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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 175 KB, 659x491, Velofuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23030021 No.23030021 [Reply] [Original]

Chinks are starting to cuck on lazy ladyboy projects from US and the latest to do it is Velo. If you don't know Velo by now it means you have been living uder a rock and deserve to be poor. Again you must follow the connections, if you are smart enough. Here is some little food for ya shitheads:

>The Charoen Pokphand Group is a Thai conglomerate based in Bangkok. It is Thailand's largest private company and one of the world's largest conglomerates. The company describes itself as having eight business lines covering 13 business groups. As of 2020 the group has investments in 21 countries. CP group revenue is over $60 billion USD to date.

>Lightnet was also founded in Thailand by a member of the Charoen Pokphand family, which owns all Thai-based 7–11 convenience stores and several popular shopping malls and supermarkets. Lightnet will integrate Velo protocol into their core business right at the mainnet start, with cheap cross-border payments, mobility and inclusivity for unbanked Asians are key elements of their service.

>Uni-President Asset Holdings is the investment department of Uni-President Enterprises Corp. The company operates more than 9,000 7–11 convenience stores and Starbucks in Taiwan, mainland China, and the Philippines.

On the tech side they are already making moves to release the mainnet in Q4 this year, so you only have 2 more months to accumulate. Latest progress:

>They released the Velo Testnet, Hermes v1 for the Stellar - Evrynet warp transfer protocol, along with the Velo Dashboard v1, Velo smart contracts and oracle service and the Velocity wallet.

>Evrynet Environment released with Ethereum - Evrynet Warp Protocol bridge ready to connect to DeFi projects.

>Audited by PeckShield, they already fixed the issues here: https://github.com/velo-protocol/DRSv2

>> No.23030080

Another scam kek

>> No.23030089

OP, when will Kucoin open deposits ?

I did research on this and just by the backing it will for sure go on Huobi and Binance.

>> No.23030217

Just buy XRP dude

>> No.23030330

XRP is a shitcoin that did nothing for the past 5 years. They have 0 usecases for their token and is there only to be dumped on idiots like you who believe the bots stories.

Velo has a real usage and can become the next MakerDAO, without all the problems that plague it.

>> No.23030422

What the fuck are you talking about lmao. Your shitcoin is listed on a hacked exchange, whilst XRP is listed on all exchanges, and it's in top 5 CMC @ #4 currently LOL

>> No.23030559
File: 27 KB, 750x508, A05634CD-903D-44E2-BF49-B13F2122FCD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of this board, XRP bots ruining every good thread. A lot of shitcoins were affected by the hack, I would rather buy a coin that has potential than buy an absolute trash that has 3% PnD each week and try to use Muh TA to make money with that.

>> No.23030740

kek nice joke faggot

>> No.23031099

>Has no argument, start trashing people

Joke’s on you faggot, I hope your shit dumps to 0, Velo can easily replace it.

>> No.23031327

It will not. Stop dreaming and get out of this scam before you get rug pulled.

>> No.23031384
File: 29 KB, 620x413, A8EC0734-8414-4DED-B0A9-1C3749DE0E9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rugpull ? With the biggest business group in Thailand.

>Delusional idiots think this is a 0 day DeFi scam and the team is a hungry for money.

>> No.23031456

Btw Rakesh, hasn’t your jeet friend’s shift started ?

Better reach to the Velo team, they can donate some money to your family so that you can stop getting slaved by the XRP jews.

>> No.23031644
File: 192 KB, 1290x1399, 8CFD0348-5A8F-4D26-9A5F-984FB1B0CE3B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you fellow velochads, just bought 10k more Velo.

Feels good to join the CP citadel.

>> No.23032046

How did you buy ? I want a stack of Velo but nobody is selling below 2$ now that the word is out..

>> No.23032062

If you know you know, bought 5k more just now.

>> No.23032170
File: 117 KB, 1280x520, 3F5840E6-2D0F-4C18-8C3C-185957339944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next week when the jeet floodgate is open we will see a ton of idiots rushing in, feels so good to be this early, it won’t be this cheap ever again.

>> No.23032333

I’d rather buy xrp than this garbage lmaooooo

>> No.23032342

This info was shared for the Citadel members only, again people miss it and cry later.

>> No.23032428

Punjab, how is life for you. Are you ok ?

Your family is hungry ? How much XRP has helped you with their dumping shitcoin ? Why don’t you want a better payment and remittance solution like Velo in your daily life, yes you can use ur useless rupees to send them over fast and cheap to your family.

Better embrace the future, don’t be a retarded monkey and destroy your future.

>> No.23033106

Velo and Terra is all you need, when the retards from this board stop jerking and pumping 0 day DeFi shit and see real projects that make money, not just PnD, it will be the moment when we laugh and sell them the top.

>> No.23033306


Just buy Velo and Terra and you will make it. Imagine not holding the de facto DeFi protocols for Cosmos and Stellar.

>> No.23033762

I researched Velo this past weeks and I can say I am impressed. I had been a Terra fan since early 2019, they are the 3rd chain in terms of tx volume and this is volume that brings revenue.

Now Velo has the same ingredients to make this jump at least 2x quicker than Terra. I will screencap this and look back in 1 year from now, just to see if I am good at smelling this shit or not.

>> No.23034072
File: 86 KB, 404x500, 20646D44-D66F-4581-994F-809010CB09B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time, XRP bots trigger in an instant.

Well now we have Velo and buying Velo helps support the Delete XRP movement. Can’t wait to see the tears on their faces when Ripple announces that XRP is useless and they are not going to support it, exchanges will delist it and it is going to be hacked and all supply dumped to 0.

