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>> No.23107753 [DELETED] 

pattern day trading

how is this a fucking thing

>> No.23107755
File: 192 KB, 1204x1466, Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 3.40.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reverse head and shoulders on futures

>> No.23107763

dogless corndog?
china HATES this

>> No.23107766


>> No.23107774


>> No.23107785
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>> No.23107788
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>> No.23107789

don't be poor next time

>> No.23107790

I'm voting for Trump. :)

>> No.23107791
File: 275 KB, 1025x1196, 1566351335689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold X wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tooooooooo fucking EARLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

>> No.23107794
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1600, dank gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was out shopping today and decided to go to a Gamestop just to see how they were doing.
I casually asked if they were taking PS5 pre-orders.
They told me they typically sell out around 10min after they receive more from Sony and that the only way to really get a new PS5 is to check their twitter feed (Sony's) because by the time Gamestop gets them, they're almost instantly sold out.
Pretty bullish news, not gonna lie.
Their Q3 should be pretty good.

>> No.23107795

to protect you from getting scammed and being irrational :^)

>> No.23107805

Why is no one shilling PTON? I mean you guys missed the moon mission but still

>> No.23107806
File: 230 KB, 520x688, SUPERBOBO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck b*lls

>> No.23107813

To protect you from yourself
There's actually zero reason you should really enter a day trade unless you fucked up your order execution. I don't know anyone with over 25k who actually daytrades.

>> No.23107818

if i was poor i wouldn't be trading personally.
i just think it's ridiculous that this exists.

>> No.23107820

Ready for the after hours dump?

>> No.23107838
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market gapping higher with rising yield. outside of bond traders influx, dow starting to show weakness again towards election. dxy solid. metals showing weakness bit bitcorns



>> No.23107842

It's there to protect the brokers.

>> No.23107852

Yes, which is why I just sold

>> No.23107855
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PLTR is hitting 20 in one year.

>> No.23107873

so are you all just doing short / long term investments or trading options?

>> No.23107877

Dubs confirm the truth, brothers.

>> No.23107880

>2.8% YTD

did I do good, /smg/

>> No.23107881

Elizabeth Warren hates the middle class, especially you.
Just wait until Democrats pass a transaction tax that doesn't apply to banks.

>> No.23107892

One of the more stupid bits of market legislation in the states. It was started in 2001:

>> No.23107894

Why is no one shilling Fastly? It's pumping hard as fuck and no one ever mentioned it here yet

>> No.23107895

MRO is about 30 on RSI for 5year timeline, is this a buying the dip soon signal?

>> No.23107897
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Yea I trade on the behalf of theta gang.

>> No.23107900
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>> No.23107902

should've got some dip over the weekend, FUCK. ME.

>> No.23107905

Ok, Mr. Buffett, go back to organizing your manila folders.

>> No.23107907
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bought my first 2 apple stocks

what i'm in for???

>> No.23107909

you might as well have put it in a bank

>> No.23107912

I told you fags that no stimulus was priced in. MMs tried to shake my iron hands.
To protect you from yourself goy :))))) honestly most people lose their 25k when pdt is removed.

>> No.23107922
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hahaha who would do that

>> No.23107929

fastly is about to have about a fifth of their revenue wiped out once tiktok gets banned by executive order.

>> No.23107931


>> No.23107935

If PLTR hovers around 10 dollars, I would buy and hold the fuck out of it. I put 1000 dollars where my mouth is, and now I own 104 stocks at an average of 9.50.

>> No.23107940

Continued from last thread:

Find a girl that:
1. is STEM educated
2. Doesn't ever ask how much you make.
3. Doesn't post on social media 10x a day.

1. STEM: Smart enough to solve most daily problems. Doesn't constantly require attention and micromanagement.
2. Money: Independent. She doesn't care how much you make because she doesn't need your money. My fiancé has never in our entire relationship of 6 years asked me a single question about my finances. Not even how much I make. Of course I have told her because what insane person wouldn't going into a marriage, but she has never asked.
3. Little social media: Confident, does not require the easy dopamine hits and constant validation available in abundance to her.

Here is the last few tips:
In the first few dates, disqualify her if:
1. She does not have a job or career prospects that require have a brain.
2. Asks you how much you make (STOP THE DATE IMMEDIATLY and just leave)
3. Posts a bunch on social media. Bonus points to ghost her if she ever asks why you didn't like something. (If this happens, RUN nigga)

Thanks for attending my relationship conference fags.

>> No.23107945

Is the break even on a call/put the point where you actually profit? Why do you place a call/put at a specific price if it isn't the price you'll actually make money on?
Also, if you place a call/put and it says it expires on the 9th, does it expire at the end of the day or exactly 48 hours from the time you placed it?

>> No.23107952

$10 EOW

In al seriousness I think it could slowly crawl up to $5 EOY, but I'm really hoping some adhd wsb nerds FOMO hard into it think it's the next WWR or something.
Anyways, I'd stay cautious. Get out at $2.5 in case something fucks us over.

>> No.23107958

>to protect you from yourself
The left in a nutshell

>> No.23107961

thank you everyone.
no more daytrading for me.

>> No.23107973
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>> No.23107981

Think you're looking at the wrong day retard.

>> No.23107989
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>> No.23107995

its the point where at expiration the underlying needs to be to offset the premium you got it at. you can profit (or lose) based on volatility anytime before that.

