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File: 203 KB, 1280x720, cNiJ6DFZSTanKxHFk1pn_yacht-party-monaco-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23127904 No.23127904 [Reply] [Original]

How much is fuck you money?
I'm thinking 5 million.

>> No.23127927

Definitely more than 5 million

>> No.23127934

add a zero

>> No.23127937


50 million. 5 million allows you to retire comfortably.

>> No.23127953

Depends where you live. I’d say 5-10 is a good start

>> No.23127956

How the fuck does a real human bean make 50 million though

>> No.23127967

Inheritance usually

>> No.23127973

>fuck you money
>depends on where you live
Thats not fuck you money

>> No.23127976

What do you want to do, be on a shitboard and do what? Oysters and whores? Isn't that boring?

>> No.23127986

hard work, firm handshake

>> No.23128004

fuck you money 10mil min but realistically 20mil & up. yeah 50mil is nice but let's face it, with 20mil you can tell pretty much anyone to go fuck themselves

>> No.23128042

33mil fuck you money
1mil you are almost a fucking regular citizen

>> No.23128060

just show up to an office and ask for a management position. Easy

>> No.23128077

it depends of what or to who you want to say fuck you, for example, these boats may cost 1 or 2 million dollars, the upkeep of a yatch is 10% of its value per year, so with 5 million dollars you cant afford a yatch like these.

With 5 million you cant buy a hypercar like buggati, pagani, etc...

5 million is fuck you money because you're out of the rat race forever and a lot of luxury but not a lavish lifestyle.

Fuck you all motherfuckers fucking faggots piece of shit is 20M+ IMO since 5% return on that is 1 million annually

>> No.23128080

Tight anus. Firm handjob

>> No.23128083

Honestly 1 billion dollars is true fuck you money. Anything less and you can’t do really crazy rich man things on the regular.

That being said I wouldn’t want more then 100 million. After a certain net worth you get contacted by (((them)))

>> No.23128127

no 1 billion is I'm a god money

>> No.23128384

Steady hands, and patience.

>> No.23128446

5 million is just "leave me alone " money. With 50million you can actually have "fuck you " money for the majority of situations, but only at 1 billion you get into truly "fuck ALL of you" territory. Just watch the stuff a billionaire gets away with, compared to a simple multi-millionaire".

>> No.23128483

For me a measly $100,000 to tell everyone in my life to fuck off, and live the exact life, and more importantly death, that I want.

>> No.23128485

Even 1.5 million, can get you a nice house and far more money in passive income than the average citizen in many countries. These countries often dont even tax on income not earned within the country (they dont even have the means to try to track this stuff if they tried)

In countries where average yearly income is less than 10k, having 40k+ a year in passive income with a house already paid for is luxury. A big house in a well protected upper class neighborhood, gardeners, drivers, cooks, eat out as much as you like, cheap hookers , even some travel abroad.

>> No.23128505

100k link will get you fuck you money
10k link will get you make it money

>> No.23128559

but that's just chillax forever luxury. Nice luxury begins when you have enough to make a doctor's salary yearly on passive income alone.

>> No.23128595

$2.5M would let me withdrawal 2% per year and live comfortably on $50k/year before taxes. to me, that's fuck you money.

>> No.23128607

I was thinking above 100mil. But after thinking some more. You really gotta have 200-300mill.

>> No.23128626

After they contact you, what do they say?

>> No.23128672


>> No.23128740

5 mill is not even close
5 mill is average boomer tier with a mcmansion, an ugly nagging wife that drives a porsche suv and a continuously lowering quality ofg life due to inflation

>> No.23128746


>> No.23128769

many pairs of kneepads

>> No.23128790

Depends on who you’re trying to say fuck you to imo
I can definitely say fuck you to my coworkers at 2 million

>> No.23128793
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>> No.23128795

with 600k in dividend stocks you can basically neet, work part time when you feel like it, grow weed and play video games for 80% of the time lol. i'm approaching it. net worth coming close to 400k, and i fully intend to execute operation neet lol.

>> No.23128813

seethe wagecuck

>> No.23128836
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>dividend stocks
oh anon...

>> No.23128880

you will lose everything

>> No.23128884

say what you will, 600k worth of dividend stocks right now is enough to neet in perpetuity. government has clearly shown they wont let anything bigger than a mom and pop diner actually go bankrupt.

