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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.23119949

I'm all-in on Coke, bad idea? $50K usd

>> No.23119990
File: 1.93 MB, 364x265, 2F7A0C6B-BB21-4FD2-ABDE-C09316D9C38D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey ther , bb grl, cn u hav a sad cum fr me?

>> No.23120053
File: 82 KB, 848x1024, 1587538820880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a thread with a shitty picture way to early

>> No.23120188
File: 66 KB, 1200x630, cancel rent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, did the housing crisis not happen, or do I just not pay enough attention to social media? Within a month of unemployment being cut, I figured I'd hear thousands of entitled millenials whining about being/almost being homeless and how the government owes them everything because they couldn't save up even 3 months of emergency funds

>> No.23120435

I guess while things are slow I'll introduce my theory now: The N-Bagger Roulette Theory.

If you've ever played roulette in las vegas, you know the odds to double your money are 47.37% Let's say you're attracted at the opportunity to double your money, but wew lad, 47% is kinda low isn't it? How about you offer me a return of your choosing and I'll select a more attractive possibility of winning for you - infact, I'll choose my possibility such that if you're feeling incredibly lucky, you can play your own game n times to double your money at the same 47.37% odds. If you pick, say r = 1.16 (a 16% return) what p should I pick? This is actually easy to calculate, I will pick
>p = (0.4737)^((ln r) / (ln 2)) = 0.8522 approx.
That is, I offer you an 85.22% chance to give you a +16% return. Should you play this game? Well, no, it's still a negative expected value just like the original roulette game, but maybe you're ok with those odds to play a few times for fun. maybe you're a little tipsy; you are in vegas after all. And if you play your game and win 4.6 times in a row, you'll have doubled your money at no extra risk than the original roulette game!

Well, it's still negative expected value for you which kinda sucks. So how about this: I offer you your +16% reward immediately. It's yours. You still have to wager your bet and you can still lose it, but I give you a credit no matter what.


>> No.23120446

Convince yourself that this is infact a credit spread. It is. Should you now play this game? You should actually. If you're particularly clever, you'll play this game and bet approximately 9% of your entire bankroll each time. This gives you the expected return of
>((1 + 0.09 * 0.16) ^ (0.8522)) * ((1 + 0.09 * 0.16 - 0.09) ^ (1 - 0.8522)) = 1.0005, or +0.05%
Not exactly a get rich quick scheme, but it'll do. If you play this game 1225 times you'll double your money.

Now, considering the opposite of this trade, if we treated it as a debit spread, then we have a debit purchased for 0.16 and sold at max value of 1.00 and this spread has a 1 - 0.8522 = 0.1478, or a 14.78% chance of paying out. 1.00 / 0.16 = 6.25 bagger.

Now, the theory part of this is, that's the best odds you'll ever get for a 6.25 bagger. If your odds were higher, you'd NEVER want to write a credit spread and thus could never buy this debit spread because no one will sell it to you. If your odds were lower, well, you'd be better off going to vegas or writing credit spreads.

You can pick different rates, r, if you want and you'll get an associated N bagger with its best possible rate. For sufficiently high N (such as 6.25), actually playing this game is still negative expected value (the credit spread writer is expected to win), however, you are guaranteed your best odds possible of actually instantly multiplying your money.

>> No.23120556

Evictions have been postponed. Im waiting until January to see what my state does (California). Knowing how stupid my state is, moratoriums will probably be extended.

>> No.23120819
File: 71 KB, 512x720, 1970idolizedNico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast!

Nico Yazowers "patron idol" of the Panda Bear is here to pump my UVXY

>> No.23120825

Next time add the /smg/ title.

>> No.23120840

kek you really think it's a good idea at this very moment to slam on the accelerator of the growth rate of homeless?

>> No.23120853

This isn't even cute, this is actually just annoying ass chirps. 0/10 nyanners is far superior.

>> No.23120927
File: 207 KB, 806x1200, 142678890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23120974

What this faggot said
Can't find your shit in the catalog when you do this, still better job than CLFnigger though

>> No.23120992

kill it while it's young and remake proper
we're going to end up with a split either way

>> No.23121000
File: 48 KB, 410x416, GOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GEVO alert
GEVO alert

Up 22% yesterday
Up15% AHT/premarket
ATL this year was 0.48 and hovered around 0.60~.
Still at $1.40.
It has the potential to hit $2 EOY.

>> No.23121016

How fucking hard is it to make a copy and paste thread with your own choice of image. People can’t be this retarded. Unreal.

>> No.23121035


>> No.23121053

Newfags everywhere

>> No.23121213

>nyanners is far superior
sometimes I like to give a tip of my hat to the efforts of amateurs, and then probably forget about those particular amateurs forever

Nyanners is on an altogether different tier

Off-topic and just trying to start shit by having bad opinions