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23025972 No.23025972 [Reply] [Original]

Anons tell me about crypto , Forex or any other way of making money .
I am extremely poor and I want to do my master aboard next year so I have a year to learn how to make money .
I will need probably 20k

>> No.23026034

Just go to a Forex broker who has 1:500-1000 leverage and all in on 1 trade. I turned $500 into $42,000 in 1 trade over 2 days kek

>> No.23026047

Nice man

>> No.23026065
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Stop asking biz. Go do actual research. If you seriously take advice from here you will lose in the long term.

>> No.23026092

dropshipping isn't a meme and actually does work, but you can't just do what everyone else is doing, and no one will tell you useful things (aside from absolute base level beginner information) for free.

>t, anon who's made like $5-10k/month this year selling random shit on the internet

>> No.23026219

I did a lot of research . I just wanted to know what really works.

>> No.23026240

This good but how much did you spend in order to start making profit ?

>> No.23026533

I got sales my first day, and was probably break even for a month before making small profits. Im not making enough to really live off of, and only have about a 20% profit margin, but its a good side gig. The customer service part is annoying as fuck though (but still manageable).

Im having difficulty scaling past low 6 figures in revenue, but I've really put in the bare amount of investment needed. I'd probably need to start ordering my own branded inventory in bulk and handling my own order fulfilment to increase profits and further legitimize my brand

>> No.23026689

I know where you got that picture from anon...

>> No.23026703

True, but in much of the world you're in for a bad experience. Here in South Africa the post office is terrible, shit takes forever to arrive which makes it impossible to dropship.

>> No.23026722

What are some of the main items you sell? Do you mainly use eBay or what? Are cards or video games a viable option for this?

>> No.23026765

kek based, not gonna work long term tho

>> No.23026906

Crypto is investing so essentially gambling. Forex is sort of like gambling itself but way more complex. If you get good at it you essentially become the house in a casino game. Getting good at it takes years though so I wouldn't recommend that you'll probably just get burnt

>> No.23027017

Do not attempt this OP

>> No.23027085

Tell me then

>> No.23027144

do you have a high iq anon?
if so learn how to day trade (works with crypto, forex, stock basically every market)
then again if you can become a successful day trader a master is useless

>> No.23027266

My ultimate goal is starting a company and selling it .Then I will enjoy the NEET life for the rest of my life .So,I can’t rely on day trading for the rest of my life .

>> No.23027405

yeah then trading is not for you
good luck!

>> No.23027488

It's from Tunis anon on /int/

>> No.23027606


Right??! Pale skin black dark hair is patricians choice.

>> No.23028516

Or any term. Might as well suck dick OP.

>> No.23028620

First, I am going to assume you are a brown or a yellow dude, and you are thinking of doing something related to CS.

So first question. What other skills do you have besides being a book worm?

look there's nothing wrong in getting a masters if you are looking to get a PR to a country like Canada or if you are thinking of working for someone else. Or you want to experience university or living in a different country. I am talking as a dumbass who has 2 masters (one in IT another in CS, i know... dumb cunt)

I wish someone stopped me from doing my masters, and told me to buy bitcoin or invest it in starting my own company. Which is why I asked you if you have any other skills besides book knowledge.

I spent close to 100k usd on both of my courses and living expenses. As an international student doing a masters in the UK or the US is going to burn a hole in your pocket.

If you want to make money and be free and have fun along the way, invest in the following.

Take all the money you are going to spend on the masters and use it to buy yourself time. With the amount of money you are possibly going to spend on a masters you should be able to live in a 3rd world country for almost 3-4 years easily.

0. Invest in a good internet connection.
1. If you can, go live with your parents for 2 years. Try to help them by paying the utility bills.
1. If its a CS type masters and you want the knowledge, use the internet, learn how to program, make use of cousera, Stanford, Berkley, MIT, youtube and everything else you can get your hands on. Follow those courses. If you are smart enough to tie your shoe laces you should be able to finish learning the contents of a 4year degree in less than 1 year if you work your ass off.
2. Start thinking about a problem you have when you use software, find something that annoys you about a software you like.
3. Start experimenting with building a solution.
4. Little by little as you gain skills keep building it.

>> No.23028660


Day trading is not a job, less than 0,01 % people make more than minimum wage day trading.

>> No.23028807


5. Find someone to sell it to, within 2 years try to have atleast 10 customers, its fukin hard to get your first 10 customers. Try to find demanding customers who can really make your product better. Repeat step 4 and 5 untill you have enough customers to help you hire someone else to work with you.

6. Oh yeh, learn the fuck out of git, like fukin master it, learn what the shit git does behind the scenes, git will be the best god damn thing that will help you manage a company,

7. When you learn software development, learn every fukin thing, dont limit yourself, explore like a mad motherfucker, learn how to setup and run servers, learn a modern language like go(lang), learn a whore language like javascript (this shit is everywhere) learn to program SPAs, learn mobile development. learn till you ass bleeds.

8. Learn meditation.
9. Learn how to look after your health, work out, get ripped. Becuase no amount of money will matter if you are a fat fuck and die.
10. after 2-3 years of this, i guarantee you will be successful.

>> No.23028825


I went through this horse shit, after finishing the masters, so I feel like I wasted 2 good years of my life and a lot of fukin money for that piece of shit paper that isnt even worth wiping my asshole with. People make too much of a shit about university education. Its just a fukin retarded thing if you are not planning to become a prof. I did all the things mentioned about and now I am happy with my life. I just wish I got here sooner if I had not done those degrees to please my parents or to feel smart. While the truth is its one of the dummest fukin things I had done. Coz here's the thing about masters, most of the professors dont give two cocks about you. they will give you a slide and ask you to memorize it and vomit it all at the end of the semester in to a fukin paper.

Here's what they don't tell you about making money, if you look after yourself, if you put 100% focused energy in to you, the money will follow. making money is that easy. Just stop trying to please everyone else and do what you want to do. If you fuck up, fail at your own terms, not on some other person's terms.

>> No.23029357

Ayh Ena Howa xD
Kotlehom mezeli am bech yatewni nasay7 l am
Nfaker fi alternative plan Ken manjhtch tima nheb

>> No.23029883

Yes are you him ?And btw who’s she ?

>> No.23030078

Thank you man for your advice .I will think about it.
I refused to do my bachelor aboard because I had to work during my free time .
I would rather make projects and learn new stuff .
If I don’t manage to finance my study ,I will use this plan .