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File: 299 KB, 1391x1571, a world in debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23037469 No.23037469 [Reply] [Original]


very good book, reads like it was written yesterday

>> No.23037476
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>> No.23037491
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>> No.23037529
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reminds me of this dire straits song:

>> No.23037552
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yes well i found it to be quite shallow and pedantic.
but seriously debt creates tunnel vision. when a large portion of the population is in debt it changes the political landscape to be focused low time preference decisions.

>> No.23037583

Bump for making an actually interesting thread. A rarity, nowadyas. Thx, based anon.

>> No.23037598
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>but seriously debt creates tunnel vision. when a large portion of the population is in debt it changes the political landscape to be focused low time preference decisions.
Nietzsche said it well, when we "killed" God we would need to invent new festivals of atonement, since the human being always needs to worship.

In my view those new festivals of atonement are referred to as world war 1 and world war 2 and the gods of communism and fascism where they promise economic prosperity to their adherents at the expense of an "enemy"

>> No.23037624
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it's a good read, deals with the "philosophy of finance"
something that these (((economists))) have woefully ignored for a very long time

>when a large portion of the population is in debt it changes the political landscape
pic related is the new "political landscape" in a debtors society

>> No.23037638
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>pic related is the new "political landscape" in a debtors society
a $300 millionaire attacking coinbase for not bending the knee to satan

it's funny, I gave Brian Armstrong a lot of shit, but he handled this well

>> No.23037663
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>it's funny, I gave Brian Armstrong a lot of shit, but he handled this well

“It has become common for Silicon Valley companies to engage in a wide variety of social activism, even those unrelated to what the company does, and there are certainly employees who really want this in the company they work for. So why have we decided to take a different approach?” he wrote in a blog post clarifying the company’s policies.

Armstrong explained Coinbase prioritizes its mission, “playing as a championship team, focus on building, and being transparent” and that taking a stance one way or another would violate their inclusive work environment.

“While I think these efforts are well-intentioned, they have the potential to destroy a lot of value at most companies, both by being a distraction and by creating internal division,” Armstrong stated.

good job Brian
imagine acquiescing to these demons
>pic related

>> No.23037684
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>> No.23037700
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a hard copy of the book is pretty expensive (pic related)
glad to know we can grab a free PDF

>> No.23037723
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>> No.23037750
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>> No.23037753

Post-Modernism is Maoism by another name. And like in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the chaos will get so unbearable, that at some point, even their proponents will start to back away from it. The US is now in the "Gang of Four " phase, let's see if the new Deng Xiaoping, can get re-elected.

>> No.23037771
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>> No.23037781


Oy, This book is highly antisemetic. Please delete this thread right this instant.

>> No.23037803
File: 781 KB, 766x852, the_story_of_cain_and_abel_bible_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post-Modernism is Maoism by another name
I think it can be traced back to the french jacobins that seized the royalty, and raped, dismembered, and murdered those who they envied
it's a classic tale unfortunately:
3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.
4 And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.

3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.
4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
6 And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?

7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.

>> No.23037812

wow, could be germany 2020

>> No.23037826
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>Post-Modernism is Maoism by another name.
>it's a classic tale unfortunately
I guess Cain can be considered the first "communist"

>> No.23037846
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>The US is now in the "Gang of Four " phase, let's see if the new Deng Xiaoping, can get re-elected.
I'm not so familiar with the communist revolution in China, do you have any good documentaries or resources to bring us up to speed? you seem to know a lot about it

>> No.23037864
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last excerpt of the letter that is a foreword for the book

>> No.23037882
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>> No.23037901
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>Oy, This book is highly antisemetic. Please delete this thread right this instant.
heh...nothing personal kid


>> No.23037953
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>> No.23038038
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>when a large portion of the population is in debt it changes the political landscape to be focused low time preference decisions.
they worship at the altar of government and money:

>> No.23038066
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>> No.23038123
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>as soon as it was clearly understood that the briskness of trade-with the acceleration of profits- was dependent to a great extent upon the simultaneous propagation of debt and suppression of the *sense* of debt...

reads like the story of the ccp colony formerly known as canada
>pic related
can you imagine what's coming after the debt printing party is over?

