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2307748 No.2307748 [Reply] [Original]

For those interested/hodling DGB, have a brief look at the point of the upcoming presentation.
>DGB mention is on p34 pdf quicksearch


>Now for the important part;
does anyone have any fucking ideas as to how we can gain up to date/live access to the event/information from it.

> I'm thinking some twitter bug-tech-integrity sperg-reporter which will attend/based in Singapore? Some way to find a live stream for it?

Fuck cmon bro's, we can't just sit here blind whilst others with access to better information rob us blind.

E.g they present and fucking nail it/win/top 3 = we HODLers lit. OR they come out and get laughed the fuck off the stage - wouldn't you want to know that before the dumping of a fucking life time hits us square?

>> No.2307765

The coin will be largely dumped before the presentation. Buy the rumour, not the news

>> No.2307766

I mean, we don't even know what time they'll be presenting

Don't fall for the traps bro's > I mean you wake up and see it pumping; you think it went great - you load up more: jakes on you; pump was just a trap for disaster which just occured> rekt.

Lettuce unite and solve this lack of information problem

>> No.2307775

You can't even definitively say that. It's a flip right now. What reasoning do you even base that on?

>> No.2307783

I'm gonna hodl through. They have more announcements coming just after the competition and I'm pretty sure they're gonna bag some serious investment/partnership regardless of competition outcome.
Remember that Citi are all bankers man, you think they won't purposefully undercut dgb just so they can keep accumulating to make their own gains? DGB is here to stay. Risk for short term positions if you must but you're exiting the digibro realm possibly forever.

>> No.2307789


You are absolutely right though, what sort of fool wouldn't ensure they have accurate and up-to-date to date info on their investment. Unfortunately I can't really help

>> No.2307797

You were cucked into buying a shitcoin. Get over it. It was a pump and dump. If you couldn't figure that out then you should just give me your bitcoin instead of the pump groups. Do you think they honestly deserve to get paid for posting memes and lying all day? Because the fact that you're worried about losses tells me you bought high. You actually gave the pump groups money. Now live with that.

>> No.2307802

haha oh the delusion in this post

>> No.2307820

By that logic everyone who's bought anything in the last 3 weeks has bought into a pump.. Check the projects, that's all. Pretty much any coin that serves a niche and isn't a cut/paste clone without anything new and inovative added is a shitcoin.
DGB is going strong and all the people who bought into the recent pump aren't going to be wanting to sell at a loss, then again, idiots who buy half way up or ATH usually have faggoty weak hands.
I can hodl for long term.

>> No.2307822

Jokes on you bra, bought in at 600 sats lmfao. Not trying to get over anything, someones salty they missed out.

Instead trying to use the power of community/board to solve a lack of information problem. Even assuming its a pump; do you think whales are so braindead that if DGB ends up winning, they'll immediately dump? No; they'll wait for the next wave of FOMO to hit; collect more gains and then dump the fuck out of it; hence the point of this topic

>> No.2307828


Everyone here is on crack.

There is absolutely no way to tell whether or not the coin will be pumped/dumped before the event.

My personal stance: it will rise again, maybe not ATH, but it will rise. Just the hype of a presentation (that 99% of these investors know nothing about, including myself) should pump the coin up.

I will personally be exiting as soon as I see an ATH or think that the peak is near. When you are investing money you'd rather not lose, I'd rather not be greedy.

>> No.2307834

Just because something *was* a good investment, doesnt mean that it's still a good investment. Chew on that one for a bit.

>> No.2307837
File: 7 KB, 297x169, byebyewhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 650sats, didn't sell a single one because I know it's going to 2000 by Friday and then past 3000 two weeks later.
Have fun day trading fageet

>> No.2307858

It's almost a certainty. Just look at things like this in the past. The coin gets hyped and pumped in the weeks before an event, and dumped a few days before. On the top of my mind is litecoin and segwit, which got to 0.022 BTC a few days before segwit, and still haven't recovered. Also potcoin was dumped on 4/20, because everyone was expecting a rise.

