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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 971 KB, 1106x1012, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23063994 No.23063994 [Reply] [Original]

where did it all go wrong?

>> No.23064016

bump, unironically interested in what happened to this site

>> No.23064039

Other boards forgot that one of the reasons to have discussion is to benefit yourself and others. Money growth is one of the ways to progress.

>> No.23064053

It's just as likely the other boards got subverted by genuinely weird people for testing as well

>> No.23064069
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1576014861562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think money is boring to a lot of young anons so they don't come here until they're in their mid 20s.

>> No.23064098

/trv/ is nice

>> No.23064101

The entire board is a meme to begin with. Add to that that finance is, ironically, one of the least politicized things nowadays, and that politics was what ruined the site, and you have a recipe for success.
Seen a few /tv/ posters here recently though, the walls are closing in.

>> No.23064109

we still have goals in life

>> No.23064146

2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.23064147

I bet that this board is maybe the most politically homogenous and also the most right wing board.

>> No.23064162

skin in the game

>> No.23064179
File: 413 KB, 2048x1365, 1564978259461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no orginal shit posted in here anymore, it's all recycled garbage that's why. At least here theres some decent posts. There was a thread a few weeks ago about some nerd posted the "do you see smart contracts in the room right now" thread that was fucking amazing.

>> No.23064229

Except for the leftshits spamming /pol/ threads and being unable to not post about every fart from Trump. Ironically the only ones making political threads

>> No.23064236

Because numbers dont lie, cant really subvert numbers, after the first rugpull you will learn quickly what is real and what is scam, aka no easy lunch. You either gambling or educated gambling no glowie can redirect your feelings after you blow up your account.

>> No.23064267

Bullshit. Are there any OG's left here? I swear this board has gone to shit ever since Link passed $5. The absolute nufaggotry is unbearable, it's like /pol/ after Trump won. Nothing but bandwagoning Redditors and or generally just Low IQ fomo'ers. The absolute cringe of nuLinkers who bought at double digits, trying to act smug with their triple digit stack, as if they're one of us, while yet not knowing absolutely anything at all, whether it be Link, Crypto, fuck it, finance in general. Face it you leeching niggers, you missed out while you were larping on /pol/ or not making shit on reddit wsb. If you're going to be here as a nufag, at the very least, humble yourself, or you will be against your will.

>> No.23064271

can not support this enough

>> No.23064278

Got an archive to that bread?

>> No.23064281

Cheap bait pasta. Have a (you) don't spend it all on Andre

>> No.23064296

here you go bro

>> No.23064297

I don't notice that at all

>> No.23064335
File: 78 KB, 600x450, absolutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many/too little people on other boards, mostly

/sp/ and /tv/ used to be GOAT boards in 2009-2012 when they weren't overrun by rebbidumbs. I know it's a trope at this point, but there's a certain type of person (the type that unironically lurked/posted on rebbit for years before finding 4chan) that will never, ever contribute anything useful to this site, will never have unique or insightful opinions, and will never be welcome here. Anyone that's been on 4chan since ~2007 can almost instantly pinpoint a reddit post

>> No.23064362

Have a look at the catalog filter for trump

>> No.23064365


Im a leftist commie. how do yall still not know the difference between lefties and libs. we hate the libs too and make fun of biden way more than trump

>> No.23064368
File: 37 KB, 398x376, frog laugh tears haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23064399
File: 219 KB, 968x832, soys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im a leftist commie
>how do yall still
>we hate the libs too
>make fun of biden way more than trump

reddidumbs may even be in this very thread, bros. You gotta always be on your toes and make sure to ignore their dogshit posts and retarded opinions as much as possible.

>> No.23064416
File: 16 KB, 645x770, 1601951674883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous (ID: 2+nM2xgi) 10/06/20(Tue)04:36:01 No.23064399▶
>File: soys.png (219 KB, 968x832)
>>Im a leftist commie
>>how do yall still
>>we hate the libs too
>>make fun of biden way more than trump
>reddidumbs may even be in this very thread, bros. You gotta always be on your toes and make sure to ignore their dogshit posts and retarded opinions as much as possible.