>> No.23128911

this year the US printed 20% of all dollars in circulation. but sure anon it will never fail kek

>> No.23128916

I made it with btc in 2014 and it's a lot more subtle.

You go to good hotels like the Ritz, etc and you meet people, these people tell you about high class escorts (calander girls etc) and then at a certain point they ask you how young you like them. I didn't like them "young" so I never got past that point. But I presume that where they invite you to the nudist parties, then sex, then film you and then the cannibalism and satan worship/adrenochrom bullshit.

Just love your loved anon, shoot guns, play vidya, fuck bitches a bit and then find a good women and have kids, and keep em safe!

>> No.23128928

i don't see verizon, at&t, disney, chevron, general mills, hershey, coke, pepsi, microsoft, TSM, or big tobacco, going anywhere bro. they'll be paying those dividends and crabbing long after we're dead.

>> No.23128949

you can't even get a half of one of those boats for 5 mil

>> No.23128955

and the stock market responded by pumping. assets, such as stocks, go up in value when currency goes down in value.

>> No.23128961

>i don't see
and that's why you'll lose it all

>> No.23128962

Add a zero

>> No.23128983


>> No.23128986

no i wont lol, if you think those companies are going anywhere, you also think society is going to collapse into a black abyss. and if that happens, it wont matter what you invested in, itll all be on fire.

>> No.23129010

You only gotta double two dollars ten times to make fifty million

>> No.23129013
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sure anon enjoy your "divident stocks" fucking kek

>> No.23129014

what a fucking retard

>> No.23129064

oh no never that anon, all millionaires and billionaires are completely self made, like kylie jenner or bill gates

>> No.23129200

$1M just keep working to cover your expenses, $2M you can probably fuck off and retire e.g. just spend the dividends from SPY. Won’t be glamorous but it exists.

>> No.23129257

the "covid" shutdowns will make it a certainty

>> No.23129289


>> No.23129441

Top kek. No one has ever gotten rich by hard work in human history.

>> No.23130083

Each boat in your picture is worth well over 10MM so no... 5 is not fuck you money

>> No.23130364

or 5 btc

>> No.23130378
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Nah. You can find plenty of dated 100 ft yachts like the ones pictured for less than $3 million. https://sysyachtsales.com/used-yachts-for-sale-91-100-feet
You're better off chartering one though than buying one outright.

$50 million is fuck you money. That's an easy, low risk, $100k per month after taxes, stress free for the rest of your life.

>> No.23130388


>> No.23130390

$5m is fuck you money. You don't have to be able to afford a massive yacht to have fuck you money. Fuck you money means you can stop working at will and do whatever the fuck you want, "fuck you."

Yacht money is 10m+

>> No.23130424

Checked, also, depend on where you live too

>> No.23130429

and you can just rent a yacht anytime, owning it would be a bigger pain in the ass with maintance and shit

>> No.23130465


And the big ones need a crew. I'd probably get a boat someday but the big yacht is quite an expense and endeavor for something you don't use regularly.

>> No.23130526

how much money is women will "fuck me" money?

>> No.23130536

Economies of scale

>> No.23130579


Not after 1973 and the oil crisis led inflation, the stock market tanked for a decade

>> No.23130585

Powerball tickets. The more you buy, the better your odds.

>> No.23130614

buy 50k Link ?

>> No.23130648


Compounding. Most of us have no chance though as we didn't start off with the head start they did (probably wealthy ish parents who gave them some money and direction to begin their careers).

The effective wealth ceiling of the broke millenial is like $10m starting from scratch. That's our peak as we approach old age. 99% won't get that far.

>> No.23130714

depends on who you want to say fuck you to
5m is enough to say fuck you to 99% of the population, if you're not a retard
real money will laugh in your face, but you kind of have to go out of your way to interact with those people

>> No.23130813
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>> No.23130847


I have no desire to crack into the elite, just to be "elite" in my own pond and circle. They don't sound fun, or human.

>> No.23130864

this is a pretty good approximation.
the only way to break the $10mm is to invest it all and get incredibly lucky with said investment.

>> No.23130907


Yeah, basically ignoring great luck throughout your life. You can be pragmatic, and diligent, and push your way to that level but to get far beyond it would require some serious luck.

