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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22981859 No.22981859 [Reply] [Original]

Is everyone actually selling? I thought this had a shot but all im seeing the past couple days are just fudposts and I feel like its starting to get the better of me.
God damn I've fucked up here if its all true.

>> No.22981886

If you sell now you will have killed yourself by next week

>> No.22981923

Everyones saying that the kucoin hacker selling is going to end us. Fucking hell I seriously dont know whether to play the strong hand, hold and forgot about crypto for a while or if I should get out.

>> No.22981975

ANATHA is literally all you need

>> No.22981992


>> No.22981998
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I don't know man, I'm not selling anything. I think this is the big shake to get rid of weak hands before the bullrun can really start. Plus FTM is already down by 20% that I think it's too risk to tether up. BUT do whatever you want

>> No.22982036

Who the fuck isn't getting ready to buy up everything you can at the lower support?
This is a goddamn goldmine opportunity

>> No.22982042
File: 190 KB, 1550x928, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.22982122

Everything dumped when the potus died
FTM is still my comfiest hold

>> No.22982260

Potus didn't died, he is just sorting out crucial elements of the new Golden Earth scenerio

>> No.22983136

I remember fudding myself while holding a stack all the way down to .09, I was so convincing I sold at only 0.13. You can guess the rest.

>> No.22983601

don't sell before fantom finance is entirely deployed retard

>> No.22983622

very good coin! thank you sirs!!

>> No.22983665

why would you even buy this shit idiot?

>> No.22983686

What coin was this? I didnt think Fantom had reached 0.09 yet.

>> No.22983825

Thats more than 30% of the total supply getting dumped on a low liquidity small cap altcoin.
Its literally over. See you at below 100 sats this month.
Press F for all the people who locked for one year.

>> No.22983953
File: 73 KB, 320x320, smug_cum_slurper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew. Good thing I've been staking since day 1.

Also was fantom even part of the hack I didn't look into it

>> No.22984006

Fantom is a scam, as I say in every. FTM thread. See you under 1 cent.

If you're in loss now, just wait til you get AION'd on a 99% drop.

ECOCHAIN could save ye if ye cut your losses now, wench!

>> No.22984056

its 1% of circulating supply retard
its still a good hold over the next year or two, but we're fucked for two months. decide what that means to you

>> No.22984289


>> No.22984326

you guys said the same about Ocean last weak when the hacker dumped it. Ocean went down to 0.35 and recovered up to 0.4 in a few days.

>> No.22984745

Damn I bought most of my stack around 0.036 so I think I might just play the strong hand and hold. I always fuck up every time I try swinging.