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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 1024x597, Coinmetro-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23072001 No.23072001 [Reply] [Original]

Millions of PRQ, QNT and XCM stolen

>> No.23072042

How many QNT were on XCM?

>> No.23072081

WOW dude no source. Yes they really did get hacked.

>> No.23072122

There certainly weren't "millions" of QNT on CoinMetro you incest larper. 0/10 on your fud attempt.

>> No.23072135

I got at at 3.8 c feelsgoodman

>> No.23072139

uniswap sirs

>> No.23072197

Can’t be sure this is a hack, but even if it is, checking Etherscan shows it is not more than 50k QNT.

>> No.23072217

I'm on the telegram now
Someone pointed out that a lot of QNT/PRQ/XCM moved from Coinmetro's main wallet to another wallet, and he alleged that some were sold on a DEX
He says that he believes either the team moved it, or it's a hack
Someone else is saying it's just some whale moving a lot of funds around and putting it into cold storage
The team hasn't officially responded yet, but Oliver (the admin) claims he will give answers shortly
Not gonna lie, I'm a little worried here....

>> No.23072253
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it's confirmed, fucking deal with it

>> No.23072269

holy fuck SELL SELL SELL

>> No.23072283

>no one is going to lose funds
>That is absolutely certain
Holy fucking shit
GOTTA be a hack if he says that

>> No.23072400

Pretty much confirmed. Otherwise he would have just said no.Comeuppance at Kevin for laughing at other exchanges getting hacked lmao.

>> No.23072431

yeah oliver literally lists all the exchanges that got hacked over the past year, wonder if he will do it again lol

>> No.23072442

Coinmetro has no coins to steal because nobody uses it lmao

>> No.23072452

clearly a hack, but a strange one. small amounts and hacking xcm - wtf?
so hack itself is fairly small, but the fact that it happened is the worst.

>> No.23072471

why did I get removed from the telegram
bros I thought this was a joke but I literally got removed

>> No.23072473

Wondering if I should get out of XCM before they make it official I have a 58k stack?

>> No.23072512

I got removed too.. what the fuck is going on?

>> No.23072537

The scam is unfolding before ur very eyes

>> No.23072566

The reason is that the hackers only managed to access the hot wallet holding the coins managed by Coinmetros internal system, all the majors are handled by a seperete system (BitGo)

>> No.23072609

fml literally just moved all my xcm to cold storage a few hours a go.
idk what to do too

>> No.23072683

Take it out your fridge.

>> No.23072736
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I'm really really fucking pissed off
the tg is private and I got removed
i don't give a shit if they want to not Panik people but removing people who are just asking questions is fucking insane

>> No.23072752

>How many QNT were on XCM?

I have twice as much QNT as the hacker got, kek. It's nothing.

>> No.23072777
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>> No.23072788

what did you post

>> No.23072812

>tfw the 4 hands poster was right

>> No.23072824

Its a top 50 amount though. Dont play it down just because you are the biggest quant wallet out there.
Average qnt hodler has probably 2k-5k, so less than 10% of this wallet

>> No.23072844
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pic related, i was mocking people who think this
but as it turns out the joke was on me

>> No.23072850
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>> No.23072884
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lmao at this forehead sycophant right after the hack happened

>> No.23072886

any thoughts on the long term effect of this on cm/xcm?

>> No.23072888
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>> No.23072915

What the fuck
Did he know things we didn't?

>> No.23072921

its unironically over, reputation was already in the dirt

>> No.23072982

there was no hack you idiots. some guy just dumped all his stack

>> No.23072997

but why the fuck are they banning people on the tg

>> No.23073006

its basically confirmed >>23072253

>> No.23073087

how is that confirmed? he said no funds were lost and no wallets were hacked... this is just a price dump, happened a lot of times before which really isn't that weird considering how thin the book is

>> No.23073103

William (admin for Coinmetro's telegram) just posted this:
>Please calm down. Everything is speculation. Oliver confirmed that:
>No funds are lost
>Nothing to do with multisig wallets being "hacked"
>Not an "internal job"
>Please remain calm and wait for official information. The reactions here are very excessive based on the little information known, especially considering what Oliver confirmed above. Please avoid fueling speculation that leads to people getting scared for no good reason.

>> No.23073107

he's saying no MULTISIG wallets were hacked, i.e. Bitgo. Their hotwallet WAS hacked.