>> No.23131085

Well 99.99% people will never make that, thats why its called fuck you money. Even if you work smart and get lucky with investments your time is running out on earth, some will get lucky/ work their ass off and scrab that million or couple together before retiring, but you will never have real fuck you money

>> No.23131192

2.5 million is enough to be comfy and tell your boss to go fuck himself

>> No.23131258


>> No.23131300

how fucking cucked are you? you really think if you have 50M you just keep it in the bank and take little bit out each month like a fucking squirrel?

You would at least invest it in businesses are properties that can return 7-20% a year, thats 5-10M a year to blow whilst your stack still grows

>> No.23131382

stop with reddit spacing faggot and yes 5m put in the right places is enough to live like a King in your own right and say fuck you to 99% of everyone on Earth

>> No.23131410

Are you retarded? You would need to double it 25 times

>> No.23131455


>secret clubisms

please stop. I've been doing this one here for 12 years, it makes the posts more legible.

>> No.23131496

That's still easy to do, you can double two dollars easily, just do it twenty or so times, come on man

>> No.23131600

ikr this nigga gonna double his $2 10x and have 2k and be like where muh millions at broskies lmao

>> No.23131913

Who said I'd keep it in a bank? I'm saying that you could make 4% stress free and never have to worry about money again. I could give a fuck less about buying properties and making 20% a year at that point. My whole goal is to stop worrying about money, not become some faggot jew who lets it consume me.

>> No.23131934

you haven't considered taxes yet

>> No.23131992

nigger it makes it niggerfied you blind falmer fuck

>> No.23132603

>invest in real estate
Rofl wsb called they want their gay retard, so go back.

>> No.23132678



>> No.23132717


It's actually a filter since mobileposters struggle to format and read it that way

>> No.23132832

How does $40 in a bad neighborhood sound?

>> No.23132977
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Whenever making these definition threads, you have to account in standards of living and whether you want kids that will go on to elite schools. So let's say you want kids, these are my wealth levels:

Financially Comfily Free - $5m (at 7% APY you get $350k per year, enough for a comfy house, ok schools for your kids, nice vacations, insurance etc)

Made It - $20m (7% APY you get $1.4m per year, enough for multiple houses, elite schools for kids, great vacations, good insurance etc)

Fuck You Money - $200m (7% APY is $14m a year, you are basically an elite, but you still can't go saying fuck you too many times)

Fuck You All Money $1b (a lot of money)

>> No.23133031

2.5 million is the figure, source:

>> No.23133053

Cope. Elite schools are copes. You only really need 100k in the bank to be comfy.

>> No.23133256

>posts a yacht worth way more then 5mil

Yeah I think 5mil is about right, anon

>> No.23133287

mothers friend sent kids to elite private schools
they blow money like you wouldnt believe, and havent accomplished jack.
how would one hypothetically get their kids to not rest on their laurels ?

>> No.23133315


Challenge them growing up and make them work somewhat. Have responsibilities. You can create their own little ecosystem where they still have to operate like an independent human being.

>> No.23133440
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>fuck you money

>> No.23133830

Depends on what you mean by "Fuck you money". If we're going by "The Gambler" standards where the saying was popularized:
> 500k in the bank
> paid-off house, average house is 250k
> Jap shitbox car, 20k
> wife and two kids, 300k
Let's say 1mil in total net worth. That's do-able for most Americans.

>> No.23134066


>> No.23134112

Once you have made 5 million just invest it in chainlink, the following year you should have 50 million.

>> No.23134869
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>> No.23136008

Enough to not have to wagecuck for the rest of your life.

>> No.23136257

Chartering a yacht costs 300k euros a week. You're not chartering a yacht with $5milllion.

>> No.23136264

>$14m a year, you are basically an elite, but you still can't go saying fuck you too many times
In what world is this true? Who can you not say fuck you to with 14 million a year coming to you with no effort?

>> No.23136362

you have no idea the levels of wealth that exist out there
$14 million is a rounding error for some people on this earth anon

>> No.23136413

>Who can you not say fuck you to with 14 million a year coming to you with no effort?

>> No.23136461

Those yachts, cost well over a million you dumb cunt. Those are 60-70m which for the absolute cheapest shit one like the one on the left, you're looking at 50million. Used. Heavily used, and in need of intensive refit work.The one in centre is probably $200M. What you're seeing there is a yacht show. None of the cunts on that boat actually have money, they just go there to get the millionaires.