>> No.23038134
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>> No.23038155
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brb, going to grab some smokes
keep the thread bumped gentlemen
fuck these yield farming astroturfing threads that are crowding the /biz/ catalog for the last two months

>> No.23038358

On the Terror aspects , you can see how the USSR transitioned away from Stalinism. Even at the innermost circle, there was a consensus that Terror went too far, and had to be dismantled. It's only proponent, Beria, got shot. Now, imagine a scenario where, instead of Krustchov , Beria would've won. Well, that's the chinese Gang of Four, Maoism without Mao, turned completely insane. Then, two snakeoil salesmen, Foucault and Derida, realised that Moism had been completely descredited, "rebranded" it as Post-Modernism. There's a direct link, between the downfall of Maoism in China, and the rise of Post-Modernism in the US, the lectures Foucault and Derida made in Ivy League colleges, in the late 70's. The students attending are today's faculty. It's Gramsci on steroids, taking over the Universities . And Americans are fucking letting it happen.

>> No.23038586

thx 4 tha recc anon

>> No.23038587
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>Well, that's the chinese Gang of Four, Maoism without Mao, turned completely insane.
I heard his wife was a truly heinous person

>the lectures Foucault and Derida made in Ivy League colleges, in the late 70's
academia is a den of vipers and snakes and unfortunately has been for a long time now

>> No.23038593

gud thread

>> No.23038618
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>The students attending are today's faculty
must be why we hear the CCP talking point that math is (((rayciss))) now:

>academia is a den of vipers and snakes and unfortunately has been for a long time now
pic related
these beta simps are taking revenge on the world for not getting laid as teenagers and only focus on getting their pee pees wet
it's sad how pathetic things have become

>> No.23038638

this needs sauce

>> No.23038768
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I had a graph that showed it but for the life of me I can't find it now

>> No.23038850
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found it courtesy of our friends at /pol/ and the canada is collapsing threads


strap in for Justin Castro's wild ride
>pic related

>> No.23038868

I am here to remind you of the existence of Joan Donovan's nudes

>> No.23038871

bumping the kind thread I want to see more of, thank you based tripfag

>> No.23038879
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>I am here to remind you of the existence of Joan Donovan's nudes
don't remind me
I'm getting PTSD flashbacks lol

>> No.23038912


There really is no hope for Canada. Everyone as far as I know have become lazy and dependent on cerb. My God. Is there no way out of this mess? Everyone at the time only wanted weed to be legalized. But having all this happen and losing all our rights? I am so fucking pissed!

>> No.23039039
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>Everyone as far as I know have become lazy and dependent on cerb
I know first hand a lot of small businesses that have essentially shut down

fortunately my consulting firm is still busy with a lot of ongoing projects but there have been no new construction projects tendered by our major clients since May-June 2020
and our major clients include:
-the municipal government
-the regional government
-the provincial government
-the federal government

we even do a lot of work for social housing
and I have personal conversations with a lot of the project managers and engineers on the client side and they are all terrified for their future job prospects and they are all government employees

it's looking really bad

this was planned a long time ago:

>pic related

>> No.23039055
File: 136 KB, 1125x1401, EjMzfqTWAAE46di.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A World in Debt - 1936
I ended up buying a hard copy of the book
costs $388 on Canadian amazon
worth it

>> No.23039083

thanks. all looks a bit sketch. not that i question the drivers or direction, as the np article gently suggests.

>> No.23039091
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>I ended up buying a hard copy of the book
>costs $388 on Canadian amazon
>worth it

>the study of political economy, AS PURSUED, is the most sterile of all academic employments. From the classrooms of schools and colleges emerge a body of completely muddled young men and women, supposed to be in possession of the principles governing the production and distribution of wealth; actually, they are in possession neither of such principles nor of the capacity to take their places in the world of exchanges with anything more than the usual empirical equipment.

it's like this guy is reading my mind from 1936

>> No.23039135
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>I'm not so familiar with the communist revolution in China, do you have any good documentaries or resources to bring us up to speed? you seem to know a lot about it
Deng Xiaoping is mostly know for leading china in the 80s and introducing all the reforms that turned it into the place it is today.
The gang of four were revolutionary leaders who were thrown under the bus for their roles in the cultural revolution and the entire thing was blamed on them as 'counter revolutionaries' (the soviets enjoyed the term too and it is what will happen to the useful idiots protesting in the streets today), Deng said the whole thing was retarded.
It's worth noting that even though the society radically changed, the state still remains supreme.

