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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23115430 No.23115430 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who are bullish on DEFI, what are the "must-have" cryptos to own?

>> No.23115448




>> No.23115752

Let's talk sauce

>> No.23115773

i already masturbated to this

>> No.23115774

This is it boys

>> No.23115800

>not indonesians, chinese, or japanese

Bestswap, anon. Thailand is over and long dead (and also overpriced and fake AF)


>> No.23116485
File: 156 KB, 1600x900, Buy $OCEAN and make it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image the smell God...

>> No.23116974

Nothing gets me soft like insect women. The ultimate nofap tool.

>> No.23117072
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$HNY from HoneySwap.

>> No.23117101
File: 207 KB, 1024x714, 552EC494-FC0E-4A7C-A926-3F9E7B4EC215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells of chicken adobo and baby crab in coconut sauce.

>> No.23117118

i can assure you it wouldnt be good

>> No.23117186

the Smell God agrees

>> No.23117197

Used condoms, ashtray and vera wang

>> No.23117198
File: 98 KB, 750x505, IMG-20201003-WA0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have $RFUEL of RIODEFI,
@riodefiofficial in its relentless effort to satisfy it's users to the ultimate is working on forming an allegiance with Certik, one of the best security audit and penetration testing companies in the world.

>> No.23117199

CORE is what you want. Good entry right now before audit is officially released. They are utilizing locked liquidity to create forced arbitrage and after that, vaults. Dev is going to propose a new ERC standard. Get in the next LGE if you can

>> No.23117201

I've been to Thailand twice, but I would love to make one trip to the Philippines when this corona BS is over. Third world pussy smells cleaner than American.

>> No.23117280


wtf where are the dicks?

>> No.23117283

Can confirm Thailand is over
Spent over 12 years there and it was a lot of fun.
hate the place now, more expensive to the west unless you want to live like a peasant and all the life and excitement has drained out of the country.
Country of horrible narcissist.

>> No.23117477

Thai pussy is so much better than adobo pussy unless you like raw sewage and retard.

>> No.23117504

If you think DeFi will survive the cullling you need to be looking at BonFinance

>> No.23117506

this, I was in the first LGE and its been a great ride, sold a bit too early @2500, might ape back in soon

>> No.23117586

How does this fucking guy last so long. I can’t go over 5 mins

>> No.23117622

What does LGE stand for, I keep seeing it everywhere in reference to CORE.

>> No.23117656

because he's gay

>> No.23117728


>> No.23117759

I put 14 ETH in this. I’m hyped.

>> No.23117982


>> No.23118037

Ironically Fantom. Once they release the rest of their DeFi suite it will surely moon. Don’t buy after the release.

>> No.23118112

CTHU will release staking and two coins within the month. There are actual releases and hype planned. Don’t miss out.

>> No.23118136

whitepaper'd DeFi before DeFi was even a term

>> No.23118788


>> No.23118825

YFPRO is about to moon in a couple days.

>> No.23118841



>> No.23118847

>I would love to make one trip to the Philippines when this corona BS is over.
Good luck with that. The government here just raised the bar this year for visiting American and European tourists.

>> No.23119126
File: 101 KB, 500x539, 4c52wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be living in a cave if you dont know about Radix, they are having a token sale in 10 hours...its only a matter of time before Radix took over Eth

>> No.23119170

> The minimum purchase for an individual is $5k, the minimum for a company is $100k.
uh huh.

>> No.23119214

$CAKE and $BNX are already a reality

>> No.23119237

I wonder if Richard Spencer trademarked the name Radix as that is the name of his website at one point.

>> No.23119239

I want to talk with you anons about a chance, a opportunity like never before. I'm talking about $GROOVY FINANCE

You can not the predict the future price while so much is happening. You have to keep in mind that the Supply is very very low
$groovy is a new and improved concept made by best developers and NFT designers. It’s focused on NFT & Each unique record can be bought on Rarible and profits will be split from these sales with token holders

Presale, and we will go on uniswap just after that
groovy pre-sale is live https://bounce.finance/join/swap/3486

Token Information

Total Supply: 42,000
Team/Marketing: 10%
Maintenance fund: 5%
Presale: 85%

We are now on Presale for 1 ETH = 900 GVY
Currencies Accepted : ETH

On bounce.finance
Link : https://bounce.finance/join/swap/3486

>> No.23119287

Defix network, multichain interoperable dex by CZ

>> No.23119309


>> No.23119339
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>> No.23119586

sigh. alright. bought a microbit. this had better guarantee me millions overnight