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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23018937 No.23018937 [Reply] [Original]

any hopium bros? should i sell YFV and go all in CORE?

>> No.23018973

Depends which one you think will bleed out slowest

>> No.23018995

I'm hodling both right now.

YFV has got to hit eventually. It's growing and locking in more money every day. Me personally I'm waiting until at least the EOY for YFV. I want to see what happens when there are no more tokens to farm

>> No.23019000

Core looks like it's finished too desu

>> No.23019017

trips of lies. you have to be joking.

>> No.23019030

No kek never jokes. Rug pulled by uncle sam and friends next week on all defi

>> No.23019132

trips say you're right
words say you're retarded
not sure what to think

>> No.23019154
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I just checked
You've been warned in literally every thread. The only possible way I see a human being still holding this is if he has been fully indoctrinated by that cesspool of a discord.

>> No.23019160

Yes, YFV is done.

>> No.23019171

Anon no hope, sheep want to be lead and believe. Let them go down with their chosen masters

>> No.23019188

No hopium, just take action and jump in the core bandwagon.

>> No.23019487

Dont tell me your seriously still holding this? Yes anon cores infinitely a better option.

>> No.23020096

if you got in sub 50, you will prob at least break even before EOY. No way this doesnt get a 300 million market cap at least briefly in one of its speculation runs.

Value liquid especially if it vampires a good chunk of TVL from Balancer can generate hype.

>> No.23020165

dude it was a rugpull scam
the rug was pulled ages ago
the only movement in price now is from retards and the telegram pnd group
you guys are fucking retarded.

>> No.23020197

Buy ARPA desu. Depends which one you think will bleed out slowest

>> No.23020211

>Buy COCOS-BCX or BTC desu. I'm hodling both right now.

>> No.23020452

Why would they keep developing shitloads of new things if it was just a "rugpull scam"? The audits were also passed, and $245mil~ in liquidity is being transferred over from balancer on Oct 6. Value liquid was just released, laying the groundwork for vETH and vUSD, the gov vault is being updated to accept farmed VALUE, farming will end in 2 weeks to be replaced by market bought VALUE tokens instead to gov vault holders, etc, etc.

Its funny how the day after the announcement is made that hundreds of millions of dollars is leaving (((balancer)))'s vaults, the fud for yfv is ramped up 10-fold. Real fucking coincidental.

>> No.23020474

how exactly is the project going to accomplish siphoning liquidity from balancer?

>> No.23020512

>swinging to another weekly hyped token in ath

>> No.23020536

Look at YFV’s TVL, look at Balancer’s TVL. Problem solved.

>> No.23020551

doesn't answer the question

>> No.23020628

Its already theirs, they just dont need balancer anymore, so they're just fucking taking it to save their investors gas fees.


>with over $457M value locked up, aided by an on-chain referral program. Also, liquidity providers also earn vUSD and vETH tokens alongside their YFV rewards.
>Migrating to Value Liquid and removing Balancer from the equation will be a crucial milestone for the project.

They basically had all the development work done to do this, they just had to wait for their contracts to pass multiple audits. Which just happened earlier today

>> No.23021065

interesting, thanks for the answer

>> No.23021107

can you explain which use e.g. the linl/value pool has? i do lp on balancer and get bpt. using that to farmkn the link
/value pool. but what does the pool do on the balancer side? how does it generate revenue?

>> No.23021302

How is anyone still holding this shit after Sept 1st? God you guys are retarded, the Y clone craze has ended, you're stuck holding bags, deal with it.

>> No.23021326

>Why would they keep developing shitloads of new things if it was just a "rugpull scam"?
>Its funny how the day after the announcement is made that hundreds of millions of dollars is leaving (((balancer)))'s vaults, the fud for yfv is ramped up 10-fold. Real fucking coincidental.
This desu

>> No.23021442

Yeah like people are really going out of their way to crash a >$7 token after it used to be 10x that. No, everyone is just really burned from this and they want to share how they think it's a piece of shit and how Value Liquid is just one more promise that they say will drive demand to their token when everyone knows it fucking won't. 1) It's priced in, and 2) So what if there's $500k of VALUE buying per month from fees, that's nothing, not nearly enough to pump this thing.

>> No.23021475

thanks for the insight bois I just bought 1000yfv more

>> No.23021493


The asset/YFV pools are being auto transferred to Value Liquid on the 6th. Do you not remember when Uniswap lost half its TVL in one day to Sushiswap and then came out with the UNI token about 6 days later and took most of the liquidity back and then some. Lmao. Its an auto migration YFV basically owns those pools and are taking them from Balancer

>> No.23021800


"derrrrrr.... duuuuuiiyyyy... doyyyy hurrr doimenoi...."

>> No.23022138


I dont think you were supposed to lay it out that simply for these tards.

>> No.23023066

And this is going to make it do a 15x so I can get my money back?

>> No.23023182

This. I bought this piece of shit and I will be happy enough to break even or even salvage half of my money.

>> No.23023213
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Hello retards, did somebody hold a gun to your empty heads and force you buy the top?

>> No.23023273

You did shill faggot

>> No.23023303

nice sell signal on core
thanks op

>> No.23023333
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All of my buys are below $8 most below $6 now I am a top 30 holder, I don't care if it ever goes back above $20 I'm in it for the comfy returns. I also never shilled anything on this shitty board.

>> No.23023974

A lot of FUD in this thread like usual. Feels bullish to me, I'm buying more. IYKYK

>> No.23023992

ARPA is a good project anon but YFV i'm unironically considering buying

>> No.23024066

I meant no OP you should definitely sell YFV at the bottom and buy CORE at the top. The true /biz/ way