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23027668 No.23027668 [Reply] [Original]

I want to get the general consensus of /biz/ on the $15/hr minimum wage initiatives on many ballots in the US.

I've always been against the notion, feeling that it would lead to business closures, more incentives for businesses to automate jobs, and massive layoffs for minimum wage workers.

I was shocked when I spoke with my dad last weekend, a diehard Republican, and he said that working a retail job in retirement has changes his outlook: he's voting FOR the $15/hr minimum wage. He said the owner of his store is making $200k a year and paying the employees $9/hr. Paying employees an extra $6/hr would still leave the owner at a six figure income. He made the point that while jobs will be automated, there will always be minimum wage workers (to work on these new machines). He said that in the seventies and eighties, you could work in a hardware store and make enough money to afford a modest home on a single income, which is impossible today.

This initiative wouldn't affect my income in any way, but I want a strong middle class in the US, not be surrounded by high-rise beehives like Europe.

Much of the internet is filled with bullshit, so I'm turning to the consensus of the autistic hivemind that is /biz/ for answers.

>> No.23027793

I think you are right that it will lead to massive layoffs, and the unemployment gibs paid to those former min-wagies will come from the rest of the taxpayers, such that $40/hr gross will net you $15/hr after taxes, just like in Europe.

>> No.23027936

minimum wages are a price floor and lead to inefficiency in the form of labor surpluses. your dad sounds like a fucking faggot commie who didnt work hard enough when he was young. all communists deserve the rope.

>> No.23027974

it's not about the owner making $200k while footing all the risk.
It's more about inflation for people that make $15/hr
If you were to make the minimum wage at 15 you are putting everyone from $8-14.99 on the same level as the $15 person.
The only way this would be beneficial is if they pass a law stating "prices of goods and services cannot increase for ten years".
But, there are always going to be people that maximize their revenue streams.
Instead of selling goods and services the money will go to assests and properties.
Rent is already high. If you want to combat rent or home prices you need to forbid foriegn ownership of domestic property.
Canada has a real issue when it comes to property inflation. Chinese "investors" lockup their wealth in nations where the communist regime of China cannot touch their assests. With housing already being limited you observe higher cost of living (where rent makes up 30% of your cost).

My system of rules and regulations planly stated are guaranteed to increase quality of life for all peoples of a certain country.
>1 limited immigration
>2 no foriegn ownership of residential property
>investing highspeed internet to rural areas
>removing the minimum wage
>auditing businesses of 10 or more employees for performance/dollar paid annual review

Have that system run for 6 years then see where government assistance could benefit the individual without stifling incentives for performing better.
The country can do alot to combat inflation, cost of living, and opportunity. A big part of it isn't controlling the people within it's nation, but controlling what people from outside their nation can do.

>> No.23028003

If rent and housing has gone up like 10x in the last 20 years, don't you think wages should somehow rise too? Leave your political affiliation aside for a minute. Just do 2 plus 2 real quick. What do you think.

>> No.23028008

I live in a place that has instituted 15 minimum and can say that it has only had a positive effect, but this is coupled with a better tax system that redistributes money from wealthy for tax credits to businesses. The US is a mess It might not even work there its so fucked.

>> No.23028048

The UK started with a minimum wage of £5 and covered less than 10% of workers. Now its £9+ and covers 20% of the workers. You still can't afford anything more than a room with a hotplate on it. Everybody sinks to the bottom, not rises to the middle.

>> No.23028065

here’s an idea, if rent and housing go up, don’t agree to work a job that didn’t raise its wage as much.

>> No.23028071

don't get me wrong, i hate poor people and minorities, but putting more money in the hands of lower class people actually helps the economy. I'm barely middle class, i make 18 an hour but min wage in my state is 7.25. most jobs including fast food start at 9 or 10 though

>> No.23028083

This is kenysian nonsense thinking. Even modern governments don't think this way anymore. All regular goods are subsidized and held at price ceilings which is why rises in wage won't have any substantial effect, and in fact they haven't. What HAS inflated however is housing and medicinal care which inflated without minimum wage raises and will continue to do so with them. The problem is not in minimum wages for poor fags working at McDonald's. The problem is corporate taxes being too low and foreign entities buying up all the business and property in western countries. Wake up people, Tyrone earning 15 dollars is not the problem. The problem is our president paying less income tax than you, and you were brainwashed into thinking that's perfectly fine.

