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23048885 No.23048885 [Reply] [Original]

>Find out that someone has a bunch of Amazon Alexa or Google Homes throughout their house.
>Find out that even some have live cameras constantly monitoring the inside of their home.

Why the fuck are people such idiots?

>> No.23048941

I want to be able to watch my seven cats pee in the same litter box while I'm at my hitman desk job. Also when I'm sitting in the couch sipping a micro brew, I want to be able to order more "impossible" burgers by talking to my GF( Alexa)

>> No.23048945

Especially boomers these days. Absolute slaves to this stuff. Really disheartening to see how people just allow this stuff in their home. Don't have a single clue.

>> No.23048960

They think technology is advancing humanity and making life easier while in reality we're just getting trained and sold to ads and constant shilling of new technology products.

>> No.23049051

I judge people hard when I find out that they have these in their house. Also apple watch people I will judge. Fucking hell I wish I was a sheep normie.

>> No.23049367

Google and Amazon practically giving these out for free. People don't realize that they are the product.

>> No.23049512

I do and they probably have a million hour fedposting/nigger reel on me. Who cares, if it gets to the point that saying those things inside your home is actionable then it's time to abandon the life you planned to have anyway and get busy.

>> No.23049545
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never understood it either
it's pretty much just as easy to do whatever you would have done with one of these assistants by using your phone or computer.
Wiretapping your own house so you can save .2 seconds on starting music or something is just retarded.

>> No.23049552

it's much worse than that anon.
This are the preliminary tests for the NWO technocratic dystopia that is to come

>> No.23049613

Yea I got one a while ago just to see what it’s all about and wound up using it enough that I made the conscious decision that I don’t give a shit. With all the insane stuff I say around my house there’s no way they can take anything I say seriously, and if they think they will use what I ask it about to sell me shit good luck

>> No.23049658

you're a literal brainlet and you deserve to be first to gulag.

>> No.23049860

You are being selfish to the rest of mankind by acknowledging that they are bad and continue to use them. What these devices are capturing is not just you as an individual, but what it means to be a human being in a collective sense. You are feeding into a large data pool that days will be analyzed from to create negative outcomes for the human race.

>> No.23049890

brainlets that think voice interface = cool AI computer from Star Trek.

>> No.23049910

I don’t have any of these but if you think these devices are anything more than a slight, incremental increase in surveillance versus just having a modern smartphone you’re wrong.

Your phone is already watching and listening. Buying an Alexa is just having an extra microphone.

>> No.23050069

sheep don't need freedom, they need grass

>> No.23051035

I can't believe I'm saying this on the board that splintered from it, but >>>/g/

>> No.23051075

speaking to google home is the only speaking i do in a day.
there is nothing for it to hear except useful commands.

>> No.23051329

I use it super convenient and you will be tracked and monitored without fail unless you live in some off grid shithole. Too rich for that

>> No.23051528

>a million hour fedposting/nigger reel
kek i'm honestly surprised i'm not arrested for the shit i say with just my ((((android phone)))) constantly recording me

>> No.23051595

Genius tier engineer/programmer I know from work just admitted he uses full google home in every room Of his house. Even in his teenage kids rooms I don’t get why he thinks it’s okay but I’ve lost my respect for him

>> No.23051625

>oy vey it's so convenient to spend $1000 on home automation and save -30 seconds by having to repeat yourself 3 times to get it to recognize a simple command versus just adjusting a dumb thermostat knob or flipping a light switch

>> No.23052427


>> No.23052545

you can do home automation without the spying. just look into home assistant (open source) and choose trustworthy hardware. obviously, a fucking google home or amazon alexa would be retarded, but braindead normies eat that shit up like the good goyim they are.

the road to hell is paved with normies

>> No.23052597
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Teens say crazy shit and he's giving it all to advertising companies. Might as well let the companies steal your kids thoughts directly at that point.

>> No.23052940

Why do you care? You've always been a product to be sold and always will be a product to be sold. All that FAANG companies are doing is getting more data about their products than they used to.

>> No.23053036

You don't get it. China and other governments are doing this top down directly from government to spy on it's citizens. In the USA, the corporations are spying on it's users as a guise. Same thing just a little opaque with the corps in the middle monitizing the process.

>> No.23053069

Have you seen what Apple watches can do? What is Apple going to do with a watch that it can’t do with a phone as far as marketing goes?

>> No.23053155

I mean it's not really a government thing only, but look at it at an even wider lens. Just think about what that data can be used for. Psychology, marketing, "mind control". People just don't understand what we are building.

