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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22965346 No.22965346 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22965415

>eggs frozen at late 30s
the kids would be retarded anyway

>> No.22965524

>"Muh vaccines cause autism"
>Has children past 26
It's always post wall women making excuses for their shitty actions, that's all.

>> No.22965543

How come women wanted to larp as men as career women and having a job instead of just being a house mother at the young age of 20? What’s so good about working for jews?

>> No.22965576

Ego. All women are colossal narcissists, they literally do not think for themselves at all.

>> No.22965577

I have.

>> No.22965636

Yes. I once worked in a company where I was the only man. Had to quit because of all the fucking drama. My boss, female, had a black husband and three mulatto children. They're now divorced (LOL)!

>> No.22965637

I used to work at a grocery store called "Publix" as a bag boy when I was 16 for about a year. All of the bosses were women and it was hell on Earth, never work under women.

>> No.22965642

3. 2 were good, but one was not, she spend more time suck up to the higher management than doing her job for her department. The other 2 were a great tomboy who gave as much banter as she took, and a very down-to-earth old lady who took no nonsense from slackers or stupid people.

>> No.22965665

I had a dope ass female boss..worked for a fortune 500 company too.

She gave zero fucks and was more of a mom type than boss type.
Came out to the job site and would just chill and smoke cigs with all the boys.

>> No.22965666

Most of my managers have been women.

They were all supremely unqualified.

>> No.22965905

Sounds like sexism to me.

>> No.22965963

This is a serious problem. There are more retarded people running around the street then ever before and i'm one of them.

>> No.22966046


Imagine being a girl. Being told that your purpose in life is to work. You're inferior to those of the opposite gender around you. Your mission in life is to be only equal to this gender, not better than. Being a stay at home mom or a mom all together is repulsive - you're taught this - without any say so.

Imagine that. Plus on-top of that you're expected to work a full time job, advance your career without any help from the opposite gender. Working 40+ hrs a week just to buy a better car or house.

That must just suck.

>> No.22966054
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>freeze your eggs
>3/10 roastie

>> No.22966093


I worked at Cloudflare for CEO Michelle Zatlyn.

She was Harvard pedigree so a lot of things fell into place for her with minimal effort but had the brains for how to exploit it so can't blame her.

She played nicely with everyone but had no trouble cutting the fat when someone was under-performing.

Overall, pretty good at her job.

>> No.22966484

Moms are called worthles,s lazy leeches and wagecucks get harassed and told no one wants them there. Unless they're rich there's no good option for women.

>> No.22966718

here's the full article in the OP pic, pretty interesting read actually

>> No.22967045
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>Without any help from the opposite gender

>> No.22967240

I had 3
All unqualified. All got promotions for just being there and having a vagina.
2 did manage to still fuck shit up and made the company lose money over some deliveries and contracts. None got demoted or fired.

>> No.22967402

She literally had 20 years (from 16 to 36, under 16 really is a bit young)

>> No.22967437

>tfw 29 year old wife is pregnant

Feels good man. Her boobs are massive now too which is even better

>> No.22967446

sorry roasties, trips confirm

>> No.22967456

So like every male, but with permanent training wheels. Waaah poor wahmen, mysoggynests everywhere ahhhh!

>> No.22967492

Yep, for the last year. She's pretty nice to me and we get along well. Don't really have any issues.

>> No.22967514

I’m a chemical engineer in a plant setting.
So, no.

>> No.22967581

>think for themselves
Pick one they’re just retarded

>> No.22967638


Ted writes about this. Women and minorities are only seen as "successful" if they succeed in the areas created and dominated by white man. Instead of establishing their own success, they come to ours. Women don't create new things or compete, they do their homework to get certifications ans positions.
Law and medicine are popular with women for this reason, while finance and tech are not.

Some rad lib investors think investing in women and minorities is a form of diversification. But if you have someone willing to transform their entire life and tradition, just to be successful like the white man, they will in fact be total conformists.

>> No.22967668

I had and I have. AMA.

>> No.22967705

I've had a decent amount. differing levels of competency all around but most were nice to me. one was pretty hot too with a nice, big brapper and I got i make out a few times with her.

