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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 774x604, API3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23139714 No.23139714 [Reply] [Original]

back to work? okay then. zug zug.


"It’s one thing to be bothered by a problem, it’s quite another to be able to accurately define it. In our case, once we came up with the solution, we were able to see the original problem with new clarity. Current oracle implementations depend on third-party oracles; that is, oracles operated by entities who don’t own the data or services they provide. The solution is to use first-party oracles — oracles operated by the API providers themselves."

Do you know what it means to be doomed?
Do you know what it means to be cursed?
When the blue eyes are washing their mouths in the south
You know they're hiding bodies north
Did you know that we're sinking knee-deep?
Did you nail down what you plan to keep?
When the poltergeist pushes his freight on your shore
You are done for, done for, done for

>> No.23139939


>> No.23139949

so you're gonna sit there and tell me that this api3 thing is better than DIA and AKRO and those gems? DIA is gonna be doing stuff with polka soon too. that's some reach. why even bother with this one then sir?

>> No.23139988
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23140029

Ahhhhh the feeeeeeelsssss. Fuuuuuuuck.

Bruh you don't get it. API3 would be the mother milky. Think more deeply.

>> No.23140736

>the next ChainLink killer!!!!1!1

>> No.23140835

It's the Chainlink Group that started on biz and fucked up their ICO.

>> No.23141078



>> No.23141423

Scam. There is a reason Sergey told you all to kick rocks. Now beat it nerds. Go play with your API store that no one used

>> No.23141554

Shame on you, Dave. Rory took you in, treated you like his own wife's son, and this is how you repay him?

>> No.23141855

storytime me. i like good baseless tin foil FUD.

>> No.23142252

i see an oracle, i accumulate. that's it.

>> No.23142416

imagine not knowing burak is the smartest man in crypto

>> No.23142701

Check dis hilarious FUD - >>23135428

I'm so much more bullish now.

>> No.23142768


>> No.23142868

>early linkies bored on biz when link was still stealth mode
>one anon starts a thread, 'maybe we can help speed up chainlink adoption and create a biz company'
>dozens of motivated biztards getting together on discord, sharing resumes and spit balling ideas
>turns out most biztards are well educated and successful professionals
>biz meme company takes shape, becomes chainlink consultancy group
>elect a Finnish loser as their ceo but their cto is a 300 IQ autistic PhD college professor
>try to launch their own token, massive failure and backlash on biz because one of their guys announced he was shorting link on Twitter the day before, henceforth known as Timo the tranny, reputation destroyed before they even started
>despite all the hate and no money they actually still try their best to build their little api marketplace, reasonably successful development for a team of literal biz tards but there's no adoption
>one of their guys become employed by chainlink officially, another becomes a telegram janny, their lawyer also starts a DAO backed by openlaw, they're running a node...
>chainlink launches grant program, gives money to all the ecosystem companies, but vlc is weirdly absent
>turns out they not only stopped working on it, but they were actually building a competitor to chainlink
>et tu, brute
>rebranded as api3, trying to run a token scam once again now that normies are aware of oracles

>> No.23142915

He is a scammy gypsy

>> No.23143763

i don't even get what that means or how it is related to this thing. need more info sirs

>> No.23144604

10/10 recap. Why the fuck will this beat Chainlink?

>> No.23144673

it wouldn't they are trying to scam you. maybe pump and dump it. either way its dumb and will fail

>> No.23145265

Bump to laugh at this gay anf forced CLCG faggot larp.

>> No.23145304

People must be genuinely retarded not to see this project is an obvious next step in oracle solutions

>> No.23145704

I just read this thread and wanted to say that at this moment I am literally shaking about API3

Look at that off white logo. omg. shake.