>> No.23053205

Oh look guys!! I can check my blood pulse and oxygen levels!! WOW this information is so helpful to my day to day. I mean I literally sit inside all day and let this thing monitor my vitals!! I don't care if they track me, this is awesome bro!!

>> No.23053268


I'll just throw this here. I'll let you think for yourself on the implications of this.


>> No.23053518

I had super ventricular tachycardia and was able to show my doctor the ekg from watch. I’ve had plenty of halter monitors before that, but they were never able to capture the events because it was intermittent by months.

>> No.23053569

I mostly use it for fitness tracking but stay mad.

>> No.23053634

Of you have an iPhone or iPad you are just as bugged as they are.

>> No.23053719

If you have any device with internet connectivity

>> No.23053770

People are astoundingly foolish in their willingness to trade their privacy for minor convenience and sometimes the illusion of security.

>> No.23053826

Since in the future they'll use all this data to simulate this period a billion times you're likely in one of those simulations.
Except subjective experience doesn't work that way. You're in all iterations of the simulation at the same time.

>> No.23053835

Can someone give me one legit reason why i should give a fuck about being surveilled? I have nothing to hide and i buy something when i need it, not because it is advertised to me.

>> No.23053838

lol dude get over yourself, nobody gives a fuck about what you do in your house. The gov is actively monitoring everyone yes, but that doesn't mean they give a fuck, you are not doing anything that they care about in your house, privacy in this day and age is a fallacy, it doesn't exist, you thinking you are smart and taking extra steps does nothing, the gov still is monitoring everything you do, whether you think you know how or not, your not smarter than them, but the main point is, unless your doing something that they should be watching you for, it makes no difference to your life. If you wanna be mad at anyone, be mad at retard normies allowing for this to happen with the bullshit war on drugs and war on terror. But it is too late now, it will never change, in fact, it can and will only get worse.

>> No.23053872

If you don't already worry about your phone listening in, smart speakers are just conveniences.

>> No.23053902

This shuts their argument down.

>> No.23053936

You don't need freedom of speech because you don't say anything consequential.

This is your argument. Good slave

>> No.23054188

It's not about surveillance but programming your mind. Don't allow yourself to be subjected to ads and don't accept adaptive AI studying you to burrow itself into the deepest parts of your mind where it can never be removed. I'm not talking about some future scifi, this is what they're doing right now with the data from your browsing habits and every point of data available about you.

>> No.23054232

...yes? I wouldn't give a fuck about freedom of speech if I had nothing to say. What is wrong with that.

>> No.23054453
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Can't wait to get that! Counting the days till apple watch integration and civilian use!!!

>> No.23054501

It's not just about you, you fucking brain let. Stop thinking about yourself and instead the human race

>> No.23054972

Because it's nigger-slave mentality. Just because you don't have anything to say, doesn't mean other people don't. You can live a life as a useful idiot if you wish, but remember that your mindset and general outlook in life will make it more difficult for those with more exceptional traits and qualities than your own.

>> No.23055149

What a fucking retard.

>> No.23055816
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"Should" is irrelevant. You have the mentality of cattle; you will never care. The issue is that you project your mentality on people that don't think like cattle.
The final redpill that most will never take is that what's wrong with modern society isn't the lack of freedom but that we have become dishonest about it, resulting in cognitive dissonance from the masses in their belief in the efficacy of democracy. Bring back slavery and you will see that the normalfag would actually be happier in such circumstances.

>> No.23056779

Shut up nigger. We are ran by like 200 IQ psychopaths that take orders from Satan. We are under psych-warfare, social engineering and chemical dumbing down from birth; it’s a wonder there’s any resistance at all.

>> No.23056933

War... Has changed.

>> No.23056994

best responses, Alexa/Apple users first to gulag

>> No.23057049
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Just stop caring lmao

>> No.23057323

It's all about framing the narrative.

>Fuck no, I don't want to have a GPS ankle monitor that logs my every movement!
>I can has 3 iPhones plz???

>Woha, nobody shouldn't be allowed to bug my home and surveil my private conversations! That's really creepy!
>Yes, of course I have a digital assistant in every room, why not?