>> No.23073117

because people are screaming HACK HACK HACK SELL ALL YOUR SHIT CM IS DONE FOR. When it wasnt even a hack

>> No.23073135

delusional idiot, dont make actual investors losing money, hack has already been confimed

>> No.23073190

not me, i literally was just saying
>whale move funds, price crashes, and now people make threads on biz, what's going on
if that was ban worthy then I expect an apology

>> No.23073217

no it wasn't, you are pulling stuff out of your ass. your only "proof" for anything is price volatility which always existed

>> No.23073235

bro, they are banning people for even asking about it. i don't know how much XCM you hold or how homo you are for kevin but lets be real.

>> No.23073237

Thats not ban worthy, but TG admins are always salty cunts so what do you expect.

>> No.23073277

you can't be doing that shit on a telegram/product/team that prides itself on transparency.

>> No.23073279

>bro, they are banning people for even asking about it.
I am literally in TG right now talking about it and I am not banned

>> No.23073361

extremely heavy cope right here

>> No.23073406

no USER funds are lost, but they lost the amount in the hot wallet, which is roughly 1 million dollars worth of tokens

GL for Coinmetro to cover that amount, it's basically half of what they're looking to raise

>> No.23073441

can you ask to unban me?

>> No.23073444

nice thats some pajeet tier fud

>> No.23073477

not even an argument, kys

>> No.23073522

So basically anyone holding PRQ or QNT won't be able to withdraw as there's nothing left?

>> No.23073634

and a million worth of crypto being withdrawn from the coinmetro wallet, and the team having a "meeting" about it

>> No.23073666

Nah, no user funds were touched AFAIK, so they're still in your cold wallet.

So from a user perspective, you're all good. The big question is if Coinmetro as a company will recover from this not only taking into account the damage to their reputation, but also the fact that they still gotta cover that 1 million USD worth of tokens that were stolen, which is A LOT for a company that's barely getting by month to month

>> No.23073699

how do you think were the coins even stolen?

>> No.23073702

Yeah so their monthly expenditure was like $150k right? So this is effectively is 6-7 months of expected outgoings required immediately

>> No.23073728

Probably social engineering or an exploit in Coinmetros internal wallet system

>> No.23073758



>> No.23073763
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>implying he was replying to that specific comment
it was just a general comment about the situation

>> No.23073788

fake and gay

>> No.23073840

Of course it's related to the question you fucking dunce, if it wasn't hacked they would just straight up deny it, not assure everyone that their funds are safe

>> No.23073869

it's not fake


>> No.23073918

so a whale transferred some coins, big deal

>> No.23073954
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Can we go a couple days without a hack or arrest. Sick of getting it up the ass with big red dildos.

>> No.23073964

me getting banned for making a harmless post is a big deal

>> No.23073971

you're refusing to look at the evidence, absolutely delusional. guess you've been bagholding for too long, huh

>> No.23074002

a "whale" "transferred" 1 million to a wallet and the team has now been having a meeting about it for hours

>> No.23074005

Fucking this. It's like ***someone*** is trying to crash the whole crypto market.

>> No.23074141

So will I be able to buy quanties for cheapies?

>> No.23074258
File: 57 KB, 864x1776, Screenshot_20201006-162722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insane how THEY turned me (a fan) into a fucking fudder

I'm probably (hopefully not) scaring more people in biz than I ever could have with my harmless post in the tg

>> No.23074368

How the fuck could their wallet be hacked?

>> No.23074444

Not that shocking, happens all the time these days.

>> No.23074579
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Imagine even investing $1 in forehead coin after this retard failed to execute on every single level since 2018.

>> No.23074654

I just want this piece of trash to go to 0,53-0,6 then I'm done with this shit.

>> No.23074876
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I actually hope it is a hack now because I sold my 58k xcm at the fucking bottom for a loss

>> No.23075175

I'll be honest. If this is true it feels like a bad dream. I thought I found the one gem, the one chance that would be a safe bet, a european/american ran exchange, heavily compliant, transparent and regulated. And right before a USD listing they act like it's their first rodeo. I'm not pissy about an exchange getting hacked even though that is extremly bad for image before opening the exchange to a new market who is already squeamish of Euros. But the way they are acting defeats the whole idea of transparency. Fuck this. I'm waiting until an explanation but dude is gonna get put on blast this friday cause this is amateur hour behavior.