>> No.23039164
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>It's worth noting that even though the society radically changed, the state still remains supreme.
a natural result of criminalizing God

thank you for the breakdown
I do have some CHYNA pics to share with respect to what is happening now

>> No.23039185
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>> No.23039192

stopp trying to think so hard with your peanut sized brain

>> No.23039209
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>> No.23039228
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>stopp trying to think so hard
pic related is your face right now

>> No.23039250

but if they follow the un as per uk and us then isn’t it ‘build back better’ time.

how would it benefit the state not to pay people to work but pass gibs instead?

but in the west the corps are supreme to the state. quite a shift in dynamics.

>> No.23039254

>he posts the same meme images over and over

what thread are you trying to slide? also repeating things out of books does not make you smart. Come up with your own ideas pls

>> No.23039257
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>> No.23039276
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>a natural result of criminalizing God
Chinks were never big on monotheism anyway (The Taiping rebellion being a notable exception where a chink claimed he was the brother of christ and revolted, resulting in 20 million or so deaths, BEFORE world war one) .
They do have interesting superstitions about the intersection of theology and politics though and the CCP do not like it.

>> No.23039283
File: 150 KB, 607x504, 1600719994714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what thread are you trying to slide?
the shitty yield farming astroturfing and tranny threads that are littering the catalog

>also repeating things out of books does not make you smart.
by your logic, open discussion of books should be prohibited so as (((not to seem smart)))

>Come up with your own ideas pls
come up with your own thread smoothbrain

>> No.23039298


I swear, this country is essentially built upon government agencies, oligarchies, and multinational companies with no interest in Canada's interests as I realized this growing up. I don't know why there are people even coming into this country in the first place when this whole environment is so skewed to the very rich and well-connected. Its like if you aren't a government employee, you are legitimately fucked and there's no hope for you to make it.

>> No.23039313
File: 290 KB, 1347x1515, ccp spy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinks were never big on monotheism anyway
that feature of their culture held them back
now they have monotheism in the form of complete obedience to the state

>They do have interesting superstitions about the intersection of theology and politics though and the CCP do not like it.
I've read about that before, very interesting

>pic related in response to the picture you posted

>> No.23039338
File: 351 KB, 1500x886, 1601597569767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear, this country is essentially built upon government agencies, oligarchies, and multinational companies with no interest in Canada's interests

>strap in for Justin Castro's wild ride
>pic related

>> No.23039339

>There really is no hope for Canada. Everyone as far as I know have become lazy and dependent on cerb.

This is what happens when you destroy the family, culture, and morality.

>> No.23039364
File: 407 KB, 735x682, GATE toronto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as I realized this growing up
don't even get me started on the GATE shit I went through in grade 1
>pic related

>> No.23039410
File: 244 KB, 562x610, gate world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't even get me started on the GATE shit I went through in grade 1
switched schools the following year
luckily my family came from a collapsed communist country so we knew not to trust government administrators
didn't stop them from administering the gate tests without my parents knowledge or consent

>> No.23039459
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>Its like if you aren't a government employee, you are legitimately fucked and there's no hope for you to make it.
100% truth
and their positions will be mostly automated in the future since they are in essence paper pushing middlemen

>> No.23039490
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>> No.23039573

Thanks for the read 42 I'll definitely check it out. I've been reading Henry Fords books I felt the same way as if they were being written in real time. Really helped set in the reality of the situation. We need to get rich and start building small esoteric communities built around Christ and individual liberties and responsibilities. This is what I'm doing it all for.

>> No.23039608

You might want to get a copy of "The Sword of Christ: Christianity from the Right, or, the Christian Question" by Giles Corey before Amazon bans it.

>> No.23039619
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>Really helped set in the reality of the situation.
that's a great way to describe it

>> No.23039640

Kindly disagree. Those communities won't stand a chance against the Sans Cullotes. We need to take back the Universities, that's Ground Zero.

>> No.23039666
File: 419 KB, 897x621, MUST BUY CHAINLINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to get rich and start building small esoteric communities built around Christ and individual liberties and responsibilities.
reminds me of the "Bogomils"

they were killed and their works purged unfortunately

>> No.23039707

this has to play out. people are still obedient yet divided despite everything. there is no new world to go to. it’s a question of how long and how far.

