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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, digibyte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2301113 No.2301113 [Reply] [Original]

it's tanking. Why is it tanking ?!! You retards told me it would moon.

>> No.2301129

Faggot, BTC rose to 2650+

>> No.2301132
File: 404 KB, 1171x1181, 1496040159871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to trashcoin shills

When will you learn, anon?

>> No.2301152

>having no coins

When will you learn, anon?

>> No.2301165

Profit taking

>> No.2301172


>> No.2301173

im hodling

>> No.2301229

Don't hodl, buy more!

>> No.2301281


I'm going to be nice cause you're a Digibro, be fucking patient.

>> No.2301305

Its just people cashing out, dont worry about it. Just keep hodling

Ironhands are rewarded

>> No.2301312

This is the last sub 2000 you will ever see.

>> No.2301338

Does it fucking matter if it goes to $10/DGB?

Dump all our DGB to me, fucktard.

>> No.2301340

Sasuga DGB
Almost back to 2k

>> No.2301360

>says increasingly nervous bagholder for the 8th time this week

>> No.2301375

yeah, annoying. iwas filling out the sheet to buy the dip and it crawled back up

>> No.2301380

back to 2k wtf i love dgb now

>> No.2301403

Darn, the nocoiner only had 15 minutes to call us bagholders.

>> No.2301419

>it's an op has weak hands episode

>> No.2301423

but i wouldnt get too excited fellow digibro
it probably rose because of the bitcoin dip

>> No.2301464

>DGB has a 1-day dip
>sell all of them at 2100 and ride that 20% Siacoin rise
>buy back into DGB at 1900 sats

Time the markets fellas

>> No.2301489

How about I just fap all day while I hodl?

>> No.2301537

Tide comes in before a tidal wave
Every time

>> No.2301539


>> No.2301540

as long as you're doing it to 2D /biz/ memes

>> No.2301546

desu i dont trust dgb to not fall, this shit moons again and again, im always afraid that when i try to cash it out to get gains elsewhere it'll just moon harder

>> No.2301559

imo will dip to 1600 sometime tonight before jumping again tues

>> No.2301575

I truly expected this coin to drop to like 1300 after it got up to its ATH. I just didn't trust the coin. I'm hodling withing a doubt to June 9th though.

>> No.2301576

It literally already mooned, you fucking retard

If /biz/ is making threads about a coin mooning, it's the worst time to invest into it because it's already fucking mooning

>> No.2301577

I wouldn't sell this until at least June 8th

>> No.2301591

That's happened to me before, but I never mind. I buy back in later, it moons again, I make more than I bought in with.
No problem with that.
It already "mooned" at 900 sats before dropping under 500 sats later. Stop posting newfag.

>> No.2301623
File: 167 KB, 720x960, 1484591716117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, i'd be laughing and and choking or my own jizz even if it goes to a dollaroo, hodling 50k, got it for 25, im laughing either way. how likely would it go higher than a dollar and when/why if you can kindly give ur take

>> No.2301634

back to 2000 sats w2g guys

>> No.2301670
File: 32 KB, 837x541, Screenshot_20170606_000500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man, but it's not like its dipping much. this is for 24 hours.

>> No.2301674

Whatever retard, enjoy it because it won't last for long. Once June 9th comes and this shitcoin loses the citi group contest easily it will fall to the center of the earth, probably a little more than 500 sats.

Meanwhile I just sold all my digishit holdings and put them into bitbean.

Enjoy your nogains, loser.

>> No.2301696
File: 260 KB, 1739x925, 1495754797391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has been shilled here since at least last year
you realize you could be set for life if you'd have listened to said trashcoin shills earlier on right?
pic related
>holding since 50sat

>> No.2301706

lol, bitbean, that explains the bitterness of your soul, seriously, how fucking high do you have to be to buy that shit esp with the most retarded logo possible?

>> No.2301711


>> No.2301746

notice how hard they all try to shame other's to buy their shit coin by calling them losers? bitbean has one of the most scummiest shillers i've seen

>> No.2301750

Tippetytop kek, enjoy being poor bitbean LARPer

>> No.2301760

Newfag here. I have some market experience in the energy sector in Canadian and American markets. This interests me, where can I learn more of what you faggots are talking about?

>> No.2301767
File: 483 KB, 207x154, 1496609631996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just sold all my digishit holdings and put them into bitbean.
>sold my digishit
>into bitbean

>> No.2301774

The whole market is going to crash soon. Why does it matter?

>> No.2301777

Toss a little cash into BTC and ETH, enjoy the roller coaster

>> No.2301784


Nothing to learn, invest in DGB and be rich soon.

>> No.2301823
File: 141 KB, 736x1063, 1472247044545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've finally figured out the whale's trickery.

>keep the price between 2000-2100 all day to make people impatient
>briefly force the price down to 1900
>back up to 2000
>impatient buyers think they missed the dip and buy in at 2000 before it "rises again"
>real dip commences
>now the whales can consume those tasty 1600 sat coins without weak handed faggots destabilizing things


>> No.2301824

Epic meme dude, it sure was right the last time! And the time before that too!
Why wouldn't a young market randomly crash?

