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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22968019 No.22968019 [Reply] [Original]

You wagecucks are mentally ill cattle.
The only way to make money is cryptocurrency and passive income. Jobs are a thing of the past. Theres going to be no such thing as a "job" or "career" within 5 years.

Crypto is the only key out. If you want to be financially independent, throw everything into crypto you pathetic wagecuck subhuman.

>> No.22968067

EE major here. Don't fall for master/PHD memes unless you wanna go into academia. Bachelor already costs alot, but for most jobs after getting 2 years experience you're already on par for competition against masters and make almost the same salary.

>> No.22968102

This but for BA
unless your job NEEDS uni (law, some finance jobs, medical) just try to get a shit job and get experience instead
2 years of experience > degree

>> No.22968156

what if master/phd is free? would it be worth it?
>t. wagie EE bachelor

>> No.22968168

if youre paying rent or working a job in 2020 youre a fucking moron.

>> No.22968176

Colleges always push for masters, most jobs say this: Masters preferred or bachelors with 2 years experience.

>> No.22968182

Wrong. I got a fortune 100 job with just a bachelors for $75K two years ago and I’m interviewing for a promotion for $100K right now. Live in the Midwest. Super duper comfy. But I’m also 130 IQ

>> No.22968202
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I have study history in university, had dreams for writing books, articles and investigate. Actually wagecucking washing fish in a factory

>> No.22968296

I make $20 an hour with an associate's degree

>> No.22968343

cant wait till you get replaced in 5 years by the countless other pajeets, refugess, and niggers that got free college at harvard to fill a quota.

>> No.22968382

Uh you make mid 70's starting as a truck driver. 2 weeks "training". 120-150 in year 2/3 depending on how fast you owner-op.

>> No.22968393

like you wont be replaced
the only safe jobs are trades that require you to actually work for 20 years to get to a master level of the craft
I wish I became a carpenter or something instead
literally write your own checks when ur a master craftsman

>> No.22968423

Same. Doing IT work. I never even technically got my AA but no one fucking checks a AA

>> No.22968427

>like you wont be replaced
i wont be, because i have 7 figures in crypto right now. I could take it out and make 50 k a year on dividend stocks

>> No.22968451

>EE major here.

EE Master's isn't necessarily a meme

EE PhD is unless you do a Solid State Phys thesis

>> No.22968475

They tried that 20 years ago. The corporations realize that even 10 pajeets aren’t worth one competent white German developer. Your jealousy makes me feel warm and bubbly inside

>> No.22968509

What’s your point? I don’t care what truck drivers make. You only care what other people do when you’re unsatisfied with your own life. I’m quite content

>> No.22968512


>> No.22968529

>They tried that 20 years ago
they havent. there are more college majors than ever in the history of the world. More and more refugees, niggers, and spics are getting free college at ivy league schools. Its becoming a bigger requirement for jobs to recruit shitskins over white people.
Combine this with AI too and covid economy.

You are fucked friend. If you dont start putting a significant about of your paycheck in crypto starting now, you are going to be living on the streets within 5 years.

>> No.22968540

Meant to answer the other anon lol. I’m phonefagging

>> No.22968567

Your pure cope is highly satisfying. You might not have the skills to compete, I do

>> No.22968568

Well. Fuck
t. npc with job and lease

>> No.22968574

while I agree BA is becoming highschool 2 cuz they keep making it easier and cheaper, no real company is gonna hire a nigger or a pajeet
not everybody lives in the UK or USA

>> No.22968592

Step 1: quit your job
>b-b-b-but muhhhhh shekels

Fuck that brah you will never make it working slavery conditions for pennies, go live your life. Be broke as FUCK if it means you get to follow your heart.

>> No.22968595

>t. nervous wagecuck
besides all the new onslaught of college majors, also look at work policy and HR now of days compared to 10 years ago. You can be fired and blacklisted on the spot for being a trump supporter. Even 10 years ago, saying you were republican could get you fired right away.

Now, if you dont embrace liberal agenda to the max, you will be replaced

sounds like youre coping thinking you will never get replaced

kid, i already have 7 figures in crypto and just accumalating more. I can make money without doing any work at all. I will never be in a competition or be replaced
What do you have?

>> No.22968607

How do I generate passive income bros? I've been learning to trade stocks both fundamentally and analytically and will be branching into dividend stocks soon but would love some ideas

>> No.22968631

>no real company is gonna hire a nigger or a pajeet
you wagecucks seem to think the switch is going to be over night, when its going to be quickly gradual.
Today you say
>no employer is going to hire a nigger
but now watch as the first nigger from harvard gets hired. Then the next one. And the next one, etc

I find it hilarious there are still coping wagecucks on this board desu.

