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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 87 KB, 843x1302, work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23060329 No.23060329 [Reply] [Original]

would you like to see this in your office?

>> No.23060344


>> No.23060364

I'd rather buy rope

>> No.23060367

I'm a normie and even I would be forced to smear dog shit on that wall.

>> No.23060385
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>> No.23060389
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imagine thinking these things do not take talent

>> No.23060402

i dont get the pic

>> No.23060437

No, writing on the walls is for children and ghetto trash.

>> No.23060443
File: 181 KB, 828x940, EternalWagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23060461

it's another example of wagie cope. you might need to go back

>> No.23060490

That pic was originally meant to imply that he's a soiboi, I think.

>small dog
>most certainly single

>> No.23060492 [DELETED] 

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>> No.23060498

no like I dont get whats on the picture
I can see a dog and a chopping board
whats all the rest
am I having a stroke

>> No.23060510

oh wow imagine having such a smol pp in life you become a soulless can never pleasure a woman scammer. must really suck to be so tiny bro

>> No.23060541

wtf i hate talent now

>> No.23060619

bong trash tablet to consume digital trash oreo trash soda trash chips trash its all trash even the dog must be trash

>> No.23060701

that's only 9 things

>> No.23060809

Get back to your mom’s basement. Enough internet for the day, boy.

>> No.23060836
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>> No.23060877

Why would I go down there, it's cold and all of my things are in the attic, where it's nice and warm.

>> No.23061226

my first reaction was pity
but then I remembered my Friday night I spent alone huffing whippets and masturbating.
I still feel superior though because I wouldn't eat that garbage and my dog isn't a little faggot

>> No.23061908

this is what happens when youre forced to hire someone whos not needed and wants to pretend they are by coming up with stupid 'workplace improvements'

yes Im talking about HR


>> No.23062038

Dangerously honest Chad

>> No.23062058

>be HR chad
>do fuck all every day
>get paid to bully the cubicle monkeys
Feels great

>> No.23062095


>> No.23062135

>would post this in my office to piss everyone off.

>> No.23062158
File: 151 KB, 1024x988, 118786787_771025747032571_560084854800599729_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23062249

Jesus Christ

>> No.23062926

How do I short the human race

>> No.23062990

>seeing sunlight is a rule-bending privilege in bongland

>> No.23062998

Based and bosspilled.

>> No.23063047

based. wish my boss put this up in the break room

>> No.23063103

Top kek, I'm glad I'm not the only one that instantly judges people based on what they consume

>> No.23063109
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>> No.23063299


America has a ton of problems. But every day I thank GOD I wasn't born a bong. There is no group of people more domesticated and collared than the Brits. They might as well be cattle on a farm.

>> No.23063414

"I douched my cunt out so you no longer have to small that fishy waft as I walk past!"

>> No.23063589

Impressively based. Im jealous

>> No.23063600

Wow....fuck boomers

>> No.23063637

How in the fuck did you land an HR gig? I have worked for Cargill, Corteva, Ajinomoto, and a few smaller companies and I have NEVER seen a male HR worker?

>> No.23063683

>im 30 years old
Does that mean hes an adult or something?
I saw a comment on an article about a new bike kawasaki is releasing. Someone actually commented "Im 30 years old jumping like a child".

>> No.23063889

Pls answer

>> No.23063901

Yes, Ill take it over woke shit any day

>> No.23063913

yeah this guy walks around a construction site and takes photos, then types up a letter report in an office

>> No.23063939

I just wanna say, just start wearing hawaiian shirts on fridays. it'll take off and everyone will smile at you, it's good stuff. took a couple months for the rest of my office to get the picture, was pretty much just me and a bud for a while wearing cheap hawaiian shirts on fridays

>> No.23063946

imagine that guy being your boss lmao. id assume hes buttchugging onions on the weekends.

>> No.23064008

I've had these qualities for most of my adult life. Now I've got 2 degrees, a good career, and set to make $185k by the end of this year. Coincidence?

>> No.23064032

just once i wish my employees would work a free. just once

>> No.23064072

Fuck weed users. Scum of the earth.

>> No.23064349

lmao imagine getting buttblasted about other people smoking a plant

>> No.23064802

fuck off, degenerate

>> No.23064914

Its for the pup.

Nothing makes me relax like the puppers getting the old red-eye and feeding him chili beans dipped in shit

>> No.23065714

completely overrated.

>> No.23065764

being a construction worker sounds way chiller than any other wagecuk job

>> No.23065790

imagine being so autistic or low iq you believe this is unironic

>> No.23065807

I’m more impressed he has a separate bathtub and shower. I hate when they’re combined, which is most houses I’ve lived in.

>> No.23065919

My office is the world. Ecochain is my livelihood. That's all.

>> No.23066158
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>> No.23066168
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>> No.23066180

>not having the disposable income to smoke like Willie Nelson everyday
No need to out yourselves as broke lads

>> No.23066191
File: 233 KB, 756x573, 1591597506119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23066199

if you're a good employer, that rewards productivity and other good traits, your employees will say that stuff all the time. a bad employer expects all that shit, but doesnt want to pay for it. literally, boss, i'm living in poverty while you buy a new escalade every year, that's why i wont stay late and that's why i do the job wrong. i could do it right, but im not going to, and you're not going to do anything about it because you know the nigger you hire to replace me isnt even going to come to work much less do anything when it's here lmao.

>> No.23066204
File: 65 KB, 799x577, 1599126428703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23066205

Looks like it’s in a break room which is a demoralizing place to put it, also the visual design is very dull and makes it seem depressing to me. If it looked nicer and was in the work area it would be forgivable but kind of cheesy.

