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23097142 No.23097142 [Reply] [Original]

MetaMask to offer token swaps within the Metamask app. Will automatically offer best price. Uniswap, Kyber etc BTFO.


>> No.23097152

metamask is a literal keylogging scamming piece of shit, imagine linking your cold wallets with this dog shit

>> No.23097168

How can it affect cold wallets

>> No.23097172

that's great, but eth is still a clogged piece of shit that's not worth using for anything besides simple transfers

>> No.23097178

Bullish for desire

>> No.23097205
File: 115 KB, 682x900, 12eqdwfsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23097213
File: 20 KB, 893x613, bizlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23097232

If that were true, we'd know about it.

>> No.23097723

Yeah explain it

>> No.23097747

yeah suck my balls newfag

>> No.23097839

clogged... thinking that eth is metamask

also metamask should focus more on security first instead of offering more trading possibilitys

>> No.23097861
File: 39 KB, 700x692, dumb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this stupid. Explain how linking to metamask your cold wallet could be comp'ed when the private keys never leave the device genius. I'll wait.

>> No.23098235

>private keys...leave
jesus imagine thinking your keys live anywhere

>> No.23098287

Metamask is spyware I think... The fox always watches what I am doing, but when I put my mouse over him he acts like he wasn't watching anything. I uninstalled it after I noticed that.

>> No.23098288

t. retard calling other people stupid

>> No.23099035

Take your meds

>> No.23099054


Based and schizo-pilled.

>> No.23099102

thanks uninstalled this piece of shit.

>> No.23099140

das right I'm definitely getting in on this. do muh swaps. do muh transfers. do muh payments on fuse.io. do muh whoers.

>> No.23099301

If you link your cold wallet, then it isn't a cold wallet anymore