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2314523 No.2314523 [Reply] [Original]

So yesterday I decided to put all my BTC in various altcoins. All of them are deep in the red, while BTC is mooning. I don't really understand the market right now.

How could I fuck up this hard?

>> No.2314531

Maybe one of your shitcoins will get pumped.

>> No.2314540

That's what you get for daytrading pajeets, glorious papacoin has no mercy for your kind

>> No.2314562

you bought alternative coins when they all were in the green, most of them pumped to all fuck on all time highs.

you need to buy alternative coins once theyve stabilized for a few weeks, are big in the red or some relevant news is heading towards them.

its not rocket sciene that alternative coins go down shortly after all of them are in the green

>> No.2314566

I bought ETH and Sia at the tip. Down 2 bitcoins. Kill me…

>> No.2314569

as explained by an anon in another thread

the coins are not actually decreasing in value, they are adjusting accordingly to BTCs rising price. if you perform the calculations, you will probably realize that you have the same amount of money you did before BTC started mooning in the last 24-32 hours. that is, unless a shitcoin you've bought has went down 50% or some shit like, but that's most likely not related to BTC at all

>> No.2314577
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I am so happy I am not the only one, except I did it with 2 of my ETH. Welcome to the club.

>> No.2314595

>buying sia, the inferior storjcoin
look into coins. just because you see ten threads on here doesnt mean it will quadruple your stake.
sometimes it will, but in the long run you mostly lose. or learn to hop off the fast rocket at the right moment.
but never buy all time highs, especially not when the coins isnt called ethereum or bitcoin. youre bound to buy all the long term holds of other people

>> No.2314640

Of course but it doesn't help all that much, gains were missed out on. And you measure your portfolio in btc when you trade btc/alt pairs, the appreciation of btc is just a nice bonus.

>> No.2314664

Sia is a good buy. Just hold that shit m8

>> No.2314686

50% bitcoin
30% eth
20% altcoins


>> No.2314718

>wasting your bitcoins like that
youre supposed to increase your bitcoins by trading alternative coins

>> No.2315047
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Sold a good chunk of the alts I was holding at the bottom of the dip last night expecting a repeat of what happened with alts two weeks ago. Of course the coins I was holding are the only ones completely unfazed by BTCs bull run and today they're all well above where I sold them. fmltbqhfampai.