>> No.23028102

sure ill tell that to the majority of amerimutts who's jobs have all been shipped abroad and have no choice lmfao. They need to teach more common sense in econ101 for you fucks

>> No.23028109

I make $40/hr, so no, I do not want to see a $15 min wage unless I get a similarly proportioned raise as well. I don't want the buying power of my wage reduced just because boomers insist on taking jobs designed for kids in highschool

>> No.23028116

Raising wages without increasing housing supply or reducing the labor pool will just increase pressure on housing costs.

>> No.23028137

Anyone worth a damn in society makes over $15/hr. Everyone else is just support and should be happy they even have a job and that they're not taken out back and shot

>> No.23028146


Very true. We also agreed that a downside to this is that it also
incentives business to hire illegals.

No, I agree with this, it's one of the reasons that have led me to be hesitant to vote against these amendments.

>> No.23028160

if you have something to offer you will have more takers if the support has disposable income

>> No.23028263

>all of these useful idiots arguing against their class interests
The more workers are paid, the more they can spend.
Unless your country already allows rampant offshoring to brown children for their labor, it only makes the country more productive, while fending off domestic oligarchy.

>> No.23028340

Why not $25/hr?

>> No.23028415

Zero sum game
You can pay wagies $1,000,000 per hour minimum and all that will happen is the price of bread gets 6 zeros added as your money is now worthless

>> No.23028638

It doesn't matter. Minimum wage is a red herring. This country's economy is designed by, and for, the top 10% of the population.

Your minimum wage goes up and businesses will either cut hours, increase prices or both. Your insurance premiums also go up every year regardless. Food prices will go up, etc.

It literally does not matter. The vast majority of the population will ALWAYS be making just enough to survive and one single medical or other financial emergency is all it takes to ruin someone.

Rather than worrying about minimum wage focus on becoming part of the 10% instead. You can not escape, wagie.

>> No.23028657

I'm no longer a wagie and I hope wagies and everyone involved dies horribly

>> No.23028702

Consider that world population has increased by 50% since 1990. More nigs chasing more gibs = less of the gibblet pie for everybody.

>> No.23028739

minimum wage in US is fucked but bringing it up to $15/hr will probably be countered with rising costs. there's no real solution. america today vs 30 years ago is night and day. globalism and technological advancement of trade adversaries has changed the job market. non-professional jobs are approaching equilibrium wages with the rest of the world and that's a very shitty standard of living. want a middle class lifestyle (don't believe jew lies about 1-2% inflation per year) then work in accounting, finance, software, regulation, etc.

>> No.23028768
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i voted against it in florida. i dont even make $15/hour lol, i'm a wagie. but even i can see that when a job is mandated to pay more than that job is worth, it doesnt mean the job magically pays more, it means the job goes away in some form or another. whether it's automation, staffing cuts, outsourcing, it doesnt matter how; a job will never exist that is paid more than the worth that its output is assigned. period.

>> No.23028880

only retards don't want a 15$ an hour minimum wage. most npcs' are consumers and if you give them more money to spend, then they're going to do exactly that. its simple actually, more money consumers can spend = a healthier economy

>> No.23029005

We haven't had money for a long time anon. We have debt instruments we give to greater fools.

>> No.23029505

Imagine thinking this
Let's put it at 50$ then, why stopping at 15 ?
The only good answer for minimum wage is ZERO.

>> No.23029552

Sweden have very high taxes and wages we outsource a bunch of stupid shit because it's too expensive in Sweden.

For example if you call Swedish customer service for many Swedish companies you will talk to a native Swede that live and work in Estonia or Phillipines or something.

If you buy something from Swedish retailer and return it it will be shipped to eastern europe, repackaged and then shipped back to Sweden. Again because wages are too high, taxes are too high.

>> No.23029578

My state already has that
gradual implementation baby
also we are raising taxes on the rich fucking amazing.

>> No.23029591

>people still think minimum wage raises increase unemployment
Read the DMP model or really any study in the last 30 years you illiterate retards.

>> No.23029608

and the rich are leaving, and your state is decaying, and browning rapidly, and you're going to move eventually because you dont like what happened to your state, and in your new home you'll vote the same way, and the process will repeat. truly, the left is a cancer lmao.

