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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23023481 No.23023481 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be the last time I post about this crypto because I'm tired of being called a pajeet and hearing bullshit, when XOR was sub 50k marketcap, who was the first person who posted it on this board? It was fucking me, I told you cunts so many microcap projects that did 10-100x, yeah I wanted these projects to go up so I shilled them around here, I'm not going to pretend it was out of some pure hearted concern about everyone making it. But what happened? Every single thread, I heard you fags insult me, saying I'm some indian nigger scammer, my 23andme results shows I'm 99.9% white. I'm whiter then any fag that called me a pajeet. But anyways, back to talking about this crypto.

GEEQ. Yeah, yeah. Post your shitty FUD again in this thread about how the circulating supply is 3% and how they're going to dump on you because you can't be fucked to do 5 minutes of research you goddamn primate. To anyone who wants to leave the rat race and actually invest in a good microcap project, join the Telegram and research the project. All of your questions, concerns and other sub 100 IQ bullshit that I keep seeing you fags spew has been answered and more. That's it, you're never seeing me post again on this board about this project, I'm going to be binging on dissociative and psychedelic chemicals while watching anime for the next couple months. Wanna know how I'm able to live such a lifestyle? Because I've fucking made it and you haven't cunt, because I actually research shit. I haven't worked in 9 years and never will work again, while you fags probably have to work full time jobs doing miserable shit you hate, yet you call me the pajeet.

That's it, take my advice, or don't.

>> No.23023491

Post hands and I'll buy a large bag

>> No.23023525
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I posted my hand 2 days ago because I kept gettling called a PAJEET FUCKING NIGGER in a thread about GEEQ, it's 4am or I'd take a new photo, I'm calming down now, had a bit of an autistic spergout in this thread, forgive me friends. I've been manic today due to the drugs I've been consuming, I'm a fan of arylcyclohexylamines but they get me acting a little stimmed up and manic. Anyhow, I'm off to watch anime, later anons.

>> No.23023571

You should lay off the drugs anon, will def check out the project though

>> No.23023651

I checked the Telegram and one of the developers wrote an essay about how it's programmed, the tokenomics and answered a few other questions. Sorry OP for calling you a pajeet nigger cumguzzling faggot, I kept seeing it get spammed here and figured it was another pump and dump scam because you evaded my questions or gave half-assed answers kek it's an interesting project I'll give you that

>> No.23023707

don't let them get to you anon, i'm sure plenty of people appreciate you posting all these but didn't say anything in the thread because they still want to accumulate, i hope we will all make it fren

>> No.23023709
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im autistic and high haf the time ya cunt whatever just finsihed watching uzaki chan holy shit is she cute cant wait for s2 ego dissolution now that's some shit i can get beeeehind my boy

>> No.23023714

Literally a pajeet hand lmao

>> No.23023727
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>> No.23023730

>actually wanting Uzaki season 2
not possible, fake rajeet shill from confirmed

>> No.23023749
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>> No.23023772

what's your opinion on LINK OP?

>> No.23023790

Go back to the gulag tranny

>> No.23023828

Looking for the next AAVE like run, does this have billion dollar marketcap potential?

>> No.23023848
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i retired at 22 because i bought in at link earlty enough i fucking love sergey and would suck his micropenis over by a mcdonalds dumpster if i saw him irl, dont have anymore link though lol but i flip it sometimes, flipped it again from 8.20 to 10 awhile back but usually i just terher uppp and wait for link to crashh before i buy my stackk yup

im a man, i ahvent cut my cock off and i was born this way

yee just researh th e shit man its insane immm buyingg fat bags weveyr shcna cei cget

>> No.23023924

Lol fuck it, I'm throwing a couple gs in this, if it flops oh well, if it does a 100x that would be cool too.

>> No.23023959

whats a stack?

>> No.23023964

I stopped reading after the first sentence of you feeling sorry for yourself. Seriously, just kill yourself pussy. I don't care what shitcoin your pedalling, I do not want the opinion of a sniveling man child. good day.