>> No.22968652
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Kraut reporting. Have my Diplom (not the shitty "Master") and Dr. (not the shitty Ph. D.), never paid a cent, got scholarships throughout my entire university career. Living with my parents as a neet until I finished my Dr. rer. nat. left me with almost 50.000 Euros in my bank account in the end. Amerimutts really lost the war, didn't they? Enjoy your kiked debts.

>> No.22968657

>I've been learning to trade stocks
CRYPTO. You need to trade crypto. Crypto is open 24/7 and has volatility.
Stocks are only passive income for your gains. You pour the gains you make in crypto into dividend stocks. You dont make money with stocks,

>> No.22968678

>niggers and pajeets who cannot work like whites who studied get hired
>they get fired cuz they suck
>higher demand for whites with experience
wow nice replacement nigger

>> No.22968679

enjoy being replaced by a refugee who got free college to a top university in 5 years friend~

I want you to remember how smug you were right now. And just remember, in 5 years, I will have over 10 million dollars in crypto

>> No.22968710

its funny how you think anyone whose not white will get fired when in actuality, they have roughly the same value as you.
Sure, whites are probably 20% the better worker than niggers and refugees, but not by much. Youre not a superhuman.

niggers, spics and refugees get free tuition to harvard becauses its politically correct. They want your job. youre going to be replaced.

>> No.22968745

Jealousy and anger only comes when you are unsatisfied with your own life. I can tell by your responses that you hate yourself. That makes me feel good. I couldn’t imagine having hate in my heart. That only happens to guys who never have sex. Isn’t it funny how much I already know about you through an anonymous fisherman’s basket weaving board?

>> No.22968748

Im scared to spread myself too thin but I'm listening. I def see the potential I was a retard who couldn't clame his UNI. But it's just so hard for me to see value in so many of these alts. With a company I can look at its revenue, net profits, and news and have a decent idea if it will go up or not. With Crypto I just don't know where to start.

Is there a ThinkorSwim type platform? Where are the best crypto charts/scanners?

How do I know whats a good crypto?

Is there maybe a decent no nonsense youtuber I can check out like Live Traders?

I thank you in advance. This board has helped me better my life.

>> No.22968756

Nigger you are talking about spics and pajeets who get put trough uni because they are niggers and pajeets.
Do you honestly think someone who only gets a degree because of diversity quotas will be able to hold a job?

>> No.22968818

uh no. getting at least a bachellors is important.

>> No.22968868

Never been to uni
Making 60k pounds as pentester/security consultant
To be fair I do have a fuckton of qualifications and got lucky with my first job that I landed at a big financial firm.

>> No.22968883

>in 5 years, I will have over 10 million dollars in crypto
How do you intend to cash out without big government knocking on your door? This something that's always at the back of my mind.

>> No.22968936

Most delusional post I have ever seen on biz.

>> No.22968981

You're bragging about goying to school for 4 years and then (luckily) landing a job at a prestigious company....to make less than a homeless dude with two weeks paid training.

That's the point of this thread; something isn't right. I provided the advancement level so you can't cope on "muh one day I'll be a VP!" you office cucks always try.

The system is broken

>> No.22968984

Your lying. Fuckin looser be like us.

>> No.22969014


>> No.22969039

not lying but it is a shit job and I have to live in london which means I barely make enough to live after taxes,rent,travel,shitcoins,food if thats any consolation

>> No.22969097

Amerifat cope
Germany has 0 crypto tax if you hold for one year

>> No.22969146

Dude is bragging about having 130iq and potentially making 100k, of course he is trolling. No one would be that insecure to brag about their income (especially that level) on an anonymous anime image board

>> No.22969198

>you are fucked if you don’t I vest heavily in crypto
Dumbest shit I have ever heard, invest some money in crypto yes but those same shit companies that hired pajeet and his buddies will be making even more money then before stick your money in the same bastard that fired you. At least you know it’s guaranteed returns

>> No.22969217

Lease? Oof

>> No.22969231

Note that it says
Which means you can negotiate probably well above that if you aren't afraid of your own shadow.

>> No.22969258

the preferred qualifications has gotten ridiculous. I think it's partially boomer related. They seem to think that if they demand more then they'll always get more, without realizing the asks are so high that they are actually filtering the capable and honest candidates out

>> No.22969363

130's is barely human. Highest I ever tested was 135 and I'm half retarded. Think it was a legit "brag"

>> No.22969465

Literally nothing they can do if you pay your taxes accordingly.

