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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22982612 No.22982612 [Reply] [Original]

>LINK dumping non stop
>not a single thread on /biz/
What the fuck happened? Did everyone jump ship already??

>> No.22982636

>Did everyone jump ship already?
Like a month ago, yep
Im not a greedy idiot, took my profits and run

>> No.22982640

Marines are tired of the fud in here. I think they just left biz for a while and are in lurking mode.
>t. Not a marine, just a poorfag.

>> No.22982642

the entire market is dumping retard

>> No.22982661

I’ve held my LINK for almost 3 years now and haven’t sold a single one.

>> No.22982670

Because link marines already know the drill. Even new marines got their first taste of the dumps last month.

Hunker down and HODL the line.

>> No.22982674

Yeah. Everybody realizes this is a 20 year ico and we are just done.

>> No.22982679

Shut up you boring cuck. Look at catalog. There are threads already

>> No.22982692

Just cut your losses bro. It's over.

>> No.22982740

Biz is full of pajeet scams right now so marines are just lurking or on twitter I guess.

>> No.22982741

all link marines on suicide watch soon. kek

>> No.22982746

I don’t have any losses. I’m still up like 20x and I’m not selling until it’s 1000x.

>> No.22982747
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I'm holding because I'm going to make it.

>> No.22982751

I’m actually happy I can buy more
>tfw only a 3k linklet

>> No.22982993

I'm buying.

>> No.22983019

Nah its not link dumping its the market dumping - avax and uni are down more. Its only fun when its JUST link dumping.

>> No.22983041

I don't care, Link will moon once the world opens up. I can wait til then because there is fuck else to do anyway.

>> No.22983171

You didn't sell at $20?

>> No.22983186 [DELETED] 

Yeah, sold at $12 and am just waiting for the inevitable $6. Might buy in a little above as im hesitant.

>> No.22983200

Everything is dumping moron.

>> No.22983206

Nah we are just waiting for the downtrend to end. Should be close.

>> No.22983300

>no new developments
>eth draining of nodes
>no Oracle(R)
>bitcoin doomp + other market uncertainties
>near zero volume drop of more than 50%
>other shitcoins making up their own off-chain data-sourcing solutions

it's fucking dead. Only threads of this shit coin were just delusional bagholders hyping up "muh Oracle" and "muh tsigs."


>> No.22983329

>near zero volume drop of more than 50%
>near zero volume drop
>of more than 50%
>near zero
>more than 50%

>> No.22983332

this bitch is going to zero. Insiders took their cut at 20 USD and now the bagholders will get rolled on as usual.


>> No.22983341

I bought yesterday morning thinking it was the start of a bullish episode and am now close to having a meltdown

>> No.22983361
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buy high, sell low

This is the way anon

>> No.22983363

After I read that Sergay bought an appartment in New York I knew reached the top and I sold.

Now only bagholders left

>> No.22983387

abandon ship homie. We're going sub 5usd guaranteed.

>> No.22983392

5000 LINKlet here. I view the charts and biz only like 2-3 times per week after the last dump. Healthier for me

>> No.22983393

It will reach 10k end of this year.

>> No.22983401

Bro everything is dumping.

>> No.22983410

fucking trump

>> No.22983415
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that's FUD. 100k end of year

>> No.22983419

>only bagholders left
That's tautological.

>> No.22983421

>still 8th on CMC

>> No.22983451
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except Link has been dumping haaaaard for 4 weeks now.

Don't you see? The market makers took their cut at 20USD and will now roll this bitch downhill for the next 2 years.

buy high , sell low anon

>> No.22983460

no, most link holders are used to it. You just hold. Ignore the “you didn’t sell at [ATH]?” and “you didn’t buy at [ATL]?” fudders. Remember, they want you to sell your linkies.

>> No.22983493

Name one asset that has not corrected after a parabolic rise. I'll wait.

