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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23110535 No.23110535 [Reply] [Original]

>First on /biz/ in june
>Get into crypto>
>Have good buys at first with UBOMB and BUIDL. Buying low but selling before the top.
>Trade a bit more with luke warm success
>Get a couple lucky airdrops including UNI
>For not doing much, I've 10x my original money

Fast forward a couple weeks

>Lose money to scam after scam. BRR, PIC.Finance, and NEET
>Also get scammed by individual people on discord
>Realize I'm only using biz as source for tips
>Every scam I bought into I learned about on biz
>Think there is a better way
>Have friends with good HODLs making steady gains with some 2x events every other day
>ask where they get their tips
>they say "biz"

I've somehow cultivated an ability to miss all the actual good info on this board and buy into every scam and lie. I know how to do in-depth research, but I fall for some lies that in hindsight are obvious bullshit.

How did I get to be this stupid?
What do I change to get better info and know when info is legit?

>You know I'm desperate cuz i'm asking biz

>inb4 "buy {insert coin here}"
I don't want your tips. I want to know how I can improve my ability to see bullshit.

Thanks, frenz.

>> No.23110570

You're just retarded but you'll learn. Surely you have a stack of CLV, right anon?

>> No.23110577

Faggotvision is a horrible thing

>> No.23110630

>sir have solution to problem
>coin called as POO
>many moon, whole village invest

>> No.23110660

Certain exclusive telegram groups are better than /biz/. After I found these a few months ago I only come here to shitpost.

>> No.23110672

>buying coins that are shilled across multiple threads with a bunch of one sentence posts with no punctuation, n words, or memes

Really anon? I came back here in August after leaving for a year with my stack of stinkiest and I even know how to avoid this shit

>> No.23110714
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I got uniswap early calls, uniswap early listings, and the TrustDAO telegram.

Am I missing any?

>> No.23110741
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Those are pajeet groups, not exclusive ones.

>> No.23110743

>Lose money to scam after scam. BRR, PIC.Finance, and NEET
I've learned to avoid every token that is too close to 4Chan's liking: Brapper, CLV, NEET, or BRR are all examples.

I also avoided SUSHI because it seemed like an obvious scam but wasn't. But better to miss am opportunity than fall into a trap

>> No.23110746
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>> No.23110772
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I'm in a couple exclusive discords.

One hasn't updated in months though.....

>> No.23110810

I'll toss you one that may help. Check out TRND

>> No.23110835
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Just realized all the scams I cited above we're basically games of chicken with ETH on the line.

I guess I like gambling. This is a problem.

>> No.23110900
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I'll look into it, but I'm not buying any tokens now. For obvious reasons.

>> No.23110933

Everything has been dumping but it's been sitting at support levels for a while. The private group requires holding 25 TRND currently which is basically nothing. It's very helpful so just keep it in mind and good luck out there fren, it's a fucking minefield.

>> No.23110944

sushi was and is a gigascam. pnd. retard

>> No.23111035

Just put money into btc or eth. Long it until your fucking gut screams at you to sell. Also keep alerts on your phone or whatever so you know the second some shit goes down like trumps tweet yesterday. Its also good to keep informed with what's on the horizon. For example, oct 12th is an important date to remember for eth. Stop investing in shit coins.

>> No.23111698

>Just put money into btc or eth
Not everyone wants to do long-term investments and ETH is bearish

>> No.23111855

>First on /biz/ in june

>> No.23111970

imagine thinking anyone on this board knows what they're talking about and this isn't all just gambling

>> No.23112107

Dumbass, you're literally just gambling. You only buy coins that will either pump and dump or exit scam and you don't know why you're losing money?

>> No.23112361
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See >>23110835