>> No.23107998

I just don't understand how someone can get married. If you're rich and you marry someone THEY become rich without deserving it. If you're the provider of a family your money is her money too and she's going to take half of it. 60% of marriages end in divorce. If you try to hide your assets you're gonna get got.

And you're going to lose so much fucking money paying for food and a larger house for a family, clothes, college. Your life is over as soon as you get married and/or get someone pregnant

>> No.23108000

what would you've said if I lost money

>> No.23108016
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He wants a word.

>> No.23108022

>1. STEM: Smart enough to solve most daily problems.
Wrong. I am the man of the house. I do the fixing. I'd much rather have an art hoe gf because you can coerce them into painting and crafting their own interior decorations instead of spending ridiculous amounts at stores.
>2. Money: Independent. She doesn't care how much you make because she doesn't need your money.
Also wrong. I am the man of the house. I manage the finances. No exceptions.

Your third point is correct though, disconnect her from social media unless she uses it to keep in touch with her friends and family. Posting on reddit though? Nope. /adv/ or /r9k/? God no, I'd block 4chan on the router if I knew about that.

>> No.23108026

Let me simplify that for you.

Find a girl that:
1. ugly
2. fat

>> No.23108029

Q3 still going to be shit coinflip and that's why short sellers haven't started covering yet. It only covers August to October
maybe it won't be as bad as Q2 if they used up their remaining share buybacks by then, or if they at least have good guidance for Q4
remember this is the same company that managed to do absolutely horrible despite corona fueling a gaming boon. Cohen hype and a potential pivot are still the main hopes

my plan is to definitely trim my position before Q3 if we don't get any other news by then

>> No.23108032

I have $15.51 to spend left in my buying power what should I buy before market close?

>> No.23108044
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>He bought?

>> No.23108051
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>> No.23108057

oh fuck lol, G ME just dipped back down to 9.3

>> No.23108058

Your advice is to get a girlfriend more interested in a career than making babies?

I guess this is a good plan if your goal is to be a genetic dead end.

>> No.23108059

So is it going to rocket downwards after hours, or pump in the morning and then rocket downwards? I'm leaning towards "pump in the morning", holding for now.

>> No.23108064

I’ve been waiting for a dip that never comes.

>> No.23108072

A book

>> No.23108083

>is STEM educated

>> No.23108091

Do you know when the exact date for Q3 is?

>> No.23108092

Then sell puts.

>> No.23108093

>Find a girl that is STEM educated
STEM is 80:20 male:female

>> No.23108095

I still hate Trump.
My stock barely recovered from yesterday's loss. That mother fucker.

>> No.23108096

alright boys, I have $3 to invest in Robinhood.

What do I get?

>> No.23108101

It's not even sitting at a real resistance. It'll probably fall further toward 9.1

>> No.23108104

when will these fucks release a q3 report?

>> No.23108107

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
Don't ask a pretty girl to be your wife
In my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you
Preferably one with big tits

>> No.23108109

BORR is mooning!!!

>> No.23108113

wrong. day trade exclusively.

>> No.23108119

Shorting shenanigans

>> No.23108121
File: 358 KB, 220x124, minipepelaugh2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, remember that dip yesterday?
Remember I told you to buy TQQQ calls?
Do you remember that?
I do.

>> No.23108122

is there a word for economic despair?

>> No.23108128
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>Bogdanoff, he did it.

>> No.23108131
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Green. The market was pretty determined to revisit the 2020 highs after the softbank blowoff. Trump getting corona chan then escalation of shitposting about the stimulus were minor potholes on the road to glory.

>> No.23108133


>> No.23108137

A single can of BANGS

>> No.23108139
File: 26 KB, 500x366, bigglots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big gains for Big Lots!

>> No.23108141


>> No.23108142

>almost posted a picture just to prove internet fags wrong
almost got me you fuckin jew

>> No.23108143

The slow rise of national socialism

>> No.23108149

Preorders already went out like a week or two ago. They won't get any in stock because no one buys consoles from gamestop. $2 eoy.. Enjoy your memes though

>> No.23108151

should i invest 10k in lemonade?

>> No.23108155
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>> No.23108163

Get like 1 boeing for $10 and a few NAKs.

>> No.23108165


>> No.23108174
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More than one word but my point is still the same.

>> No.23108175

Dude what the actual fuck are you talking about?

>> No.23108180

How does national socialism solve the housing crisis and rampant inflation?

>> No.23108184

yahoo says dec 8, i dont really care enough to verify it from their site at this point, definitely december though

>> No.23108186

i expect 70% profit EOY minimum

> t. crypto fag

>> No.23108189

aaaaaand the AH doomp begins

>> No.23108199
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>> No.23108205

If GME isn't taking off by December I'm already out of it.

>> No.23108210

Nope, my fiancé and I both want 2 kids. Why would her not being useless discredit her ability to make me children? Find a woman with some depth. Its obivously possible to have a job and kids? My parents and her parents both did?

Oh shit, are you guys all just bitter children of divorce?

>> No.23108212
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oh my

>> No.23108221

I don't know about ugly, but fat? Lemme tell ya something,

If you've got the skill to get a fat girl fit, you will be rewarded MANY times over. It is akin to buying a shitty penny stock only for it to moon into a 10 bagger. Most fat girls really do turn decent IF they get back into shape.

Of course, this takes some skill as a man to guide her. You WILL be bagholding for a few years.

>> No.23108224
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>>Oh shit, are you guys all just bitter children of divorce?