>> No.23064419

hell ya man. i agree

>> No.23064425

ik this is irony but commies say that but they mean that they're too libtarded for libtards

>> No.23064428

>can't recognize obvious bait
Anon, I...

>> No.23064440
File: 222 KB, 600x598, reddit epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>23064399 (You)
>Anonymous (ID: 2+nM2xgi) 10/06/20(Tue)04:36:01 No.23064399▶
>File: soys.png (219 KB, 968x832)
>>Im a leftist commie
>>how do yall still
>>we hate the libs too
>>make fun of biden way more than trump
>reddidumbs may even be in this very thread, bros. You gotta always be on your toes and make sure to ignore their dogshit posts and retarded opinions as much as possible.

>> No.23064462 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 917x1661, I CAN'T BREED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>23064399 (You)
>>Anonymous (ID: 2+nM2xgi) 10/06/20(Tue)04:36:01 No.23064399▶
>>File: soys.png (219 KB, 968x832)
>>>Im a leftist commie
>>>how do yall still
>>>we hate the libs too
>>>make fun of biden way more than trump
>>reddidumbs may even be in this very thread, bros. You gotta always be on your toes and make sure to ignore their dogshit posts and retarded opinions as much as possible.

>> No.23064470

I like /fit/ and used to like /pol/ but the mass influx of redditors and MIGA posters completely destroyed it

>> No.23064475

identity and class politics are the same thing. both libtards. im gonna go eat some goya beans now

>> No.23064478

/biz/ takes a different page and embraces the Jew. Politics only matter in so much as they allow for each of us to make as much money as possible. Whoever makes the best promise with mid to long term ability to hold onto our gains is whatever we will believe in at that moment. That usually goes with the GOP but /biz/ is in no way beholden. Instead of the schizo retard shit of /pol/, /biz/ is just self serving and looking out for numero uno.

>> No.23064487

>>>>23064399 (You)
>>>Anonymous (ID: 2+nM2xgi) 10/06/20(Tue)04:36:01 No.23064399▶
>>>File: soys.png (219 KB, 968x832)
>>>>Im a leftist commie
>>>>how do yall still
>>>>we hate the libs too
>>>>make fun of biden way more than trump
>>>reddidumbs may even be in this very thread, bros. You gotta always be on your toes and make sure to ignore their dogshit posts and retarded opinions as much as possible.

>> No.23064488 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 917x1661, I CAN'T BREED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous (ID: 2+nM2xgi) 10/06/20(Tue)04:39:17 No.23064440▶>>23064462
File: reddit epic.png (222 KB, 600x598)
222 KB
>>23064399 (You)
>Anonymous (ID: 2+nM2xgi) 10/06/20(Tue)04:36:01 No.23064399▶
>File: soys.png (219 KB, 968x832)
>>Im a leftist commie
>>how do yall still
>>we hate the libs too
>>make fun of biden way more than trump
>reddidumbs may even be in this very thread, bros. You gotta always be on your toes and make sure to ignore their dogshit posts and retarded opinions as much as possible.

>> No.23064512

because we have the power.

>> No.23064570

Bots, unironically

>> No.23064612

Because we focus on results - making money - while the other board focus on unfalsifiable mambo jumbo subjective intellectual abstractions.

To be fair /fit/ is also result focused but it suffer from its popularity and at this point is mostly made of reddit tourists.