>> No.2301826

Good, I need more coins on the cheap.

>> No.2301837


How is it being up 2.95% from yesterday "tanking". Not our fault your retarded ass decided to get in at 2.1k+

>> No.2301877

Maybe I didn't explain myself, I will try again.

Between my Canadian and American assets I have over 75k. I worked hard for that money by doing proper research and investment strategies. I am not some trust fund faggot or some kike yokel who buys some dumbshit stock based on hearsay.

I am just asking for direction to resources to do my research on what medium you guys use to buy and sell these coins and how to research them.


>> No.2301912

Just go to altcoin websites and read about the information they present.
ETH based tokens for example have legitimate technology that you will be investing in. Golem, Augur, and Aragon are good examples of coins that have something backing them. Look them up and research for yourself.
Really, just look at whatever top 20 or so coins. They are there for a reason.

>> No.2301921

Their websites

>> No.2301927

Start at coinmarketcap.com
You can research each coin individually if you click on them. Most of them have the website/twitter.

After that make a deposit at an exchange like poloniex.com.

Most coins trade in bitcoin so you will have to buy bitcoin then exchange it for whatever alt con you want.

If any of this helps and you happen to buy Digibyte then feel free to throw me a bone ;)


>> No.2301942

OK thanks I am currently in Vietnam on a trip so right now I believe I will just lurk and understand your boards lingo.

Basically from what I gather from my first hour on here you guys are trading digital currency?

>> No.2301959


>> No.2301962

what a pathetic dump, so it's not even going to 1800 tonight or what?

>> No.2301971

OMG bro, it's crashing! I only have 600% gains!!!

WTF should I do?

>> No.2301995
File: 580 KB, 1598x604, 1496693604892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we better kill ourselves immediately. We must be a disgrace to our families

>> No.2302014

>tfw trading these highs and lows like it's nothin
buying at 1900 selling at 2000
2ez 2 ez

>> No.2302036
File: 52 KB, 1812x380, Captuxcvzxcvzre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first DGB buy was about 2 years ago at 40 sats when bitcoin was about $250. Instead of investing $6 I could have easily bought $1,000 worth and boy I wish I had.

>> No.2302041

probably wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the bitbean part

>> No.2302062

>calls others newfags
>buys high
>makes shit threads about buying high


>> No.2302099
File: 168 KB, 1200x675, C_FO1VpWsAAvnbP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing my part to shill dgb

>> No.2302446

How is buying at a dip and more than doubling my investment a bad thing?
Being retarded when you're fudding isn't funny. At least try to be funny when you're fudding.

>> No.2302504

I finally sold, put my leftovers into Zencash to make my gains back tonight

>> No.2302614

It's fucking crashing isn't it digibros

>> No.2302654

Yes, just like it was crashing when it went under 1600 sats, right?
It has to go down in order to go up. This was expected after just a quick spike.

>> No.2302658
File: 60 KB, 900x640, 01ff236c80539730f283d932b71d6a9641be1c1b_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but /biz/ said DGB couldnt crash

>> No.2302686



give me those bags you babies.

>> No.2302693
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1475622816366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh bitbeans

LMAO @ your life

>> No.2302986

You're retarded if you're considering selling at this point, at the very least hold it until the end of the week and see if the conference provokes any movement.

>> No.2302991


HAHAHA, what a retard.

>> No.2303201

lurk longer than an hour you fucking faggot

christ this website has gone to shit in the past 5 years

>> No.2303234

dropped 1k sats, no need to worry everyone!

>> No.2303290

lol i keep buying

>> No.2303303

Just bought 30,000 USD worth of DGB. please don't fail me.

>> No.2303635

>Down 3%

>> No.2303641

It's failing you.

At least you didnt buy in at 2.3k like me.

>> No.2303646

You're gunna lose all your money bro that's what you get investing in a fart of a coin!

>> No.2303650


Literally the minute I buy 30G worth it falls 100 sats. wtf dude

>> No.2303674


It's from BTC rising, don't worry. BTC will fall like it always does from ATHs and you'll be up.

Just don't be dumb and hold. Give it at least a week, just stop looking at it.

>> No.2303675
File: 80 KB, 500x421, 1427582805003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought at 300 sat
>tfw sold at 700 sat

>> No.2303694

It's a fucking SHITCOIN!

>> No.2303697



*Don't be dumb and sell

Just hold for a week and stop looking at it.

I've been in the same position so many times

>> No.2303709

>t. bagholder

>> No.2303711

Everything is falling you newfags.
Bitcoin rises, alts adjust price. You aren't losing money.
All alts will rise after Bitcoin's done, and then you start making money.
Very simple.

>> No.2303804
File: 38 KB, 443x332, IMG_6911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2303809

So many shitposters dont get this

>> No.2303882

Oh so we're going to have a repeat of when it dropped from 900 to 400? Wow that totally makes me want to keep holding right now.

>> No.2303932

Alright newfag go ahead and sell dip. That's when you'll actually lose money.
You think anybody holding from 200 sats and under lost money when it went under 400 from 900?
Get it together and grow some balls.

>> No.2303935

I'm not sure what facilitated that drop, but I dont think it will happen this time with the upcoming events.