>> No.23108225

>are you guys all
You have to go back

>> No.23108230

housing is highly prices only in big cities, everywhere else it super cheap. if you wanna live in center of bigly city then prepare to pay for it. if people do remote work then you'll have prices even out to some degree

>> No.23108236
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Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm up 2.98%, we're bbbback! Sry for not posting dings yesterday, very busy week for me, I may not post them on Friday either. Interesting open drive upwards but not trading higher than yesterday's intraday sesh, very pretty quad range extension if you look at futies though. Strongly believe large specs are long from bare minimum 336 and yestuhday's plunge was anomaly. Gold approaching limit order again, maybe it'll hit this time. PLTR doing pretty good too!

>> No.23108241

>up 1.78%
I'll take it

>> No.23108246

For real though, just buy a virgin from Vietnam for $15K.

>> No.23108254

>What is the reichsmark

>> No.23108258

Focus on ST parts.
Engineering and Math are all dudes. Look into things like biology and chemistry heavy majors to have that sway in favor of women vs men.

>> No.23108259
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>> No.23108263


remote work = career stagnation

>> No.23108265
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Is this bullish?

>> No.23108269

Well I have all my hedging money tied into VXX. I'm either going to lose money or I'm going to lose money, but there's going to be money in my account tomorrow regardless of how fucked up shit gets overnight.....

>> No.23108274
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comfy day

>> No.23108275
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Up 1.64%

>> No.23108283

This. After I make it I’m heading to Utah and getting a harem or Mormon girls to give me like 30 kids.

>> No.23108284
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>> No.23108285

I wouldn't be here if I wanted a long career

>> No.23108289
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>its all about the journey not finishing line

>> No.23108291

LOL, CNBC trying to make sense of daily market even though they know it's senseless but it's their job so they have to bullshit on.

>> No.23108300

>both want 2 kids
Baited you son. You're a childless dead-end with a careerist shirk "Kids - Want someday" wife.

Hint: Someday means never.

>> No.23108302

BORR moon mission. Thanks anon.

>> No.23108306

up 2.27%
not bad right?

>> No.23108311
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ZSAN destroyed my gains. Still up this week and the loss wasn't as bad as I was expecting but I don't like seeing any red in my green pastures.

>> No.23108316

I don't mean long career, I mean you'll be passed on promotions and raises.

I'll be back to the office in November.

>> No.23108319
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Just loaded up my PLTR bag at 10.01 bros

>> No.23108320
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>> No.23108322
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Up 28% today, and I got in a good nap. It's gonna be a great night.

>> No.23108332
File: 306 KB, 500x375, f132aac3-9b25-4f57-af90-f03c6cafaed1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't fully recovered my 3% gains after the "coof" incident. But at least I ended on green ding bro.

>> No.23108339
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Splendid. Up about 4%. I bought in to yesterday really hard.

>> No.23108345

By eliminating the outdated debt model of banking and generally being authoritarian in regards to housing.

>> No.23108353
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Where's all the NAK boys at td? ROD is imminent, we're all gonna make it!

>> No.23108356
File: 142 KB, 500x333, Swangin my chain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have about 20k saved up
>Finally decided to invest in some stocks and index funds
>Realize that its almost time for a new president to get elected
>Bunch of people are gonna lose their jobs soon, people are gonna get kicked out of their homes, and a bunch of business and people are gonna go belly-up
>US gov probably gonna do another pooomp when shit goes down
And now I just wait, but this wait feels mighty long

>> No.23108358
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Pretty comfy +1.89%! Recovered from Donald Trump mudering my portfolio yesterday. Really glad I bought Palantir at the bottom yesterday. Pls don't kill me tonight VP candidates.

>> No.23108361

Quite literally impossible

>> No.23108366
File: 56 KB, 996x731, Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 1.07.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black girl just told me that she's sorry that indian dudes have never been in style fuck you stupid nigger whore i just want to cum inside your lightskin pussy and leave
Anyways CREG anons looks like we're a sinking ship

>> No.23108370
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+1.24% Just another day in the halloween rally

>> No.23108387


>> No.23108391

>Oh shit, are you guys all just bitter children of divorce?
There hasn't been a divorce in my family since we started tracking our lineage in the 1400s.
Plenty of drunks but no divorces.

>> No.23108396

Up 2.8%! Most importantly, LEAPs are looking solid, back on track for big gains over the next year or so.

It's days like these that make me think I'm going to make it.

>> No.23108403
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>Indian anons are desperate day traders.
Not surprised by this.

>> No.23108417

Wait you don't have to wear masks in first class?

>> No.23108427

You should be all cash. The market is so unpredictable because of political bullshit that it's almost predictable. If that makes sense.

>> No.23108430

lots of previously jewish owned properties become available for occupancy

>> No.23108431
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>3 police cruisers and an ambulance outside my apartment building
I think someone died.

>> No.23108436

>Indian is a desperate beta
Just another day

>> No.23108437

honestly thinking about quitting at this point, bros. TA doesn't work and im too afraid to long term invest because the stock market is completely disconnected from the underlying fundamentals so FA doesn't work either and im afraid of being in whenever it crashes next. feels fucking bad, man. if it's all just gambling then i might as well just work on my career instead, since im just as likely to lose money than make money in the market.

luckily im still up a couple of grand this year because of the AAPL/TSLA split stuff, and i've been only betting small amounts trying to day trade so far, but it gets frustrating when you have perfectly good setups that just turn around on you for no fucking reason, it feels hopeless. figure i might as well quit while im ahead, i'd love to do this shit all the time if it actually involved skill but if it's purely rolling the dice, i don't see how anyone makes money unless they're cheating (insider trading shit or like bill ackman FUD'ing on live television and making billions off of his short).

