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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22986346 No.22986346 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being weak-handed

>> No.22986374

Only 1% of infected have any symptoms at all. The fact that he has symptoms already just a couple days after exposure is extremely bearish.

>> No.22986422

People die within a week of contracting it. If this is what happens after a few DAYS he’ll be fine

>> No.22986436

I know all the burnouts are hyped up because Wallace stood up against Vrumpumpf, but keep /pol/ in fucking /pol/

>> No.22986443

This impacts financial markets and sentiment, so it is biz related

>> No.22986474

>People die within a week of contracting it.
The vast majority of those who do die die weeks after

>> No.22986483
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>Keep /pol/ in fucking /pol/!

>> No.22986491


>> No.22986506

You wanted to say extremely jewish, right?

>> No.22986557

Showing symptoms ~2 days in? Drumpf is FINISHED

>> No.22986596

no it doesn't, there is a narrative being spun so it should, but all that is seen is a bit of speculation on that narrative succeeding. No economic impact because somebody coofed, and the bump is hardly noteworthy let alone enough to spam the board fucking /pol/acks

>> No.22986777

Boris Johnson has mild symptoms for nearly a week until they put him in an ICU :)

>> No.22986817

HE'S OLD AND FAT. He's going to get sick.

>> No.22986924

>Only 1% of infected have any symptoms at all
This is completely false you retard

>> No.22986935

"no economic impact"
"no economic impact"
"no economic impact"
"no economic impact"
"no economic impact"

>> No.22987052

I really wonder if all of the people constantly spreading misinfo are just uneducated on the matter or are intentionally trying to downplay it for (((reasons))).


>> No.22987054

They will put him on HCQ and he will do absolutely fine.

>> No.22987068

Ok 5% wow big difference

>> No.22987071

>He gets CNN notifications sent to his iPhone
The absolute state

>> No.22987143

I bet most do have symptoms but never connect the dots unless there is a reason to think you might have it. Some people might wake up tired, not able to feel like they totally woke up and may be a bit sore and that could be the extent of it. This summer I flew from the US to Eastern Europe, multiple flights, multiple major international airports, multiple border crossings and was waiting for symptoms to hit at any moment. If I did maybe I’d get tested, otherwise for all I know I had it months ago and thought it was a cold, becoming immune in the process. If I ever do test positive for antibodies I’d probably be in that category of being an asymptotic case.