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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23009258 No.23009258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23009268

all niggers must be wiped from the face of this world

>> No.23009293

no shit. niggers have always been this way. i saw it for the first time after moving to a bigger city. then after another 3 decades of living in different places around the country it was confirmed. most niggers are like this and always have been

>> No.23009321

kek you realize white people do shit far worse than this, right? i mean u faggots literally killed hundreds of millions of people and destroyed entire civilizations with your diseases. dumbasses

>> No.23009332


>> No.23009375

>Jew gets punched by one of its pets

>> No.23009386

seething subhuman

>> No.23009399

Shhhh don't remind them

>> No.23009401

Absolutely disgisting.
White on black racism in response to black on white racism/violence in response to (systemic) white on black racism.

I don't know how we dig ourselves out of this hole.
Of course I don't want to be mugged simply for walking down the street while white.
"Racism against blacks" likely isn't an effective strategy to prevent muggings like this, in fact it seems to fuel the anger in certain individuals.

How to teach empathy to a population filled with sociopaths?

>> No.23009410

source: some book written by a jew also the spielberg movie amistad.

>> No.23009427



You mean primitive ape tribes? There are no civilizations outside of Europe and some countries in the middle east/asia

>> No.23009458

>niggers being niggers
What's new?
Also >>23009321 go back and dilate.

>> No.23009462
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Being racist just means acknowledging there are inherent differences on average between populations. Only idealistic idiots who ignore science and think everyone is the exact same aren't racist.

>> No.23009463

given centuries of racial oppression its understandable that some may feel the need to vent their frustration in this way. have sex and buy chainlink, incel

>> No.23009503

that happened never. Look at the last names of the guilty individuals, it's strictly (((them)))

>> No.23009517

>I don't know how we dig ourselves out of this hole.
>Racism against blacks" likely isn't an effective strategy

dont be a retard bleeding heart liberal communist koolaid drinker

in the old days we have this thing called "enforcing law and order"

now the left is letting these nigger criminal run rampant with no intervention, prevention or punishment, for purely political reasons and some evil agenda

the answer is law and order. there is nothing "racist": about enforcing laws against crime

not the white persons fault that niggers are more prone to violent crime than honest labor

>> No.23009545

You answered your own question: it isn't "systemic" racism, it's a population of sociopaths getting eventually locked up in prison, one by one, indevudually, for their personal crimes.

>> No.23009552

these type need to be the first ones on the deportation boat to africa, she can go live with her noble niggers

>> No.23009556


This is/biz/, not /pol/. Go back.

>> No.23009572

facts is facts fuckface. kys and go suck a nigger dick

>> No.23009573

you tell em bruddah the white man is de devil who stole civilization from the black kangs

>> No.23009576

you have to go back to pleeddit.
/biz/ is the finance branche of /pol/.

>> No.23009610

Lol I WAS trying to to post on pol. Realized it was biz until later on. Anyway

>> No.23009628
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>> No.23009639

This type of crime is rampant regardless of the degree of law enforcement.
People committing these crimes don't think about consequences and commit these crimes even when judicial punishment / jail time / etc. is certain.

So additional enforcement is not a deterrent, because it requires logical thought and fear of consequences.
We know this because decades of "law and order" enforcement has driven up black prison population without reducing incidence of crime. They simply don't care about consequences.

Unless you have reason to believe that approach "works."
I'm suggesting we don't have a solution because consequences that deter a "reasonable man" from committing such crimes simply do not deter certain populations. So "enforcing law and order" doesn't effectively reduce or eliminate these crimes.

>> No.23009711

so you're saying it's appropriate behavior to discriminate against a group of people because they did first and far worse? way to take the moral high ground. it sounds like you just don't like who has the power.

>> No.23009723

And this is related to Business & Finance how?

>> No.23009748

you dont have an argument.

the reason black prison population increase unendingly is because blacks continue to reproduce and breed more and more criminal niggers.

sterilization is the only cure

>> No.23009775

oh idk, maybe because Biden intends to give 500 bajillion dollars of our tax money to criminal welfare niggers

our house is on fire and Biden wants to pour on more gasoline

>> No.23009782
File: 77 KB, 728x410, 84E94762-27FB-42E6-9C68-5CA824E5FEBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you “people” so dishonest?

>> No.23009812

I'm not white but you realize that every race has done massive atrocities, even blacks with the Bantu expansion annihilated most hunter gatherers in West and South Africa.

>> No.23009823

that's a painting

>> No.23009874
File: 536 KB, 2000x1333, 1B287EFF-A777-4B2E-B2FE-2766CD7F946A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is CGI, you gay white retard.

>> No.23009921

how fucking racist are you; guessing the color of my skin with three little words? you have a problem that won't be solved by everyone thinking the exact same way as you. fuck off with your homogeneous culture of the world you are trying to create

>> No.23009938

You forgot to change your IP, retard.

>> No.23009977

why would I need to change my ip?