>> No.23108447

>housing is highly prices only in big cities
I mean in Canada all the areas near major cities are basically unaffordable for a huge segment of the population. And by 'near' I mean like 30-60mins away. I make over 6 figures and the townhomes near me are like 800k ... and I'm nowhere near 'downtown'.

Natsoc doesn't solve this unless it somehow:
>immediately bans foreign ownership of property
>drops immigration levels down to unsutainable levels
>basically forces developers to build large amounts of housing (who will pay for the land?)

Natsoc can't fix the problem. Only fix is to dump housing cost by raising interest rates substantially. But no government would do that.

>> No.23108449

I assume that picture is from the before time.

>> No.23108460
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*sighs* my rage is spilling out into the real world. I hate the stock market. At least if I was rich I'd fuck off with my gains. Yet it looks like I'm stuck wagecucking. I'm miserable. Can't make a move without high probability of it going against me. This is just enraging and depressing now. DON'T SHILL ME YOUR PICKS I KNOW A DECENT CHUNK OF YOU HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES!!!

>> No.23108476
File: 1.82 MB, 790x1401, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this

>> No.23108486

Do you live in a low income commie block?

>> No.23108488

Looks like the line up to put a no-conditions downpayment on a $1M new build in shitty Toronto neighborhood. Except all those people are white I guess :)

How can I profit economically over this situation without enough for a downpayment on a beeg house? Are there any non-commercial (ie housing only) REITs or something in Canada

>> No.23108505

GameStop is like blockbuster, and British pubs, all a slow painful death then suddenly gone

>> No.23108506

black girls are the easiest.

>> No.23108515

Americans will never understand. They go an hour away and can find homes for $200,000 max. I'm by Toronto so even 2 hours away houses are still close to a million in some places. Thought about moving to St. John's though

>> No.23108523

Very nice!

>> No.23108528

Up another half a percent today, I'm pretty happy with that considering the last 2 months have been pretty shit for me.

>> No.23108537

Yup I know.
That was my plan after doing an initial invest of about half of my money (10k)
And then bleed between 500-1000 into it once a month
If it was any other time and any other year, I probably wouldn't be waiting

>> No.23108539

Well seems like I'm not the only one ready to quit. Albeit I'm nearly ready to just gamble it all in one go. I walk with 6 figures by eom or I cut my 5 figure position by 1/4.

>> No.23108540

edit the PM Silverchads in the sky

>> No.23108547

>unaffordable for a huge segment of the population
so who is buying them all? Who is bidding up/propping up the RE market. People have been saying this for the past for years

>> No.23108549

Nothing escapes deflation. Deflation is inevitable. Deflation is the end. Deflation is your mercy

>> No.23108550

Good job anon! Pajeets are very accurate

>> No.23108551

Hold stock, sell covered calls.
Buy LEAPs for too big to fail tech like Apple, and Microsoft. We are gonna make it fren.

If you are hurting for cash deff don't listen to P&D shills here about any company less stable than Visa, Costco, Apple and Microsoft.

>> No.23108554

I've seen LMND being shilled a bunch on Motley Fool, including an article in which they suggest investing in it over AAPL. Might invest in it after the election.

>> No.23108556
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>> No.23108559

The what? show me and I'll add them. I want to make the next Sticky image and I wanna perfect this.

>> No.23108562
File: 48 KB, 358x231, 1602089819001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Police cruiser pulled up so that makes 4. They wheeled out some guy on a gurney but he was still alive and looked fine. 4 cops for that? Thinking must be a suicide attempt or something.

>> No.23108566
File: 103 KB, 750x732, 1594436061743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, if I sold my positions, I'd have to pay taxes. And I'm not giving the rat bastard piece of shit useless incompetent bloated beyond belief kike infested piece of shit federal government one single fucking cent unless I absolutely have to.

>> No.23108568

Just buy and hold APPL for a decade and you'll be millionaires

>> No.23108576
File: 88 KB, 1000x800, happy halloween 2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't trust TR after last years incident
I'ma try n stream the VP debates, despite being close enough that I could walk over and watch them in person

>> No.23108579
File: 837 KB, 828x1792, 5CBE5BDE-60A1-4C80-A9B5-4F856D07DF5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off she’s complimented my personality AND my penis

>> No.23108586

so, will stocks continue to trade like shitcoins forever now due to commission free trading being a thing now?

>> No.23108598

Good man. I wouldn't touch them for at least a year. I know you guys can't hold me to any word on an anonymous chatboard, but I firmly believe that Palantir might go 2X within one year, and 5X within 10 years minimum.

Everyone is worried about investing in them because of their earnings reports and their lack of turning a profit, but remember how far Tesla has come, and that Tesla didnt turn a profit until the last few years or so (and Tesla is a fucking giant right now).

>> No.23108602

Quality stuff

>> No.23108604
File: 18 KB, 1006x231, Screenshot_20201007141716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.23108609

what in the hell kind of name is hydea

>> No.23108611

HYLN is so painful. I mean it was at fucking 46 before the merger. JUST DONT INNITIATE THE FUCKING MERGER THEN AND WE'LL ALL BE FINE

>> No.23108612

up a nice happy 9.63% on my poorfag portfolio

>> No.23108616

responders just come when they hear shit from dispatch. We had two firetrucks and an ambulance show up across the street for a quick defib and fuck off. Probably some faggot ODing.