>> No.22983509

Every smart link anon who accumulated during 2017-2018 sold already and can retire due to the defi bubble. Keep holding my bags, faggots

>> No.22983767

still holding boys

everythings dumpin right now were going up soon enough again

>> No.22983818

Still up, still holding, will probably check /biz/ more frequently in 2021

>> No.22983845

$100 by 2022, $1000 by 2025. Just hold.

>> No.22983968

Guys i get liquidated at $6 on aave and only have 1k link on trezor. Should I put last 1k into usdc and deposit on aave, itll be under $4 i think

>> No.22984005


>> No.22984030

you should stop doing high risk speculation on speculative assets, idiot

>> No.22984040

I bought at 8.9.

I'ts starting to pump hehe

>> No.22984085

You think this is bad you ain't seen Sergey start dumping at the most inappropriate times

>> No.22984788

we don't care because we're never selling

>> No.22984836

Congratulations, you've missed out on making it.

>> No.22984861

In all honesty if you haven't taken profits then you deserves to be dumped on by now. Market is bleeding out for everyone and will continue to do so until 2021.

>> No.22984900

Not bothering to discuss it because it's the same convo over and over. Those who believe in it hold, those who don't, sell. How many times do you really want to hold the same discourse?

>> No.22985326



>> No.22985413

any non paid eastern euro posters want to give their honest opinion on how low we're going? I want to buy back in

>> No.22985474

just dca and calm your tits
you have 70 years

>> No.22985571

Past experience suggests LINK retraces up to 70% after a decent pump. Not a proof this will happen this time again but it's in the cards.
I personally expect to see a wick down to $5.50, crabbing 6-8 for a few months.
Never sold btw, so what do I know.
Going to be a boring half a year, so most OGs are migrating back to other boards for a while.

>> No.22985613

LINK is unironically going to be 1k EOY this is just fake shake outs before the moon mission.

>> No.22985696

I already "made it".
You can keep your LINKS a few more years. Good luck!

>> No.22985972
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>Congratulations, you've missed out on making it.

>> No.22986004

imagine being this delusional.

>> No.22986058

18% tax for high bracket tax payers in the Uk (40%) some crypto earnings can be considered gambling winnings and are not taxed it’s a grey area. You can also claim back on loses which could go in your favour

>> No.22986062

Bought some linkies two weeks ago, waiting for it to dump more now so I can get them for $5 or something like that.
I have hope it'll 10x in the next bullrun.
Then I might cash out some because I'm poor.

>> No.22986107

you don’t know what a market maker is

>> No.22986145
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Everything is dumping faggot no point in making threads when so many pajeets are purposely fudding as you can see ITT. Real marines are just hodl until this blows over like it always does.

>> No.22986151

Can confirm. We still lurk, but there’s no good discussion going on right now

>> No.22986202

sold at $18

>> No.22986240

You didn't see that parabolic run to $20 and kept holding like a retard, did you?

>> No.22986338
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No. Anything else?

>> No.22986424

swingers died at $10.20

>> No.22986531

> Imagine not selling after 100x

>> No.22986626

>imagine not selling after 1000x
see what im getting at mate

>> No.22986669


you know I meant the first parabolic rise cocksucker, looks like that's you blown out

>> No.22986722
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this is where LINK is right now

>> No.22986739

This is the reason why most people remain poor. I'm out since $17.

>> No.22986780
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Oh my bad. Moron.

>> No.22986783

September 2017 OG here. There is no point talking about chainlink on biz anymore. We all knows what’s up and trying to educate this new hoard of normies that invaded in August is pointless. They are all poor as fuck and only interested in rug pulls.

>> No.22986865


>> No.22986929

And yet you’re still sitting in your basement shitposting on biz on a Friday. Cool retirement.

>> No.22987019

I say $6.50. We’re still bearish on the daily chart. RSI is at 40 and should hit oversold right as we hit the $6.50 support. But as always it also depends on what bitcoin does.

>> No.22987031

Pretty much this

>> No.22987064

Tradition is that Sergey only stops crowdfunding after a 70% retrace. We only hit 62% so there's still some life in the old girl before the new blood is routed.

