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23122500 No.23122500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a 3rd world wife/gf? Where can I meet them online? I would like to start scouting so when I make it I can bring one here and start a family. I see no reason to marry/or even date a girl from the USA. They are becoming more and more disgusting physically and mentally.

On top of all this 3rd world wives would probably be happier with less, both physically and financially, so if I make it, I would be seen as somewhat of a catch at least. I am white, pretty average all around other than my level of physical fitness which is much higher than everyone around me (thanks /fit/). I feel like a USA bitch would constantly be demanding more financially, and be completely entitled. Not only would I be able to get a woman a few points higher in looks, I'd also be able to save money with a third world waifu.

Was thinking of the following places:
Eastern Europe

So where do I begin bros?

>> No.23122533

My only advice is that finding love shouldn't involve a shopping list of countries.

>> No.23122579

>he literally wants to make his line pajeet or slav on purpose

>> No.23122592

It should be a shoppinglist of ethnicitys

>> No.23122603

they'll divorce you the instant they get citizenship

>> No.23122606
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>> No.23122621

>Having a wife who barely speaks your language or shares your culture

Will never come out drinking with you or crack jokes with your friends or family


>> No.23122631


>> No.23122673

Dont bring them anywhere , your money will go a long way in their world .

>> No.23122680

Prior to COVID, I managed to be in a normie friend group that included lots of parties/going out to bars etc. So I think I would be OK. Wouldn't mind if COVID stays forever so I can scare my waifu into not wanting to go out much and then I can fuck her more at home.

Yeah, when I mention places like India I'm not talking about the gross really brown women. I'm talking about those fair skinned pajeeta qts.
The way the world is headed it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a kid who is a bit less empathetic and perhaps more of a psychopath. Things might be rough for a while.

>> No.23122698

>finding love

>> No.23122734

Tons of girls speak english now in those countries. This what people don't realize... They are also more culturally similar than they used to be because of media. Also, women's brains have evolved so that if they get conquered by other men they can quickly pick up the new language and say "fuck it" to their old culture.

>> No.23122735

Geta Venezuelan biatch like this dude


>> No.23122910

>Will never come out drinking with you
What's next, you want your wife to have been fucked by 10 guys in Magaluf before her 19th birthday?

>> No.23123153

Some pajeet girls can be attractive (I have this fetish because coomer), sadly I never dated or slept with one, some anons say they smell and you marry her whole family.
they're all whores though I thought you wanted to avoid this, they have more class than western girls and are smarter but they start fucking really early and she'll probably have some experience in gangbangs
>Eastern Europe
You forgot your best options
>Arab and north africa
South asian girls aren't attractive for me but it's a personal preference, they probably have good family values but the most attractive ones are Koreans and Japanese, Korean girls are like western girls and are sluts, Japanese girls are perfect but they usually don't marry gaijins.
North African girls on the other hand are great, close to Europe so their culture isn't that different, most Moroccan/Algerian/Tunisian/Egyptian girls will claim they're muslims but they don't pray and don't really think about religion a lot except when asked, but that's where your choice will be difficult, you either want a religious muslim girl but with no sexual experience, or a non muslim one who might have been a slut before, so it depends on your hate for religion and how much of a cuck are you, I would probably prefer a muslim hijabi berber (looks almost white) virgin girl but to each their own, plus they're easy to bleach and the kids look white.

>> No.23123202

All this of course is not based on my experience since I only had and have 1 gf I've been with for 3 years since I was 25, I fucked many prostitutes from different ethnicities.
This is just autistic information gathering, same skills it takes to dyor on a shitcoin

>> No.23123387

Good research. You should start a waifu signals group on telegram, I'd join it. So invest in MENA girls then?

Still curious if there are internet sites I can just try chatting with these girls and then go over to meet them. Do I have to dig deep for that?

>> No.23123841

Christian Filipina dot com, frens. You will be swarmed by trad qts in their 20s if you have blue eyes and a steady job. If you're a mutt, the steady job is enough. You are Christpilled already, right?

>> No.23123919

Don't dig too deep, Anon. It is not the right way. Also, look at South American girls on Facebook. Be friends. There are tons of Nice, single, Christian ones that Just want to practice English

>> No.23124002
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>> No.23124047

Columbia Anon. Also, watch 90 day fiancé.

>> No.23124140

>how can I sex traffic poor women from the third world
that's pretty much what you're saying

>> No.23124151

And? Women SHOULD be property and they should NOT have rights.

>> No.23124159
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>Eastern Europe

>would probably be happier with less, both physically and financially

>> No.23124166

India, lol the absolute fkn state of biz

>> No.23124173

have you been to brazil?

>> No.23124192
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>I see no reason to marry/or even date a girl from the USA. They are becoming more and more disgusting physically and mentally.

>> No.23124728

>Eastern Europe

just go dumpster diving and fuck the first rat you see

>> No.23124802

I would go for eastern Europe. Polish, russian, oukranian.
And I'm western european.