>> No.23108618

Hey, tell them to stop the moon until after December please.

>> No.23108625

RIP Bam Margera
Who would have thought of all the jackass crew he would be the one to die of an overdose?

>> No.23108627

where do you live? How desperate are that you have to send a dick pic to a stranger?

>> No.23108630

>I have the absolute worst luck with men and their penis
What a gambler. She sounds like /smg/ material.

>> No.23108634


>> No.23108636
File: 120 KB, 554x400, dabonjannies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Hideous.

>> No.23108638

Thanks anons. I'm making a collection

>> No.23108650

Its a cultural thing i guess. anyways im really happy a black woman complimented my penis it feels nice a good switch up
i live in the USA. it wsnt desperation it was sexting, we met on bumble

>> No.23108655
File: 38 KB, 500x283, 0vVJWvhd3T2eb5Y6jRp8SR9ZmyMgrVVkv3RwO0Mhh6owmEZlW0g__-n3vqsQaSS2t8FDb9pf3B6HxYreFHKaoz_ucQ6zNExW-RtcCiME0RAKScSRha0vyfFxvTw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.23108667

Up 0.99%

>> No.23108674

it says im up .86 but thats wrong. Im down $200 from my all time high and I was at that all time high just a few days ago. I'd say its more like im down 1-2%

>> No.23108676

Jesus Christ you are being played. This is literally the "You would be the perfect boyfriend" argument just more sexualized. Fucking pathetic that a retarded pajeet can't catch on

>> No.23108678
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 1478176586942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day trading to earn profit when you're just a beginner
>unwilling to buy reasonable stocks and just hold them longer than 2 seconds
>completing ignoring the clown market and not adapting to anything

>> No.23108685
File: 93 KB, 720x734, 1602097182733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money would you invest in pic related /smg/?

>> No.23108688
File: 14 KB, 304x166, 2C346E45-CD8C-46C3-BC6C-691D036142AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day another dollar.

>> No.23108694
File: 844 KB, 1604x1777, IMG_20201003_190742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to buy HYLN yet? It's crashing pretty hard...

>> No.23108695

>it was sexting
>we met on bumble
explains a lot

>> No.23108711
File: 98 KB, 868x1187, Screenshots_2020-10-05-16-58-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll put a word in for you but no promises bud.

>> No.23108715
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 1597092791274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH is green as fuck. Starting to feel a little euphoric. SLOW DOWN

>> No.23108717

just stay out. FUCK HYLN.

>> No.23108725

Is off myself if that ever made it to market

>> No.23108727

>t. incel high schooler
>t. functioning adult

>> No.23108732
File: 195 KB, 791x613, 1600445962822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing escapes deflation. Deflation is inevitable. Deflation is the end. Deflation is your mercy
It hasn't gone back above 6% in over 2 decades. I want you to describe a realistic scenario in which interest rates rise

>rich immigrants
>rich foreigners (many Chinese who don't even live in Canada own tons of properties here and just rent them out)
>immigrants that aren't rich but live multiple families to a single household
>lots of housing is owned by developers and sits empty (see luxury apartments); its cheaper to let them sit empty than lower asking rent because of how quickly they appreciate
>dual high income earners ($1M doesn't seem impossible if you bring in $250k/yr with the wifey)

>> No.23108733
File: 20 KB, 318x237, Wayne and Garth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was so based, I just jizzed a little.

>> No.23108734

I doubled down at 34 and then at 29.5.. catching falling knives is painful bro. I wouldnt recommend it.

>> No.23108737

Can the Jannies please start banning redditors who call 104 shares 104 stocks.

>> No.23108739

Honestly, it's crashing so hard so fast, I feel like I dodged a bullet at this point.
Maybe I'll check back in half a year

>> No.23108749

Looks gay enough that some liberal shit hole would buy it.

>> No.23108750


>> No.23108754

Ya PLTR is a looooong hold, I would have liked to accumulate under 9.00 (I saw ~7.50 floated as possible near-term low) but if it stays higher so be it
Tell her u have the worst luck with women and their pucci, see what she makes of that

>> No.23108755

somebody on a motorcycle would zip through the middle of that at 150mph within a week.

>> No.23108757

>Contraption designed to quickly dispose of pesky cyclists

As much as I can spare.

>> No.23108777

Needs a tanker capsizing in the lava

>> No.23108778

That's a literal death trap

>> No.23108780

oh nonononno hahahaha wtf how is this even real

>> No.23108783

Ironically explained by a rabbi.

>> No.23108791

Wtf? That looks so fucking unsafe and dumb kek'd

>> No.23108792

Buy GME. Pt. 100$ (not joking)

>> No.23108799

God tier advice

>> No.23108803

sounds like a large portion of the population. at least enough to prop up the house of cards. Especially the more Canada becomes a chinese colony through land/business ownership and immigration. Vancouver is pre predominately non white

>> No.23108809

>jannies do job
That’s funny anon
The newfags missing out on BYND 10x will be enough to make them neck themselves.

>> No.23108812
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>> No.23108815

I mean what happens when the fucking thing turns and the biker is in the middle?

>> No.23108818

10 cents

>> No.23108821

*Pest exterminater

>> No.23108822

Why is the biker not wearing pants

>> No.23108823

hey /smg/

make your losses back with


the shilling on biz hasn't even begun

you guys get first chance


>> No.23108852

It’s fuckjng wonderful, some baker needs to use it soon for thread pic.

>> No.23108867

>Previously Jewish property suddenly becomes available
Very quickly, overnight in fact.