>> No.23039732

Hey 42,
Can you check this out?

>> No.23039736
File: 66 KB, 400x602, educated imagination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to take back the Universities, that's Ground Zero.
you're not wrong
the previous generations that were fully demoralized and subverted (in the ways that Yuri Bezmenov outlines) have become the professors of the present day
it is a spiraling down and if we don't stop it, then we will all be dragged down with it

the entire point of education (in the words of Northrop Frye) is to prevent dictatorships and tyrannies
it is essentially a race against time to educate the next generation before the barbaric tendencies of totalitarianism rears its ugly head

the shocking and perverted thing about modern education is that it is actually accelerating these tendencies instead of trying to buffer them

Northrop Frye's book the educated imagination is a great read:

>> No.23039752
File: 368 KB, 2048x1582, EjHVUNWX0AAheJ-.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mentioned something similar here:

>this was planned a long time ago:

I'll have a read through the thread though
thanks for the heads up

>> No.23039793

Thanks. My thread didn’t get a response so nothing interesting there, but I highly suggest you watch the series on Amazon prime. You’ll see why within the first episode alone

>> No.23039808

Hi 42. If you don't mind me asking, how much RSR do you hold?

>> No.23039830

All this has happened before, the last days of the Roman Republic. The backbone of the Republic were the farmers-legionnaires, who were getting replaced by hordes of slaves. Sounds familiar ? Well, the Romans first thought that "someone will fix it for us", that was Marius, came from outsdie the system ,just like Trump. That didn't worked , so next option "let's just kill them all ", that was Sylla, also didn't work, then, they were ready for Ceasar. The US already had it's Marius.

>> No.23039836
File: 133 KB, 1080x595, Ei6CvieXgAAjZnO.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much RSR do you hold?
7 figures

>> No.23039840

>47 posts by this id

yikes, hard pass on yet another schizio thread

>> No.23039874
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>schizio thread

>> No.23039905
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Any book I could read about this? Asking for a friend.

>> No.23040009

Sorry, i'm terrible at references. But i can give you a rule of thumb, for political ideas, i stole from Starkey : all bad ideas come from France, all good ideas come from England. Marxism counts as a french idea, since Marx lifted most of it from Hegel, who borrowed it from Rousseau.

>> No.23040021

Fuck off schizo

>> No.23040049
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>Fuck off schizo

>> No.23040079
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>> No.23040106

based. Downloaded it to read later.

I just finished Apocalypse Culture, it's not specifically finance related but it is also very cogent to today's times, even though it was written in 1986.

>> No.23040140
File: 1.53 MB, 480x480, hX9z-LZpyL6quLJ-.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some footage from the chainlink factory

>> No.23040160
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>I just finished Apocalypse Culture
sounds like a cool book
it's not cheap either
damnit Jeffrey, can't you source cheaper books!?

>> No.23040203
File: 612 KB, 1024x538, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damnit Jeffrey, can't you source cheaper books!?

>> No.23040222
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>> No.23040300
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>I just finished Apocalypse Culture
>it's not cheap either
actually the first version isn't too expensive
ordered it as well

I've been on a shopping spree of good reads lately

>> No.23040403
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>> No.23040443
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nice Aristotle reference

>> No.23040487
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Thanks I'll check it out.

You're right about the Universities but I honestly can't see that happening. Maybe we can convince enough people to start living independent of technology like smartphones as life in cities becomes more miserable and life in the suburbs suffers as a result. Honestly I'm pretty demoralized idk what to do but I haven't given up I just don't know how else we'll be able to stand out ground other than surrounded by 100 to 150 awesome Christ loving people. That's how I want to see out the apocalypse at least.
Thanks man appreciate the suggestion of someone who's so into this stuff. Hopefully things end differently for us no matter where we end up. Have you ever had trouble with addiction I'm still having trouble getting off weed?
I've personally seen more and more males my age turning our way but that's anecdotal. I do think there will be a major backlash here like in Weimar Germany but hard to say today what form it'll take, when it'll happen, and how successful it'll be.