>> No.23029623

you're not a wagie, you're just a cuck for daddy bezos

>> No.23029661

minimum wage needs to be removed entirely. Let retards willing to work for <$30/hr doing that.

also, how fucking nifty would it be if you ever wanted to experience some job (to learn a skill or what have you) and then when the employer is like "we can't afford to hire you" be like "I will work for $1 an hour" and just get the job because you're basically willing to do it for free.

>> No.23029686

It’s a fucking meme. Fucking retards it will just be balanced by inflation.



>> No.23029745

failing to refute my argument, instead resorts to insults, i have won. thank you for playing.

>> No.23029746

15 of the top 20 richest states are leftist ones though.

>> No.23029915

The federal minimum wage in the United States has not been raised in over a decade. We have under gone two major wars, a major recession and financial crisis, NOW ANOTHER depression, and the costs of housing, food, clothing, utilities, etc., have ALL gone up drastically since the last minimum wage hike.

If you're going to induct a minimum wage, it needs to be updated and adjusted regularly to keep up with inflation in order to ensure that it is livable. Neoliberal cucks like to make the "argument" that if we just eliminated the minimum wage and left it purely up to the employer how much they can pay their workers, it would magically solve poverty and the "free market" would sort itself out.

Power doesn't work like that. When someone owns the land, the factory, the equipment, the tools, the business, in essence, and someone asks this person for work (i.e. selling them their time/labor), the owner gets the final say in how much the worker gets paid. In the final analysis, they decide what you're worth, not you. You can better your chances of getting a better offer, but you do not control how much they decide they want to pay you.

$15 minimum wage would reinvigorate the economy and force corporate america to pay its employees better wages. That is more spending money for the working class. It would redistribute wealth in a sense, and the economy would see some actual recovery and growth.

Expect a lot of right wing libertarians to spout bullshit in response to this about how this is a bad thing. They live in a bubble. None of them have worked minimum wage jobs before and they jerk each other off to Ayn Rand.

>> No.23030033

> I've always been against the notion, feeling that it would lead to business closures, more incentives for businesses to automate jobs, and massive layoffs for minimum wage workers.
Yes, let's continue to have shitty production to prop up high school dropouts can't tie their shoes or count to ten. If your job can be automated, it wasn't worthwhile to begin with. People who are meaningfully contributing to society should have a livable wage of $15 or more, people who aren't need to go back to school until they are better.

>> No.23030201

Kek, you are stupid. Every mandatory income is worthless, living expenses and taxation will always increase to make it that way. I am german and you can trust me on this one. The only thing you get from this is a destroyed middleclass.

>> No.23030241

They are only lefties as long the money enables it, after the spending is done in a couple of years the right wing will come back.

>> No.23030419

these states didn't just turn left overnight though. they have been rich and progressive for generations. some of them for hundreds of years.

literally all of the worst shithole flyover states are right wing ones. ironically those are the ones with the lowest taxes, lowest minimum wage and with governors and legislators that go above and beyond to cuck themselves out to businesses.


>> No.23030464

lol, imagine thinking the relaxing, low tax, flyover states, are anything but paradise. ask me how i know you've never been more than 20 miles outside of a libtard city lmao?

>> No.23030480
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Your dad is a lying faggot retard and so are you. Asking for $15hr to flip burgers will fuck up the economy so badly but zoomies are faggots who cannot think more than 1 day ahead. Just spend 1 hr researching jobs and their pay rates and ask yourself what will happen to inflation when a 15yr old mcdonalda worker can get paid $15 to do jack shit. Or better yet why dont you research the states that ALREADY HAVE $15/hr and see the effects it has had.

>> No.23030978

we don't need 15 dollars an hour. this will not fix the problem america has. we need a socialist government that will tax the giga rich so that people can afford to live on the low wages they are paid instead of being ass raped by having to pay private companies for private insurance, get the education that they need so they aren't destined to work as a bottom of the barrel slave their entire life as 90% of people do not have the strength to pull themselves out of being a consoomer slave, have the care they need when they are disabled, mentally or physically, rehabilitation, a system that actually cares about them. it's a new expansion to world of warcraft, the bigger numbers just become meaningless

>> No.23031005

Based and exceptionally redpilled

>> No.23031015

Retard, you cant have that and globalism.

