Hodling XMR and DCR for life.

>> No.23147059

I am comfy in BTC, ETH and LINK

>> No.23147064
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BTC, XMR, ETH holy trinity

>> No.23147079

ADA and some DOT

>> No.23147095


>> No.23147097

yes, I do both though desu, which is the way to do it imo. dedicate a % of your portfolio to short term pnds....while accumulating the longer term gems with profits. last year I was loading up on Noia and Tellor..started when they were both around 1M mc. sold the pumps. moved on now to XFT as a longer term play. It's between 1-2M mc at the moment and has a very big future imo.

>> No.23147103

While I've got to agree, I don't think they're going to be the highest gainers at all. Eth will do well and XMR will post-golden run (cashing out), but over-all quality Alts I reckon will out-perform all three, possibly all three put together. Hard to know what's worth it's salt now a days though, every forum, thread, board, and social, is just covered in scams day to day, or DeFi shittery that appears worthless when you actually look into the "project".

>> No.23147110

You buy the high risk PnD presales to have more money to buy the good bags with

>> No.23147121

The fuck is XFT?

>> No.23147178
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if you look at 2017, different alts pump and dump hard in the early, mid and late bull market. you're going to be golden with these 3 taking smaller risks in shitcoins to increase these stashes doing momentum plays to see what scams biz and reddit become enamored with

>> No.23147207

Yep. Very true. I fucked my chance to get cheapo BTC and ETH last year, had my mind elsewhere. Now everything's expensive compared but I do feel I need more Eth in my portfolio, and a little BTC at least. Currently I hold almost no majors and it makes for a rocky portfolio.

>> No.23147262

zkAssets on the ETH network. project is still in development, but they've released proof of concept on the test network already. XFT will be burned to convert to it's equivalent in value to zkUSD...or whatever other private asset you're converting too. privacy erc20 tokens on ETH. think haven.....but on ETH, not Monero. it's gonna be a big deal I think once the market realizes what it is and what it does.

>> No.23147575

The future is BTC, ETH and perhaps ADA or HOLO (if they make their product happen). However, I am deep into STO's. DUSK is the only coin ironically that will make it with real fundamentals for the Euro Zone compliancy for crypto.

>> No.23147696

I stopped swinging scams and DeFi crap.
Building longterm bags of Quant, Radix and SyncFab instead.

>> No.23147719

Pretty much sold everything besides ETH LINK and PNK. XETH is my play to accumulate more of the aforementioned. APE token is the degen play of the month (look into it, I'm not shilling)
Need to get myself hedged into BTC eventually

99% of crypto is a scam, I've stopped gambling for the most part but there are promising flips coming up soon

>> No.23147772
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>> No.23148040

You raise your hands in the air and say
Then you check your metamask.

>> No.23148070

I think adoption outside the current crypto ecosystem is a meme anon. I've fallen for it a few times myself buying things like JNT, LIT, RLX, etc. promising sounding projects whose success depends on real world adoption never end up working out though it seems. I've learned my lesson and only buy shit that contributes to the crypto space now.

>> No.23148089

need more patience than a month. if a month is all you can wait you will just be another trader with weak hands who cannot hold

>> No.23148305

Accumulating DEXToken for when the exchange releases at the end of the year.

>> No.23148559
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ding ding ding motherfuckers

>> No.23148596

wrong thread =/

>> No.23148599

Have you looked at NKN's adoption? It's actually happening, but the market doesn't care. Signed contracts with major players with at least 3 more coming before too long. One of which is a major NAS vendor. My guess is Synology. People sleep on it but that's my adoption meme right now.

>> No.23148633

wise anon, currently holding 500 dexies and plan on staking every round.

>> No.23148693

I live in a van and I'm broke as shit

>> No.23148749

I am very comfy with BTC, ETH, LINK, DOT, AAVE, UBT, UTK and RARI. All legit projects with legit teams

>> No.23148778

I would like to think I'm building a bag of a good project or 2 but only time will tell, they have decent teams and projects and I don't chase the scam tokens.

Would rather invest for a year+ in a good project with potential.

>> No.23148831

a lot of project actually have real world adoption....but the market doesn't care. that's kind of my point. adoption doesn't pump utility tokens as much as speculation does.

>> No.23148910

Three years now. Eth, btc ,xmr, and xhv and xsn for moonshots. But at 1/5 the $$ of the other three.

>> No.23148948

Funny, I've just been mining Safex all year. Couldn't be comfier.

>> No.23149775


Yes, most of the people on here are brown guys with $2000 net worth

>> No.23150130


everyone who already has btc or is getting btc has nothing to say here. so it's just filled with pajeet scams. i just check back in once in awhile and when there's a decent pump or dump to chuckle at the dumb wojacks posts.

>> No.23150217

this is the way

>> No.23150305

Agreed, everything everyone has mentioned here is a pajeet scam, except dexg, of course

>> No.23150645

This is what third-worlders will do for RSV, minus the second step

>> No.23150871
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>> No.23150910

buy DIP and LINK faggot

>> No.23151068

Sadly true. Luckily however, I'm under the impression NKN is about to drop one or two known names, which plays into the markets speculation pump memes.

>> No.23151155
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>hoping to make it in a month
Do pajeets really?

>> No.23151213

BTC for inflation, LINK for smart contracts and XHV for privacy. Simple as

>> No.23151235

pay attention to ERGO also. It will be Cardano's oracle, still low mcap

>> No.23151323

sauce please sir?

>> No.23151462

Buying 100 LINK per day under 10, that might be over permanently.

But LINK,ETH,,BTC in that order should see you to early retirement if you have diamond hands.

Other plays


>> No.23152101

Stopped reading at link.

>> No.23152341

Why the fuck does everyone add eth to their portfolios? The whole founding team ditched because it was going in the wrong way about things and now it's playing catch up and eth 2.0 is already dated in comparison to chains already out now. Enterprise is never going to adopt Eth, it's a security risk. Fucking sheep I swear.

>> No.23152381

Hodling QTUM, ETH, BTC, UNI, LINK, SNX and the rest in stablecoins. Going to make it big anon. Get in on QTUM now while it's cheap. Big things coming.

>> No.23152405

Buy it in exchange for ETH on Kyberswap. You use your Metamask wallet to pay for RSR using ETH.

>> No.23152502

I'm stacking sats. Bitcoin is the only long term coin, you won't convince me otherwise

>> No.23152522

Anon you don't know what you're talking about. ETH is the primary development platform and all chains that hope to be relevant have figured out you need an EVM if you're going to have a hope of developers adopting your platform. It's where the ecosystem is. It's VHS despite there being like 10 Betamaxes out there. First mover advantage matters.

>> No.23153500

Suppose I have 1000 or 10000 USD to throw into crypto. I want to split it between BTC, ETH and some smaller coin. In what proportions do I do it?

>> No.23154090

You can actually make money here if u go quickly in new projects for a nice 2x and exit immediately without looking back. I started with $1k in June and even with the bleeding have like 15k right now.

>> No.23154444

65% ETH
20% BTC
15% Alts.

>> No.23154545

I don't talk about my holds because they're just that - a coin sitting in my wallet doing nothing. What do you want me to say? "Yep, my 10 Monero is still there. Monero girl is still cute."

Shitcoins are the ones that require day to day attention and strategy. They're also the ones fueling my short term gains and the eternal fun of pink wojaks.

>> No.23154682

Slowly but surely accumulating FRC

>> No.23155232

XSN, Stellar, BAT, PNK, STA, Ocean, VET and Link
I'm ready.