>> No.23009983

fuck off nigger

>> No.23010056

you truly are the best /pol/ user

>> No.23010069

Everywhere is pol now ari. Get used to it. We've woken up and we're not happy.

>> No.23010134

>blacks punching Jews

This is the best part of living in Muttmerica. How do we encourage this? Even more importantly, how do we profit from it?

>> No.23010141

You have cum in your ID therefore you are gay and I can disregard your opinions. Fuck you.

>> No.23010142
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My wife is from Central Europe and she moved to the US 3 years ago. She got red pilled on nigs real quick. Was already redpilled on the jews.

Having a red pilled wife is truly one of the biggest blessings you can get from God

Darkies wanted to be treated like normal humans but they act like assholes all day. Go back to Africa you won't be missed

>> No.23010186

>It was not part of their blood
>It came to them very late,
>With long arrears to make good,
>When the Linkie began to hate.

>> No.23010198

I wish lol
I live in Western Germany and it's basically indistinguishable from Bagdad now...

>> No.23010233

>sterilization is the only cure
So by that logic America is doomed if it goes the way of Europe and more heavily regulates artificial food coloring.

>> No.23010271
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Daily reminder that the Arab Slave trade lasted from the 6th century to the 1960s (and probably still continues underground)

Daily reminder that Africans sold each other into slavery for fancy shovels and guns from Europe

Daily reminder that blacks commit 50% of the violent crime in the US but make up 13% of the population (that # should be more like 6% if you are only including men ages 18-35)

Daily reminder that 90% of interracial violence between blacks and whites is blacks attacking white people

Daily reminder that Jews aren't white but only pretend to be when it serves their interests

Daily reminder that blacks get shot by cops because they resist arrest, attack officers, disobey simple orders or are high as shit.

Daily reminder that more whites get killed by cops every year but have far fewer police interactions so that would mean whites are slightly more likely to be killed by cops than blacks even though that number is so fucking tiny anyway

daily reminder that statistically blacks are more lily to be involved in hate group than whites

daily reminder that blacks have a Lower average IQ than another other race and whites are lower than asians in comparison

>> No.23010287

nigger detected

>> No.23010327

>Black man attacks a jew

ohhh noooo…

>> No.23010874

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.23011308

You cant read can you. She is appalled.

>> No.23011327

this nigger needs to get beaten and raped in jail by his fans. it would be poetic justice

>> No.23011358

hehheheh Rick and Moran

>> No.23011366

>oh idk, maybe because Biden intends to give 500 bajillion dollars of our tax money to criminal welfare niggers
What? You realize thats TRUMPS plan right?

>> No.23011398

Deal with it shitskin.

>> No.23011415

Who cares bitch black lives matter cracka

>> No.23011439

Good times. We need to get back to that.

>> No.23011476

Your little bronze age civilization conquered so easily

>> No.23011484

this. it wasn't until i realized every board was getting raided by discord trannies and bunkerchan that I realized we are all considered /pol/

>> No.23011518
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Overt racism is slowly getting more popular again. Never thought I'd see the day.

>> No.23011544


>> No.23011605

Blacks are children, in the US. They've been told, for generations, now, that they are not responsible for anything, everthing bad that happens is not because of their own shitty decisions, it's the White Gods' fault. Because if they wanted to, Whites would make money magically appear, and everyone would be happy. Right, Dems ? Right, Ivy League ? Right, MSM ? Worst kind of racists, the ones who pat them on the head, saying, "oh, you poor helpless children, you can't do anything, you can't accomplish anything, it must be our fault, you're so fucked up. ".

>> No.23011667

Are you equally understanding towards school shooters?

>> No.23011713

So white people aren't racist?

>> No.23011910

It was on such a downtrend it would probably have disappeared almost completely had not blm showed up.

>> No.23011977

We were, then we weren’t, and now many are becoming racist again in response to the rasicm shown towards us. It’s a very, very dumb gamble by POC, very little upside, potentially catastrophic downside.

>> No.23012077


Everyone loves the culture until they see dudes like this

>> No.23012094

>Honey, I shrunk the kids
>Honey, I punched a Yid

>> No.23012627

Gotcha. So you're saying what we're already doing (policing crime) is working, and we don't need a better solution, besides increasing the policing.
Even though the threat of jail is not a deterrent.
Somehow you think that's going to reduce crime though?
"It hasn't worked so far, but we should keep doing it."
Whatever. Reread my other replies. You've put a lot of words in my mouth that I didn't say. A narrow-minded "one solution fits all" approach is what we've already tried. I don't understand why my opinion of "let's figure out the source of this problem and address that as well (as policing the criminals)" is met with such resistance and opposition.

>> No.23012804
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sandy hook isnt the only fake shit they show on tv. the sandy hook parents are actors, rick moranis is an actor, and so is the nigger who punched him.

the powers that be act like they want everyone to be a "refugees welcome" turbo faggot but in reality the populace is easier to control when it's racist and divided. if you're having trouble following that it should only show you how effective a strategy it is.