>> No.23040564
File: 149 KB, 822x463, IMG-9097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever had trouble with addiction I'm still having trouble getting off weed?
I enjoy marijuana but it hasn't been difficult to stop
sometimes I would go months without imbibing any of those substances

however I am addicted to nicotine and enjoy coffee so I'm no saint

>Hopefully things end differently for us no matter where we end up.
if I do things correctly, the demonic principalities running this world will most definitely try to take me down
and it won't be the first time they will have tried

? This nobody apparently has God's blessing because he is still alive. If any other person did/said the things that this man did/said, they would have been dead in a nano second."
".....I can not elaborate but let's just say this nobody, this little nothing, has balls of steel. In the beginning he was almost wiped, twice. He survived, now much hangs in the balance."

>> No.23040596

Cheers. You seem like an honest chap (rare in these parts). Do you think that LINK is still a worthwhile investment?

>> No.23040602
File: 70 KB, 750x505, EidqaljX0AE3O1T.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've personally seen more and more males my age turning our way but that's anecdotal. I do think there will be a major backlash here like in Weimar Germany but hard to say today what form it'll take, when it'll happen, and how successful it'll be.
I suspect this whole thing has the hidden purpose of bringing about the fourth reich

have you ever heard of the /our-guy/ Klauss talking about the "fourth industrial revolution"?
>pic related

*bass drop*

>> No.23040637

her paisley shirt is a baphomet image. kek

>> No.23040657
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>her paisley shirt is a baphomet image. kek
she most definitely works for her father satan
she is a murderer in her heart

>> No.23040707
File: 665 KB, 1021x933, Screenshot_20201003-192853_Acrobat for Samsung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just downloaded it but I would love to own a copy. I Think I saw them around $40, so not too bad. And you will find a treasure trove of interesting works referenced in the books to branch out too.

>> No.23040740
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very cool
yeah I tend to agree with that sentiment you highlighted

I fear for the world precisely because God is just


>> No.23040775

Redpill me on schizophrenia and epilepsy

>> No.23040820
File: 802 KB, 989x1179, Screenshot_20201004-214238_Acrobat for Samsung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you would like this chapter too, then. I wanna find a digital copy of the book referenced, "the mark is ready - are you?" by Ron J Steele. Amazon has just one physical copy left…

>> No.23040827

I'm the opposite I got off cigarettes and energy drinks early this year but weed is the last thing I'm really having trouble with.

Thanks dude I'm in RSR and LINk rn been like that for a while pretty confident with those two.

Yeah man I'm pretty aware of what's going on through my work it's all very concerning I don't really feel like this is what humans were intended for. I'm also worried about the mass amount of people who currently don't work and are going to be unemployed in the next 10 years and what the elite plans to do about them.

>> No.23040839
File: 414 KB, 1560x1083, penrose 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redpill me on schizophrenia and epilepsy
not sure but Dostoevsky experienced supposedly divinity during seizures


there was a scientist who died and talked about her experience after coming back and surviving

the human brain remains a mystery

>> No.23040862
File: 74 KB, 680x453, EhmC-_3XYAI2_NP.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm also worried about the mass amount of people who currently don't work and are going to be unemployed in the next 10 years and what the elite plans to do about them.
I have a feeling:

>> No.23040884
File: 675 KB, 993x911, Screenshot_20201004-214717_Acrobat for Samsung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and apocalypse culture is relevant yet again.

>> No.23040909
File: 56 KB, 828x784, EjQt6LUXsAAEFdz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a good excerpt that summarizes my thoughts on the (((schizo))) accusation well:

>> No.23040929
File: 93 KB, 847x1064, 07823fcf4f8b42f9a4c5494683c49fbeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You might want to get a copy of "The Sword of Christ: Christianity from the Right, or, the Christian Question" by Giles Corey before Amazon bans it.
good interviews in that same vein:



>> No.23040988

OK bro I gotta ask. are you behind clover and or 42clover? If so , which is the legit one and which is the copy? and if neither is you, I find it pretty weird that clover did an airdrop of 42 tokens, and the other one has 42 in it's name…

>> No.23041015
File: 3.32 MB, 600x338, COVID MOUNTAIN - 42 new york.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you behind clover and or 42clover?
fuck no
is anyone surprised that the "42" number is being used for scams?
I don't "own" it so it was never mine to begin with

>I find it pretty weird that clover did an airdrop of 42 tokens, and the other one has 42 in it's name…
funny how reality works isn't it
>gif related

>> No.23041051

I have no idea the meaning of 42 but I've seen your threads before and they were immediately associated in my mind.

