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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23065271 No.23065271 [Reply] [Original]

>His only competitor YFI is literally bleeding out due to Andre promoting scams: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/yearn-finance
>All projects are trying to fake it and rugs
>Its fully decentralized and rugpull proof, read here: https://medium.com/@0xdec4f/the-idea-project-and-vision-of-core-vault-52f5eddfbfb
>Audits to arrive shortly, matter of 3-4 days, last time YFV audits came in (by arcadia too) they went to the skies, just a reminder
>*INSIDE INFO* Devs hiring an ass-kicking third dev, you heard it only here.


>> No.23065291

yfl is just inferior period with or without the scams lol

>> No.23065298

The ponzi is over, stop shilling your bags

>> No.23065345

Stay poor

>> No.23065366
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>> No.23065489

Safe won't make you retired early.

TOMO can solve this. Few.

>> No.23065629

How many rupees do you get paid in fiverr?

>> No.23065814

im literally all in, man. waiting on ETH purchase on kikebase to clear and im buying more too. this is doing 50k in the next 2 months, i can feel it in my bones.

>> No.23065823
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>> No.23065927


>> No.23066835

TOMO is based desu