You see that Martini sponsored tender coming alongside on the top of the picture? That alone is probably 5m. You have zero clue how much money is involved in the yacht industry.

However, 1 million usd could get you a lovely sailboat or catamaran.

It's like you guys don't leave the house. 5M is actually nothing, okay you'd maybe be able to live 20-30 years in your house doing fuck all. But you aren't getting a fancy yacht, you aren't fucking top tier instagram models, you aren't going to be hanging around with Dan or whoever your favourite celeb is. You need 500M to begin to be 'fuck you' status. 20 million to 'make it'

>> No.23136539

And how would your life be effected by telling those guys to fuck off? You don't work for your money.

>> No.23136583

100 million yuros

>> No.23136644

yacht owners rent their yachts out to charter clients 90% of the time.

>> No.23136674

Having "fuck you" money afaik just meant being able to say "fuck you" to your boss aka quit your job. Doesn't mean "wealth beyond your imagination"

>> No.23136719

Are boats even worth it? I can't imagine spending so much and then all the maintenance. Boat stuff does sound fun because I like swimming, drinking, and fishing. What's the appeal of saltwater though? Seems like you can have just as much fun on a pontoon but it's $200k for a nice one instead of $20m for a meh one. Hard to imagine getting use out of something bigger than 30' and 800hp. Just costs more upkeep. Diminishing returns is an understatement here best I can tell.

>> No.23136723

in 5 years 5 million will only get you a used honda civic.

>> No.23136728

It's more like you're fucking delusional to how people actually want to live lol.

>> No.23136746

>checked and based

If you're not living in an expensive, major metropolitan area, 5M is enough to coast on for the rest of your life so long as you don't spend it like a new money nigger and can set a budget. If you're living in a major metropolitan area (i.e. NYC, LA, London, Paris, Sydney, etc.) 5M will get you a nice place and give you a good safety net, but realistically, you'll probably have to work a job if you're eating out constantly, buying fancy clothes, and spending frivolously. Otherwise, that money is going to disappear fast.

Just live within your means and you'll be fine. You can still spend some money on a nice vacation or make the occasional big purchase without taking a big hit to your savings, while simultaneously go about life unnoticed. Honestly, the last thing you want to do is roll up in a new whip, showing off your money. The second people sniff out that you're wealthy, you're going to have everyone come out of the woodwork and try to suck you dry for everything you're worth.

>> No.23136750

For real I see these huge multi-million dollar homes all the time in my rusted out poverty state and I wonder where the hell all these rich people come from and where they are getting their money.

>> No.23136785

No shit Sherlock, because a yacht costs 50% of it's value to maintain every year. 60%. That's why charter prices are so high. You know the Captain is on $1m a year right? You gonna skip that part and drive it yourself? You got all your shit together to be able to captain a 60m yacht? What about the engines. Even if you only hired two engineers, that's half a mil or more again. 2 on the bridge, 2 in the engine and 3 interior/deck to help/serve. That's easily, $2 on crew costs alone. Nevermind bunkers, breakdown, port costs. It's a lot of money. Not to mention with a crew that small you'd be pushing everyone to 18 hour shifts. So more chance of an accident, which costs more fucking money.

Get a sailboat and travel the world for cheap. Once you've got your digital immunity pass that is.

>> No.23136839
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>> No.23136925

Small boats up to 30m are worth it. They do still cost a shit ton to run, but there's something about having your own boat. There just is, that's why it's mostly rich white people that have boats. It's a white thing.

Having 60-90m is charter status. They're usually part of a fleet, or personally owned by a billionaire. These are the boats that Katy Perry and shit like that take out for a weekend. Be prepared to tip your crew 50% of charter costs. That's the norm.

100m+ superyachts, are reserved for the actual world owners. Russian billionaires, Saudi royalty etc. These boats have chandeliers in them that cost more than $10m and hand carved wood from Brazil that costs I dunno, a 100k per m or some shit. Real serious stuff on them. Subs, boats that come out of boats. Subs that come out of boats that come out of boats. They're floating embassies. When shit hits the fan on land, the royalty will be at sea in their fortresses.

>> No.23136940
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5 million yen? Are you kidding me OP?

