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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22987501 No.22987501 [Reply] [Original]

[x] Dead
[ ] Not Dead


>> No.22987548

Chainlink has multiple patents including hardware related. This is literally nothing.

>> No.22987583

>cripples realizing in October 2020 that if they don't solve the oracle problem (and get it to market before LINK does), they will all have to rope

>> No.22987591
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>This is literally nothing.
>C O P E

>> No.22987602

oh heck another patentorino in the oracle spacerino I'm shakerino in my bootserino

>> No.22987613

>works on centralized sms service for 8 years
>calls it an oracle
SFMS already exists

>> No.22987627
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muh patents

>> No.22987639

I thought Craig was the CEO of BSV wtf?

>> No.22987654

>still having faith

Damn dude just take the L and move on, shes fucking dead mate

>> No.22987676
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Isn't pic related the guy from arbitrum?

chainlink is so ahead of the game its not even funny.

>> No.22987706

And so the first crypto patent troll arises. Wait and see.
Just like SCO Unix, another company that didn't make anything useful Ripple will try an make money in court. Mark my words.

>> No.22987736

How did you get past my filter, XRPajeet?

>> No.22987746

this desu.

>> No.22987760

Yes, Steven Goldfeder. And yes, Chainlink is years ahead of everyone.

>> No.22987808

You're all going to be crying and shitting your pants like a bomb just went off when it becomes a government regulated process to create a new kryptocurrency, Eth turns into DeviantArt and Algorand sends the USA to MARS.

>> No.22987841

pajeet, go and do the needful

>> No.22987856

Prepare to get fucked like a bitch by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the US Federal Government then.

>> No.22987889

So funny that these losers finally decided to put out smart contract/oracle products in the year 2021 after seeing Ethereum and Chainlink dominate the market for years while their shitcoin continuously bleeds out. Far too little, far too late. This shit is DOA.

>> No.22987939

>chainlink does one thing
>ripple does the same thing plus a dozen other things and counting
Yeah I'm thinking xrp is dead

>> No.22987992
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>> No.22988011

No, I get fucked by my pre OP tranny friend, not into gang bangs

>> No.22988059

I'm not even jealous because you might be talking about me retard

>> No.22988077

you should have sold like the rest of us at $20 retard OP

>> No.22988082

It's almost back up to its February 2014 satoshi value. The opportunity cost of holding Ripple must be gut wrenching, but still this shit is stuck in the top 5 forever and that's what keeps their hope alive.

>> No.22988126

in that case

>> No.22988222

I pee sitting down sometimes

>> No.22988393
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Imagine thinking an extremely well financed/connected competitor receiving a patent for your main value proposition is "literally nothing".

>> No.22988500

I poop standing up

>> No.22988522

Wait. You're the pre op tranny that fucks him? What a small world

>> No.22988542

>an extremely well financed/connected
You saw what happened to bitmex when they started fucking around with link
Tick tock Garlinghouse

>> No.22988548

The ripple oracle patent is probably nothing like chainlink's execution/patents

>> No.22988569
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Oracles? Already patented. STIFF.

>> No.22988595

dude. it's ripple. nobody is worried

>> No.22988626

products that focus on 1 thing typically do better than a product that tries (and fails) to do everything. go look up how google outcompeted all other search engines.

>> No.22988671

seething stinkies on suicide watch over a dead coin

>> No.22988751

>should've sold like the rest of us at $1.40
>should've sold like the rest of us at $5
>should've sold like the rest of us at $20
>should've sold like the rest of us at $100

>> No.22988819

crypto is dead

>> No.22988853
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>there exist people that paid $20 for 0.000000001% of a now useless json parser
>there exist people that have been holding for years and didnt sell the obvious top
>there exist people that will never sell and will watch their gains dwindle day by day

>> No.22988890

bullish af

>> No.22988934

Yes, the dream of a free society and money free of government control is dead. Welcome to the new age. You have the one chance to get into the upper class or your lineage will exist as serfs for centuries.

Drop your shit coins, get onboard with the future of mankind: ISO 20022.

>> No.22988961

the same faggots who say "centralization brings wealth" unironically believe in a company that is trying to do 10 different things already solved by 10 different companies.

>> No.22988981

Anon... you have like the ultimate normie perception of Google

>not realizing the scope of Alphabet

>> No.22989004

Ultimate delusion
Ultimate ignorance

>> No.22989034

thats what they said about XRP lmfao

>> No.22989048

And yet, XRP is still in the toilet just like before.

>> No.22989116

XRP's dominance will come from adoption and dominance, not some frivolous speculation like your shit coins that will be dropping to 0 when regulations are finalized.

>> No.22989136

Ah yes I remember buying Alphabet Inc. shares back in 1998.

>> No.22989180

Yeah, never going to happen.
>Your shitcoins
I'm all in on BTC. You know, that coin that's widely accepted as the undisputed king and is actually worth more than 23 cents?
>Muh regulations
LEL FedCoin is going to put XRP down the drain where it's been waiting to go.