>> No.23041172
File: 1.64 MB, 1132x1496, kanye moses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea the meaning of 42

A rainbow is not located at a specific distance from the observer, but comes from an optical illusion caused by any water droplets viewed from a certain angle relative to a light source. Thus, a rainbow is not an object and cannot be physically approached. Indeed, it is impossible for an observer to see a rainbow from water droplets at any angle other than the customary one of 42 degrees from the direction opposite the light source. Even if an observer sees another observer who seems "under" or "at the end of" a rainbow, the second observer will see a different rainbow—farther off—at the same angle as seen by the first observer.

>> No.23041200
File: 54 KB, 537x1009, feather rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thus, a rainbow is not an object and cannot be physically approached. Indeed, it is impossible for an observer to see a rainbow from water droplets at any angle other than the customary one of 42 degrees from the direction opposite the light source


>> No.23041221
File: 157 KB, 540x418, Hatchnumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23041228

then how tf can u get the pot of gold under the rainbow?

>> No.23041246
File: 617 KB, 582x985, chadwick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then how tf can u get the pot of gold under the rainbow?
that's the trick isn't it
if you look at the picture of the OP the account number is: 4264
happy coincidence

>> No.23041337

goddamn. u got discord or anything? I'd be interested to share ideas with you

>> No.23041363
File: 17 KB, 516x246, sin 666 - cos 216.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u got discord or anything?
/biz/ is my discord
I learned to stay away from telegram and discord groups well before I put on the 42 name
you can also catch me on twatter though

>> No.23041402
File: 184 KB, 880x585, itsyaboy Jesus with the SAVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea the meaning of 42
>Thus, a rainbow is not an object and cannot be physically approached. Indeed, it is impossible for an observer to see a rainbow from water droplets at any angle other than the customary one of 42 degrees from the direction opposite the light source

the rainbow is proof of an intentional creator of reality (God) who loves beauty

>> No.23041424
File: 495 KB, 1869x1543, satan pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rainbow is proof of an intentional creator of reality (God) who loves beauty
human beings didn't invent the rainbow no matter how hard the satanists try to claim it as their own symbol

globo-homo = globalism

global communism = globalism

>> No.23041439

when my project launches in a few weeks I'll follow you. desu I hate Twitter just as much as telegram and discord. basically on biz all day but I'm not a namefag ;)

>> No.23041461
File: 80 KB, 680x665, EjQv3oQXYAA43kN.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desu I hate Twitter just as much as telegram and discord.
I get it, but I've curated my twatter feed well enough that I use it for the latest news
reddit used to be the place to be years ago as well (back when I was in university) but it has been intentionally destroyed ever since Aaron was murdered

>> No.23041577

My IP has been completely banned from reddit, even if I use a VPN , my account won't last longer than a day or two. Using that website just pisses me off beyond belief anyway.

>> No.23041599

those MIT files were related to Epstein by the way. that's why Aaron got necked.

>> No.23041611
File: 120 KB, 1024x615, aaron lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those MIT files were related to Epstein by the way. that's why Aaron got necked.

>> No.23041768
File: 79 KB, 850x400, EjCoqNiXgAApe7l.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is my discord

>> No.23041805
File: 2.83 MB, 640x480, bane sergey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OK bro I gotta ask. are you behind clover and or 42clover?
it's funny, from the first time I put on the "42" name, I knew that over time (((they)) would try to monetize the concept haha

>no one cared who I was until I put on the name

>> No.23041899
File: 169 KB, 1200x994, aarons dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those MIT files were related to Epstein by the way. that's why Aaron got necked.
poor Aaron had no idea how surrounded he was by pedophiles and sellouts
thank you for your sacrifice Aaron
Please put in a good word with Father for us


>> No.23041901
File: 1.05 MB, 981x1419, Screenshot_20201004-224645_Acrobat for Samsung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I really saw the coins pop up pa few days after I noticed your posts. weird indeed.
Here's another passage I enjoyed (ignore the highlighter)

>> No.23041950
File: 57 KB, 544x544, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are graced with your presence, tonight!