>> No.23136958

This is the whole point of making it for me as well. I just want to ignore capitalism totally and be free.

>> No.23137022

>I will never be at a yacht party

Fuck you OP my chuck e cheese internet token will make rich...r-right?

>> No.23137025
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no wonder biz is poor...

>> No.23137054

>Who can you not say fuck you to with 14 million a year coming to you with no effort?
The media, people higher up the food chain than you
If go around saying "fuck you" to the wrong people, like really rubbing it in their faces, or especially if you get mixed up in deals that you shouldn't, there are people above you in the food chain who might try to ruin your life
If you keep to yourself though, and make friends, $200M is pretty much fuck you money

>> No.23137055
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>wife, 300k

>> No.23137101

Are yachts worth it?
>roughly 10%+ of the purchase price in upkeep alone
>$10,000+ in fuel every time you take it out
>docking fees
>crazy insurance
>have to pay staff and crew every time you go out
>have to pay someone to take it down to Florida/Caribean every fall or put in storage
>depreciates like crazy

There's a reason there's a saying the happiest days of a boat owner's life is the day they buy it and the day they sell it. Can it be fun and relaxing? absolutely, but it's going to be a massive fucking money hole and you could spend the same amount of money and get far more enjoyment out of it with zero hassle. It's far better to just charter a yacht and even then it's fucking expensive. A week on a superyacht (think the ones on Below Deck) will run you about $150K a week and that's not including a customary 15-20+% gratuity at the end of the trip.

>> No.23137121

yeah, there are families worth trillions of dollars, at least the house of saud, british royal family, rothschilds, maybe others. the reason that they aren't on the "forbes 500" list is that list is for american individuals. they are neither american nor an "individual"

>> No.23137228

What do you mean contacted? Youre just making crap up. Is this a mo money mo problems thing though? And how do we know youre not just making that up

>> No.23137651

I guess if money is no object I could see it. But even if I were filthy retard rich and had something over 100m, which is bigger than my fucking house of 1100sqft, I don't know how often I'd be taking it out. Poorfag mindset but I'd feel guilty over every second spent on land. I'd probably get lost inside it too. Would be embarrassing to ask the skipper or whatever for directions back to the lounge or where my room is all the time.
Rich people truly are a different breed living in a different world. I can't comprehend what that must be like.

>> No.23137733

I known a vietnamese group who started from 0 and now they all now have lambos, mansions. It’s all about business

>> No.23137891

def more then 5 million lmfao, double digit minimum

>> No.23137993

do you live in a third world country? 100k is nothing

>> No.23138018
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>> No.23138099
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Wonder Woman?
What the fuck?

>> No.23138130
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People that make that much money never start out thinking that they're going to make that much. They work hard, start their own businesses, etc etc and after they hit a certain net worth, they just stop thinking about how much they have and they just keep going until they wake up one day and they're like holy shit I have 50 million. They make money their second priority, not their first.

>> No.23138168

well she did hide in the movie

>> No.23138192

Most start a successful business that scales. Equity.
You cannot do it wageslaving in any occupation.
I repeat:
You cannot do it wageslaving in any occupation.

>> No.23138328

I agree $20M seems like the start of fuck you money

>> No.23138359

I made way more than that with LINK and I’m not even close to making it

>> No.23138388


>> No.23138447
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>fuck you money
$0 Nothing to lose, I'm nobodies nigger, and nobodies bitch, Fuck you.

>> No.23138470

no shit sherlock

>> No.23138494

>>$10,000+ in fuel every time you take it out
just get a sailing boat
>>docking fees
equivalent to rent
>>have to pay staff and crew every time you go out
get a sailing license
>>have to pay someone to take it down to Florida/Caribean every fall or put in storage

>> No.23138535

What a fucking meme. I’d buy a sick boat with that money and then take a bunch of exclusive cruises with the rest

>> No.23138643

So how did the person they inherited from make the money?

>> No.23138665

Depends on what kind of life you want. Happy to live small? Probably like 2 mill could do the trick, maybe even less. If you want to live alone in the woods, it could be like 100k. If you aren't happy without a yacht and all the nice shit you need to show off to other rich people? 10billion or something stupid.

>> No.23138672

for sure.
those boats would be $10 million minimum, likely multiples higher than that. and that's almost certainly <5% of the owners net worth.
that's fuck you money.