>> No.23124992

Afghanistan, Iraq & Iran bro. Obviously one who doesn't actually like religious fascism and is happy to get out

>> No.23125192

Those flip girls are ugly though

>> No.23125247

This is why, after making it, you travel to their country but hide your wealth. Tell them you work online, and avoid them between 9 to 5. Date them and pretend your just a normal guy. Then once you propose and they say yes, you can show them your holdings.

>> No.23125302

>goes out drinking
>has friends and family
Get off my board faggot

>> No.23125329

Love can't exist in the system we're in anymore, money now equals power in relationship dynamics. maybe in extremely rare cases where money isn't an issue and the guy can provide everything. But that will always be a small minority of guys.

>> No.23125588

Russia, best country ever,
full of beautiful and hot women looking for men
the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my life (I traveled accross more than 20 countries).
The downside part is that this beauties want to get married and have children.

>> No.23125630


>> No.23125692

I know from 1st hand experience 6 months in the USA and your tradqt can get infected with the Western mind virus. You'll need to keep her in mostly in the house or go rural with her. Do not bring her into the city she'll flip. Don't let her consume American media. Only PG wholesome shit. Parental lock on internet access. If you get a real nice sweet girl she won't know the difference and wouldn't dare to question her husband.

>> No.23126297

buy link - oh wait..

>> No.23126505

My personal advice that has worked for me flawlessly to meet girls from such countries:
Get apps like Badoo and Bumble and use an app called "Fake GPS" before starting any of the dating apps. You can now match with any girl from any country, if you don't put it in your profile that you're not there they might think you're actually in their country. Asia and South America are probably the easiest

>> No.23126610
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Go to a Latin American country. Once there go to a language exchange night at anyone of many night clubs. Filled with HUNDREDS of college aged Latinas that desperately want to practice their English. "Gringo Tuesdays" in Bogota Colombia is one such event.

>> No.23126675


>> No.23126893

are you implying that the US is not 3rd world? haha lmao

>> No.23126956

None of this is true, you incels are insufferable

>> No.23127025

If you meet her online she will be a scammer/whore. You need to go to the country and learn the language or they'll never respect you. Indians are forbidden from marrying white men so thats unlikely to happen. Eastern Europe and Latin America are a mix of whores and normal girls so it's up to you what you end up with. Never been to Asia but most people perceive these relationships as fake and your sons will look strange.

>> No.23127054

Only good post right here

>> No.23127162

get help OP

>> No.23127651

Feel free to elaborate a bit instead of immediately going for the "muh incel" argument you stupid roastie.

>> No.23127709

>None of this is true, you incels are insufferable
Most marriages end up in divorce.
Most common cause of divorce is economic problems.
85% of divorces are initiated by women.

>> No.23127892
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comrade Sanders would sort out this mess eh?

>> No.23128065


I can say from experience the best bet is to meet one that has recently moved to your country for work. I get flamed every time I talk about this on 4chan, but I married my wife who is from the Philippines. She moved to the UK as a Nurse, after realising there wasn't a future in Singapore. She is from a very middle class family, which they needed to be because University is expensive as fuck, so it means she isn't some money grubbing third worlder who only sees dollar signs.

My dad is elderly and very disabled, and his western wife decided to divorce him during the rona lockdown leaving him absolutely fugged (no care). He got really sick from something (random virus not the rona) and since he had advanced MS anyway he was totally paralysed, unable to hold his head up etc. Anyway after caring for him the next morning she wiped his arse after he messed himself during the night (we had to roll him over to get the hoist around anyway), all without a negative word or complaint, its just the respect and care towards elders and parents you don't really see here in the West.

Cleaned him up, dressed his sores. I can't imagine many western women being willing to do that for their own parents, let alone parents in law.

tl;dr make your dad shit his pants, if she cleans it up marry her

>> No.23128118

basically this^. but there's still the endless 'muh incel' and trying to pressure us into getting married and having kids to continue serving as goy cattle lmao. nah bruhs, no dice, all im leaving behind is a mountain of debt. jews can find someone else's geneline to enslave.

>> No.23128177

Have to agree. Love is a myth. Solid relationships are built upon implicit or explicit quid pro quos.

The actual fiction of human love is evident, when people get dogs. The adoration, and unconditionality of that kind of relationship is a substitute.

>> No.23128186

>tl;dr make your dad shit his pants, if she cleans it up marry her

>> No.23128350 [DELETED] 
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You guys might find it hard to believe but you can go through life saying the reason you do things is one reason, and the real reason is another, and there exists a mental shroud which conceals the real reason and you don't consciously know it, so you believe the other things, and part of the trick is a selective perception where you notice the things in the external world that serve to justify that belief, its called confirmation bias, and this just gets stronger and stronger your whole life until you are a staunch defender of those assumed reasons for belief, and they crystallize and you get old and die without ever knowing the truth, which is normal for practically everyone. Its how society and biology are designed. Its nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.23128363

Well hold on a minute. I never said love was a myth, I just said it can't really exist in this system. Under a different structure that promoted proper spiritual growth and patriarchal values and wasn't so money obsessed I believe things would be different.