>> No.22969479

haha I make that much as an intern, only a fucking idiot would take that job

>> No.22969624

I have a history BA as well, I now have a comfy civil service job. All you have to do is apply for everything you qualify for and do well on the exams, eventually they'll call you in for an interview.

>> No.22969689

30/hr with a phd here

>> No.22969786

lol, specialized tradie in australia 70-150/hr

>> No.22969809

>it is a shit job
what makes it so shit?

>> No.22969811

Great advice retard

>> No.22969966

muh buh i iz white though, lol when will you cucks recognise that wage cucks including senior managers are essentially worthless on a macro level. Your work could be done by a smart high schooler as far as shareholders care, only thing stopping them is tha law

>> No.22969993

I was expecting some sit at home job where I monitor some ngf and press a button if something happens, instead I do that AND whenever nothing is happening on the network (99% of the time) I have to be in the office and teach these retarded new joiners and seniors about information safety, I have to sit in every meeting whenever there is a change proposed and need to make dumb fucking retarded documents what risks it poses (quantitative and qualitative), I need to constantly monitor my mailbox and respond to retards asking hurr durr I know this app is not supported by the company but can I have it????
and if its a senior I actually have to consider the app (again risk assessments, studying known incidents regarding protocols used by app and app itself)
its a fucking load of work and ofcourse its all for nothing cuz who the fuck wants to hack into us anyway we arent fucking pentagon 99% of security incidents happen because of user error
i hate it

>> No.22969994
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>be fresh wagie engineer
>slave away for mcmegacorp
>2020 crash
>get laid off
>put everything into the march crash
>buy the dip
>make more money this year than rest if my life combined

I will never wage again. I'll be a fucking homeless fag living in a box before I waste my life waging at a job I hate for bosses that dont give a shit and just make a show of pushing paper.

>> No.22970009

Can confirm, i only have bs as an engineer from state college. 1st job out of school 58k, 2nd job after 3 yrs working 110k. I currently work with people who have masters from ivy leagues/prestige, we ended up in the same lel.

>> No.22970112

Thats not a legal image in germany. Im reporting you to the police for illegal content

>> No.22970131

How do you negotiate when you have a million pajeets waiting to take the job?

>> No.22970182

I get paid $17/hr to shitpost and I have an associates in an unrelated field lul

>> No.22970234

130 isnt that rare

>> No.22970370

>never been to uni to be fair I didn't need it
>oh you guys that need it and have no experience? well just be me
Kill yourself

>> No.22970380

lmao I've been shitposting on 4chan for the last month because im waiting to get a new job. Im shitposting from work right now. Do you think they will track me down and find all my comments one day?

>> No.22970394

This is why we need more immigrants borders are racist

>> No.22970408

This is a meme degree. I have a bachelors in finance and accounting and make $50 an hour and put in about two hours of work a week.

>> No.22970418

2020 belongs to the homeless chads wagebois

>> No.22970439

im just saying always think twice before uni
maybe certs/experience(even if you have to work for free) will do you more

>> No.22970442

I seriously want to do this. If I have to go back to the wage cage I just might.

>> No.22970452

if they really wanted REALY REALLY want that its done in seconds, but you should do some weird shit or brag about having millions/billions of laundered money

>> No.22970482

Driving rigs is a motherfucking bitch, be warned

>> No.22970525

Then you just phrased what you meant poorly. Anyway I agree and I genuinely regret being in college, but I'm too far in now especially with all this student debt. If I could go back I'd go to industrial repair school

>> No.22970543

doing what? i have an ms in accounting and i make $70k working 40 hours a week. i need more money.

>> No.22970583

This a million times

>> No.22970599

Lmao I don’t really do much of anything Hahaha

>> No.22970605

Nice anon. You’ve made it, god bless. It lifts my heart to see a fellow anon free of the modern hellscape that is the life of the mediocre wage slave.

>> No.22970621

Are you a CPA? If not then get that.

>> No.22970633

The fact that you are actually somehow happy that you will get a chance to slave away for your boss says everything I need to know about you. Your spirit has already been crushed wagie. You love your prison.

>> No.22970658

Internet IQ tests don’t count retard. Thanks for proving your IQ is actually 85.

>> No.22970663

no. but fuck that, i'd rather just continue my plan of leaving accounting for software development.

>> No.22970740

I’ve thought about doing that a lot myself.