>> No.23023972

Go back bunkerchan tranny

>> No.23024007
File: 115 KB, 900x1279, uzaaakii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nicee oooh yeah stake it on bitmax so you get some more gains you get 0;1% adaym contractt is pretty small though so thatisnt lasting long




>> No.23024036

if you give me a qrd on the low circulating ill buy some.

>> No.23024122
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shittt im efcjed boy but il try tro get these receptors to signal, ok, so basically, they did an ico sale at 25 cents a geeq. right? the tokens that didn't sell, they were neber issued, these tokens wont be seud and are lockedthey ve talked about this in their channel. ok, the rest of the teams tokens is locked, now there is 41% of the supply getting released slowly over the next 2 years but a lot of that's going to epople,who stake right now you see what im saying, AKA YOU!!!!1 its in a contarat the devs arent gonna dumo on you, they literally cant its locked, theere you go jp;y. fuck that took so long to write out


>> No.23024269

I have no idea what you just said, but you posted big titty girl and weird music.

I'm in.

>> No.23024384

Jesus christ stop doing drugs, use your money to get your life situated and find a nice woman. Nobody's buying your shitcoin so you can keep doing drugs.

>> No.23024445
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>> No.23024557
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What even is this thread, probably one of the best threads I've read on biz in awhile

>> No.23024596

>Still plays Runescape

>> No.23024662

you can color contrast the picture to look white but we still see the bone structure of a pajeet

>> No.23024725

i learned how to make money on runescape (also got some experience being scammed) its a better game than 90-95% of games just bc of all the things you can learn from it at a young age.

i remember flipping 200k into 2m in about an hour on dhide vambraces. shit was so tite.

>> No.23024799
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I've already made it. I like merching items on the grand exchange, I love seeing my virtual monies go up. I've made 75m merching while high tonight, my heart is still beating 5000 beats a minute. Fuck, hope I don't die.


Flipping GP is a really euphoric feeling. The market in Runescape follows an easy to predict pattern and you can bet against GE tracker if you want to make some real profit. I'll go pop a benzo, brb actually, I'll write some more about my merching tricks in a bit.

>> No.23024807

i can really appreciate the effort, texting when you're really fucked up esp on psychedelic can be hard to do.

when i was in grade 12 i did lsd before school but managed to function in my chem class. i could see a holographic projection of the chemical structure of different organic molecule we were talking about. answering the teachers questions was so satisfying when high af.

had some bad trips though too

>> No.23024988
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I kept redosing DPT and O-PCE, the headspace was fucking insane, I'm calming down now and my brain is returning to it's normal state. The economy in Runescape is tied to the players and the drops they have, right? And they play at certain times and especially on the weekends, because most people are wagies/students, so a lot of drops start flowing into the game on the weekend. The way to get the best margin is to buy items on the weekend and sell during the weekday and to undercut whatever GE tracker shows you, the real profitable flips are to be had by timing the player count and the drops coming into the exchange. Sites like GE tracker aren't 100% accurate and can be manipulated, especially for items that aren't sold often. Some of my most profitable flips are buying individual barrow pieces on the weekend at a low price and waiting until mid week to sell sets. You can do this with any set though, barrows has profited me the most due to how many people do barrows.

I've taken all sorts of tryptamines, entheogens and arylcyclohexylamines and it really is such a chaotic headspace to try to communicate with other people. It's almost impossible, re-reading through my posts tonight just goes to show, my emotions were all over the place, from anger to depression to euphoria to smugness. That's the beauty of psychedelics though, that array of human emotion. I'm gonna head to sleep though, goodnight anon and goodnight biz. I hope you enjoyed the ramblings of a madman.

>> No.23025046

Sweet dreams anon

>> No.23025197

checked and sleep pilled. have a good reset bro

>> No.23025210

Thanks for telling me about VRA too XOR anon

>> No.23025230


>> No.23025797

Are you in a telegram/discord based OP?

Shall we make one? You sound like my kinda guy