>> No.23075284

it's all so tiresome

>> No.23075402

>But the way they are acting defeats the whole idea of transparency. Fuck this. I'm waiting until an explanation
Dude, calm down
Yeah the idea of them getting hacked is bad, but it's only been a couple of hours
Now if more than 12 hours passes without an official statement/explanation, then I'll start looking at them funny

>> No.23075466

It's been 7½ hours lmao

>> No.23075545

6 and a half actually, according to the first message about it in the telegram that was posted shortly after 5am
It's now almost 11:30am on my side
Don't get me wrong, I'd personally prefer a statement within 2 hours, but I don't know all the shit they have to confirm and assess before finally saying something to everybody

>> No.23075620

It's been 7½ hours from when the hack happened, not from when it was fucking mentioned in Telegram

If their security system is so fucking bad that they don't notice outgoing transactions of about 1 mil USD and have to rely on Telegram to notify them, then we're TRULY fucked

>> No.23075704

XCM bagholder here
Someone just brought up something in the tg that made me chuckle as well as made me sad: he said at least a lot more people will finally hear about Coinmetro now

>> No.23075736

Fuck bros I hope shit is insured. Good thing they use bitgo or else they would be declaring bankruptcy tomorrow

>> No.23075805

pretty sure Coinmetros internal wallet system isn't insured. BitGo is, as well as all FIAT, but not the tokens so we're shit out of luck and will have to eat that 950k loss

>> No.23075867

Pretty sure they were made aware shortly after it happened
They're putting together some thorough shit now to explain to everyone exactly what the fuck happened and they don't want to fuck up any details
They also want to monitor their shit in case they get hit back to back
That will usually take a few hours

>> No.23075902

it's been 13 hours since the crypto was moved from the wallet https://etherscan.io/address/0xa270f3ad1a7a82e6a3157f12a900f1e25bc4fbfd#tokentxns
and i guess 6-7 hours since the first non-statement from coinmetro

>> No.23075950
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situation, got cleared up, probably just a mistake made in the heat of the moment
pretty confident now that they are going to come out of this situation as a stronger company
but this shouldn't have happened in the first place

>> No.23076067

lmao ur talking about them removing you from tg rather than the hack itself? fucking hell

>> No.23076081

Kek Im a XCM bagholder myself but its almost worth losing -30% on it just for the entertainment the TG provided today. Too fucking funny. I cannot help but laugh at peoples panic and misery.

>> No.23076235

kek you're going to cry when the announcement drops

>> No.23076313
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yes. it's obviously a bigger deal.

>> No.23076369

its over guys

>> No.23076397

>tfw 10% of your life savings drops 20% in a few hours because the estonian trading market you invested it in gets falsely hacked by neets from an Uzbek stone carving BBS
Why am I like this, brehs?

>> No.23076406

Even coinmetro didnt want to have a lot quant. Gosh what a shitcoin

>> No.23076429

I dont fucking care about money whatsoever. Until I make enough money to retire for the rest of my life, anything in between is meaningless. These things dont bother me.

>> No.23076441

>sign up to coinmetro
>they are so transparent
>so secure


>> No.23076506

its not falsely hacked. This is it for Coinmetro, they are barely running at the moment and eating a 1 million loss will sink them. The community of bag holders who have been underwater since ICO can only raise 30k for their "bond" which is some boomer pilot and kevins side scam.
"We’re now putting together information to share with our clients.
In the meantime there’s nothing to go crazy about, clients funds are safe."
its over.

>> No.23076639

it´s over. It will never recover and your funds are not safe. Nothing personal kid

>> No.23076728


Yes my funds are safely invested in an exchange utility token that is about to be worthless. Such comforting words from the admins.

Love how Kevin is nowhere in sight. Would actually not be surprised at all if he ran off to Mexico and gave a cut to a cartel to keep him hidden.

>> No.23077048

What about KYC information? Why isn't the team disclosing more details about the attack?

I don't have an XCM or PRQ bag now but I registered near the end of august to exploit arbitrage possibilities

I know I shouldn't have trusted a CEX for a mere $2000 profit fuck this market

>> No.23077101

wait for their response u dumb fucking coon

>> No.23077122

Lmao in the meantime my personal data is at risk
How about you suck my dick nigger
Glad I dumped my XCM bags at 0.08 a month ago on your face you fucking yuropoor shill

>> No.23077124

It needs to crash because I panic sold and lost all my gains

>> No.23077149

Sorry friend, the panic selling is over, this is the bottom.

