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File: 29 KB, 683x233, theft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23098881 No.23098881 [Reply] [Original]

All you faggots screaming vote biden don't even get anything you fucking morons. The dem's plan is just take take take more money and give nothing in return. All corporations will move out of country and you wagecucks will have no employment. Tax base will decrease from corporations leaving and there is no money for "gibs" you are fucking stupid.

>> No.23098922

Literally nobody is screaming biden. Its fucking ridiculous americans need to choose between these 2 absolute fucking shitbags, i honestly feel sorry for you guys. Are these two men truly the best people in your entire country to guide your country? The system is fucked and democracy is long gone.

>> No.23098953

don't care, still voting for biden

>> No.23098978

Whilst I don't disagree with you. This is such an obviously basic "ive watched 1 or 2 videos on youtube" take on the issue.
Educate yourself virgin, you have enough free time.

>> No.23098979

You should work 60 hours per week and donate 100% of earning to Isreal.

>> No.23098984

It doesn't matter if you raise or lower taxes on the top wealth cause they don't pay.

>> No.23098989

So I'm right but you are faggot and can't simply agree.

>> No.23098990

you dont need that in depth of an explanation for this do you?

>> No.23099017

Voting Trump. Biden can have his nurse clean him up when he shits his diapers from losing.

>> No.23099019
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>implying voting matters in JewSA

>> No.23099023

Youre a fucking idiot then, have fun being governed by an old senile pedophile.

>> No.23099043

please give us your strategic celestial insight mister 8d chess player

>> No.23099056

Like Trump isn't bankrupting America too. Biden and Trump are full of shit. Still voting Biden

>> No.23099060

lower income individuals don't pay taxes as it is so it's expected that their tax rates wouldn't change.

>> No.23099059
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>Corporations would leave
I fucking pray for this every day of my life
We must return to tradition. We must no longer let the jews control us. The free market isn't very free when your options of employment are the same few mega corporations who have worked tirelessly for 100 years to lobby for the removal of your rights when employed by them.
Corporations have ruined America. A single mother should not have to work 140 hours of minimum wage to afford to pay for her two children.
"But it's a shit job so she deserves poverty"
No, fuck you. If we are supposed to be the wealthiest nation on Earth we should ensure every job pays enough to live.

>> No.23099073

don't care, voting biden

>> No.23099083

Why is the whore single?

>> No.23099089

just print money, nobody should be forced to work to survive, this isnt the dark ages. it's time to bring humanity into the future, and free the people from slaving away their lives.

>> No.23099104

hell yeah brother

>> No.23099115

lower income includes all middle and upper middle class. READ. Anything under 400k per year gets no tax decrease. Just a 1% tax increase on high earners = the tax revenue of multitudes of lower earners. Basic math. The plan is theft.

>> No.23099117

Husband died. Not everyone out there lives the jewish dream of white people ruining themselves constantly so only the elites can succeed. I see your nose peeking behind that post schlomo. White people don't just ruin themselves for the sake of it, the system is built to ruin them and then the media hypes up memes like welfare queens so people like YOU keep voting outside of our races best interests, which is livable wages for stable families and healthy communities.

>> No.23099142

Doesn't cheeto hitler want to get rid of capital gains tax? It'd enable my inner swingy

>> No.23099145

i don't vote because voting is a jewish lie to make the goyim feel like they have a choice, but i really couldn't give a fuck if someone making >$400k/year has his taxes go up.

>> No.23099166

Getting rid of capital gains taxes would be terrible. While you cheer on making a million dollars, someone else would make 100 billion and pay nothing.

It's all or nothing between these candidates and both are bad options. Between the man who looks like a poop after eating a bag of flaming hot cheetos, and the man who looks like a mummy...I'm ridin' with biden.

>> No.23099183

Enjoy your being homeless in Democrat shit cities. Dont forget to poo in loo.

>> No.23099192

Isn't this the trump plan for the past 4 years.

>> No.23099197
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Not for crypto no. He's very vocal about being against crypto dude.
Why the fuck would he support the US not profiting off of your economic success?
Especially when he's got the banks telling him to put a stop to people actually being able to make profit for once.

>> No.23099210

leftypol needs to get the fuck out of here

>> No.23099221

I have a rent stabilized apartment, lmfao. It's trump who wants to cut funding to all cities not in swing states. He's literally cutting his funding to everything that isn't his core base and letting billionaires walk. He also rapes kids with Epstein and threatens them, lmfao.

>> No.23099223

Stable families have two parents.

>> No.23099234

The problem is 400 becomes 300 becomes 200 becomes 100...

>> No.23099246


>All corporations will move out of country and you wagecucks will have no employment. Tax base will decrease from corporations leaving and there is no money for "gibs" you are fucking stupid.

