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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 64 KB, 1200x1200, chart (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23109366 No.23109366 [Reply] [Original]

you have to be a complete retard

>> No.23109389

> Le $ 3.4k CME GAP

>> No.23109586

thats just a lowball. some shmuck wanting cheapies.

>> No.23109651

Bitmex ain't here to keep the price artificially high no more, the next proper drop will see us at $1 k

>> No.23109667


>> No.23109706


>> No.23110016

>artificially high price
well tether is still here but nice fud

>> No.23110097

it can be bearish but only short-term

>> No.23110780

Bitcoin is never going to 100k

400K would rival gold market cap, but only 20% of gold is investment purposes

so 100K = gold

we're already 10%? yeah right.

>> No.23110829

Crypto is worthless without bitcoin as it's pillar of strength.

>> No.23110856

Bitmex wasn't here with real volume last bull?

>> No.23110876

Lol people like you are so cute. Not saying you're wrong or right but do you think people in 2011 thought bitcoin would be what it is today you dumb faggot? Now go buy your alt coins, pajeet.

>> No.23111022

bitcoin is a fucking unstoppable monster like nothing else

>> No.23111058

short term bearish, were going back to the bottom of the triangle somewhere around 8.5k but then were going up. not worth it to sell, so yeah OP is not a fag, chart is bullish

>> No.23111118

Funny thing is actual traders see the gap was already tapped for its liquidity. Crypto traders, for some reasons, don't realize that gaps are not levels, they're ranges.

>> No.23111171

how ironic that i bought bitcoin in 2013 (a little bit after 2011 sure), and i have never bought an alt coin in my life?

>> No.23111400


Who gives a fuck about the gold market cap?

100K Bitcoin puts us squarely at 1.8 Trillion Mcap for Bitcoin, ~3.2 Trillion Mcap for Entire crypto if current s-parameter holds. With projected growth of world markets by 2022, this would be ~3% of world market cap. That's a fucking drop in the bucket.

If you look at crypto as having some share of world value, then price is meaningless, % of total world Marketcap is all that matters, really. and seeing as crypto is currently at 0.4% of world mcap, a growth to 5% over two years is fucking nothing, now that the space is finally gaining traction.

So, even if we are in global bubble and current world mcap is bullshit - which it probably is - you are still going to see a crypto marketcap over 1.5 trillion. This would still put bitcoin over 50K.

>> No.23111818
File: 189 KB, 1200x1200, techyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a seperate thread b/c of you OP
stay safe trading.

>> No.23112004

That's not a H&S my friend, that's returning to the mean after it overpumped in july

>> No.23112505

good to remind people, that Arthur literally stopped fuckin BTC going to 0$ in March. He pulled the fuckin plug along with CZ.

Link went to 0,01.

Literally everything was sold, full fuckin order books, bots went ballistic.

Shorts obliterated longs, unloading full fuckin books.

I will repeat myself like a broken record.

Futures + no regulations on exchanges (muh caymans we free) are the most bearish thing for crypto.

No futures + regulated exchanges aka Coinbase and Kraken, we would be at 50 000$ BTC at the moment.

>> No.23112546
File: 77 KB, 280x360, 1599311955940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to 7500 and there's literally nothing u can do to stop it

>> No.23112598

sell signal the post.

you literally shat on the keyboard, then typed this post, and went back to smear your face with it.

you are talking in amounts of growth like it should be given to crypto in current fuckin wild wild west casino style.

fuckin 3% of world market cap to crypto no biggie.

holy fuckin shit you are so delusional that you should leave this board for a month, talk to real people like do a fuckin survey in your town.

nobody fuckin cares about crypto, and most of it its ponzi game, unregulated, ran by chinks and pajeets, degenerate tether induced future trading which is getting fucked all around the world.

USA and UK are leading the charge.

long play here is that Coinbase will be probably only legal option in 2021 for USA citizens.

Binance will be fuckin gonzo, Bitmex will be gonzo.

there's absolutely no fuckin reason atm with current world situation and crypto state for BTC to go to 50 000$.

not going to happen without everyone in the world full of cash, loaded without a stress
>look at 2017
life was different, wake the fuck up

>> No.23112652

bitmex never did price discovery its just a casino where people make their bet

>> No.23112686

bitmex CREATED demand for btc. it was the world's greatest casino, until it wasn't.
btc would've gone to <1k had they not been ddossed

>> No.23112885

if you think this chart is bullish
you have to be a complete retard

>> No.23113150

If you think this chart is crabish you have to be a complete retard

>> No.23113609

Way too risky to sell now unless you’re swinging lunch money. I’d rather hold unto my stack and buy if it does go down. Have about 30k in cash to average down my holdings.

>> No.23113678

your first sentence sounds like bitmex was a good thing

>> No.23113804

just bought 10 eth because of this post

>> No.23113900

Based just bought 10k

>> No.23113940

>being a nolinker
>not being rich enough to not hangout in this shithole despite having bought btc in 2013

>> No.23113962

>nobody fuckin cares about crypto, and most of it its ponzi game, unregulated, ran by chinks and pajeets, degenerate tether induced future trading which is getting fucked all around the world.
The opposite would be bearish, but that mean crypto is still functionnaly under the radars