>> No.23077155

>there are people on telegram who still think a whale sold rather than it being a hack

holy fuck how low iq are these people

>> No.23077169

thank you for your sacrifice, now we are ready for a great pump

>> No.23077175
File: 245 KB, 904x1280, IMG_20201006_103918_353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hack confirmed

>> No.23077271

So it was either an inside job or some moron team member let himself get hacked?

>> No.23077280

well.. that was uneventful (for us lmao, for them it was probably hell)
looks like I'll buy more if the charts look good
this anon is right >>23076429 i also don't give a shit about money right now

>> No.23077290

did anyone really think otherwise? it was obvious when they wouldn't give a comment. expect HEAVY sell pressure when trading functionality resumes.

>> No.23077305

Does this mean the big transfers of QNT etc wasn't the hacker?

>> No.23077309

trading never stopped

>> No.23077326

Okay so it was nothing really worth panicking about, but I think I'll delete my account anyway. Enjoy your shitcoin and your shit exchange niggers, Coinmetro is dead and has no future ahead of it.

>> No.23077335

Bullish for Parsiq, first helping out with Kucoin hack, now helping out with CM hack

>> No.23077371


Should I buy more parsiq now

>> No.23077373

So basically, a dev dropped his phone on the street while shitting and another shitter cracked the phone

>> No.23077426

this, one day parsiq will be able to completely halt crypto hacks by not allowing the coins to be sold on exchanges
not sure about dex'es thought

>> No.23077592


>> No.23077604

Nothing is happening

>> No.23077618

How so? Maybe I don't understand its use case enough still.

>> No.23077624

haha get rekt panic sellers

>> No.23077651

Just read the Parsiq part of this article, you will understand better.

>> No.23077687

I said

>> No.23077739

personally I think this video makes more sense if you already know a little about prq
but basically it's use cases are in fucking valuable especially in situations like those
you're not going to fucking sell anyway right? so what does price right now matter, only price that matters is the one you plan to sell at
this, something something when fear buy and when hype sell

>> No.23077779

i sent the wrong video
this one is the one I mean

>> No.23077794

I'll sell at 10€, you're not getting my XCMies you Estonians snowniggers!
It's all so tiresome tho, I should go back to drugs and wake up in 2024

>> No.23077871

what's Parsiq and should I buy?

>> No.23077905

>I'll sell at 10€, you're not getting my XCMies you Estonians snowniggers
>It's all so tiresome tho, I should go back to drugs and wake up in 2024

buy prq and xcm, don't look at price and start working out, stop browsing biz and start browsing fit, get fucking shredded, find a cute tomboy gf to make and raise children with
then and only then look at the price, sell xcm at 15 and prq at 8, and retire on some weird fucking island which you don't even know the name of

see >>23077779
and https://streamable.com/2ffss2

>> No.23077911
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Okay so I panic sold my 58k stack and now have 1600 USD of BTC. Do I even bother rebuying my xcm now or should I just add to my prq stack? (33k prq)

Gonna be sick btw I thought I learned my lesson and forged my hands but I really expected a large dump

>> No.23077955

So their hot wallet was hacked and nothing else was effected? For a bigger exchange this would be nothing but Coinmetro don't exactly have money to burn. How much did they lose?

>> No.23078006


>> No.23078020

Odds this was the doing of another exchange, and their goal was not to steal the money, but to make coinmetro lose it.

>> No.23078065

Binance taking revenge for all the fud Kevin throws at them during every AMA

>> No.23078075

buy prq bro its a fucking moon mission. its over for XCM.
1 million is a lot to lose for a company that isn't profitable

>> No.23078129

Joke's on you, I'm already jacked, got a 19yo GF and live on a island in asia
I just need another 2017 run

>> No.23078166
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i really don't like it, metro is one of the few exchanges that really wants to make this whole space better
should not have happened
you know damn well that it's not over you just want cheap xcm because you missed out on buying the crash
fucking kek, godspeed to you anon

>> No.23078240

Not gonna lie, this is a bad day for Coinmetro. But at the same time some anons are acting like this hack is a terminal disease to the exchange when it's really no more than a black eye
Barring any more hacks in the near future, it'll bounce back, and beyond

>> No.23078374

>at least a lot more people will finally hear about Coinmetro now
This is like the ONE good thing that might come out of this hack
We've been bitching about lack of marketing for over a year now
Maybe a few prominent articles on Coindesk, Cointelegraph and Bitcoin News about Coinmetro's small hack will be all the marketing we need
I generally don't believe in the saying "no press is bad press" but I hope I'm wrong this time

>> No.23078386

>Number of holders 305

>> No.23078439

You do realize the vast majority of XCM holders hold it on the exchange?