>> No.23041966
File: 3.95 MB, 520x293, blue man assembled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude I really saw the coins pop up pa few days after I noticed your posts. weird indeed.
funny, you might enjoy my first posts from last year:
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the black pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the “42-pill” - you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Remember: all I’m offering is the Truth. Nothing more.

>wake up...
>follow the white rabbit

>> No.23041985

I think they were talking about it on cumtown. MIT had gotten a huge grant from Epstein or something, and someone high up there was really buddy buddy with him.

Aaron found something they didn't want him to find. he might not have even known. but that's why they trumped up the charges and went after him so bad. it was never about intellectual property.

>> No.23041988
File: 3.88 MB, 520x293, measurement problem = oracle problem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you benefit from the posts in the thread
going to be calling it a night soon, have a busy work week ahead of me

>> No.23042017

Based thread, thanks for the book OP.

>> No.23042027
File: 684 KB, 1052x1271, Screenshot_20201004-205021_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take care bro, I'll keep an eye out for your threads next time

>> No.23042033
File: 2.47 MB, 1879x1062, seth lloyd pedophile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MIT had gotten a huge grant from Epstein or something, and someone high up there was really buddy buddy with him.
funny you should mention that
I did my masters for quantum computing and the head of the department and a lot of his underlings were Epstein surrogates

turns out I walked into a den of vipers a lot like Aaron without knowing it
I was too idealistic about physics and science in my early 20s
you can imagine my disappointment in finding out I was surrounded by shadow priest pedophile scientists when all I wanted to do was study the nature of reality and peer into the mind of God

apparently it's an endemic problem in the science community:

>> No.23042055
File: 3.97 MB, 520x293, browsing biz gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based thread, thanks for the book OP.
hope you enjoy

>I'll keep an eye out for your threads next time
no worries, I pop in when I feel inspired
/biz/ is such a shame these days though

>> No.23042056

>govt girls college
I bet no roastie ever touched that book.

>> No.23042078
File: 153 KB, 960x640, brazil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet no roastie ever touched that book.
women only know how to burn books and talk about their vaginas
fortunately for humanity, women's 100 year reign of terror is coming to an end

>> No.23042088

that's why they say you should never meet your idols. I was also disappointed when I met the so called "in crowd" of my industry.

>> No.23042097
File: 13 KB, 237x212, headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women only know how to burn books and talk about their vaginas
and when they're not doing that, they rip unborn fetuses

>that's why they say you should never meet your idols.
learned that the hard way, I guess it's part of growing up

>> No.23042121
File: 104 KB, 1054x1024, 1597195812506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women only know how to burn books and talk about their vaginas
>fortunately for humanity, women's 100 year reign of terror is coming to an end
alright good night everyone, enjoy

>> No.23042157
File: 1.16 MB, 953x1504, Screenshot_20201004-230231_Acrobat for Samsung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abortion=family planning = eugenics = less underiables = a good thing

>> No.23042274

>don't know why there are people even coming into this country in the first place
Because other countries are even worse, developing nations only exist to produce things for the west to consume

>> No.23042460

As a means to an end, you’re not wrong. Though, that doesn’t mean the optimal alternative isn’t possible — a Christian culture that values reproduction in a sacred and sustainable manner.

>> No.23042494

As far as pure eugenics goes (in the “designee baby” realm) I don’t think it’s inherently wrong by the way. It’s a touchy subject for sure that requires meticulous navigation, but there are ABSOLUTELY undeniable and ethical advantages the human species could gain in one way or another. But again, I don’t think eugenics should begin at the life/death decision on a baby. Just my two cents

>> No.23043054

This is what i'm hanging onto, call me schizo, beats blackpilled : Nostradamus called three Antichrists ; Napoleon, Hitler, and the last he called Mabus. He called him "The King of Terror" , and said his war would last twenty-seven years. I thought he meant an airstrike, in 9/11, i understood. He said Mabus would soon die, but the worst part of the war would come after that, BUT here's the silver lining, near the end, a Prophet ( probably looked like that for a XVI Century guy, we might call him a leader of some sort ) would come to bring about a new religion, and a new golden age would ensue. I'm hoping that before this decade is out, we'll see that guy. We're still living in the XXI Century, with XVIII Century ideas. We sure need something new.