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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23025617 No.23025617 [Reply] [Original]

I started browsing /b/ during my high school years. It was the best feeling ever, being edgy at 16-17 and calling people faggot. Then I moved onto /pol/, then /tv/ and /fit/. Eventually, I stumbled onto this board a few months ago.

Man, you people were like my idols. I was amazed. Watching Bizonacci memes on YouTube, looking at how advanced you guys were with your lingo and the apparent profits you were making

>"time to buy Polkadot, guys!"
>"buy low sell high"
>"now is the last time to buy (insert coin)!"

So I invested my money so I could be a rich crypto businessman like you guys. I did it. And I'm sorry to say but, you're all a bunch of losers.

Not only did none of my coins moon, I am actually losing money on BTC, ETH, UNI, XRP, AMPL. I am not rich, this market is slow as fuck and nothing ever happens. Hell, its probably even compromised and manipulated to shit.

I am thoroughly disappointed, to say the least. Not only do my coins never moon like you promised, but I was so disillusioned to find out that this board is full of Indian scammers, Logan Paul-like Twitter morons shilling their scams, and kissless NEETS. Oh, and of course, people posting thots just to keep their worthless threads from dying.

I fucking hate all of you. If I don't become rich like you promised by EOY, I am personally taking this board down. Have a nice day.

>> No.23025642

kys nigger scum

>> No.23025645

gay unoriginal larp get fucked

>> No.23025646

hey i'm subbed to this bitch's onlyfans.

>> No.23025672

You didn't buy link? And we're the losers?

>> No.23025974
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He thinks he will make it by investing in top market coins

>> No.23025989


>> No.23026074

Name? And post more

>> No.23026110
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No one cares

>> No.23026116

what's the name

>> No.23026155
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0reob4by, though be warned, it is $30 per month. Think i've spent close to $1000 dollars over the last year on her. Would really be struggling if it wasn't for chainlink

>> No.23026168

Damn. How much to fug?

>> No.23026181

Oh no, I just spent it on her onlyfans.

>> No.23026199

If /pol/ existed when you started browsing 4chan you are a fucking newfag and need to leave.

>> No.23026214
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That is a man.

>> No.23026239

KYS you fucking faggot. A weak willed little bitch like you doesn't deserve to make it. You've only been here a few months but don't understand a thing about /biz/. Honestly what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you know how easy this board is? You are the biggest shitter i've seen today, what makes you think you'll be a crypto millionaire? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about or what to do. Go to bunnings, buy some rope and neck yourself you failure.

>> No.23026242

Git gud fegget

>> No.23026246
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>I started browsing /b/ during my high school years. It was the best feeling ever, being edgy at 16-17 and calling people faggot. Then I moved onto /pol/, then /tv/ and /fit/. Eventually, I stumbled onto this board a few months ago.
>Man, you people were like my idols. I was amazed. Watching Bizonacci memes on YouTube, looking at how advanced you guys were with your lingo and the apparent profits you were making
>>"time to buy Polkadot, guys!"
>>"buy low sell high"
>>"now is the last time to buy (insert coin)!"
>So I invested my money so I could be a rich crypto businessman like you guys. I did it. And I'm sorry to say but, you're all a bunch of losers.
>Not only did none of my coins moon, I am actually losing money on BTC, ETH, UNI, XRP, AMPL. I am not rich, this market is slow as fuck and nothing ever happens. Hell, its probably even compromised and manipulated to shit.
>I am thoroughly disappointed, to say the least. Not only do my coins never moon like you promised, but I was so disillusioned to find out that this board is full of Indian scammers, Logan Paul-like Twitter morons shilling their scams, and kissless NEETS. Oh, and of course, people posting thots just to keep their worthless threads from dying.
>I fucking hate all of you. If I don't become rich like you promised by EOY, I am personally taking this board down. Have a nice day.

>> No.23026281

this board is not easy. OP is right. only pajeet scams. it was better in 2017 and 2018. pretty shit nowadays

>> No.23026287

It is easy. You are just shit.

