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File: 458 KB, 478x358, america hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23069430 No.23069430 [Reply] [Original]

You fucking idiots live in a hellhole and many of you still think that America is the best country in the world. It's fucking not.

1- You pay taxes for EVERY SINGLE TRADE you made? Lol. In my country (Turkey) you don't pay a single dollar even if you make millions of dollars from any kinda of trading. Gold, bitcoin, silver, doesn't matter.

2- Health care. You pay tons of money for health care and most of the time it doesn't cover the treatments you have. In Turkey health care is free. Even Syrian refugees have free healthcare. Last month I went to hospital and got blood test, chest scan, saw the plastic surgeon and paid nothing.

3- Your city centers are dangerous af and you live in cardboard fake homes that fly away in a mild storm. Lol.

4- You go to JAIL if you don't pay taxes. What, LOL. In my country, you never go to jail for something you don't pay. At most, they can freeze your bank account.

5- You think that America is a free country but you can't even drink in public. Brothels are illegal. Both are LEGAL in Turkey. There are 2 legal red light districts in my city. Hookers are cheap af.

I'm not saying that Turkey is great but FAR MORE BETTER than United Shits of America. Leave that shithole asap.

>> No.23069446

Bla Bla blah shut the fuck up before we nuke you bitch.

>> No.23069452

Nuke me right this instant or be my bitch forever. DO IT PUSSY.

>> No.23069465

yeah america sucks some massive nigge and kike dick and they have for decades.

>> No.23069482
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>> No.23069514
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>> No.23069525
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>my country is better than yours because the government doesn’t function


>> No.23069533

>we nuke you
Buy more nukes and starve to death with useless weapons.

>> No.23069549

We run shit and you know it.

>> No.23069554

>in my country (turkey)
Stopped reading there

>> No.23069589

You're a pleb who doesn't run shit.

>> No.23069611

The USA is still the richest economy in the world. Americans with the shittiest jobs like security guards, bricklayers and cleaning ladies can unironically buy cars and houses. Most Americans are totally ignorant, unprepared brainlets. If they were living in 3rd world countries, they would be dead, or laying in the streets eating gutter, or piled up in gigantic slums. Americans have absolutely no idea how privileged they are, how easy they have it.

Their "violent hoods" are equivalent to upper middle class suburbs in most poor countries. The USA is far from a hellhole.

Their civil liberties are very very limited, and it is quite obviously the most racist country in the world. A good trade, nonetheless

>> No.23069746

Last I heard. You were dealing with a civil war

>> No.23069802

Compared to most countries, in the US you don't have any degree of personal freedom. Gov is very intrusive and authoritarian. You can't have it all, I guess

>> No.23069867

Most EU countries are like America. You pay taxes for everything.

>> No.23069889
File: 189 KB, 1080x1349, 1601111993308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America has many freedoms that other countries don't, on paper. But the cops are hard-asses and power trip about every little thing. Many other countries that technically are less free, are actually far more free because if you aren't hurting anyone the authorities don't have time or resources to bother fucking with you.

>> No.23070104

Am American living in SEA. I can't even take gangster movies seriously. Bunch of guys acting hard because they live in south central LA and yet everyone has a car, a properly constructed residence, functioning utiliies and sewage, and internet access. I want to see how these "hard" guys would survive in Asian ghettos.

>> No.23070109

Yuro guy here, unironically US is the best country to live in in the West except for 3 things: absolute trash quality of food (unless you live in some hillybilly state), safety (too much nigs with guns) and corporate/capitalistic mentality (corporations rule everything from food to media)
I would like to live in some mountain like state with few people living in there like Wyoming or so, hunting animals and living free.
I'd take a trip or two to California because I have a thing for asian girls and half korean bay area girls are slutty.

>> No.23070121



>> No.23070436

>Bashes other countries
>Lives in Turkey

>> No.23070531

Interesting, explain about these ghettos.
I've been in Japanese ghettos but because i'm a sandnigger and 5'7 I seem like an absolute tank compared to their skinny asses

What's your experience in SEA ghettos?

>> No.23070630

As a German dude that’s been to the us several times I lowkey agree.
I don’t have illusions about the bad aspects of Germany (there are MANY) but still I wouldn’t change it for the US. It’s nice for some holiday weeks here and there but I have no interest in moving there permanently.
It’s way more flawed than most US citizens think, although some aspects are obviously superior to other western countries...
If I could just freely choose I‘d consider switzerland as it seems to be a great tiny version of Germany, without all the tax raping we have here and less Arab immigrants.

The general mood here for young and old people is that the US are vastly inferior in many important points like healthcare, culture, food etc but we‘re thankful for the Jewish media we get to consume.

>> No.23070710

If our politicians weren’t busy fucking children and getting black mailed by mossad, this place wouldn’t be so bad.

>> No.23070783

How can a German talk shit about American food? Not saying America is that great food wise, but what does Germany have beyond sausages and preztels?

>> No.23070805
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Turn off your TV and all people that think like that in your life, and your life will become better in an instant, what you thought impossible in a decade. Then afterwards you will want to be in the United States.

And thats the intellectual barrier divide keeping idiots away, because if they're too dumb to see it then they fall for the opposite teams rhetoric which is orange mad bad, red white blue bad.