>> No.23031050

lol, the 'giga-rich' are the ones pushing socialism in the first place. they're the ones funding the democratic party. bezos, gates, soros, cuckerberg, etc, are donating billions to democrats.

they're doing that because they know that socialism=dictatorship, and they will be the dictators. and you wont get your 'living wage' then lmao, you'll do as you are told, or you will die.

>> No.23031127

>don't get me wrong, i hate poor people and minorities,
absolutely based

>> No.23031283
File: 12 KB, 480x360, retardalert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are entirely retarded in thinking that the democratic party has the interest of anyone but themselves, at what point did i say anything about the democratic party?
sure buddy, give me your take, i'll await your well thought out response ; ^)

>> No.23031340

What will you do when the giga rich people flee the country and take theire money with them?
Theire companys could also run over taxhaven countrys if they really want to, just look at amazon.

>> No.23031352

Lol, imagine being cucked enough to vote against giving yourself a payrise. The rich actively lobby in their own interest even in the full knowledge that it will screw up the economy in the long run.

>> No.23031389

so you're okay with pressure being applied to businesses to raise wages in the abstract, but you're NOT okay with people using this specific vector of approach to applying that pressure?

>> No.23031418

universal basic income anons

>> No.23031501

what are laws and regulation that prevent these things? you realize that these laws don't exist because the system has entirely failed and is owned not by the people and their power, clearly you know that already because you understand that these rich entities invest heavily in politics so that they can have control and power. our monetary system is entirely valueless and based on thin air. we already print trillions of dollars, your argument is retarded. banks have the power to create virtual currency with their loans. it's all a slave control system. your mind can't even comprehend not eating the shit out of ((their)) asses

>> No.23031521

Minimum wage is not a living wage, you’re supposed to advance into high paying positions based on experience and education. Raising the minimum wage doesn’t scale either. If I pay the grocery stocker minimum and the butcher $15 because of his experience why would the butcher want to work more for the same amount of pay?

>> No.23031537

that's not how it works though. if your job doesnt produce $15/hour in output, your job simply goes away lol. i'm not a moron, i like my do-nothing browse-biz watch-anime nothing-job, why would i vote to take it away from myself lmao??

>> No.23031540

It will be worthless after 4-6 years and companys from other countrys will drain the country dry this way.
Just start a real war to kill of the idiots, thats the only way for a real restart of the economy.

>> No.23031666

Income tax of wealthy < immigrants and foreigners purchasing land.

>> No.23031694

You are the retard here, your socialist ideas didnt work in a globalist democracy. The only way to implement shit like that without mayor drawbacks is if there was a litteral world regime. But even than corruption would take its toll. Despite that, most people arent worth 15$ an hour. Even 5$ are to much for some low end jobs.

>> No.23031706

Most low paying jobs are more accurately classed as overheads and don't have a quantifiable output. The employer either needs them or doesn't. Think baristas, security guards, etc.

>> No.23031817

>Raising the minimum wage doesn’t scale either.
This is the biggest issue with minimum wage. It fucks over the more skilled/difficult lower paid positions by leveling them with teenager slacker jobs. Minimum wage is a bandaid to the problem caused by globalisation. Capitalism works fine in a closed loop, but once companies can offshore labour abroad and import cheap labour the whole thing falls apart. It's only going to get worse as it moves from mainly affecting blue collar work to more middle class positions. Why pay for a local accountant or architect when a third worlder can do it for 1/10 the cost?

>> No.23031831

in order for them to pay more they need to earn more and depending on the business, the liquidity available to purchase their particular good may not increase at the same rate as rent or raw material prices

>> No.23031961

You're not middle class at all.
You have no idea what middle class is.

>> No.23032013
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your scope is limited and you have no open mind or creative thinking / critical reasoning for what the future holds. there already is a literal world regime vying for power, they have most of it and you're living in it, with their wool pulled over your mind. if you are here because you invest in crypto currency and /decentralized/ systems you don't even know it's capabilities and what is to come. you think that these ideas have failed when it is only the beginning for them to be tried in real practice in a large scale, when you should know already that there are many places that thrive greatly because of these humanitarian systems that take care of the lives that live in their countries. implementing technology to automate, improve the lives of humanity. within your lifetime you will see the struggle of change and you will believe in your fight for selfishness. ignorance, one of the roots of all suffering

>> No.23032068

Why did flipping burgers used to be a skill that could produce enough value that the worker could be paid a wage sufficient to support a bread-winner homeowner lifestyle, if it's apparently an intrinsically non-viable exchange?
It seems obvious to me that there are economic permutations which enable the books to balance on that equation.