>> No.23026292
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>he managed to buy the top of XRP only a few months ago
OP maybe you’re just not cut for this. Maybe you have a financial curse on you because being at a loss with XRP within just months means you just fuckin suck lmaoo

>> No.23026319


wait wait, please leave ethereum and pass your investment to Avalanche (Avax) from there. thank me later

>> No.23026373

Ive known this whore (alex clarke) before she became a whore and would never give her a dime purely because of knowing how much of a bitch she is as a person.

>> No.23026383 [DELETED] 

That's where you went wrong. I imagine that place is just brain rot. Here's what you would have done if you wanted to make it:

2009/b/>>>/pol/>>>/g/, /fit/, /x/>>2014

t. Made it

>> No.23026425


this board is full of pajeets. they only want to lure you into buying their shitcoin/bags.

dont believe anything what you read on here. if you trust biz advice there is a high chance that you will lose money.

>> No.23026430

That's where you went wrong. I imagine that place is just brain rot. Here's what you would have done if you wanted to make it:

/b/>/pol/>[/g/, /fit/, /x/]>/biz/

t. Made it

>> No.23026490

living the dream

>> No.23026537

If you don’t post on
/k/ /fit/ /pol/ /out/ and /biz/
your never going to make it

>> No.23026546

start with the greeks

>> No.23026636
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lurk more faggot

>> No.23026789


I'd buy you a drink if you were old enough to enter a bar.

Welcome to being an adult and being responsible for your life decisions you miserable faggot

>> No.23026997

You being serious or just LARPING? Tell me more about the charcter of this thot, already spent fuckloads on her.

>> No.23027089

I bought 30k LINK in 2017

>> No.23027095

I sometimes wonder what our dumpster fire of a board looks like to the unsuspecting normie. imagine having absolutely no grasp of crypto or the level of FUD/shilling/irony that happens here and trying to make sense of it all. Terrifying.

>> No.23027115


But did you buy into Orion protocol? If you did, you would be up 25x to 70x

>> No.23027157

>I stumbled onto this board a few months ago
This does show that xarepee cuks have slight hope in offloading their bags to newfags.
In rare chance this is not larp you are very inexperienced and expect to make money within the first few months get gud kid

>> No.23027170

you know, the moment low iQ newfags like you buy into a coin is probably exactly when i'm shorting it. you're the person i'm thinking about when i ask myself "who would buy this shit at those prices?" i'm already up $85k on my eth short alone and you sound like the kind of person that filled my sell orders

>> No.23027180


>> No.23027191


>> No.23027197


>> No.23027244


>> No.23027357
File: 105 KB, 710x428, farquaad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i joined about 3 months ago and i've almost tripled my investment in crypto thanks to these biztards. idk about you but im comfy AF.

>> No.23027364

>this market is slow as fuck and nothing ever happens
There is a chance to make x2 EVERYDAY with this market.

>Oh, and of course, people posting thots just to keep their worthless threads from dying.
> Still Posts thot to get attention.

Dude, who would ever listen to biz? This is an absolute shitshow where 99.9% posts are trash and scam shills. You are a faggot to fell for the meme and you can only blame yourself.

I still have to admit you have a good taste in men. Is there more of this thot? I'd love to bust a huge coomshot for him

>> No.23027434

How?? How do you do it? Give me ONE helpful advice on this Rajesh board

>> No.23027505



>> No.23027564

just don't be a fucking retard. it's easier to make money in crypto than in any other market because crypto is full of low iQ third worlders. i turned $15k into $400k in 2 years which wouldn't have been possible in any other market. if you manage to lose money in crypto, you just failed the easiest iQ test there is

>> No.23027591

dont just fomo into everything you see or hear on this board. doing your own research is key

>> No.23027625

Easy: do the opposite of what /biz/ say

Now pay me in nudes of this semon demon

>> No.23027637

You shock me OP.
You must be a special kind of retard as EVERYONE else has made 10000 times profit.

>> No.23027640

Sorry mate this board is full of pajeet scammers. Things were different a few years ago, but if you want some advice here you go.