And if you're based enough to see the truth that the USA is the last bastion of hope for humanity and will respect that over any other nation other than your own, and OUR COUNTRY IS SO GREAT that these based people see that in fact THEY SHOULD revere this country more than their own and will wish to come here.

Some based general once said that everyone, everywhere is already america/american, they just don't know it yet.

God bless America, and all souls that yearn for peace, because for you it is that the all exists.

>> No.23070849


>> No.23070915

you really compare the utter shithole - turkey
to america ? you are really retarded there. Someone should nuke turkey asap and stop you spreading to other countries

>> No.23070999

kneeling to niggers and bowing to kikes, shit running down your pants more like

>> No.23071819

Turkey could be actually a great country without the kurds, arabs and armenians larping as turks.

>> No.23071861

eat shit and die

>> No.23071870

They also tip poor fags for doing their jobs. What a degenerate practice.

> Hi sir could I please have a budweiser
> Here you sir I have just taken the lid off this bottle for you sir, that will be $8
> Okay sir here is your $8 and here is an extra $2 for opening the lid for me. Have a great day sir
> Gee thanks for paying me for doing my job sir, this is great. I can earn more money than someone in a skilled industry and all I have to do is learn how to operate this bottle opener

Stupid country.

>> No.23071886

America isn't a full blown shithole...yet

Nor are we a first world country.

>> No.23071912

Tell me about your red light districts. What nationality of women and what price?

>> No.23071979
File: 138 KB, 960x720, 4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL, german cuisine is the best in the world, but noone knows anything about it besides some meme dishes which are used for bread time.
Pic related is one of the best, but there are liuterally hundreds of completely different dishes almost no foreigner ever heard of

>> No.23072020

Other good things: Gulasch, Maultaschensuppe, Leberspätzle, Schmalzgebäck, various cakes, Geschnetzeltes, etc etc etc and there are not even translations for most of this because its unknown elsewhere.

>> No.23072025

Well, I kinda agree. I live in a eastern european country and here I pay ~250 euros for a one room apartment that would probably cost 5-10 times more in the USA lmao.

Also free basic healthcare, and the healthcare that you have to pay for is way cheaper than in the USA.

Also I pay nothing in taxes because the police doesn't care and I can easily cover my traces, and if I want to pay zero taxes legally I just have to move to Portugal for a few months, kek

Also there's no dumb americans with guns and dumb trigger happy police around here.

Living on crypto profits in a cheap country is way better than overpaying for everything just cuz it's 'murica

>> No.23072046

Have been to Deutschland. Can confirm. Gutes Essen.

>> No.23072055

goulash is hungarian
still good though

>> No.23072057

literally looks like shit

ok all you caveniggers go back into your mudhuts in vladistukenstan

>> No.23072093

Yeah sorry, but its known only in central europe

>> No.23072129

No American is very beautiful except for the cities. The people on the other hand, everyone hates Americans for their pompous and think they know it all attitude. In reality, they are mostly low IQ serfs and racists.

>> No.23072131
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Rent free as always, at least we don't have to drop to our knees and pray to a Childfucker 5 times a day. Usually its the Euros that are the loudest, but I guess i shouldn't expect much from a literal roach.

>> No.23072146

Eh, french is better soz mate.

As to the turk - glad you like your country, please stay there!

>> No.23072187

most of your criticisms of American ring true, anon. except the thing about paper houses blowing away in storms? no idea where that one came from.

But with all its faults, I would still rather live in the shittiest Baltimore slum than your wannabe European country filled with stinky sand niggers. It would be a net positive for the world if every citizen of Turkey were brutally raped and beheaded.

>> No.23072189

>No American is very beautiful except for the cities.

You have clearly never been to the decaying drug addicted husk that is rural America.

>> No.23072202

hey op. besides being a faggot, arent you scared that you wont survive when we retake Constantiople and kick out all the current cockroaches.

>> No.23072221

Isnt turkey in hyperinflation?

>> No.23072222

>best in the world
>no foreigner ever heard of them
seems believable

>> No.23072237

seething christshits

>> No.23072267
File: 66 KB, 600x579, youHaveToGoBack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delusional, this place is a prison colony. Still probably better than the rest of these faggots shithole countries. And your trying to invite these shitskins in? Go find a cliff, pray to w/e the fuck you believe in, and jump off. Do us all a favor.

>> No.23072299

the only shit religions are muslims and jews. its nit like people flock to those countries or seek refuge there

>> No.23072760

Believable only in clown world.
Its very meat based, you cant just make vegetarian versions that easy like with pizza or mexican food. So maybe its not gettting shilled because of the anti meat agenda.

>> No.23072847

I've actually spent some time in Germany and was always asking for recommended local dishes. I enjoyed many of them, but 'best in the world' would be quite a stretch from what I tried.

>> No.23072967

"Modern germans" often dont eat them aswell, they eat like other modern westerners. Nice you tried, well maybe its not the best to your taste or you tried the wrong ones, or its only to me the best.

>> No.23073005
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>In my country (Turkey)
Stopped reading there. Fuck your Muslim-infested shithole. I don't give a fuck about cockroaches but do NOT ever come to America.

>> No.23073007

food is very subjective.