>> No.23128448

t. never dated a high quality foreign girl

>> No.23128512


>> No.23128767 [DELETED] 


>> No.23129176
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What you people overlook is that your line can pull this genetic dead end 3rd world fantasy copout once and only once. The only thing that makes you attractive to these people is your white features and access to western economies. Given white features are recessive, your kids will look exactly like their brown mothers and nothing like you, meaning your genes are doomed to swirl in the shitskin gene poo-l for eternity as no white woman/man will want them. As if your existence wasn't sad and difficult enough, imagine you were 8 inches shorter with ugly brown skin and slant eyes. How could a child respect any "man" that would thrust such an existence on them?

>> No.23129370

looks like steve mnunchin

>> No.23129597
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phenotypic output entirely depends on the origins of the mother in this context, certain ethnicities are much more bleachable than others
keep browsing /pol/ though, incel

>> No.23129708

>comparing fat kid to adult man

>> No.23129863
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Here he is older, not getting much better. Still 5-6 inches shorter than Nic and nobody would believe he is half white if you told them.

>> No.23129966

>those pics
what a wastwe of genes

>> No.23130005

I'm mostly interested in Eastern Europe/S. America. I guess you could change your location on Tinder, do your best to advertise your qualities and go fishing.

>> No.23130099
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I married a filipina, kids on the way. I could see a boy having a shorter stature, but will probably be a stud looks wise. half filipino girls might be the hottest women on earth. They will have no issues scooping up some white chads.

>> No.23130177

Also have a relative that mixed with Chinese, the boy is in the 90th percentile for height and has good looks. Nick Cage may be the problem here

>> No.23130211


The stigma hapa boys get in the US is entirely due to the fact that the common WMAF pairing is white beta dating up to a decent looking asian girl. Of course their male boys are largely feeble and autistic, that's what drove their dad to their mom. It isn't deterministic, if you're of good stock you're fine.

>> No.23130294

I literally banged a Mexican girl that looks just like that last night.

Move to Texas, OP

>> No.23130545
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If he's dating down like that and browses 4chan, his kid is clearly an elliot waiting to happen. There's a reason WMAF children are so overrepresented with violent mental illness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m59NX1tVDMo
They realize they're products of self-hatred on the father's half for his inadequacies that forced him to settle for a flat faced goblin, and on the mother's side for her contempt for asian features that lead her to chase shit-tier white men over higher quality men of her own kin.

>> No.23130753

Hapa males are cursed, but hapa females are some of the best looking women around. So obviously the solution is to only have hapa females. Is there a country that lets you choose the sex of your child? Apart from the American tranny children stuff, of course.

>> No.23131110
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This typically only applies to the children of asian male white female because the man is usually marrying up rather than down, and because their childrens' homelife is based on love rather than contempt. You'll notice nearly every half asian you see in media comes from amwf couples for these reasons: https://np.reddit.com/r/hapas/comments/7nfw4s/half_asians_with_asian_dads_outnumber_wmaf_hapas/

>> No.23131120
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>> No.23131151


The latinas do love us fair boys. I might leave Ohio someday.

When I was out in Vegas my matches were crawling with hot latinas

>> No.23131447

My only advise would be to avoid Russia.

>> No.23131662
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Tread lightly. Reminder that Brazil used to be A productive white country. What it and CA/TX are becoming today is because of fools like you willing to throw away millions of years of genetic improvement just to get their dicks wet.

>> No.23131694


Anon, that was niggers. A shit ton of them (like 40% of their population were slaves).

>> No.23131801

>half filipino girls might be the hottest women on earth

So you wanna shag your future daughter?
Or you’re just glad she’ll be enjoyable for other men?

>> No.23131990
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Yes, but also natives. Look at the state of California, Mexico, or any other South/Central American country and the story is the same, regardless of whether they have blacks. As white blood is diluted or replaced, things inevitably turn to shit.

>> No.23132072

>Obviously one who doesn't actually like religious fascism
those are the ones that would dump you the second they can

>> No.23132144

either that or he got married and had daughters so they can grow up specially for Chad. it's next level cuckoldry

>> No.23132172


Hispanics are already half to 75% white. Add in my whiteness and my children would be like 85-90% white. I'm not really concerned, that's basically just Spain.

>> No.23132346

Go to a mall in the Philippines (malls there have good security believe it or not) and drop your passport and say out loud "Woops I dropped my passport."Families will be trying to invite you into their homes to marry their 15 year old daughters. Be prepared for divorce after they get their green cards and take you for everything.
t. Live in southern California seen many such cases also have many Filipino friends.

>> No.23132460
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Sure, but he is still like 14 in this pic. No point in comparing until he is 20+
The other son also looks like shit when he was younger

>linking to r/hapas
what are you trying to prove, none of the people in this picture are good looking, don't think it would have made much of a difference if the mom was white. You seem to only pick bad examples, what about pic related?

>> No.23132491


Dad did the genetic heavy lifting there. I've got two hapa friends, one had a small beta dad and he is small, and beta, and the other had a tall chad dad and he is tall.. and chad. It's literally deterministic haha.

>> No.23132516

Looks like discount younger Putin.