NEVER go all in and NEVER invest more than you can afford to lose. Always keep a safe stack of a top 10 coin on a hardware wallet and the gambling ethereum on metamask

Look out for pre-sales
Don't fomo
Don't buy after a pump
Don't sell after a dump
Learn to spot the jeets
If a telegram is full of them stay away, don't invest
If the mod/dev types in broken english, don't invest
If the website is a broken mess, don't invest
Lock in profits

Fuck you pajeetniggers

>> No.23027915


>> No.23027917

Giving away your link to this bitch, without anything but pixels in return.

>> No.23027935


>> No.23027969
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you didnt buy LINK you fuck we all made money off that shit. a few months ago means you would have gotten a 5x

>> No.23027998

Idk, based on suggestions from /biz/ I'm now making enough each month from staking/farming to cover my living expenses. You have to learn how to read the board, but after a while the shills, fud, scams, etc practically jumps out at you. It also helps that I've been on the chans since 2005 and am very initiated.

Always was kind of a financial retard though, I wish I bought Bitcoin when it was like $0.02 and being shilled on /b/ and /g/. I even remember threads where anons were giving Bitcoin away for free/memes/gets but the service I had to sign up for to receive it looked scammy so I didnt. C'est la vie...

>> No.23028154

and they wonder why they're not making mad dosh

>> No.23028169

Someone verify this so this faggot doesnt end up stealing my linkies

>> No.23028174

what coins?

>> No.23028181

>unironically buying coins in the top 100 when you can get 10-100x everyday on uniswap

>> No.23028256

Lol if you didn't realize how retarded 4chan is you deserved it

>> No.23028844

or lose 10-100x retard

>> No.23029327

basically me
/b/ > pol > g / biz > x / fit > G > G > biz >G (pol<> B<<<<<>>>)GGGGGGGGGGGggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg bizzzzzzzzz

>> No.23029636

Yea I lived in Yorkshire, UK, close to her and remember she was friends with Danielle Hunt and there was some sort of serious snakery/cheating going on between them too and their ex(same gay). Their whole trio was the definition of facebook famous, attention hungry cancer around 2014.

>> No.23029848

Why do you waste your money on simping? are people like you scared of using torrent sites or something?

>> No.23029914
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I agree with all what you said OP except the last line.

board is SAFU

>> No.23030105
File: 496 KB, 703x710, Screen Shot 2020-04-01 at 8.14.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do all of your research and Learning outside of /BIZ/ retard. this place is for bants, shitposting, "MEN", and the occasional green day celebration threads and very very faint market signals.

>> No.23030162

Pathetic simp cretin. I hope you go bankrupt.

>> No.23030219

I always FUD crypto and shill good stocks. You should have listened to me instead of the retarded crypto-gamblers.

What did you expect, put your savings in crypto and retire?

>> No.23030523

link pnk statera
pick 1 and hold for 2 years

>> No.23030569

I have 3200 LINK so not happening anytime soon. When we hit $1000/LINK i'm gonna keep subbing to more onlyfans and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.23031026

dude...youre a stacklet why are you wasting THOUSANDS on pussy you can see for free om pornhub? yngmi

>> No.23031033


>> No.23031156

why are you so fucking cringe kys nigger

>> No.23031321

Go back to /b/

>> No.23031359

Don't feel bad and don't get discouraged that soon.
Invest only in legit problems.
Don't listen to all the pajeets about iq or anything. This is absurd since even Isaac Newton was scammed back in time. No one here has higher iq than him.
Crypto is just luck and perseverance.

>> No.23031369

good value protection asset with the likelihood of going up over time
you expected to make money with this? wtf anon?
all garbage, eth is only slightly less garbage. you made terrible choices anon and bought at a poor time like all fomo fags. the real problem is you're holding garbage with the exception of BTC

>> No.23031388

I mean I’m up 85k on Link because of /biz/ so if you can sift through the ganges you can find some gold occasionally.

>> No.23031417

Look at this faggot, ask yourself why would we make you rich? Why would we give you information for free? We steal from you retards on the daily. Continue to buy high and see low

>> No.23031430

Post pics

>> No.23031448

/n/ used to be called animals then trains and now it’s just transportation, ie bikes only bicycles

>> No.23031481

Buy rlc