>> No.23032094

I like minimum wage as low as possible, purely because I love seeing wagies seething and poor.

Get in the cage!

>> No.23032111

unironically based

>> No.23032277
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Nobody ever seems to mention that current min wage workers are on a massive amount of state sponsored gibs. These low wage workers are literally having their lives subsidized by taxpayers because private companies are paying so little. It would actually be a net benefit to the system if those lower class workers made enough from their jobs to pay for living expenses and reduce gibs programs in response.

>> No.23032346

This. I know some people here like to be be edgelords with a "let them eat cake" attitude to wagies, bit the reality is no western government is going to let people and their families starve in the streets so will take initiatives to help them. That in turn allows employers to keep wages low, or lower them when calculating for inflation, making the problem even worse. I don't think minimum wage is the ideal tool to correct this, but something has to be done.

>> No.23032427
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>Why yes I am voting for a $15/hr minimum wage so I can work a braindead job and throw it all into Bitcoin, how could you tell?

>> No.23032520

>you could be a sole breadwinner flipping burgers

Who the fuck lied to you and told you this, and why were you stupid enough to believe it in the first place?

>> No.23032528

Easy fix, no more outsourcing. If big corporations leave, fuck em, someone will rise to take their place, as long as the business model is sustainable.

>> No.23032575

Labor wages should be the result of supply and demand. If you want to artificially control a market by mandate, the effects won't be as good as your expectations believe them to be.

>> No.23032630

democrats love these voters

Look the labor market is just like anything. And black market migrant labors will pick up the pieces... say anything you want but labor is a market. You're literally encouraging more crime by making laws that will be broken.

>> No.23032683

Yep, my brother rents a home with his gf and recently had a baby, but because he is on min wage part-time, the Government grant him more money than he even earns.

This is in the UK and is quite common. Most wagies just cant' get enough money together to support themselves a child. If they stopped doing gibs, they be so many homeless people.

Many wagies are content to just live in the lowest end of the scale, and "have fun".

I don't know, must be my autism coming into play. We are worlds apart even though he is years older than me. over 200k and he cant' even get 500 bucks together, acting like its a big deal lol.

>> No.23032802

Hello fellow PA wastelander

>> No.23032838


>> No.23032857

The labor market has been decoupled from the supply and demand model due to globalization - it is no longer relevant when discussing inter-country wages. Perhaps if there were severe penalties for outsourcing labor then this would not be the case.

>> No.23032890

i love when people mention insurance as if it's not complete middleman robbery.


>> No.23032939

Based. It blows my mind that retards actually think corporations that don't pay income tax will want to pay workers fairly if left unregulated. And these idiots think this problem doesn't affect them because they work for good companies - well when their kids have to find work but the town has been turned into a labor wasteland by the corporations that sucked the blood out of the community, they'll get their reality check.

>> No.23032975

based and austrian pilled. fuck mmt, fuck keynesianism.

>> No.23032991

>>rich people leaving

they aint taking their trophy wife to brunch in arkansas, so where are they going besides other cities?

>> No.23033004

you're talking about apprenticeship, which has been removed from this country for 99% of jobs.

>> No.23033018

You know what would fix this problem? Don't settle for shit jobs; you actually ruin the economy sucking the toes of robust business men.

>Make the owner pay for the wage increase
No one and I mean no business is going to foot the bill on this, they just pass it onto the customers and it won't change anything. This only causes more inflation. Deregulating and encouraging other business opportunities is the only way to increase wages, because businesses will have to compete to get decent employees.

>> No.23033035

This. Ancaps are cancer.

>> No.23033038

When I wagecucked retail at minimum wage I was against the wage hikes in my state because I knew everything would get more expensive. Which it did. Months before it even became law. Do you see op my anecdote trumps yours about your faggot father who already made it to retirement.

>> No.23033046

I'm a retard, but... Why is it that shitty jobs 30 years ago paid so much and now they pay so little? Is there any way for America to go back to the way it used to be or are we basically fucked?

>> No.23033059

Neoliberalism destroyed everything.

