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23100713 No.23100713 [Reply] [Original]

I want to quit my job, buy a house in the woods, live on welfare and disability.

Has anyone made this downgrade?
>make 90k a year
>middle aged, divorced
>don’t care about money just want to be comfy
>willing to dump savings/retirement to not have to be a slave to work

How does one make this happen?

>> No.23100755

You'll need to buy the house in the woods with cash since disability only pays like 800 something bucks a month and you'll never be able to get into public housing due to wait lists.

>> No.23100795

I'd probably not go full innawoods but maybe a career change to something that is close. Property manager for cabin rentals (you can find these in most of the PNW or Mountain West regions), or manager for a service that doesn't interact with people often.

Have you crunched the numbers on how much you would need to retire on?

>> No.23100951

You sound like you’re depressed. Look into microdosing shrooms. I’m being serious.

>> No.23101024

Whats your divorced story?

>> No.23101037
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>you seem unhappy
>couldnt be the shit sandwich we all eat for wage
>better fuck your brain up for temporary delusion
just because youve deep fried your neurons doesnt mean he has to

>> No.23101053

yeah, OP sounds like he's thriving, completely sound judgement

>> No.23101088

How come it didn't work for you?

>> No.23101144
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mushrooms or LSD doesn't destroy neurons or serotonin. Ecstasy does.
I don't advise taking advice from random strangers on how to cure depression, but the former 2 aren't as bad as the stigma presents.

>> No.23101396

>just fuck yourself up for a few hours
>this will help you relax
>its only chemicals
>natrual bro
see this is the problem with stoners, why cant happiness ever come from the inside? why cant we gain gratification at a natural pace from the things we think will accomplish it? gotta shoot up some stuff out of a bag to simulate it?

>> No.23101451

"happiness comes from the inside" is a christcuck cope
life is shit and a waste of time

>> No.23101478

>the shill thinks its about religion
what an absolute shocker

>> No.23101500

Different strokes.
Im sure you, a guy spending his time on a mongolian basket weaving scam forum, have the pinnacle of a functioning brain.

>> No.23101506

I'm not shilling for weed

>> No.23101514

>1 post by this ID

>> No.23101525

didnt say you were, hows door to door fedora sales been this year?

>> No.23101621

Shrooms are from a natural place.

>> No.23101888
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I lost my high-paying job 3 years ago and decided not to work anymore with a net worth of ~450k. I bought a trailer in the middle of nowhere for 50k, and live off of my investments, which yield very little. I feel like a slave that fled the plantation. It's really, really great to not have to wagecuck, but you start to take it for granted. It's also lonely, because everyone else is busy with jobs and families. Still totally worth it.

>> No.23102446

I think you misinterpreted the point of my post. Regardless, you come across very lame.