>> No.23078508

This lol

>> No.23078511

dumbest statement itt
there is literally no reason to have it anywhere else
xcm is worthless without the exchange, there is no reason except for arbitrage to have xcm anywhere else

>> No.23078515

Im more so extremely bullish for Parsiq, 2 of the most recent exchange hacks and they played their part in both with their product. Best marketing is showing the world your product works, and theyre doing exactly that.

>> No.23078569

So a really simple hack. All that time building a secure system and in the end everything can be done just by accessing a single device.
Changes will be made now, but that big of a oversight is just awful.

>> No.23078617

Especially considering how much Kevin have been talking about how other exchanges keep getting hacked and how great Coinmetros security protocols are.

>> No.23078692

no, kevin said the hack basically happened by luck and that the hack wasn't even designed for crypto exchanges, an oversight on their part though nevertheless

>> No.23078743

This is the type of bullshit reply that only an absolute bagholder would swallow.

>> No.23078788

I'll trust them again when they show a picture of the admin/dev who got hacked by an obvious low-level phishing scam

>> No.23078916

the amount of COPE in this thread is unreal

>> No.23078949

it was not a phishing scam, it was a file that was downloaded with a program they use at the office
look at my previous posts, i cope less than most anons and people in the td

>> No.23079182
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>he's contracted selling sickness
There's no room on the moon for weak hands.

>> No.23079287

Well it could be worse. I just set an order for 3.4 cents and it filled.. So it's not as big of a loss...

>> No.23079349
File: 36 KB, 564x712, screen-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My weekly moonshot channel has been on fire recently.
If you joined you had a chance to participate in some amazing calls.

This channel previously brought you:

Bnsd finance, 380%+ pump.
Mafia.network, 30%+ pump.
Chess coin, 80%+ pump.
DogeFi, 80%+ pump.

If you want to participate in my future calls then be sure to check out the telegram channel "Uniswap Chads".
I do weekly moonshots and already have 350+ chads that have joined and many are profiting from these pumps.


>> No.23079641

Fuck off retard.

>> No.23079819

hope you are dca'ing back in. we will really see where the price is at once long term effects of this event are clearer.

>> No.23080633
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Yeah I probably will. It sucks but at least I managed to almost hold onto a suicide stack. I also have 33k of parsiq and based on how they've been supposedly helping, this one will for sure go nuclear.

>> No.23081348

i dont see how this price could hold unless qnt helps them out

>> No.23081805

It's really only 2x up from ATL. I don't think it dumps that much unless they let out they are really hurting. Sounds like they are in control though.

>> No.23081987

It's an unprofitable company that's just about to ask for more funding, and now they just lost 1 million dollars because of incompetency.

>> No.23082627

I just googled, and so far /biz/ seems to be the only place/site talking about the hack
Maybe Coinmetro is so little-known that there won't be any negative press due to this hack

>> No.23082830

you are on the money fren
the reddit is also completely unpopulated
people who care already know, the situation is already priced in, and traders hat a field day making money while knowing their funds are safe
it's over.

also, this right here is the biggest thread on biz for coinmetro, and it only has 56IPs
normally big biz threads get upwards of 80IPs
so basically, not even the entirety of this site knows about it

>> No.23083420
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Based Kevin spending the last 4 hours answering every single question asked in the TG. Despite being exhausted from today.
Truly the most based man in crypto. Never selling, whatever happens, I ride or die with my forehead overlord.

>> No.23083448

>Millions of PRQ, QNT and XCM stolen
So about $20.

>> No.23083480

i like how he at least acknowledged that they should have been more communicative during all of it

>> No.23083632

Oh no my nothing has been stolen. Ir worth even less now, that’s too bad

>> No.23083695


>> No.23083997

This still baffles me, you'd think at least crypto-focused shitholes like this would know about it.
I mean, they've got all the basics down and are even playing ball with regulators to create new rules for crypto stuff

I just hope they aren't doing all the work to then die off because they were a decade too early