>> No.22970775
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What I'm doing now.
Got an associates in comp network/security
Got a gig at a shitty little telecom place that pays crap but gives me that entry level experience
Grinding out the bachelors on the side

Ive been at my job 15 months now, and feel its time to move up to something that pays better, I just need to put my foot down on either database/security/networking and then specialize.

>> No.22970797

>Grinding out the bachelors on the side
how you finding it?
do you have enough time for your hobbies if you have any?
are you doing it remotely or you have classes in the afternoon or what

>> No.22970937
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Then you're probably living country where your max wage is $25k / year after taxes.

If you try to use these credentials in the US, they will say you need to get your degrees accredited, for a fee of course. It never ends!

burger who went abroad for degrees.

>> No.22970991

Is it silly to think i can get some entry level IT jobs without a degree and just work up to an Electrical or Software engineer through experience. apparently its the most useless of engineering degrees cause you can almost entirely self teach it as opposed to say civil.

>> No.22971030

SOYUZ ni rushimi Respublika svabodne splatilas na veki vilikaya RUS! oh oh say can you see that star-spangled banner yeeeet waaavvee.

>> No.22971098

Is that before or after taxes? Mine was after

>> No.22971473

There's still some jobs in mechatronics, Other than that, yes it is mostly over. The owners want to cuck you by giving you UBI, or other "social" measures, but they still want to keep the means of production. "Tittytainment".

>> No.22971600
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>b.a. in psych
>graduate during great recession
>become commercial driver
>pay off loans
>make good money
>get office job for company i drove for
>make better money
Paid my dues with that company. Didnt complain. Made a good impression with higher ups. All you gotta do to make it is not be an idiot and be ok with working hard (at least for a while)

>> No.22971619

It really is, but I'll go back if I need to. Wage slave myself to death for a year and then quit kek

>> No.22971748

Yeah stick to stocks hahahahaha.

>> No.22971772

I see people in various industries talking all the time about shit being outsourced or delegated to AI. I don't see a point in career hunting for the long-term anymore. The managerial class is going to be squeezed hard. They'll wake up one day not being able to find a decent job after spending low six figures and years of their life on a degree, won't catch me like that.

Passive income is the only way to go now, you'd better be all in

>> No.22971781

im getting an interview with an investment fund for a research associate position that makes 70 grand a year. some jobs are definitely insane and shitty but there are still ways to make money.

>> No.22971806

If you aren't homeless with a million dollar portfolio you're doing it wrong.

>> No.22971816

btw im 20 years old and i only have a B.S. i dont have the job yet but i can see previous employees and most of them were just like me, normal kids with bachelors that went to a good school but nothing crazy

>> No.22971829

just fucking apply

>> No.22971835
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Your entire way of life is because wagechads allow it.

>> No.22971886

Masters degree. $15.29 per hr. Kek what a joke

I make more and I'm a high school dropout

>> No.22971905

If trucking is so lucrative, why is the turnover rate over 90%? Do you really think (((they))) haven't undermined it?

>> No.22971918

desu my PhD life is pretty cozy, be in academia, only make 2x minimum wage but I work at most 10 hours a week lmao. Most of my time is spent investing, chilling, going out, and playing football.

I love my life.

>> No.22971929

Please dont listen to this guy amd go to college

>> No.22971937

Oh and yes, scholarship. I have 0 debt cause I'm not an amerifag. All my schooling has been paid by the gubnment.

>> No.22971976

lol we probably ain't seen shit yet

>> No.22971995
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Just got one with a master's though

>> No.22972023

>This something that's always at the back of my mind.
I have trouble imagining how all the USD and other fiat currency will magically appear at the exchanges or platforms where everyone will want to "cash out" at some time.

>> No.22972081

>Be a roofer
>Get paid well ($40-44/hr depending on the job contract+bonuses+benefits like free truck and free gas)
>Actually make $3.50/hr more than that, but it just goes to a pension that my company matches dollar for dollar
>Don't really have to do the really hard labour stuff anymore, just make the new guys do it
>Get to be outside all day
>6-pack abs and big biceps/forearms without having to do any extra working out
>Because of safety concerns my job will probably be one of the last to be fully automated
>Nobody wants to do this shit, so if I lose my job Ill have half a dozen job offer before I leave the parking lot

Pretty comfy desu. Most of the lifers I work with are huge alcoholics and spend all their money as fast as they get it, but with proper saving/investing I'll be able to retire in 10 years. And that's without having to bank on a huge 10-100x moonshot. Idk why more people don't get into trades, mine is like the lowest on the totem pole and I still make an easy 6 figures every year.