>> No.23108868

india must be destroyed

>> No.23108877
File: 183 KB, 1304x1357, tfw all or nothing gamble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy LEAPs for too big to fail tech like Apple, and Microsoft.
Explain this one. How's the strategy work?

May or may not do it as I might just do one last gamble instead of the safer moves. A calculated gamble on something I'm certain of desu.

>> No.23108878

The day of the flag is coming you filthy parasite!

>> No.23108879
File: 245 KB, 800x800, EhxscGDU4AAkx2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all green today except for chink stocks

>> No.23108881

The only way to beat taxes is to make more money.

>> No.23108884
File: 213 KB, 960x960, 1599097520649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah that looks like a completely legit and legal link you've posted there.

>> No.23108892

i own 200 shares of GME at $10 and might lose money in the long run but this meme is still hilarious to watch.

>> No.23108896
File: 69 KB, 1024x506, 1589399131519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>What is the reichsmark
Paper money that was printed massively to fund Hitler's war mania while the rest of the economy was in shambles because of out bidding.
Natinal socialism is basically communism with the illiusion of private property. Instead of everything being owned by the state everything is contolled by the state. Not much difference. I still don't understand how some faggots are still falling for the propaganda of people who are already dead for 75 years.

>> No.23108899

What the fuck is this guy talking about? 5 minutes in:
>High interest rates destroyed Germany
>People had to cart in wheelbarrows full of money just to do groceries because the inflation was so high
>High interest rate
>High inflation

>> No.23108908

Even CLF anon is better than you gmetards

>> No.23108910
File: 2.13 MB, 2044x1324, Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 1.30.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How come all hedges have totally sucked for this correction? My UVXY lost me money, and now my TLT has too.

This picture makes me want to coom immediately and get cozy with a cute girl too perfect to be mine. You know?

>describe a realistic scenario in which interest rates rise
Holy shit was this literally all about the USD? If the long end of the yield curve rises (or inverts/reverts/whatever?) That means DEflation???

>Singles Day is the month after Amazon Prime Day
Tiem for buy back into BABA and buy more AMZN even harder?

>> No.23108916
File: 395 KB, 440x444, 1587408495056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold a stonk again at the LITERAL absolute bottom
the NEXT day it fucking rips up 10% in a few days


at least i got out without loss

what jewish tricks are this that make me do this

ALWAYS do the opposite of what your impulse is


>> No.23108919
File: 42 KB, 881x223, Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 1.31.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros she complimented my penis again holy fuck i love this she enjoyed my hindu cock

>> No.23108923
File: 30 KB, 350x196, stocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't see how anyone makes money
A ruthless take-profit mentality has turned things around for me.
You raise these stocks, spend a lot of time with them, but you've got to send them off to slaughter in their prime.

>> No.23108938

What chink stocks are you holding?
BABA, JD, NIO are all green.

>> No.23108940

This will come to market, it will kill thousands of people, then one day it will a black person and they will get banned.

>> No.23108944

nobody likes your curry penis jeet

>> No.23108949

it doesn't matter the time frame, what matters is something actually WORKING, RELIABLY AND CONSISTENTLY. i'd be happy to trade on the daily time frame if i didn't have to worry about getting gapped on overnight for some dumb fucking reason i could never have foresaw and that no stop loss will protect me from. i'd happily DCA into some shit if it didn't mean i had to wait for years just for it to reach break even again potentially, if it ever came back.

the point is if it's all just random there's no point in bothering with it and the only ones who make it are lucky or cheating.

>> No.23108959

I've bet you haven't even called her let alone met her you faggot. You sent a dick pic. That's it. That's all you are

>> No.23108960

fat black women will eat anything, just sayin.

>> No.23108961

There is nobody worse than CLF fag. I encourage you to stay mad though.

>> No.23108967

are covered calls risky? i haven't traded options because they seem extra risky for a noob

>> No.23108976
File: 54 KB, 555x547, 1585850772787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what the FUCK is it with FUCKING NIGGERXOM









>> No.23108981

im not asking for a lot, man. i just want to scalp. give me a strategy that can consistently put up a 60%+ winrate with a 1:1 risk:reward structure. i don't need to get rich overnight or get big wins i just want a consistent money stream but it's fucking impossible dude.

>> No.23108988

if you're already holding stocks you're just cucking yourself by not selling covered calls it's literally the opposite of risky

>> No.23108991

LMFAO bros im not ever trying to meet up with this freaky black chick she's just a lightskin but she's actually skinny/fit unlike 90% of black amerisharts
i want to see her pussy pics

>> No.23109005

shit everything i own is expensive so most of the shares are fractional. ill look deeper into what can go wrong with these first

>> No.23109008

post em for the lads if you get

>> No.23109010

What? Why does an inverted yield curve mean deflation? Deflation is when the 50k I have in my savings account is worth more tomorrow, inflation is when its worth less.

In an inverted yield curve, long term investments (bonds) give you less than short term investments. I don't know how that ties into deflation, if anything it seems like it encourages people to spend

>> No.23109023
File: 363 KB, 255x255, 1600286181076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le 0,0000000001% deadly flu
retarded cuckfaggots

>> No.23109028

Open bobs
Show vagoo

>> No.23109039

>pajeet trying to see bobs and vagene
Woah what a surprise

>> No.23109046

only hold stocks you can afford 100 of and don't listen to any of these anime posting retards that say otherwise

>> No.23109059
File: 53 KB, 870x300, Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 1.39.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay bros i gave her the bobs and vagene ultimatum. She's honestly really fun to talk to (she's a lolbertarian and has unique political views) but i need nudes.