And go WHERE, faggot? What other country in the world has all the advantages of the US market? Ireland, India, China, Europe? LMAO, this is such a retard boomer baby argument. Even a big tax increase couldnt make major corporations leave and miss out on their favorite american paypigs.

Let the jews and their bootlickers pay more taxes. I'm tired of corporations getting away scot free while I suffer through the nose through income, sales, property, and scores of other taxes. And no, corporations will never campaign to get rid of those taxes, cause they need them for their socialist corporate gibs while they talk hypocritical out the side of their mouth about how taxes are theft.

Fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck trannies, fuck jannies, but most of all fuck you.


Based and redpilled.

>> No.23099293
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>> No.23099302

You think other countries will not welcome american corporations moving in and collecting taxes form them at a lower rate then u.s offers. You are a fool to believe this.
Meanwhile trump imposes tariffs on imports to prevent corporations from leaving and encourage foreign corporations to move to U.S to create employment and tax revenue.

>> No.23099386

>Imagine thinking a tax hike won't simply be put on the consumer/cut jobs or wages of employees
I'd love to live in this fantasy land you've concocted where external factors have no hand in what a corporation does.

>> No.23099395

What does Joe Biden have to do with Chainlink

>> No.23099448
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His name is included in the urban dictionary definition. Someone else has the image of how this is performed I did not save.

>> No.23099464
File: 366 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2014-04-29-18h43m15s219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No taxation without representation"
>I. not represented but still have to pay taxes

>> No.23099471

Already voted straight Dem. Do not regret.

I'm a heterosexual white working class male and the fucking DEMOCRATS are the lesser of two evils now, what a fucking timeline.

>> No.23099522

So families get a tax cut, that's basically equivalent to jacking up the bachelor tax when we're already getting fucked over. Sales tax, income tax, ss tax, capital gains tax. The US is an overtaxed shithole yet these dopy doofus fucktards want to make the problems we have even worse. Tax cuts +decreased social spending is what we want. The democrats are a party of traitors who only seek to help themselves while paying lipservice to appease their sick voterbase consisting entirely of the mentally ill, homosexuals, and negroids. Why is it the harder we strive for success the greater the punishments and disincentives levied against us?

>> No.23099527

I've never met an intelligent person who holds that opinion. It's total midwit level. There are platitudes about it for fuck's sale.

>> No.23099541

Nigga u gay

>> No.23099547

Hes actually right, they are letting you choose between two pieces of shit and then do what they want anyway so how does voting matter you absolute brainlet?

>> No.23099552

I'm in Australia, but I'm still voting Biden

>> No.23099557


so basically nothing will change

>> No.23099559

which corps have moved i would like to see the list

>> No.23099564


>> No.23099574

No, I'm not. Have a wife and kids so Biden is better for me as this guy mentions >>23099522

>> No.23099603

The problem comes from people not voting. Voting for just the president does not count. Unless you are voting regularly and on the city/county level and up you can't really say that you vote. The president is high visibility but the ones making a real impact on your life is at the local level, the effects trickle and work their way up.

>> No.23099653

Trump's fuckin based, idk what fake news you're watching

>> No.23099666


No other country has the real growth potential as the USA. Even with niggers and leftycucks causing calamity in their cities, no other country has the overall stability US has.

China's growth is CCP controlled, and largely based on fraud. India's growth is based on taking advantage of American Corporate Jewery, and the populations of both are very largely poor, stupid, and incapable.

Other countries are welcoming US businesses now, and they are there if they want to be. An increase in taxes wouldnt suddenly make a business dump it's largest and most reliable market share. That's literally brainlet retard levels of boomer corporate boot-licking propaganda.


THIS is what would happen. Corps would do everything they could to pass that cost onto the consumers. Which is why if we do tax corporations we tax the jewish way they do things: Tax H1Bs, Tax businesses that rely on contract/gig/jewish nepotism, Tax using overseas labor. When they pass that cost onto the consumer, they'd end up losing business for it.

>> No.23099721

>33 billion for israel
Yes youre right, drumpf is based AF an not controled by the kikes AT ALL

>> No.23099731

Is just a start, huge numbers of them have already left, Biden will ensure many more. He relies on total retards like >>23099574
Who are blinded by greed. People are short term thinkers, anything past a week in the future is hard for them to imagine. Very easy to play this fact against people when your long term goal is to weaken the US and make people poorer. Corporations are the lifeblood of our country, Biden knows this and he's getting out the knife to eviscerate our economy.

>> No.23099738

Tons of european countries are way more stable than america. Austria, luxembourg, switzerland, liechtenstein, poland, estonia, lituania, the list is endless.