>> No.23034339
File: 98 KB, 1200x900, F557D19C-937F-4A2D-B9C0-BEF9B79570E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CP group 2020 meetup

Imagine being in there with all those dirty jeets, when you could have easily bought XRP.

>> No.23034412

Punjab, didn’t your supervisor tell you not to post pictures with your family ?

At least come with better fud, this is so 2017, chinks make more money now than fat burgers. Muh murica shitcoin, Velo hired Jeb to guide their development and in less then 1 year will full fill what Stellar was meant to do from the start. Just screencap this and send it to your administrator, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

>> No.23034858

It is simple, you either want to make it or you don’t. Seems like a lot of retards here just want to stay poor.

Buy Velo and enjoy financial freedom, no rugs, no pajeets asking for airdrop, no 50$ fees.

>> No.23035495

samefag kek

>> No.23035533

Oh yeah, like your call center having 1 PC for every shitface out there ?

When are the linkies finishing the shift so you XRP bots can take over ?

>> No.23035691

kys faggot and take this shit out of this board. we dont need more scams here

>> No.23035717

>Chinks are starting to cuck on lazy ladyboy projects from US and the latest to do it is Velo.
this is what happens when you sort your Fiverr pajeet shills by "cheapest first"

>> No.23035811

Here's a protip for newfags: when evaluating new projects that get shilled on /biz/, look for the ratio of characters dedicated to explaining what the project does to characters not explaining what the project does, the quality of the project is directly proportional to this ratio. And that ratio for this OP is 0 (zero).

>> No.23035816

The absolute state of this board.

>Screams scam while buying literally every DeFi shitcoin out there.

I hope you have enough rope to use nigger, when Velo starts to moon and you miss the train holding to your scam bags.

>> No.23035896

You must have bought so many scams it seems, Muh UseCAseS Hurr Durr. You are one of those idiots who bought every YFI fork and hold onto it.

Bags starting to feel heavy?

>> No.23035918

wrong, enjoy your one penny per post

>> No.23036072

Let’s be nice with niggers fellow velochad, they think that they are smart enough to beat the system but the only things they are beating is their meat and wife when they lose all the welfare money.

Velo is a digital payment/remittance system which basically works like MakerDAO but without the problems. Maker was pleagued with the collateral weakness, being exposed to crypto only meant that during market meltdowns it could not scale to keep up with DAI demand and thus could not ever become more than a tool to long Eth. As for now, it is basically the same shit, but worse 1000 times as it is exposed to only a basket of crypto assets that are either centralized points of failure that have nothing to do with Maker or volatile cryptocurrencies.

Velo does away with all that by having a two way system of ensuring that they stablecredits stay collateralized:

People deposit real fiat money with Trusted operators that create and transfer the stablecredits for them.

The operators use Velo protocol to transfer value in a trustless way and to ensure that the value is never lost it is backed by Velo tokens 1:1.

So double collaterizarion, one is done with Fiat when you enter the system as client, the other one is done by the trusted operators with Velo tokens, so everything is backed 200% at any point.

>> No.23036201

Does it actually do anything now?

>> No.23036221

It's a pajeet shitscam ofc it does fuck all, what do you expect lol

>> No.23036439


>> No.23036461

Did chain link do anything before the mainnet actually launched, but I guess you monkeys are used to vaporware DeFi scamcoins, ofc it is easy to launch a 0 day fork immediately after you raised 400 Eth to rug pool apes.

>> No.23036535

Can’t wait unti you come back and beg us to sell you 1 Velo. Maybe you retarded NPC will realize then what you missed.

>> No.23036558

maybe getting a printout of "4chan lingo" and shoehorning into your barely literate retard shilling was a bad idea...

>> No.23036727

Maybe your father deciding to not pull out of the cow that gave your birth was a bad idea. But I guess somebody has to flip the burgers and clean the toilets of based anons that will make it.

>> No.23036755
File: 15 KB, 640x640, E09C1A16-0785-4A82-BAAF-94EEE28BA437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, just bought more velo.

>> No.23036838

Me too, is 10k Velo enough to make it ?

>> No.23036951

You need 100k for the CP Citadel

>> No.23036985

The year is 2021

VELO is $7.11

XRP is $0.22

I know which one I'd rather be buying.

>> No.23037006

Poor retarded person can't read.


Too poor to get rich

>> No.23037025

I’ve got a 50k suicide stack, hope I am going to make it.

>> No.23037081

Very funny... You fully well know velo 7.11 this side of Xmas. Stop the fud

>> No.23037097

50k alright. Less than than and you deserve to blow your load sub 2$

>> No.23037115

For real, mainnet launch will be timed with Velo reaching $7.11, this is the singularity moment, it was written.

>> No.23037137

Fuck no, below 7.11 is retarded to sell, you have to literally be a monkey to not understand where this is going.

>> No.23037355

this thread is actually cringe

>> No.23037714

defi is dead
why would I care?

>> No.23038293


>> No.23038569
File: 372 KB, 512x487, 758535364756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defi is dead

>> No.23038718

Holy shit its literally a chink.

>> No.23039662

Ecochains EFG anon

>> No.23039767

Freaking Chink scam, not touching this with a ten foot pole. 30bil total supply with no info about how much the team, advisors, partners, seed or private investors if any are holding and when they are being released. Good luck getting dumped over 29billion of these MFs and holding it through out your life while you watch your scammy Pajeet Asian illegal ass token take your investment to ZERO.

>> No.23039834