>> No.23109065

do people seriously "chat" with girls they've never met irl?

>> No.23109074
File: 2.20 MB, 1722x966, Screen Shot 2020-10-07 at 1.40.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inverted yield curve
maybe I meant steepen?
I really just don't know what it means when they're talking about the long and short ends of the yield curve. Is it just duration?
"Exchange Rates, Inflation and the Sterilization Problem: Germany, 1975-1981"

hue hue
i got alert saying chevron is now the biggest oil kang, did something happen?

>> No.23109075

ez money

>> No.23109076

I’m betting my life savings on GME because I don’t want to work for 30 years and you don’t need money if you’re dead anyways

>> No.23109077
File: 241 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201007-144048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My example on why to sell covered calls lol

>> No.23109086

Covered calls means that you hold the underlying stock, so you would only lose as much as the stock you are holding goes down, and, of course, you can just keep holding and waiting for it to recover.
The only downside is that a stock could moon, and your gain is limited by the value of your call. This is obviously less of a concern for most bluecaps, since they are unlikely to massively rise in value within a few weeks. But e.g. I hold FSLY which went up by almost 20% today, and you don't wanna sell covered calls for a stock like that.

>> No.23109090

who in fedex here?

>> No.23109091

lmao keep texting. dont try meeting in person to fuck. just get those pics

>> No.23109092

they all care much you make lol

>> No.23109095

That's the spirit. Let your natural pajeet tendencies come to the surface.

>> No.23109096

Thanks for the heads up.
Bought the "dip" in AHT.

>> No.23109099

I feel you, man. Just shift into making wind turbines and solar panels. Something, anything. Fuck it, they could even just start selling burgers and probably make more money.

>> No.23109112

>simple as
she knows you're a racist now you fucked up

>> No.23109118

So in other words, don't sell covered calls for GME?

>> No.23109146
File: 45 KB, 600x596, holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm young but I've got 28k in GME and 2k in NAK.
If this doesn't work out I'll dump whatever is left into Cruiselines and walk away for 2 years before checking my account again.

>> No.23109151

wrong, today is exactly when you sell a covered call on that
>t. veteran horsechad

>> No.23109160

that's nice man but knowing me i'd fuck up and just end up bag holding

>> No.23109172

>walk away for 2 years before checking my account again.
lol you know damn well after about 2 days you'd be checking it again every 5 minutes.

>> No.23109176

Has anyone here thought about investing like they don't fall somewhere on the autism spectrum?

>> No.23109186


>> No.23109187

Check your web address and think about what you just asked anon...

>> No.23109190

Absolutely zero volume AH for GME today. What does that mean

>> No.23109195

there is an inverse relationship between being a normie and stock market gainz fren

>> No.23109202
File: 134 KB, 1199x788, 1601799986700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stocks should you buy / long in anticipation of Trump's reelection? As a Europoor my domestic stocks suck ass (plus I have to pay outrageous commissions and taxes for each purchase so I have to be very selective) and I feel like I'm too late for the tech rally - but I'm fairly confident Trump will win so which US stocks / sectors are likely to benefit most?
Prison REITs?
Steel, Oil and Automakers?
Or something else?

>> No.23109216

cruise stocks are shit though. they have been taking on debt and selling shares. tards only look at the past price lmao.

>> No.23109217

Mexican standoff between bulls and bears.
Don't let them smell your fear. Bears can smell that shit.

>> No.23109224

People used to do it all the time in the 90's and early 00's
Was pretty gay, I'm a 13/F/CA btw bb wanna cyber?

>> No.23109226

Stonks gonna go up regardless

Only way stonks go down is if Kamala is president and orders all wall street bankers to be subject to cock and ball torture until death

>> No.23109228

>>High interest rate
>>High inflation
Yes, that's how it works.
Why would you lend your money to 5% pa when inflation is 20%? You of course lend it to 25%.
If you can't lend it to that you just buy commodities.

>> No.23109239

Yeah for me its chinkbot chinese recycling stocks that i buy in one of the rare weeks the chinese have an entire 5 day long holiday
Fuck you CREG

>> No.23109238 [DELETED] 

im on the spectrum and i bought nem

>> No.23109241

If Cruisestocks go back to half of what they were pre-Covid you'll double what you put in.
Its the ultimate "I give up" on investing stock right now.

>> No.23109243

if you dont buy fb msft goog v you hate gains

>> No.23109268

Imagine unironically thinking this

>> No.23109278

it won't matter, the only thing holding the share price back is demand. if the boomer boats start floating and boomers prove that they are willing to float on them the run is on

>> No.23109280

This is so confusing. Low interest rates also clearly cause inflation because if your money can't earn interest collecting dust in a bank account it means you have to spend it. So what the fuck causes deflation?

>> No.23109295
File: 195 KB, 864x664, Screenshots_2020-10-07-15-51-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bullish?

>> No.23109299

NAK for Trump reelection

>> No.23109318

All he needs to do is come out and say:
"Do you hear me Nancy, you lil bitch"

>> No.23109320


>> No.23109323

redpill me on bynd pnd. one of the guys at work shilled it but hes also a tsla baggie so i didnt pay attention

>> No.23109333
File: 1.28 MB, 765x765, original_180277398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over bruh, (((they))) got the boomers good and skeered

>> No.23109337

Only buy GOOG if they get broken up.