>> No.22989264

This is the supreme ignorance. BTC is still riding it's first adopter name and will go to zero within the next 5 years. Adoption ofXRP is already underway, being named and recommended by both the IMF and the BIS. XRP is going to be the bridge asset between all CBDCs worldwide.

Keep your head in the sand, just make sure to keep enough rope around for when it happens

>> No.22989292

Hindsight is $20/$20, innit?

>> No.22989510

The patent claims all require this one strange step:
>sending, from the first electronic device and in response to a result of a comparison between the first hash and the second hash being that the first hash does not match the second hash, a first signal, the first signal configured to prevent a result of an execution of the first copy of the software by the first computer platform from being sent to the first electronic device;
>prevent a result
I don't think most uses of oracles would even think to include that, much less need to include that.

>> No.22989530


I did. I bought LINK.

>> No.22989559

LINK has no unique use case, and it can't even do what it's supposed to do better than its competitors. You made the wrong bet.

>> No.22989606

You should inform these guys.

>> No.22990023


very bullish for link and xrp.

xrp could use oracles to extrapolate external data and execute smart contracts resultingly.

link has a whole host of node technology, really unused. but the capability to essentially run whatever data people might want...

>> No.22990028

link competitors one by one get btfo when their shit explodes. band is a literal copy/paste scam paying for support to dump their bags. who else is there in the space securing the necessary tech and already has the clientele base?

>> No.22990049

Actually it's the fact SWIFT (you even know who that is?) has a pdf on their website outlining ISO20022 blockchain implementation by 2025. Roadmap was the word they used I think.

It's almost like when you were out scamming pajeets and normies in the Wild West of crypto Ripple was out working regulations, kissing babies, and fucking with banks. DYOR though clearly top 5 volume is only why we hodl.

>> No.22990077

you mean derisking on dumb fucks buying their bullshit?

>> No.22990100

Did you mean Ed Felten ?

>> No.22990170

This is for Ripple and not blockchain agnostic

>> No.22990180

>centralised shitcoin patents centralised oracle system

>this somehow BTFOs the linkie

>> No.22990199
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> an oracle that checks hashes
wtf kek this is hilarious

>> No.22990221

Kek imagine being a stinky and holding that shit token after the big pump, enjoy riding it to $0.

>> No.22990256

Registered where, the Cayman's?

Lmao nobody cares

>> No.22990291

You have no idea what you're commenting about. You're completely out of your element.

>> No.22990338

okay bud

>> No.22990464
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> CoinDesk reached out to Ripple for comment but hadn't received a response by press time.

>> No.22990477


>> No.22990604
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You’re correct Ripple does do a dozen things. They are doing great. Unfortunately XRP is not ripple. And XRP only does one thing. Print and dump on you cucks nonstop for years. It’s amazing you haven’t killed yourself yet. Are you a newfag by chance?

>> No.22990662


Is everyone itt a mother fucking retard? It says right in the article the patent is for a SMART CONTRACT that USES oracles. It says nothing about patenting an oracle solution. Jesus fucking christ you goblinos are the worst

>> No.22990683

I fucking hate confident newfags. Almost more than anything in the world. Almost more than jews.

>> No.22990732

you’re going to be poor forever and when you’re wondering what the fuck in 3 years remember this post

>> No.22990768

havent been able to open coindesk links last few weeks, any idea why? must be my ad blocker, what did they change?

>> No.22990799

>implying creating a patent is hard

>> No.22990871


>> No.22990882
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Btw aside from LINK mooning and attracting tons of normies from plebbit and Twitter I’m starting to wonder if this recent influx of retards is because even r/cc is making fun of their cucked shitcoin now. Is this literally the last place on the internet your shilling is tolerated after pic related?

>> No.22990980

>price is the same as value
Okie doke

>> No.22990994

I thought $4 was the obvious top? Or was that $10? Now it's obvious it was $20? I can't wait to see the next one and how obvious it is...

>> No.22991065

Checked holy digits

>> No.22991127

What is flare?

>> No.22991153

>can use an oracle
>can use
Chainlink $1000EOY
Maybe even December 12th.

>> No.22991159

Ripple has to promote tweets to get retards to buy xrp. So bullish dude.

>> No.22991178
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>> No.22991192


Nobody cares. This shows ripple is doing everything it can to stay relevant. Remember Iexec oracles?

>> No.22991378
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>Adoption of XRP is already underway
>Oh nononononono

>> No.22991431

so banks thinking to adobt it?

>> No.22991448

Stinkies and cripples are going to be arguing on this board 5 years from now when both are over $1000

>> No.22991470

>Can't read
Santander is planning to abandon it.

>> No.22991490
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>> No.22991867
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the funniest thing is that when I bought my link in 18' XRP was around the same price range. 2 years later link is breaching ATH after ATH. Meanwhile XRP is still sitting under 30c kek. love dabbing on these retards

>> No.22992047

Imagine not selling link at 18 and reinvesting into the neo coin . Retard detected

>> No.22992086

I swear if you're a delphi fuck....y'all need the rope

>> No.22992407

How are cripples going to react when Link inevitably displaces them on the charts? Its going to happen sooner or later, probably before eoy. Im legit worried about suicides.

