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File: 733 KB, 1280x720, futuretravlgf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23011915 No.23011915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does it make sense to go travelling with a girl? pros & cons over travelling alone?

>> No.23011936

her clit is massive omg hot

>> No.23011961

Love this dude and his feminine cock

>> No.23011988

that's a woman

>> No.23012007

Let's not argue about that someone post the sauce ffs

>> No.23012016

made for BBC

>> No.23012022

who dat

>> No.23012023

Pro = Sex with here
Con = Only Sex with here in the most cases and obviously the con of all the bullshit women offer anyways.

>> No.23012040

pro - you don't look like a pathetic basement dwelling loner incel

>> No.23012065

god i wish i was her

>> No.23012079

fpbp that's a juicy looking clit

>> No.23012081

Who is she?

>> No.23012103
File: 14 KB, 400x400, yotsuba_no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO. NEVER EVER EVER TRAVEL WITH WOMEN. Women are fucking brainless parasites. She will not want to explore, she will not want to visit anywhere interesting, she will not want to interact with anything unfamiliar. She will not want to do anything but sit in the hotel or do the most basic tourist shit.

>> No.23012117
File: 86 KB, 645x430, Galway bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americuck who lived in Europe for three years.
alone pros: Move at your own pace, don't have to worry about making the girl happy and doing what she wants to do.
cons: Sex if you aren't having one night stands. Also its annoying to go to restaurants/pubs alone all the time.
I'd prefer to have a girl but sometime you gotta do a trip with just you doing your own thing.

>> No.23012119


>> No.23012138


>> No.23012144

i'm trying to ignore the faggot shit and actually answer the question

>> No.23012166


>> No.23012197

Most chicks are like this, but not all. I went backpacking in new zealand for a few months. 9 mile hike through the mountains and a few of the chicks in my group decided to climb Mt. Doom from LOTR along the way. Completely optional, but I pussied out at the time. This generalization is kind of dumb.

>> No.23012232

>ugh ugh ugh faawk baby ugh uuggdhghh

>> No.23012258

I was glad I travelled sea alone. Felt great to do every day exactly the thing I wanted to

>> No.23012489

Sauce on vid?

>> No.23012491

Id recommend traveling with a close male friend / small group of 3 - 4 bros. Its more fun when you have your bro than you can relate with and chances are you will enjoy doing the same shit together rather than having to pander to the stupid broad you're with. Can also try to pick up chicks together at local bars and what not.