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File: 142 KB, 1400x1050, bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23124560 No.23124560 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the key to success is to be a low inhibition, arrogant and narcissistic bully.

Let's look at how it worked for Gordon Ramsey

>fucked the owner's wife of the restaurant he was head chef at
>multimillionaire at young age
>owns a shit ton of restaurants
>his personality alone secures him deals as a celebrity, just needs to be on screen and bully people

Take the dark triad pill. Everything else is cope.

>> No.23124579

edgy shit like this is so cringe and cope. drop some acid

>> No.23124590
File: 29 KB, 683x475, bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facts are edgy
What did he mean by this?

>> No.23124649

>believing what you see on a stage TV show

also, gordon ramsey can't make a fucking grill cheese..... NGMI

>> No.23124665

I’m not a christshit sorry

>> No.23124713

Partially? Ramsey is more famous for his personality than his actual cooking ability. He's certainly a great chef but there are thousands of great chefs who live paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.23124733

It's toned down for TV. He's worse in real life:

Cope some more.

>> No.23124741

I met a guy in real life who shared a similar edgy opnion of how "effective" the dark triad personality type is for getting ahead in life. He was addicted to benzos and was really neurotic. Same as you anon?

>> No.23124782

Turns out that being a bully is more important than any of that shit

>> No.23124842

He wasn't dark triad then. Cope some more

>> No.23124860
File: 8 KB, 249x250, 1571966790790sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could it be his drug addiction is responsible for his dark personality? ive noticed that alot about druggies, you can't trust them, people with drug addictions turn into psychopaths

>> No.23124959
File: 172 KB, 683x475, bully2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's genetic.

>> No.23124991

You've clearly never worked in a kitchen - Headchef's will keelhaul the junior chefs but when all is said and done none of it is personal. The chef's reputation is on the line with every meal - that means he's under massive pressure for the sous chef/junior staff not to fuck up. All head chefs I've known have really cared about their junior chefs and actually want to get the best out of them but you can't fuck up ALL the time or you are out.

>> No.23125232

I've been studying extremely successful people and this is a very accurate description.

Even go back and study Warren Buffett. He was narcissistic as hell. He said he would kill himself if he wasn't a millionaire by 35 or something along those lines.

Arrogance is the one trait I'm not so sure about. I think confidence or persistence would be more fitting.

>> No.23125473
File: 54 KB, 800x408, triad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want all of the things on here to become a dark triad.

>> No.23125603

You need to train your guys better. I like the twink and his crew, really, but could you be more obvious.

>> No.23125618

For the highest levels of this shit just look at bankers wars

>> No.23126043

it's a dog food eat dog society

>> No.23126134
File: 44 KB, 449x520, 49B809AF-2841-4770-859C-D961CE29E77A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark triad

>> No.23126281

Lmao. /thread the post.

>> No.23126449
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1597741238362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather die than work in a restaurant.

>> No.23126517


>> No.23126914

What a cunt. I’d lay him out if he did that shit to me

>> No.23126921
File: 157 KB, 765x988, 1590082977200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’d lay him out if he did that shit to me

>> No.23126979


>> No.23127155

Only low IQ retards believe this OP. Probably some retarded marine or military brat with a room temperature IQ that wants to believe they can make it just being a piece of shit because that's all they're capable of.

Gordon Ramsay is successful because he is highly intelligent, highly motivated, and highly passionate about what he does. He is an asshole because he is in search of perfection and has a great amount of respect for what he does. He holds himself to the highest standard and will not accept anything less from people who want to work for him. To low IQ retards this appears as bullying.

Now obviously he made it and it's all just an act now and he's just mailing it in on a persona the networks created for him but watch boiling point and maybe the first five seasons of Hell's Kitchen.

>> No.23127246

This wouldn’t even work in the military desu, you will be seen as the shithead who can’t work well with others.
Higher-ups bully people because they already have a position of power. If you don’t have that it won’t help you.

>> No.23127404
File: 53 KB, 520x550, 1599669054257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edgy shit like this is so cringe and cope. drop some acid

>> No.23127419
File: 9 KB, 214x236, 1600958432362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that the key to success is to be a low inhibition, arrogant and narcissistic bully.
>Let's look at how it worked for Gordon Ramsey
>>fucked the owner's wife of the restaurant he was head chef at
>>multimillionaire at young age
>>owns a shit ton of restaurants
>>his personality alone secures him deals as a celebrity, just needs to be on screen and bully people
>Take the dark triad pill. Everything else is cope.

>> No.23127647
File: 217 KB, 982x1600, 1601249941871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you losers got it all figured out. Only one small problem; why do your lives still suck?

>> No.23127734

Because I've never applied myself to anything in my entire life. Although I wouldn't say my life sucks it's like on the upper end of average.

>> No.23127825
File: 63 KB, 452x640, meeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty weird how dark triads don't have to apply themselves.