>> No.23064645

Nobody gives a fuck shitlib

>> No.23064649

I like classical libs much more than nulibs and commies

>> No.23064686

>Whoever makes the best promise with mid to long term ability to hold onto our gains is whatever we will believe in at that moment
Absolutely wrong, what the smart /biz/nessman do is exploiting whatever the system may be as much as possible regardless of what he personally believe is the best policy

>> No.23064699

Classical liberals were just conservative libertarians

>> No.23064714

this board has gone down the toilet too, or should I say, down the street. 4channel really did mark the end. also nice ID, GAS + JOG. very nice

>> No.23064727

this guy listens to dave rubin. everyone is a classical liberal when they are 17 watching youtube videos thinking they smart

>> No.23064744

money has devoured all human interest.

>> No.23064746

fucking love Enlightenment ideals eh?

>> No.23064751

And here we have it, another /pol/ thread on /biz/. At least not a lets nationalize everything free market capitalism is bad

>> No.23064777

normies can't into finance and only people who can put two thoughts together make memes

>> No.23064796

This board is the most based? All of the OP chicks are trannies and every other post is a pajeet telling me to buy their shit from craigslist

>> No.23064798

We're old and kids are stupid.

>> No.23064800

Thats fucking amazing

>> No.23064841

Because we find early shit like API3 before twitter, and before Reddit. This makes us smart.

>> No.23064912

ITT: Stuck-up faggots who think
>we are the only based board on this site

>> No.23065234

Name one other based board, I'll wait

>> No.23065541

>>>/ck/ (on non fast food threads)

>> No.23065650

There really really really needs to be an oldfags / over-30 board. Need for proof just make a spot where adult weirdos can talk about adult things

>> No.23065690

dubs of truth

>> No.23065699

ok boomer

>> No.23065720

Pol faggots ruined all the boards.

>> No.23065728

No one cares about biden at all, which is how I know you're lying.

>> No.23065843

It would be regulated by neckbeards who never even attempted to leave this place

>> No.23065914

>Low effort Pepe face spam by you every time I'm ever here
Most based board... I almost want to lose all of my money just so you do to so I never have to see you spam garbage ever again

>> No.23065949

indeed, welcome, even though i am a literal nazi i would prefer having more people like you here, stops this place becoming an alt right eco chamber and in finance i want to see as a wide variety of many different opinions as possible when it comes to researching crypto an shit. Although most leftists i know are intellectually smart but they just dont understand shit about finance or investing or are just uninterested about the whole thing, thats why i feel most leftists think trump is a retard when he talks but actually his type of speech is exactly what really successful businessmen do and master salesmen do and make all the money, leftists dont think like this and that is why most of them have no money lol

>> No.23065959

No, it was in shambles. We fixed it. At least you faggots now have the balls to call out pajeets.

>> No.23065961

I remember when Boxxy spammers were ruining this place

>> No.23065973

boomers are 60+ retarded zoomqueer

>> No.23066005
File: 7 KB, 211x239, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. 30yo boomer

>> No.23066009

I'll take back the nude banana over this faggot that spams this boring pic with a shitty topic every day

>> No.23066016

Highest average IQ.

>> No.23066022
File: 126 KB, 301x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meds. take. now.

>> No.23066032


>> No.23066034

Mods not doing the bare minimum actually helps.

>> No.23066060

On a serious note, /biz/ is based because mods and jannies are pretty chill. This leads to a lot of funny shitposting and good OC. /biz/ used to be better though.

>> No.23066256

>He doesn't want 18 year olds like me to make it at a younger age then him
Jealousy and envy won't make you any money anon

>> No.23066771

It's so sad what happened to /pol/. It used to be my favorite board. Now the old users have been replaced with literal 85IQ rednecks and boomers cause of the fucking MSM talking non stop about 4chan during the trump election. It's completely ruined.

>> No.23066934

boomers ruined /pol/
I still cringe every time I see a non ironic god post

>> No.23067728

havent laughed that hard in a while thx anon

>> No.23068110
File: 1005 KB, 245x130, 1600476531157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ... where did all my fuckin time go!?

>> No.23068131
File: 773 KB, 333x358, 1601863471761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23068394

omfg that thread is hilarious... my god I havent laughed that hard in awhile