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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 288 KB, 993x665, bigbig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22968959 No.22968959 [Reply] [Original]

This is big.


>> No.22968970

ikr, completely ignored by /biz/ as usual

>> No.22968991

so is the idea that DECO can verify whether someone has the BTC to back their WBTC?

>> No.22969160

Can't wait for this news to be sold. Hooray for another -5%. Thanks Chainlink (LINK) team! I am happy to keep holding your dumps to fund your expenses!

>> No.22969232

who cares we're up 50x still

>> No.22969778

based an actual feature release
now do the others

>> No.22969795


>> No.22969856
File: 73 KB, 1440x373, Screenshot_20201001-224918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These newfags really think we care about 50%+ drops. Fucking kek

>> No.22969970

>not another fucking price feed
Wow, I'm impressed

>> No.22970030

Shame you only have 3k

>> No.22970040

did you hear? chainlink has partnered with Bifflehub and Flaffelnet. Two of the biggest names in the game.

>> No.22970049

How big is it

>> No.22970057

sergey hinted at robinhood/onlinebanks integrations this time next year. this release is the first step towards traditional finance.

>> No.22970062

Literally who?

>> No.22970071

so DECO is on testnet?

cool, fucking release it already. and release tsigs while youre at it you fat lazy piece of shit

>> No.22970097

Woah sergey hinted about something?! No fr*ckin way im so excited!

>> No.22970101

nice me too

>> No.22970113

>sergey hinted at robinhood/onlinebanks integrations this time next year
no he didnt

>> No.22970143

> be me
> hold link
> never moons


>> No.22970205

With each passing day, it looks more and more like the moon has already come and gone. You missed it.

>> No.22970228

Not for the token price it isn't. Sergay will keep making money though.

>> No.22970231


>> No.22970235

3k link at fucking 16 cents

srsly kill yourself...i unironically bought myself a 88k link stack at 30 cents and i'm a poorfag

>> No.22970245 [DELETED] 


>> No.22970256


>> No.22970266

Im so impatient. I hate my normie job. How badly will I regret taking 10% profits and living for 3 years?

>> No.22970290

Wat mean? Linky line go up?

>> No.22970297

>$26k to throw into a risky investment
i don't think you understand what poorfag means

>> No.22970349

It’s called taking a risk pussy. That might’ve been his entire bank account at the time after he took care of his essentials. And now he’s way up. It takes money to make money.

>> No.22970358

> thinking link is risky
it's like you're new or something fren

>> No.22970369

Also, anyone who doesn’t have fuck you money is a poor fag. If you can’t afford to eat then you’re not poor, you’re completely fucked.

>> No.22970453

> Sergey: "I think that proof of reserve is really about proving a reserve using chainlink decentralized oracles"

>> No.22970464

I have 85k LINK and I feel like a poorfag

I helped my friend with no knowledge of crypto apart from what I taught him buy 280k LINK with about 100 grand

He's a multimillionaire now and doesn't even know how to cash out

I'm immensely jealous

>> No.22970469

dead link

>> No.22970494

go back to discord tranny

>> No.22970514

>anyone who doesn't have fuck you money is a poor fag
Nice, you found the secret to being right all the time. All you need to do is change the definition of words to match your opinions.

>> No.22970521


i unironically said to myself, it's either link, or i restart from 0.
i'm still in it until 0, i'm ready to die with sergey, i don't give a shit.

u put everything i had, lied to my wife at the time, didn't tell her that i emptied my bank account.

>> No.22970565 [DELETED] 


from 23:00 it gets interesting, most bullish talk so far.

>> No.22970593
File: 17 KB, 495x362, 1523457547657864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought more link this morning:( FUCK!!! what was I thinking

>> No.22970662

Yeah well I have 500K link and I think about killing myself everyday because i am never going to be able to make it with this pitiful amount what do you think about that?

>> No.22970716

it doesn't matter how risky the investment is, a poorfag doesn't have $26k to invest

>> No.22970723

I will never live in peace so long as someone has more LINK than me

For this reason I exist with limitless ceaseless pain

>> No.22970726

it was all i had

>> No.22970754

the fuck is wrong with you people lmao. you had 1.7 million in link at one point. he had 5.6 million. you idiots didnt think maybe cash out and just be fucking happy living off dividends as comfortably middle class?

