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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23143447 No.23143447 [Reply] [Original]

what things are you going to do when you make it?
i want to learn to play the piano, i want to learn Japanese, and i want to travel the world

>> No.23143483

You can do the first two things without making it, because if you don't, you will never make it.

>> No.23143516

My first priority is doing nothing.

>> No.23144012


>> No.23144023

I want to have sex with Liru

>> No.23144057

wow ur so unique

>> No.23144232


>> No.23144264
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>i want to learn to play the piano, i want to learn Japanese, and i want to travel the world
I only have $40 to my name and I was able to do all of those.

What the fuck man, are you gonna pay thousands just to have someone teach you how to learn piano?

>> No.23144331

You can literally teach yourself how to play piano. Start with easy songs then move to more advanced.

>I want to learn Japanese
why though?
Besides watching hentai japanese has no real use to a business man. Learn mandarin or german for the business opportunities. Even Arabic is better than moonspeak.

>> No.23144370

>making more money
>buy an house in a nice quiet area
And i'm done.

>> No.23144390

You can do 2 of those 3 things right now, why aren't you?

>> No.23144459

there's not enough time in the week to take those on when you're in uni full time + doing work study + looking for internships desuu

>> No.23144523

sauce on op's image?

>> No.23144530


>> No.23144536

The first two you can start right now and don't need you to make it.

>> No.23144538
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>> No.23144552

Yea, i just wanna fuck Liru thats all.

>> No.23144801

>when i get rich
>piano and not clavichord or harpsichord

jesus christ nigger do you even music

>> No.23144994
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>30 minutes of piano practice a day
>30 minutes of Japanese grammar/kanji/whatever you want to practice a day

That's 1 hour a day. Do you not have an hour to spare? Then you can do 30 minutes of piano a day, then 30 minutes of Japanese a day and cycle them like that. Stop making excuses and just do it lmao, if you have time to post shitty threads on biz you have time to improve yourself

>> No.23145022

Stupid weebshit what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.23145040
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Right Wing Death Squads.

>> No.23145049


>> No.23145127

I would probably buy some kind of muscle car and go cruising with boomers.
Go game fishing.
Go train bjj at a bunch of top gyms.
Not much else really, other stuff I don't need money for.

>> No.23145156

>what things are you going to do when you make it?
continue tov self improve to become a better, stronger, more independent and virtuous person in perpetuity

>> No.23145191

30 minutes a day isn't enough for an ADD autist to actually absorb anything

>> No.23145330

yeah, just watched some random sam hyde vid posted in another thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKwxci1ytjc idk if 30 mins/day would lead to anything like other guy said, but i do waste an ungodly amount of time. i guess i at least money to show for it. s*ged, not bumping the thread

>> No.23145720

This helped me to wait until I make it.
But at the same time you realize you never needed money to do most of the things you dreamed of, but were just too lazy to do it...
How do you fight this laziness?
Making it will only make it worse.

>> No.23145780

You sound like a tremendous faggot OP. Nobody wants to hear another fucking flaming anime faggot whiteboy speak Japanese in Japan. You can literally buy a keyboard for 150 bucks and learn to play the piano (you will never be good at it though).
And traveling the world is such a big fucking meme. Almost bigger than ‘seeing and experiencing’ other ‘cultures’.
If you live in a western country, nearly all other countries on the world are shittier than where you are now. Imagine paying money to live in shittier conditions than you already do.

>> No.23145823
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Start investing in myself:
>fix my scoliosis
>lose a bit of weight like 20 pounds or so
>probably gonna have loose skin so fix that with surgery
>go see a dermatologist to get rid of my acne that's all over my face in my mid 20s
>fix my widow's peak I have in my mid 20s with Lebron hair technology
>hire a dietician
>get jacked at the gym
>give more of a shit about my hygiene
>start giving a shit about life
I can do almost none of these due to my job.

>> No.23145829

Your gift is too great for me

>> No.23145839

>i want to learn to play the piano, i want to learn Japanese
what's stopping you from doing these right now?

>> No.23145852

prob upgrade my PC.
by more questionable nootropics.
maybe get a hair cut.
I have no plans at all.
I just make big numbers bigger.
when will I know if ive made it? will I be happy?

>> No.23145881
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>fix my scoliosis
Bruh, you need to start ASAP, making it will get easier if you invest in your own body starting today.
Do this EVERY DAY:
By the third time, it will only take 10-15 mins and you can literally do it everywhere. What kind of job prevents you from doing something this simple?
Measure your height day by day, depending on how bad your scoliosis is, you'll gain a few cm.
When you gain them, search for Jeff Cavaliere on youtube and follow his posture advice.
>lose a bit of weight like 20 pounds or so
You can also stop eating processed foods TODAY, it will make you more focused and making it will come faster.

>> No.23145892

P.S. Your gift is too great for me

>> No.23145894

"Your gift is too great for me"

Eat shit and die

>> No.23145902

me too. imagine her cute growls when she cums

>> No.23145914
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>Projecting and seething this hard
OP is a faggot but he‘ll become a substantially bigger faggot if he lets an autistic blowhard influence his interests and decisions

>> No.23145916
File: 82 KB, 440x676, Peak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idk if 30 mins/day would lead to anything
That depends on how you go about practicing. You need to learn how to do that first. Read pic related

>> No.23145929

Your gift is too great for me
Eat shit and die

>> No.23146018

T. Animelover

>> No.23146055

Your gift is too great for me

>> No.23146093

Buy land I guess. They’re not making anymore of it.

>> No.23146116

Lazy pleb who could learn both of those even now thinks when he has money he’ll magically be less lazy. Lol

>> No.23146137

“I’ll shower once I Make it” Lol jesus the absolute fkn state

>> No.23146154

sorry anon, not alot of time to do much other than procrastinate when youre studying cs at a t30 school