>> No.22967743

Imagine wanting to be a corporate cog and make 80k q year so you can get wasted on 20$ mojitos on a cruise ship and think you made it with your middle management job you're terrible at but won't get fired

>> No.22967784


>> No.22967977

>Women don't create new things or compete, they do their homework to get certifications ans positions.
That's called competing lol. It's almost like to be successful you have to align yourself with what society sees as valuable.

>> No.22968012

Why do they pretend to be happy? They have literally nothing to gain

>> No.22968023

They listen to what people tell them to do and think they are geniuses for doing it. Women are a hivemind of >people that think they are all unique and special

>> No.22968057

>They listen to what people tell them to do and think they are geniuses for doing it.
Yes, a trait unique to women.

>> No.22968100

LMFAO I’m glad I realized this is pure bullshit in my fertile years. Hoping I can make it in time so all I have to worry about is raising my children.

>> No.22968190


I’ve had two and they were both awesome. You guys are a bunch of whiny groupthink echo chamber snowflake incels who need a boogeyman to blame for why your lives suck so bad because you don’t have the wisdom or strength to admit your own faults.

>> No.22968261

>pretend to be happy
They literally get to lord over a bunch of guys and can harass them on demand without fear of being MeToo'd because guys never report shit. They get high level salaries while still being able to cry and play the female empowerment card if a target is ever missed. If anyone doesn't fall for that, they have an ample number of heads beneath them that they can chop to save their own ass. They also get maxed benefits, can "work" from home as desired, and can get maternity leave on top of all of this if they actually want to get pregnant and use it.
They actually are happy.

>> No.22968330

Sure. It's definitely a certain kind of success. Grinding out homework and degress sucks.
Women can absolutely be competent, they just tend to follow social queues for success, instead of creating new value.

> you have to align yourself with what society sees as valuable.

Women mindset.

>> No.22968360
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I laughed like an animal after reading this. Thanks for the keks, OP.

>> No.22968359

queues > cues

>> No.22968419

Pic related.
Fucked by Das Kapital.

>> No.22968429

I never choose careers or invest based on what's valuable.

>> No.22968449

>yes blame yourself, only you are responsible for your oppression by society

>> No.22968453

Tits or gtfo

>> No.22968486

That's a sad story. Technology offers some sort of promise or hope and people make life choices oriented around the presumption that the tech will work, so it sucks if it doesn't. I guess the risks weren't fully conveyed to her.

>> No.22968594

>Working 40+ hrs a week just to buy a better car or house.
12000 years ago, a promise was made to humans. If they worked toward material production, things would get better, and easier. 12000 years later, things have come to a point where material production is beginning to fuck humans more and more. Up to a point where it will be insufferable. In order to perpetrate our dream to have new stuff, we have accepted, alienation, feminism, mass immigration, and recently very dangerous electromagnetic fields everywhere, killing us slowly without noise or invisibly. At one point, it definitively won't be worth it anymore. Sadly, it's still a few decades in the future, so things will get worse.

>> No.22968618

ok incel

>> No.22968625


>> No.22968675
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Most of my clients (de facto bosses) are women working in management for various companies. I work as freelance webmaster, full-stack (both graphics and coding, but some programming too). I think I prefer women as clients. They more often know what they want and seem to care more about the project, while men usually want to delegate as much decision making to me as possible (just make whatever, just make it work) and save as much time as possible. In theory it's nice to work without any constraints but this also means the goal is vague. It's difficult to feel like you did a good job once it's finished if there were little to no directives and the client will accept anything that works and is not an eyesore. Also in my experience women are less likely to ask for bad design choices. They are better with colours and aesthetics. Also men really want everything as fast as possible, will call me every 2 days, while women are more patient.

So when it comes to managers and entrepreneurs for me women make better clients and in a sense better bosses.

>> No.22968702
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I can't tell if this is a joke or not but I'll respond anyways.

>> No.22968809

I had a dope female boss too. She's always nice and helped me when I had made any mistakes. We treat each other to lunches but she almost never let me pay. She also introduced me her daughters (jailbaits lol) and treats me like family.

>> No.22968838

Shut the fuck up fiver pajeet no one asked you and your dumbass "skill" that has been obsolete for at least a decade.

>> No.22968921
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>I’ve had two and they were both awesome. You guys are a bunch of whiny groupthink echo chamber snowflake incels who need a boogeyman to blame for why your lives suck so bad because you don’t have the wisdom or strength to admit your own faults.

>> No.22968973

Write some more.