>> No.22970756

boohoo fuck you faggot, you don’t deserve a single link with that jealousy pussy-ass attitude

>> No.22970763

i ate frozen chicken nuggets and pasta for a year, couldn't aford bus tickets always was going over the doors, no travels, no restaurants, couldn't even buy vidya the only joy i had was making memes on 4chan, and having fun with my frens here.

now thx to my link stack i was able to yield farm and made extra 5k link

>> No.22970790
File: 297 KB, 1200x675, s1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is big
>checks price

Nice priced in news you have there retarded stinkie

>> No.22970804
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1598380293968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nico rape victim gf!

>> No.22970846


>> No.22970889

>Cash out
>Comfortably middle class

>> No.22970898
File: 412 KB, 1202x852, 1599599773730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use cases for Proof of Reserve can now tie that back into the realm of what would be considered more traditional finance, recreating in a permissionless and censorship resistant way what used to be expensive, manual, error (and fraud) prone practices. Getting there hasn’t been an accident. Says Nazarov in excited bursts from behind an AN ENORMOUS COFFEE MUG:

“What I think people don’t fully see is that Chainlink is a new form of decentralized computation that opens up categories of definitive truth that blockchains don’t traditionally do. Chainlink has an ability to provide proof about a multitude of things. It provides proof about price, it provides proof about randomness, in this case it provides proof about the solvency, accuracy, and trustless relationship between the bitcoin chain and the WBTC system that feeds bitcoin into DeFi to the benefit of bitcoin and to the benefit of DeFi. You can use an oracle network like Chainlink to achieve entirely new forms of trust minimized computation. And when you achieve those new forms of trust minimized computation, once you combine them with other existing forms like blockchain-based transaction proof computation, then those permutations generate new and interesting and important innovations and utility and use cases."
>enormous coffee mug

>> No.22970965

Thats 100x the amount I have lol

>> No.22971090

based serg

>> No.22971093


>> No.22971110

Fuck this coin. I hope the bleedout is as protracted and excruciating as possible. Enjoy holding the -95%

>> No.22971169

good for you anon, enjoy the fruits of your sacrifices

>> No.22971663


Dude your point is valid but never admit to having a sub-10k stack it’s embarrassing

>> No.22971706

wow a stacklet from the early days incredible

>> No.22971827

You are an ANIMAL!

>> No.22971866

Yawn, wake me up when staking is released.

>> No.22972276

slow bleed to ico prices over a 2 year period is incoming for stink, all the while every other shitcoin enjoys the golden bull run

>> No.22972876

>i unironically said to myself, it's either link, or i restart from 0
Literally me. If link goes to 0 I'm working the rest of my life but I was going to have to do that anyway without link. Might as well take the chance on link.

>> No.22972994

a big piece of SHIT!

>> No.22973070

Jesus Christ. One of the saddest things I’ve ever seen on this board.

>> No.22973124

ur moms the saddest thing ive ever seen on this board

>> No.22973182

>Quit ID
sounds about right faggot

>> No.22973204

>I Quit

>> No.22973213

cope more swingy.

>> No.22973218
File: 8 KB, 139x207, BEADLETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw brand based guarantees are no longer trusted and suddenly normies are educating you about the benefits of math based guarantees

>> No.22973291

true if huge

>> No.22973320

Demoralization fudders begone

>> No.22973379
File: 233 KB, 472x666, 59a739f9d68eb4c0046499da4ca4e1f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to kys 3.2k or whatever from back when link was under a single usd is a stacklet

>> No.22973416

this. he should have bought more but it doesn't change the price potential of link

>> No.22973432

Sleep now in the Ganges.

>> No.22973886

One of the 8

>> No.22974131

the ganges is an unpredictable source of calamity for farmers sir pls use arbol markets for crop insurance so your daughter doesn't need to show bobs and vagene. thank you sir

>> No.22974644

Link is done. Clearly.

>> No.22974713

This. You have to use twitter unironically to keep up with the crumbs and the faggots here are so slow now

>> No.22974743
File: 13 KB, 300x211, 42 (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22974898

how did they write PoR in json?

>> No.22974899


>> No.22974918

damn linkies are huge fucking faggots eating their own. academic thesis's could be written about the psy-op that is link. i havn't seen such purity spiraling faggotry since the leo cults on 4+4chan.

>> No.22975135

>leo cults on cripplechan

Need a quick rundown on leo cults

>> No.22975886
File: 664 KB, 616x654, 44583759-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw crypto noob link tards are about to get just'd by the feds

>> No.22975929

Yes he did. Dilate.

>> No.22976004

>price dumps like always
Heh. Nothin personnel kid.

>> No.22976081

Get out

>> No.22976140
File: 63 KB, 388x438, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking being "comfortably middle class" with faggot dividends is making it. Disgusting.