I know this is unpopular on 4chan, but I would argue it started with the internet. Pre internet we expected cameras to have a blinking red light when they recorded us. The expectation of privacy was the norm. Then browsers came along turned that expectation on its head. Nothing you do with a browser is private in any way, it's all transmitted to and logged on a remote server. It's the default mode, without any blinking red lights. Everyone is constantly being recorded on the internet. Even here on 4chan. Search profiles, cookies, session IDs, browser fingerprinting, accounts, etc. The internet trained us to accept giving up a shitload of privacy, as long as we weren't reminded of it. These awful GDPR cookie messages are actually a really clever waking call - they just came 20 years too late, because now everyone just blindly clicks through them to get to the convenient services, turning a blind eye to what you're paying for them with.

Framing. It's always the framing. Same shit whether we're talking private or public sector. "No, of course we don't want to infringe on your liberties with these new laws, we just want to increase your *safety*. Trust us."

>> No.23057328
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Kekd mate, based

>> No.23057398
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>> No.23057538

You are a nobody and pose no threat to (((them)))
Being a worthless average nobody has it's perks.

>> No.23057542

That’s right goyim, just do what you’re told and everything will be okay!

>> No.23057564

Good post

>> No.23057714

Imagine your ancestors who probably fought and died for a little freedom, watching you from above, giving it all up so you can continue to mindlessly consoom. Not only do you have nothing to say, you can't even think of a situation where freedom of speech might be more beneficial. You can't think at all. I'm sure they would join me in asking, why do you continue to allow yourself to live?

>> No.23058176
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Oooh. Very nice.

>> No.23058310

Name 1 thing Alexa does that your smartphone digital assistant can't already. If you answer anything other than make a shadow profile for you that Amazon can access for free you're retarded.

>> No.23058384

Targetted ads, psych profiles, and it can be used to build a case against you.
>inb4 that only matters if you're a criminal
Yeah and what if you're innocent but go to trial? The prosecution could use data collected on you to build a very convincing case just on circumstance.

>> No.23058762
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The argument is not about you - its about a society as a whole.
Just because you have nothing to say does not mean that other people should not have the option to do so.
Not protecting free speech and helping surveillance grow is utterly repulsive and you're most likely a disgusting human being without even an inch of a backbone.

Educate yourself before other people decide for you that you're not worthy of being able to do so and write you off (and your children) to work in a mine for your whole life before being killed off for your organs.

I would spit in your face with joy... i really would.

inb4 i wuzz jus pretendin guys!!1 im really not retarded!!! i swear!

>> No.23059624

>all the nigger cattle ITT
fuck off back to l*ddit

>> No.23059673

Why does that cat have no genitalia? That’s not real is it?

>> No.23059744

That's fucking sickening.

>> No.23059858

Or you can just stop being lazy and get off your ass and change the thermostat yourself.

>> No.23059889


Why not just shit in a glass box?

>> No.23060070

>I have nothing to hide and i buy something when i need it, not because it is advertised to me
Bollocks. Most of the shit you own wouldn't have even entered your mind without advertising. I get ads about deradicalization non-profits all the time. filthy cunts.

>> No.23060125

What bothers me is that yes, we know everyone with a cellphone is getting tracked and stuff. But what sets me off is how blatant these companies are getting away with putting more devices in people's homes, and how the sheep are ok with this. Like it's so fucking obvious, and it should be to even the lowest iq individual that Alexa is stupid. Did we forget about history that quickly? Does no one know how propaganda works at all?

>> No.23060131 [DELETED] 

Check http://btc-collector.online

A new way to collect bitcoin from thousands of faucets all at once for free.

Receive the payment directly to your wallet

>> No.23060177

I would pay money for a channel that was all this all the time

>> No.23060186

I gave up the illusion of privacy long, long ago. I've been saying the n word and blaming the Jews when my coffee gets cold for a decade now and I'm still free to shitpost so evidently I'm fine

>> No.23060260

oh wow people still use this scam? flog this queers dick off for being such a soullless tiny dicked faggot irl
lol probably 5'2 110lbs 3inch erect pp that will never please a female. thats why you try to scam people cuz you know its the only way in life people will notice you

>> No.23060352

*watches the social dilemma once*
makes thread

>> No.23060431

Dude I've been waiting for years for something to try to wake the normies up to this stuff.

>> No.23061290

holy shit is that cat real?

>> No.23061494

>home automation!!!!
dumbest gayest meme turd squeezed out of silicon valley's pozzed asshole in decades. are you really such a fucking lazy disorganized retard that you need to be able to turn on lights and open the garage door with a smartphone app?
>b-but it's so efficient
yeah im sure the extra 30 seconds a day of netflix mkultra hypnosis is fucking lifechanging

>> No.23061685


"Im not too sure I'm okay with homo pedophiles raping children on cable tv"

*door gets kicked in