>> No.23033069

spending more money is not an indication of a healthier economy. you've been jewed into thinking that. savings and investment create a healthy economy.

>> No.23033101

>DMP model
quantitative keynesian models don't work and haven't for 100 years. economics is a social science.

>> No.23033179

oh wow a commie mmt faggot inflitrating a board where people take on risks to make money. fuck you faggot.

>> No.23033225

the average personal salary in the us is 33,706. If he works 18$/h 40 hours a week 4 weeks a month then he gets a salary of 34,560
I think you are the one who doesn't understand middle = average and the middle class in this country is shit

>> No.23033293

Anything under $50k a year is poor in my city, this guy is a hick

>> No.23033304


You make less than 40k a year. That is poverty.

>> No.23033307

deficit spending by government and inflation created by the federal reserve are the problem.

>> No.23033335

To be fair most of this board are just neet leeches that are contributing nothing to society. Myself included.

>> No.23033357

How bad are you at managing money?

>> No.23033359

see >>23028739
> globalism and technological advancement of trade adversaries has changed the job market. non-professional jobs are approaching equilibrium wages with the rest of the world and that's a very shitty standard of living.

>> No.23033368

durr durr the only thing that matters is my shithole city full of queers and nogs.
Enjoy the niggers and homeless friend

>> No.23033382

Hello, Based Department?

>> No.23033392

t. someone who has never left the coast

>> No.23033420

My dad made 17/hr stocking shelves after a few years. I work in the deli and make 12, with 5+ years of experience.

>> No.23033437

omg! its so based that people born poor have to work 40 hours a week until they die. . Too bad there is no other way.

>> No.23033540

>average poor fag /biz/ user: it’s fucked we need our income to rise to match this bullshit inflation but raising it to 15 with a minimum 15/hr a wage will probably do more harm then good. It’s fucked there’s really nothing we can do
>meanwhile in congress: All in favor in giving the 1% one quadrillion dollars say aye r:235 D:300 All in favor of the senate passing the one quadrillion dollar bill to save the rich say aye r:50 d:50. I hereby the president of the American people do hereby declare that this honkin bill to save the rich hereby becomes law with my signature /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

>> No.23033571

So fucking based were bringing America back baby woo!!!!!

>> No.23033643

>thinks store owner will be nice and just give everyone free money
>reality: store owner just raises prices and fires people so he makes the same amount of money while wagies get fucked because everything is more expensive.

>> No.23033659

We already have $15/hr wages in expensive parts of the country

>> No.23033661

Good maybe when enough of you slaves are homeless you’ll pick of the torches and care about your fellow man

>> No.23033763

except Amazon has done exactly that. god mmt retards deserve the rope.

>> No.23033974

when the US dollar was based on money

>> No.23033988

What’s worse niggers and crackheads or isolation and retardation? Doesn’t matter because if you live in riverside you have all four, but not me though I live in Encanto where it’s hot as fuck but no one bothers you. It’s still San Diego but it’s dry mountain

>> No.23034065

>Why yes I live in a 30% white desert that sti has a high cost of living, are you not impressed you damn white person!?

The fuck is wrong with Calicucks?

>> No.23034127

New fag here anons with a big favor to ask. As a stupid new fag, I want to take a deep dive down the rabbit hole and learn about the deepstate, NWO, and the people/groups/organizations pulling the strings that make our world go round. Please help Keks, I wish to need to learn what they don’t want me to learn.

>> No.23034158

I have a house, small but mine. neighbors are cool. But I don’t have to deal with nignogs and crackheads the downtown high rise apartment people have to deal with. Like hillcrest and north park are full of liberals and homeless

>> No.23034178

niggers. i say this is someone who moved from a backwoods drug filled shithole in northeastern PA to the nigger filled high density exurbs of philadelphia. i really want to move back to my hometown just to get away from the niggers and jew landlords but it looks like i'll have to switch careers to something more remote-friendly (software) than what i'm doing now (accounting.)

>> No.23034267

Education is a big factor, my neighbors are black but they have degrees and shit. They flex sometimes like when they bought a Mercedes but they’re cool. But when their family comes over oh no no no lock all doors don’t even look at them. I went to take out the trash and this niggress started chimping out in some Ebonics all I understood was police brutality.