>> No.2307871

What the fuck is going through your head right now. The pump groups have a calculated date for when people will definitely buy the coin.. They know exactly when to sell to minimize the effect on the price. They might let it go up a little bit, but just enough to make it look like it's about to "moon"

These guys aren't sitting there clicking away at the order screen. They have scripts that use the trading APIs pointed at multiple exchanges at the same time. It's done. They can't keep up with the volume forever. The buy support WILL come to an end. They're not stupid.

>> No.2307879

>Also potcoin was dumped on 4/20, because everyone was expecting a rise.

How the fuck does that make any sense?

I really don't know whats up your ass. The crypto market is practically random. Also, a random CitiBank event != a fucking segwit.

>> No.2307885

Don't you understand? Citibank is going to false flag Digibytes to they can buy them all while it's still under $550.

>> No.2307888

Oh and also: http://www.techforintegritychallenge.com/frequently-asked-questions/

> 13. Will there be journalists present?
>Yes, the events are open to press.

So, we might get some sort of news.

>> No.2307899

Sign up for their newsletter: http://www.openinnovationhub.tech/

>> No.2307902

>Also, a random CitiBank event != a fucking segwit.
This is the first thing you got right. Segwit is actually useful and this is a science fair.

>> No.2307927

On top of that! They have armies of people out there shilling and spreading FOMO like wildfire. They raided the digibyte subreddit and incited a meme contest. They've created an envelope for people to buy their sell orders in. It's all pre written, plug and play, scripted. All they needed to do was find a coin with a "game changing platform" and a presentation/contest. There are many to choose from. After this passes, we'll see them move on to another coin.

>> No.2307941


Why would a segwit be a top news headline? Regular people don't give a fuck.

Coin exposure = good. If DGB comes out winning this science fair with CitiBank, that's good news and good publicity. The headlines will scream sensational things like 'the future currency' and more people will become interested.

>Solutions will be judged on a combination of the following criteria:
>>Global reach
>>Integrity impact
>>Implementation feasibility

DGB being the only cryptocurrency in this contest, knocks half of those out the park.

>> No.2307950

hahaha if you're trolling this is 10/10

>> No.2307952
File: 77 KB, 957x564, orbital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD level 9000.
We haven't even passed 2000sats yet.
The strong will hodl, the weak will complain that they sold too early.

>> No.2307953

>he didn't even read the pdf
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you.. DGB INVESTOR!

>> No.2307955

if my aunt had a dick shed be my uncle

>> No.2307960

Why don't you head on back to discord, they're discussing new meme strategies, faggot.

>> No.2307995
File: 59 KB, 244x232, 1496581379307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never seen such a pathetic FUD in my life.

>> No.2308013

^^^^ <3 KEK FOR LIFE
FuCk ThE fUdDeRs

>> No.2308023
File: 101 KB, 533x492, 1496023979229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB piled on $300mil in market cap in 2-3 days.
Do you honestly believe that people in this kazahk dressmaking forum have that kind of money and that whales lurking here are that stupid to buy due to FOMO?

OK let's do a little bit of real world analogy.
Cockacola - gives people diabetes and kills millions of people each year. MVP soft drink for 50+ years due to maximum shill effort and it tastes fucking good. Bad for you but still winning.

CrapDonalds - same as above.

Pick any other top brands you like.

I hate to compare DGB to these filthy products but as you can clearly see, DGB is owning the competition and will continue to do so and you'll be left with your mooncoin bags because you're not a fucken DIGIBRO.

Suck shit faggot!

>> No.2308039


Yep. Anyone with half a brain that does some research can see this isn't just some random shitcoin.

Tbqh, the FUDers can get to you after awhile, but watching stuff like this which shows professionalism & presence which many other coins (which FUD should be targeted towards/justified) can only dream of.


>> No.2308040


>t-they have API scripts! SCRIPTS!

>Them guys aint sitting round'dere just holding around, nawww mayne, deez niggas be evil n'd shit dey'gonna take all dem moneyz.

Fuck off.

>> No.2308060

Thank you heros for coming in here and saving me from the FUDDERS :)