>> No.22972110

you can literally taste the seethe and jealously, shouldnt you be staring at a map of Silesia and Pomerania?

>> No.22972117

You work like a dog and to me are subhuman.

>> No.22972165

Not really. We're unionized and told to go slow and make everything perfect. I also don't do shingles on houses, my company only does really large commercial flat roofs. Flat roofing isn't really crazy hard anymore, I can't even remember the last time I did a tar roof (the really dirty gross shit you're probably thinking about), it's all tpo, pvc, epdm, etc now (basically just huge rolls of rubber)

>> No.22972183

It is great advice. Why be a slave and depressed? Because you can buy shiny shit to make other slaves jealous?

>> No.22972211

No degree here. Near unlimited OT at 26 an hour. Cozy

>> No.22972814

Imagine interviewing for positions in 2020.
> work in same small business (between 5 and 20 people the time I have been here, currently 7)
> need pleb to do data entry or basic accounting stuff or pc builds and part testing
> list on countries job site
> ~2003 : receive many applications from unqualified people but some applications would be suitable.
> hire
> 2010 : less suitable applicants but more applications. More applications with degrees, PHDs, masters etc. An entry level pay job would garner 200+ applications
> 2018 : no suitable applicants. Almost all have PHDs, masters and degrees in unrelated (nothing is related to what I am advertising) and none have any experience anyway.
We have lost two staff in the past few years I haven't bothered replacing because the applications are all total garbage.
Also they are now 100% imports. gg Australia

>> No.22972892

what position are you hiring for? You realise 99% of job applicants are people just trying to fill their application quota for cenno that the government forces them to do, right? Blame the government for wasting your time, most of those people don't want the job.

>> No.22972965

You should still write books and articles in your free time away from the fish anon, you can still get fulfillment and recognition from it even if you’re not full time

>> No.22973113

>work for a silver mine
>no need to deal with people
>get $60 per hour
>med/dent/life insurance
>cozy life

>> No.22973165
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Nurses don't do anything and get paid.

>> No.22973199

i have no college education and doordash in a college town making an avg of $22 and hour

>> No.22973224

I plan on opening a storage locker facility. My city is only growing and it seems like relatively passive income.

>> No.22973247

Is there any point getting a Bachelor in Accounting and going for a CPA? I always keep hearing how accounting is gonna be automated.

>> No.22973249

this. my biggest mistake out of college was being a honest cuck. you need to fluff the fuck out of your resume. remember there are dozens of other candidates who are also lying.

>> No.22973251

>Theres going to be no such thing as a "job" or "career" within 5 years.
Too optimistic. Give it at least 10.

>> No.22973286

>Is there any point getting a Bachelor in Accounting and going for a CPA?
>I always keep hearing how accounting is gonna be automated.
They've been saying this for 20 years and yet there's more need for accountants than ever. Maybe in another 20 years the low level grunt work will be automated, but by then you should be in a higher level job.

>> No.22973501

we getting that back, mutt. maybe this time dont interfere?

>> No.22973638

No, anon, it's called cuckoldry. Wagies bear the brunt of hardship so other people can have it easy.

>> No.22973746

>You realise 99% of job applicants
Yes of course. I blame the gov for the quotas as well as importing them.

>> No.22973888


>> No.22973920

>his shitcoins are dumped by devs
nothing personnel, kid

>> No.22974198

checked and nostalgia'd
thanks, anon

>> No.22974434

where abouts is this job located?

>> No.22974521

evolution mining?

>> No.22974793

and what happens when they go Atlas Shrugged on you

>> No.22974908

I have a professional painting company, we do new builds, kitchen cabinets, and repainting nice homes. My professional network expands every day, and I build real relationships with clients. Also, I work whenever, I have a skill forever, and It's paid well. Trades are comfy, but they're not for everyone.

>> No.22975008


Daddy government forces me to work for the name of women's rights.

>> No.22975074

What's Accounting like?

>> No.22975075

Mostly because having a CDL ensures you can have a job anytime you want, because there's way more jobs than there are drivers. If you don't like the job for whatever retarded reason you can literally just quit without a 2 weeks and have another job the next day.

>> No.22975608

>go through interview process
>allow company to spend their money on your background check
>ghost them on the first day

Together we can fight this downward slide bullshit.

>> No.22975628

>implying that they don't make you pay for the background check
hey everyone this guy has never seen a jew!

>> No.22975654

Nope. Find other ways to waste their resources and time.

>> No.22975743
