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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 360 KB, 427x496, Screenshot 2020-10-09 at 12.50.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23142492 No.23142492 [Reply] [Original]

And it's going to work too as ValueDefio.io has cheaper fees than Uniswap and better rewards than Uniswap or even YFI lol.

You frogs are finding this out 1-2 days early - before the "defi world" finds out with a listing on DefiPulse over the weekend, putting them in the top 10, and 3rd largest Dex. LOL

So if you missed this somehow lol, 3 days ago Value Defi forked Balancer, drained off $140mil in liquidity, and now has ValueDefi.io with $140+mil in liquidity, spinning up $3m+ a day in trade volume. Taking a 0.05% fee only, and giving this fee to VALUE holders who are staking in their governance vault.

Next up is Uniswap. And it will come, as Value is cheaper fees for traders, AND *if they realise they can earn the fees back by holding VALUE.... well, u better pack your Honey Badger Value Rocketship backpack!

Then next is Sushi, pff who cares about that shit, but sure it will be kucked after Uni lol

>> No.23142577

>defipulse listing
its like muh coinmarket cap listing that does Nothing
go back
your meme photos are retarded

>> No.23142747

lel. DefiPulse is THE place people look towards to see Defi projects and how much liquidity they have locked, and when Value appears there within the next 2 days just above Nexus Mutual, and just below CREAM, then people are going to wonder WTF this is and what they are missing.. U have 2 days to get in before other's realise.

Consider THIS message the insider announcement of DefiPulse coming and u know before the rest of the crowd and redditors lel

>> No.23142787

go away poojeet

>> No.23142828

I cannot wait for all the fucking cope threads we’re gonna come next week Lel

>> No.23142875
File: 865 KB, 1056x1079, 1601851362224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren. Will pick up a bag due to your thread

>> No.23143252

>Taking a 0.05% fee only, and giving this fee to VALUE holders who are staking in their governance vault.

huh? there is no value governance vault. theres a yfv one that gives zero rewards - are you referring to that?

>> No.23143333
File: 73 KB, 619x263, Screenshot -vault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh that one, its got a UI bug, getting fixed soon. [pic related], but you are still getting rewards

>> No.23143437

Seems strange that this project is so under the radar if they are top 10 DeFi. Why is nobody talking about it? Is this some cryptocult?

>> No.23143527

they had a 90% token pullback in price like the rest of defi , following / price matching with YFI. People just think it's "just another defi farm" and dont quite realise how much there is to it and whats happened and that it's going to be big ;)

By Monday people will have woken up a bit with defipulse listing placing them up there with / ahead of the biggest defi TVL projects in the world.

Last chance weekend to buy :)

>> No.23144188

Perfect Storm. I'm buying ur bags. Lets do this!

>> No.23144217

It's not funny when it's your shitcoin, huh YFVtards.


>> No.23144512

Actually the opposite. We will be vampiring liquidity from uniswap this weekend. And "we" will be rewarding those who join us with larger rewards... not too late for you Anon, theres no loyalty here, only profit seeking. Either switch to VALUE and make profit or keep your UNI bags while the whole defi ecosystem farms and dumps and vampires them lel

>> No.23144565

When rug?

>> No.23144634

You dont do all this work to rug. you rug at the start of the raise like amplyfi or such, this is down in price with a massive amount of development and $140m+ TVL, literally forked and vampired balancer 3 days ago, UNI next.. this isnt a rug, this is the real thing. Check the dex tvl and trade activity out: https://valueliquid.info/

>> No.23144690

You cannot simply vampire Uniswap. Sushi tried and mostly failed. Value will be the next.

Network effects, read up on it and weep.

>> No.23144772

I don't understand the usage of the term "vampire" here. Is this the same mechanism by which those vampire arb bots have been vamping ETH value out of liquidity pools?

>> No.23144832

no he just seems to like the term. They also didn't vampire Balancer. They were using Balancer and they switched to their own protocol.

>> No.23145493

They wont get it all. $2bil is a lot, this is just vampiring value-eth off, but its just a test, expect a bigger vampire attack to come, and yeh they wont take it all, but the ones that do will benefit from cheaper trading and increased rewards lol, so they will get some, and then they'l vampire sushi.

>> No.23145739

Term vampire is used to mean to drain liquidity/users/something from one to another.

In this instance they didn't just fork Balancer, they also "vampired" off $140mil of liquidity in a single hour - Balancer liquidity dropped 40% that day.

>> No.23146223

False. If people lock the tokens in the farming SC, that gives control over that liquidity to Value protocol. Thus they can yank it out of uniswap and put it in a native pool.