>> No.22987084

We are used to it. It sucks but we know that everything chainlink stands for and works towards is still the same. In the long run we'll go up and it's more fun to post when there's hype.

>> No.22987104

which other boards? name a better board than /biz/ (apart from /ck/)?

>> No.22987132


can /ck/ take you from being literally unable to cook anything to being able to fully understand cooking? Or is it more a board for people that already understand what they're doing

t. cant cook for shit and hate when people say it's easy. Everything is easy when you know how

>> No.22987224

Reminder that these broke faggots said the same thing when LINK went to $1 from $.20 then again when it went to $5 after coinbase listing then again when it to $9 in July. Show me your buy orders under $1 and your sells at $20 and I will never post on biz again.

>> No.22987254

bro how tf you don't know how to cook? Just open up any recipe online, go to grocery to get ingredients, and fucking just make it. You don't need to dice all the onions and shit all perfect. Zoomers are fucking scum who only want to get fed. Enjoy your onions in the next few years provided by the govt.

>> No.22987274

*s 0 y-lent

>> No.22987318

Neither. It's for discussing fast food and talking shit about other nations cuisines.

>> No.22987363

For me, it’s the mcchicken.

>> No.22987381
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don't you get it stinkies. it's ogre. you should have sold at $20. you had a chance to make a lot of money and you blew it because of some bizarre hyper technological fantasy in your brain, where everything in the WORLD runs on your stupid little token, pumping its value to $81,000. to put it in simple terms, you're nuts. you're crazy in the coconut. take whatever money you still have in link and go get some therapy, sweet cheeks.

>> No.22987385

Its always the same thing. Most of it is bullshit, but here's the thing, yeah you can obsessively watch the charts and try to perfectly swing every time, or you could buy tens of thousands of link under a dollar, sleep like a baby every night, and be stupid rich in 5-8 years with zero risk beyond the entirety of the crypto space being a massive scam and collapsing on itself. Which if you actually believed that, you were a retard anyways for swinging link when you could have made far more money faster in other places.

>> No.22987392

People didn't sell LINK after that obvious bubble run? Holy fuck, I feel so sorry for you. You will hate yourselves when LINK dies and you are left bagholding while everyone else makes money.

>> No.22987412

I sold my 100k stack at 45c after buying in at 20c years ago. Idk why you incels are still talking about this shitcoin.

>> No.22987432

you know very well no marines get left behind

>> No.22987460

Holy shit link oracle just flew over my house

>> No.22987496

imagine still holding bags of this turd

>> No.22987926

problem is, it's never enough. I bought over 140k link below 0.50c, and have been able to sleep even less since the run to 20 due to regret at not getting more, at not getting as much as I could. so much so that I just dropped 40k€ on more link yesterday morning. & now I'm going through a minor mental collapse because had I been patient and waited a day, or dcadd, I could have bought alot more. the ride never fucking ends. this must be what it feels like to be a degen gambler, but how the hell do these people cope with losses?

>> No.22987929

It’s nice to see shit talk coming out lads- just remember chainlink holders HODL

>> No.22988377

Try six months earlier, that's March of 2017 and Link is where ETH was in October 2016. In 2016 ETH went from $1 in January to $20 in June and then back down to $7 in December. Big bull runs have happened every four years 2013, 2017 and hopefully 2021 since our 2020 has been nearly identical to 2016

>> No.22988778

>no good discussion
No shilling campaign you mean? LINK is dead. Even the shills don't care any more.

>> No.22988821

Delusional poorfag absolutely btfo.

>> No.22989007

What is there to do when you can't travel or fuck whores

>> No.22989186

I don't understand why it's dumping. Chainlink just announced partnerships with Bifflehub and Flaffelnet. Two of the biggest names in the game.

>> No.22989233

The entire market is down

>> No.22989269

Trump has corona virus.

>> No.22989417

No reason to keep accumulating. Buying bags at these prices is not profitable anymore.
I moved on mostly to Fantom and Algorand myself.

>> No.22989541
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Those who know, know. No need to discuss anymore

>> No.22989708
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