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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23020091 No.23020091 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we talk about actual business ideas legitimate or not and not shitcoins for once. What is everyone doing lately?

>> No.23020107
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Buy Bancor

>> No.23020123

Construction business. What you up to?

>> No.23020126

buy drugs.money

>> No.23020161

I just plan on opening up a local ad for pc building. I've built computers for over 10 years and deciding what needs to go into them is literally a google search away. Just haven't figured out a competitive price for this service yet

>> No.23020171

I'm just a poor college undergrad with 0 money but also 0 debt.
One day I would like to open my own burger joint because there aren't any in like a 10 mile radius and the few around are fast food.
I talked to a few of my friends about it and they would be down.
One of them worked in the restaurant business and would probably be our grillmaster while I manage the overhead and accounting.

>> No.23020184

$20? $10? $3.50?

>> No.23020240

Was thinking around $50-$100 or be a greedy fuck and charge $200. I gotta find out what other computer stores in my area charge to build one.

>> No.23020265

People who want a custom computer built know how/want to do it themselves

>> No.23020286

Ya I know, building a computer is incredibly easy. Just thinking of doing it for some extra cash if I get anyone that's interested. 0.01% chance I could actually live off the income.

>> No.23020290

Thinking about a pet supplement company that targets millennials.

Because its supplements (i.e. not real) it doesn't matter what you put into them

Because its pets, they can't either.

Majority of spend will be on FB and IG ads.

Margins will be 80% +

>> No.23020309

Good idea. I might do the same.

>> No.23020447

An old roommate of mine did that, with a company though not on his own. It's a decent side gig from what he told me.

>> No.23020528

Fucking repair cell phone and iPad screens you brainlet

>> No.23020590

I wish I could make fancy calligraphy paper into a business, but I have no idea who would buy it, what the start up cost would be in terms of machinery, and I need to start earning money at some point soon.

>> No.23020617


>revolving utility/revolving business
>some glass pieces are less than 20 bucks, ROI can be highly attractive
>Not considered a "niche, luxury"
>Can outprice competitors and see insides of phones

I did it for fun but gave up because I got too carried away elsewhere. Honestly, if you get a business going and know what you're getting into, the ROI can be highly favorable.

PC building is probably one of the worst ideas, but hey, it's all about sales really.

>> No.23020631

Making millions dropshipping, unironically

>> No.23020642

Thanks that's reassuring.
There's like 20 stores in my area that already do that and I've watched a video on how to do that it looks gay as fuck. I'll look into costs and see if its worth it.

>> No.23020651

I'm thinking about opening a small stationary store that also sell comics and stupid stuff kids like. Probably won't commit to it though.

>> No.23020708

If competition is too great then yeah, it may not be worth the squeeze. Good luck to you in either endeavor.

>> No.23020935

Have considered the same. My issue was also pricing. Just can't see the average person taking the deal even at a reasonable price because "why is yours so expensive when I can get it from Dell for $400 just to play my games" not realizing that
>graphics cards cost quite a chunk nust to run most 3d games even at just medium
>medium end cpu eg i5, costs more than an i3 but will be useful for games that use cpu a lot
>my time and effort put into building it, a measly $50 isnt going to cut it when the time spent ordering, building, and setting it up take quite some time
>ignoring you might get doa parts at which they may just bail and ur stuck holding a bunch of components you paid out pocket for

Its pretty much why I didnt go through with it....and laziness as it's just too much effort to appease the average person

Pretty much why Ive only got 3 ideas left to financially make it. One being the stock market but am getting quite irritated and just about to take riskier moves that can 2x money in a single day, or turn it into 0...

>> No.23020983

Show bank screenshot. Have a hard time believing this.

>> No.23021007

I go to SE asia and hire a bunch of fucbois to dress up as women for webcam shows using snapchat filters to make them look like shemales. They are impoverished so they will work for nothing and I just make mad bank.

>> No.23021043
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I went to trade school to be a horticulturist, so I'm planning to start up a tree pruning business.
I'm Metis so I get a small business loan.

>> No.23021058

That's why I plan on coming with a standardized package for variety of different things. Want to do basic shit like go on facebook? Want a computer that can handle ____ at the highest settings? Need a computer for 6k video editing? etc. I built a 6k video editing computer for someone about a month ago and charged them $250. Computer cost about $3800 (leaf dollars). I literally watched a 15 minute youtube video to come up with the build and it took 90 minutes to build cause I'm autistic when it comes to cable management. I would never order any of the parts with my own money. They can come with me to buy the parts or get fucked. I'm not carrying any risk for a side gig.

>> No.23021082

comics shops and the like definitely do make a reasonable amount of money. Know a few of the owners in the town I used to live were living comfortably.

>> No.23021169

You in Canada?
I studied forest management in Minnesota, and if it weren't for a DUI from years ago, I would happily apply to a forestry job in Canada.

>> No.23021226

Yep leaf here, I'm actually taking my arborist ticket this winter. I wish I could do forestry in South Dakota of Montana.