>> No.22992474
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>worried about suicides
can't wait

>> No.22992756
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Linkies seething and coping so fucking hard in here kek it’s literally OVER

>> No.22993110

>tfw xrp uses chainlink oracles

>> No.22993413

bought AT 0.008 usd
30C is moon for me, just waiting on saturn

>> No.22993473

I thought ripple were doing gaming ?
Grasping at straws by looks of it, going creg route of paternting shit to get paid now

>> No.22993485

what is with literal retards like this who don't understand probabilty?

just because this shit coin topped many a times, doesn't mean it will
a) top higher
b) not bleed forever from here on out.

You're blinding yourself to the big epic pumps thinking this one, in a sea of many failed coins, will somehow ATH bigger and bigger. you're delusional and frankly a retarded child.

>> No.22993694
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>link mooning and attracting tons of normies from plebbit and Twitter
You mean like all of the low iq xrp niggers that showed up out of nowhere after the $20 pump trying to get us to validate their dead shitcoin by making forced schizo memes and barking about retardedly niche hash patents and trying to claim that link isn't so fucking far ahead of their laughable attempts at riding the "oracle" hype-train?

>> No.22993770

even that is still massive overreach, only tech illiteracy of the retards at the patent office would allow such a thing. it’s like patenting the genome

>> No.22993811

jeez the cope is very real in this thread kek

>> No.22993845
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>unironically believe in a company that is trying to do 10 different things already solved by 10 different companies.
Right, because companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon all only do one thing.

Imagine being so retarded you actually believe that fud.

>> No.22993889
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are you referring to this?

>> No.22993928
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to bad Chinklink isn't ISO20022 ready, but FLARE is...

>> No.22993965

A design patent is fucking shit OP. It does not grant Ripple exclusive use of oracles it just patents the way their oracles are DESiGNED. Like Coca Cola bottles have a design patent and no one else can make their bottles look like a coke bottle. Who fucking cares. LINk just makes a bottle that looks like a green dildo.

>> No.22993979

>l-link isn't iso20022 compliant
Holy fuck it's like the xrp cockroaches infesting the board really did only find out about biz like a month ago. Really jogs the noggin.

>> No.22994005

>bought AT 0.008 usd
>didn't sell at $3
>didn't even buy the fucking link ICO
hey man not gonna make fun of you since you're still in the green but jesus christ dude lmao

>> No.22994028

Wow. That’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen on biz. And people make fun of linkies for not selling the top...

>> No.22994048

Yes that

>> No.22994052

I'm my wallet rank has barely moved in over a year, none of the big wallets are selling or even swinging much.

>> No.22994099

>word salad

>> No.22994105

It’s embarrassing that you fags keep posting this drawing even though it’s common knowledge it was drawn by a bagholder shill (as if that wasn’t already abundantly clear by how retarded and shitty it looks)

>> No.22994141

oh I sold some at the top, just got my innitial buy-in back and some more, but kept most.
>Sitting on a free XRP stack
good feel desu

>> No.22994159

if it was made my a bag holder he would've shilled Iota in there....
they're the real plague here

>> No.22994418

>i-iota is the REAL plague here
Oh yeah totally - it's iota that's the plague here, not shit-for-brains newfag tourists like yourself trying to shill xrp patent troll attempts unironically because you're desperate for it to be the next link and you think that if anyone who has been on biz before 2020 acknowledges your forced schizo memes that it will go anywhere above the same dumpster fire price it has been at for the last 2 years.

>> No.22994515

do they though?

>> No.22994693
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actually any crypto thread on /biz/ is newfag and pollution, mods should've moved crypto to /trash/ after deleting it from /tech/
enjoy your dust, you need to kill me before I'll let loose of my zurpies

>> No.22994811

Did anyone even actually read the article and patent?

The absolute state of LINK fud these days

>> No.22994835


>> No.22994957

Its been underway the same way its been .24 for 5 years?

>> No.22995041


XRP is a piece of crap with 100 billion coins. The tokenomics are horrible.

>> No.22995466

Admit it OP. you're gay and you hold chainlink.

>> No.22995484

I'm not gay

>> No.22995585


Feels fucking comfy holding XRP

>> No.22995628

I think IOTA is the one people are sleeping on.

>> No.22995669

For real man, its 2017 all over again

>> No.22995699

i really don't think this is true. sergey solved oracles problem, so ripple is a day late and a dollar short.

>> No.22995753

could be, but make your own general, instead of harvesting XSG energy

>> No.22995916

How big is your stack?

>> No.22995985

LOL. Wasnt something supposed to happen in September for you nerds? Wheres that? .24 stablecoin

>> No.22996080

XRP is a great way to hedge against inflation. I think retirement funds should invest in XRP because it's better than a stable coin

>> No.22996680

>ripple does the same thing plus a dozen other things and counting
They do a dozen things of which they just copied from others who were more creative. Thats not a recipe for success.

>> No.22996881

It is if youre Chinese

>> No.22997609

Too bad it called the USDC/algo connection Early

>> No.22997906

looks like its purely defensive in that case