>> No.23099750

Itt people who are apparently unaware we live in a corporatocracy

Corporations buy politicians who tell you they'll raise taxes on corporations. and you fall for it

>> No.23099768


And not a single one of them has the GDP and profit potential of the USA. Many also have populations with socialist histories that would readily turn on American/Jew corporate shenanigans.

>> No.23099784

There are the occasional politicians that pop up that want to actually fight for that. But they get crushed because the people that would comprise their voter bloc end up saying "why should I vote, there's no reason, it's all bad people."
Meanwhile if people voted for lower level politicians and helped them campaign and all that you set the seeds of change. But America's beyond the point of saving by now. Idiocy begets idiocy.

>> No.23099805

Check out the average revenue of luxembourgish citizens you absolute retard

>> No.23099821

don't forget he moved the embassy to jerusalem, most of his advisors are jews, and most of his family is jewish.

>> No.23099868

It's 3.3 billion a year and probably money well spent for the military presence they provide in that region, hell if Israel didn't exist those 8m Jews would just move to America anyway.

>> No.23099876

Circumcised people are not "Stable"

>> No.23099882
File: 137 KB, 1200x600, Democrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Democrats are racketeers.

>> No.23099895


Doesnt mean shit in the big picture, you dumb faggot. You think a tiny yuropoor country that american corporate jews would rape into poverty could sustain their market demands and greed? Even ten of them couldnt do it.

You're grasping at straws, and dreaming delusional dreams.

>> No.23099903
File: 46 KB, 800x549, Republican-Tom-Emmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Republicans are more likely to support Bitcoin.

>> No.23099912

That’s been our situation for 4 years

>> No.23099918

I make 200k a year and I would benefit from Joe Biden's tax cuts. Why does my health insurance cost 1800 a month? I decide whether to have a savings account, or a 401k, or get health insurance every month. I obviously just save the money and wait for trumpie to crash the market like the fucking complete idiot he is.

>> No.23099926

Don't care didn't read voting Biden and I hope chainlink. Cry more

>> No.23099938


Fuck you kike, widows are not single moms. They had husbands but they died. That is in no way comparable to some party whore getting knocked up by jamal.

>> No.23099959

Just lower taxes. Why do people think it's more fun to see other people pay more? Crab bucket mentality or something? They're still just as poor as before. Instead of being a petty fuck they could try minding their own damn business. I mean that in the colloquial sense of course because they are much too stupid and lazy to actually have a business of their own.

>> No.23099966

Pure americope

>> No.23099988
File: 33 KB, 423x599, Republican-Thomas-Massie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy more Bitcoin. Unconfiscatable.

>> No.23100016

Not if we gave that money to the regions rightful owners. We need those jews to be wiped out.

>> No.23100020


Keep dreaming, yuropoor. Don't forget to let achmed and cumar in later for your wife. They might behead you for being late.

>> No.23100050

I havent seen a non white person in weeks you fucking retard.
T. Living in the austrian mountains, go fuck yourself

>> No.23100228

Voting biden as well. Trump is a threat to our country. Only an child or fool would want to watch him destroy the system. Literally a reality tv show host who rapes children with epstein, steals from children's cancer charities, raw dogs pornstars when wife is nursing his child, fake ass christian, proud faggot to putin, criminal tax dodger, ugly and stupid,butthole lips and obnoxious cult followers.

>> No.23100246

You cannot succeed as a business owner unless you are a megacorporation that can burn millions in losses before a profit can be made.

>> No.23100351
File: 46 KB, 400x600, Republican-Ted-Budd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm voting for Trump. Republicans are better.

>> No.23100556

So we're going with the guy the kikes named a village after? Just making sure which kike is jewing who.

>> No.23100589

He's only destroying the bad parts of the system. Why do you hate America so much?
Yet all the success stories say otherwise. I've heard of people starting with 10k and were grossing over half a million annually within ten years. The US is the only place the barrier to entry is so low. Biden wants to destroy small businesses and make sure that no new ones can pop up to replace them. His insane tax policies cripple the economy and only the megacorps you love so much stand a chance. They will still move out too, so there are only disadvantages to his plan. How is killing US growth and innovation anything but a bad thing? The only reason to support Biden is because you stand to gain from a weakened US economy. Meaning you are with either an enemy state or a foreign corporation and seek to profit from the changing currents you are trying to create.

>> No.23100708

Get the hell of the board you Biden Nimits - he wants to raise taxes up for you low level plebs - you want to make it - vote trump

>> No.23101113

not true: http://www.crfb.org/papers/understanding-joe-bidens-2020-tax-plan

>> No.23101143

don't care, still voting for biden