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23021620 No.23021620 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make friends when I have more refined tastes in vidya, anime, movies, music, youtube, internet content, humor, knowledge, finance, etc than almost everyone else?
It's hard to connect with normies because they'll never dare to be based.

>> No.23021638

Friends are for cucks.

>> No.23021647

you're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.23021651

Probably 4chan unironically. You'd have to sift through a lot of faggots though.

>> No.23021704


I'd like to find some biz friends to play vidya with, but I'm afraid 99% of you would be insufferable autists or fat losers.

>> No.23021727
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you have to get over yourself first

>> No.23021731

You have to kill yourself for the fun to begin

>> No.23021735

Friends are overrated.

>> No.23021743

U r just a retard that thi ks hes better than everyone else cuz u know no one to compare yourself to, u just comoare urself to an image y created of others based on your own worst image accordibg to yourself

Kys (dont)

>> No.23021782

and my guess is that you have a really annoying superiority complex you developed to deflect from your malformed social skills and it makes people not like you

>> No.23021793
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>vidya, anime, movies, music, youtube, internet content
None of these things are 'refined tastes' you dumb fucking consoomer.

>> No.23021795

we are the frens.
idk anon. you make some friends..
slowly lose touch.. remember friends..
i haven't had "friends" in a long time.
but i have "friends"
and frens..

my closest friends.
talk maybe 6 months to 10 years.

>> No.23021811

People only like being friends with people that have something to offer them, wether it be some sort of value or resource they can use. If you don't provide any value then you will more than likely not be making any meaningful friendships.

>> No.23021819



>> No.23021827
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>> No.23021844

read a book you goddamn fucking plebe

>> No.23021899

i am this. how do i fix it?

>> No.23021963

remind yourself every day that you're not smarter than most people. that sort of thinking is horrible for your mental health. go into the world ready to learn and challenge your own pre-conceived notions. talk to people and when they respond actually LISTEN to them, and appreciate what they say

>> No.23022093

>refined tastes

99.9999% probability yr tastes are shit and yr an anime weeb

>> No.23022124

t. normiecuck

>> No.23022128

this. really low-effort way to break this is to broaden your horizons with media. a lot of autists who get lost in the 4chan bubble develop superiority complexes over, well, all the dumb shit op mentioned. it’s one thing to have pride in your taste, it’s another to let that close you off to new experiences. it also makes it easier to talk to and connect with people.

>> No.23022132

how do I do this? (remind myself that I’m not smarter than most people.) I’m finding this hard to do. now i realize why i don’t get along with most people

>> No.23022133

you can't connect with people because you are socially incompetent. if you can only talk to people who are mirror replicas of yourself it's because you are a full blown retard.

>> No.23022147

>be me
>get on dating app
>girl asks what music I like
>sorry anon I never heard of those artists
>btw can you believe trump has covid?

What the fuck bros

>> No.23022158

U are a huge loser sry

>> No.23022258

But I am smarter than most people.

>> No.23022406

She has concerns about Emperor Trumperino's illness and you're just gonna let her walk away anon? You fucked up..

>> No.23022421
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>making friends