>> No.23035079

Based because it increases the rate of automation and once we get past a certain unemployability rate the government will be forced to give us UBI to keep the economy afloat

>> No.23035552


Because the rest of the world was fucked by WW2

>> No.23035587


And then at some point they'll realize a solid 40% of society are useless dependent bags of flesh and send them to extermination camps

>> No.23035661

all niggers are like that, especially when they're in groups or when they get any kind of middle class-tier or higher money levels. best defense is to ignore them, always carry a gun, and dont hesitate to call 911 if you feel a chimpout might occur.

>> No.23035682

It's almost pointless now. That started a few years back, $15 an hour now even at 40 hours per week is barely enough to make it on your own.

>> No.23035706

>etards actually think corporations that don't pay income tax will want to pay workers fairly if left unregulated.
Not when they can export or import the labor. Labor isn't readily mobile. It's a huge fiat in the assumptions of free trade and neoclassical economics. I'm not a keynesian either, but the assumption of mobile labor is fucking retarded.

>> No.23035711

>feeling that it would lead to business closures, more incentives for businesses to automate jobs, and massive layoffs for minimum wage workers
These are threats business owners scream everything minimum wage increase is mentioned. They should be lined up against a wall and shot, to be perfectly honest.
Just like when Apple threatens to stop selling products in a country because they are committing tax fraud, shoot the fucking CEO on live broadcast.

>> No.23035740


Pretty soon calling 911 is going to be enough to get you charged with a hate crime

>> No.23035743

50% population increase means 50% increase in goods and services needed.

>> No.23035767

>Just spend 1 hr researching jobs and their pay rates and ask yourself what will happen to inflation when a 15yr old mcdonalda worker can get paid $15 to do jack shit
What happens? Please tell us.

>> No.23035812

>What will you do when the giga rich people flee the country and take theire money with them?
The greedy jews all leave and never come back? GOOD!

>> No.23035813

Ceteris paribus an increase in the price of a good will decrease it's demand.

>> No.23035855

the economy fails, as it fails in every socialist nation. look at europe for details, not a single growing economy on the entire continent.

>> No.23035859


>> No.23035899

>the economy fails
Okay then, list off all the failed economies that have implemented a fair minimum wage.
I'll wait. Really, I'll fucking wait.

>> No.23035945

>swedish minimum wage, $14
>swedish gdp per capita, 80k+

>usa minimum wage, wallmart foodstamps
>usa gdp per capita (including the billion dollar kikes) 62k

hOw dOEs THiS wOrK>???

>> No.23036090

It should be higher.

It costs $1,200 a month to rent a one bedroom apartment. Your rent should be no more than 25% of your monthly pay. So minimum wage should be $4,800 an hour. Which is about $6,800 before taxes. Minimum wage should unironically be $43 dollars an hour.

>> No.23036495

It shouldn't be the state that enforces any salary floor nor ceiling in the private sector, if anything unions are the ones that should take a role in this

>> No.23036512

Btw Nordic countries actually do this, they don't have minimum wages there

>> No.23036540

Your dad is somewhat based.

>> No.23036583

No, he's right. We need to do something about this, starting with a higher minimum wage and a strong border wall.
t. Flyover Chad.

>> No.23036609

They don't need them, business owners don't actively hate the young and poor there.

>> No.23036841



Wrong. US 67K, Sweden 55K. If you're gonna lie, at least make it believable.

>> No.23036883

I just don't want it raised because I make $19/hr. Inflation would hike and I'd be worse off.

If you are flipping burgers that's your own fault.

>> No.23036928

I meant switzerland lel, and they are bringing in the 25 min wage

>> No.23036983

>inflate economy with relief gibs
wow we are so good pls support us
>increase minimum wage as adjustment for less buying power
wow we are so good pls support us

rinse and repeat while the only one who loses are the people

politicians really have their methods down

>> No.23037207

theres a mountain of data now and it turns out minimum wage increases generally dont cause layoffs or appreciably increase prices.

Makes sense as there's a huge chunk of net income at any business that doesn't go towards production costs but instead goes towards investors either via debt repayments, dividends, stock buybacks, or some other mechanism. Meanwhile, most businesses are already operating at the best ratio between production costs and income that they can and selling their product/service at the highest price competition/demand will allow them to. Seems obvious that investors end up footing the bill for min wage increases in most cases.

stop virtue signalling

>> No.23037300

Why wage slaves crab bucket