>> No.23066206

Wonder who broke into my home since I’m a wfhchad
Also I don’t follow any of those

>> No.23066216 [DELETED] 


>> No.23066219
File: 412 KB, 810x1520, 1576974389524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23066220

Some people... like their jobs. He’s old, and probably has kids to support him. He probably likes driving and making small talk.

>> No.23066231
File: 137 KB, 968x681, 1597531446215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23066245
File: 274 KB, 420x420, weed leaf pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK boomer

>> No.23066658

They might have just written ''been an NPC'' on the wall.

>> No.23066728

lmao you clueless zoomer

>> No.23066789

As someone who is first generation American (parents are bongs, I was born in the US) I wholeheartedly agree with this post.
Fuck the British, there has never been and i doubt there ever will be another country as fucking chucked as bongland

>> No.23066882
File: 52 KB, 640x628, 1589501790282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always give 110%

>> No.23067344

Seeing the hellish minutiae of office life praised as something to be cherished fills me with fucking existential dread

Wtf is wrong with you bongs, is this what generations of bending the knee to inbred queens has brought you to?

>> No.23067437

Pretty much every single one of those does require talent. They don't require training is what he means.

>> No.23067473

I'm a bong and literally no-one is going back to the office willingly, at least no men. That poster is just designed to sell office work as desirable, not to remind people of its nice qualities as it pretends.

>> No.23067627

its so obvious some fucking woman with blue hair/jew wrote that

>> No.23067654

That's not true, a very small percentage of weed users are actually pretty cool, honest and intelligent. But as a former dispensary owner I feel I can generally say fuck weed users.

>> No.23067672

another thing
staking BELLA

>> No.23067677

based and wompwompwomp pilled

>> No.23067686

HR devils are the scum of the earth and you will pay for your sins after you die. there will be no reward for you in the afterlife. atone for your sins by finding a less-hated job, like meter maid

>> No.23067721

irvine welsh (trainspotting guy) posted this with the caption "Choose death"

made me laugh

>> No.23067783

I dont even have any of those things and i have a gf.

>> No.23067820
File: 10 KB, 310x162, pepe-crows-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother to get dogshit, when you can just use your own feces? But yes, i wholeheartedly agree

>> No.23067885


>> No.23067892
File: 27 KB, 343x375, ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23067923

if this were real, this would be the definition of the worst boss you could have.

>> No.23067935

>I'd rather buy rope

>> No.23067947

This looks comfy though

>> No.23067955

Whats up with the dog? Is it supposed to lick something of his cock?

>> No.23068016

kek nice poem fren

>> No.23068026

i was the same, tho less huffing whippets and more masturbation

>> No.23068065
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>> No.23068112
File: 2.99 MB, 2376x1715, redditfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23068446
File: 20 KB, 500x351, Demotivational-potential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was homeless I got an interview for a trucking dispatch call center. I saw this poster when I walked in and purposely tanked the interview so I wouldn't have to work in a place that thinks their employees are garbage. I got a job in IT a week or two later. Never ever let someone tell you that you are a replaceable cog. I have a good amount of money to live semi comfortably but I do miss spending nights drunk in the forest listening to music under my christmas lights

>> No.23068578
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 110%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23068582

Depends. If your working some dead end admin shit then no. If you're working in sales then you'd be surprised how much shit like this can bring your mood up

>> No.23068661

>Wants 110%
>Expects you to give 150%
>Gets 80%
>Pays for 60%
Every time.

>> No.23068674

we have pensioner jobs on our worksite. most of them dont need the money, they just want to socialize and get out the house, far away from the nagging wife.

>> No.23068712
File: 2.28 MB, 4160x2340, GoodDeities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to give 50% then when layoffs come you get severance.

>> No.23068751

why is this normalized
what happened to "workers of the world unite"

>> No.23068890

The fuck you care, you feel good now huh? now go build something and stop wasting your talent in 4chan

>> No.23068892

I am currently at stage Depression stage

>> No.23068914

it became "trannies, niggers, faggots, spics, retards, and other assorted deviants and undesirables, unite"

>> No.23068917

I interned somewhere like this (bank PR) and they even had stencils on the toilet walls that had dandelions being blown out with captions like 'think freely' 'dare to be different' 'unleash your spark' etc. It made my shit turn to goo.

>> No.23068933

also at depression I think, and if I'm being honest with myself I'm going to quit or get fired pretty soon. I have been signed off sick for 2 months and now I've had a taste of NEETdom I just cannot bring myself to even think about going back. I'm just waiting for them to blink first at this point, every week their tone gets colder and less empathetic.

>> No.23068946

those are sizable groups
the rest is bougie subversion

>> No.23068967

Holy shit this one got me the most. I can't go back to waging bros. Life isn't supposed to be like this.

>> No.23069017

This. The UK is literally Orwellian.

>> No.23069039
File: 157 KB, 500x280, tumblr_og33ocl8Sq1qikicko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23069077
File: 143 KB, 840x559, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build something for who? Why? Why would I put effort into something when I can leech off the system and live an easy carefree life?

>> No.23069138

That's just your depression talking. You will eventually learn to cope (Dad-bod and so on)

>> No.23069142

>We require zero talent. Any fuckup is good enough.
Yes. Sounds like a winner.

>> No.23069149

Get yourself fired so you can leech off unemployment.

>> No.23069164

include some point about DMG and maybe yeah

>> No.23069196

I get full sick pay for 6 months so I'm going to continue being sick and collecting that and when it runs out I'll just hope they fire me.

>> No.23069417

Extremely based.

>> No.23069998

Can I get an edit with the twin towers in the cats eye reflection?