>> No.23127831

These verbs are just extreme descriptors. Fact of the matter is conviction, whether in oneself or other, confers displeasure in normies. Just because someone is uncompromising, doesn't mean they're a psychopath.

>> No.23128123

only in our current clown world does this have the best pay off
protip this means we are near the edge for non of this shit is sustainable

true collaboration will always beat dark triade, but it does require you to share some of gains with your underlings

also as clownworld progresses further into total clown being a bully gets to be increasingly dangerous
eventually one of the losers you insult is going to snap and fuck you over, the probability of this happening is increasing the more societal control features like police withdraw
ask yourself this question: once the CHAZ becomes the new normal how long do you think you'll last before someone comes looking for you

>> No.23128333

This, it's all fake and gay.

>> No.23128386
File: 488 KB, 732x654, raz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uglyfag whitepilled cope detected. The future will be a playground for darktriads, while niceguy spergs get killed off because a concubine from their harem finds you unpleasant to look at. Know how mary sue fan fiction writers just kill off the characters they don't like? Well guess what, dark triads will be authoring their life story in real time and you're not going to be in the picture.

>> No.23128409


>> No.23128514

>Be edgy incel
>Get hired into junior position
>"Hey Anon, welcome to the team"
>"Wow, ok sure, Anon you seem really driven. What's that, in 5 years you want to be in my position. Lol ok sure."
>"Hey Anon, lighten up a little, will you?"
>"Hey did you guys get a load of this kid they hired last week. what a fucking weirdo, right? lmao"
>"Hey Anon, so your 90 day probation is up. You're a smart kid, but I talked to some of the other guys here, and we're not really seeing a good fit. Nothing personal, better luck next time, buddy"

Basic. Fucking. People skills. But what do I expect from a Yemeni camel-racing message board.

>> No.23128524
File: 45 KB, 474x531, Marco Pierre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gordon Ramsey
this fag is a literal who pussy entry-bully level nobody. Instead, learn from his former boss how a real top-bully excellency level works, new-fag.

>> No.23128562

understanding, that independence is the only thing worthwhile to strive toward

>> No.23128611

Did not click or read dumb faggot

>> No.23128653
File: 106 KB, 265x407, 1598477796560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did not click or read

>> No.23128731

funny you bring up niggers as your example, but lets keep the discussion to people shall we

tell when historically being dark triad was actually a viable strategy, and no you are not part of the high aristocracy so that doesn't count
almost always you'd be banished from your village or outright lynched
except during the stages of decadent empire right before the fall

>> No.23129098

Good point Anon, but unless you were basically born as an aristocrat on a ranch, you're going to have to work with people. If you're a creepy edgy weirdo who turns every human interaction into some kind of powerplay, most triple-digit IQ people can smell that shit from a mile away, and no one is going to want to do any business with you.

I have a number of friends who are a lot wealthier than me, and they are actually all pretty solid and funny and pleasant people to be around. I've also dealt with a lot of poorfags along the way, as that is basically my background, and this is by far where I've met the most dark, edgy, psychopathic, delusional, overly-sensitive, bitter weirdos. Gee, I wonder why these assholes are all poor?
Big surprise, psychopathy is basically a form of mental retardation, similar to autism.

>> No.23129154

My life is pretty good compared to most people, getting paid nicely to to shitpost. Never had to use dark triad to get where I am either, I’m just really good at my job.

>> No.23129287

Not contesting the need to be able to work with people, if your job requires to work with people.
>psychopathy is basically a form of mental retardation
Largely depends on how well the psychopath is able to obscure himself. Sociopaths and autists, no solution

>> No.23129345

I agree with that assessment. The vast majority of sociopaths are not CEOs or high achievers, they are as retarded as the general population.
In other words CEOs are often sociopaths, but sociopaths are not often CEOs.

>> No.23129351


he would get shot by a lot of people

>> No.23129565

>if your job requires to work with people.
Tell me one high-value job that doesn't require working with people.

I get paid to write software from home in my pajamas, and believe it or not, I actually need better people skills now, than I did 5 years ago, when I was busing tables at the local bar.

>> No.23129729

Not having to work with others at all, sure not really something that exists, but that is an extreme interpretation of my statement.
>5 years in being a code monkey
>need more people skills to get ahead networking and get more responsibility and clout
of course, but referring to another thread that is currently on, a janitor for example or a security guard, a ranger..., and before you go all lmaorofllol, those jobs actually pay really good as they require independent responsibility without relying too much on others

>> No.23129909

>less than 40k p.a.
>those jobs actually pay really good

>> No.23129939

>He is an asshole because he is in search of perfection and has a great amount of respect for what he does.
his original show on Channel Four way back when had a lot of nuance to it. I don't think he even really raised his voice in it.
Wasn't until he was on garbage US television that the over the top insult comedy began.

>> No.23129975

don't confuse the US with Europe. Code monkeys here can be happy if they get 1800