>> No.23109338

imagine your networth only being 30k

my car is worth more than you


>> No.23109356

I wouldn't be as mad about this if it weren't for my formerly comfy part-time jobber buying in to the lie whole cloth. They seem very eager to shut the whole thing down again at the slightest provocation.

>> No.23109359

people scared of virus and drunk white trash on a cruise ship are not the same group of people though

>> No.23109364

>posts in /smg/
>brags about having a depreciating asset

sounds about right

>> No.23109369

I'm a young college student fuckboy.
I'll turn that 30k into half a million soon enough.

>> No.23109378

>Low interest rates also clearly cause inflation because if your money can't earn interest collecting dust in a bank account it means you have to spend it
Not quite. The reason why interest is so low is because no one is afraid of inflation. In some cases your money becomes even more valuable over time.
>So what the fuck causes deflation?
High debt I guess.
>This is so confusing
Yeah, I'm not claiming to understand it either.
Check out Jeff Snider and Steven van Metre.
They are on to something.

>> No.23109381

I fucking love cruises

Best place to get absolutely ripped and have no responsibilities

>> No.23109384


>> No.23109388

Inverse Head and Shoulders on Futures, AMD has two events this month then earnings shortly after. Intel just revealed their new Rocket Lake chip. Intel has been getting butt fucked by AMD viciously for a while now. 200% gains incoming, the thing is, if you didn’t buy last week you’re too late. But if you want an easy 75%, AMD $90c 10/9 tomorrow at open. AMD is hitting $100+ before the end of October.

>> No.23109392

well they arent even allowed to sail yet

every day they lose more money, take on more debt, etc.

its an ok bet but not the easy money people think it is

>> No.23109393
File: 1.92 MB, 640x360, 1600019102500.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine painting a target on your back for murder hobos by driving a nice car.

>> No.23109401

For me it’s putting whiskey in my wine bottles that I sneak into the Long Beach port for carnival cruise

>> No.23109402

If the military gets another boost in its budget PLTR is a safe 5x.

>> No.23109404
File: 1.87 MB, 500x281, 1571788484107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23109416

i take it you dont even have a car?

>> No.23109430

why are there so many unsolved deaths on cruise ships?

>> No.23109432

they are allowed to sail in 3 weeks tho

>> No.23109434

I do. I just don't use it to compensate for my dick size because I don't have to

>> No.23109442

All but guaranteed if Trump wins.

>> No.23109443

no this is obvious damage control

>> No.23109448

>accidental deaths
>old boomers that just happen to die while they are on a cruise

>> No.23109455

thanks for caring

>> No.23109456


>> No.23109462

>Is this bullish?
I guess you didn't look at the market today.

>> No.23109476

im pretty sure you can make 30k working at mcdonalds

good luck

>> No.23109499

muh dick

>> No.23109520

could i ask for some advice? i have 500 dollars that im willing to invest in AMD should i go in now and sell tomorrow at after hours or hold till october

>> No.23109531
File: 395 KB, 1434x2048, D236687F-35D8-4E72-81A9-A470E0C65EB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought calls on AMD and puts on INTC. I guess we’ll see if Zen 3 and Big Navi are enough to move the prices of both companies.

>> No.23109617

thanks, saved

>> No.23109630

Buy DEEP in the money call options for big tech with an expiration date as far out as you can afford. You are essentially getting the benefit of the gains from 100 shares once it moves past your break even.

I need apple to be worth $130 by 2023. Anything after that is pure profit. considering AAPL was $130 a month ago, I am pretty confident, no extremely confident that this will end in a profit for me. It is also possible to take a profit before hand (as the call will have extrinsic value - value related to the time remaining, ie: short time frame options, weeklys dont have much time for the stock to move so they are not worth very much, but in 2 years? A company can do almost anything in two years)

If you are getting into options, Calls are the only thing you want to touch. There are puts and combinations of puts and calls and spreads and blah blah blah. Only work with call options.

Buying a Call: Right to buy 100 shares at the strike price, any time during the contract, its up to you. You pay for this right.

Selling a Call: Agreement to sell someone else 100 shares at any point during the contract at the strike price if they want. They pay you for this right.

>> No.23109673

You should only own stocks that you WANT to bag hold to begin with. Thats the point of stocks. Don't let /smg/ and r/wallstreetbets tell you any different.

HOLD (and sell covered calls just above the value you think it might hit, so you never have to sell) growth stocks when you want to make money.

HOLD diversified portfolio when you want to KEEP your money.

SELL everything when you are done in the market or a company enrons.

>> No.23109704

dont bully bro
like why even?

>> No.23109866

Why? GME is shit

>> No.23109913

No, it's not. It will got to 100$.
It's a long story though and a very long DD.
Long story short: Buy GME.

>> No.23110127

> Selling covered calls
You might be retarded.

>> No.23110169

well if the stock tanks 10% and the anon wants to get out of the position he will end up bagholding.

>> No.23110266

>Oh no ten percent!
He shouldn't be selling covereds on things he doesn't own/want to own anyway, especially if he can't gauge an upper and lower bound the stock will move in whatever time frame he's selling.

>> No.23110285

3 shares of NAK wait 5 years and pick up the latest PlayStation.

>> No.23110556

I'm here bro, we are going to make it fellow NAKer. I've got my 10k shares and im not letting go of my bags until they hit paydirt.

>> No.23110596

>>>/biz/pmg Precious Metals General, stacking physical silver and gold, the only true forms of money.