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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2295393 No.2295393 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up
>it's my day off from work
>get dressed
>take amphetamines
>go to the computer
>open up poloniex
>open up bittrex
>open up coindesk
>open up /biz/
>turn on productivity spotify playlist
>amphetamines kick in
>lets fucking do this
>+54% before lunch
>eat lunch
>read while eating poorfag food
>cant bring myself buy more than absolutley necessary
>need as much money as possible while not starving to invest
>get back to work
>fuck yes.jpg
>discuss money on /biz/
>STRAT is up
>ARK going to explode
>XRP stable
>Read up on ICOs
>discuss trading with a few close friends
>one last intense run before bed
>47 tabs open
>sweat on my brow
>brain is exhausted
>must achieve daily goal
>I did it
>shut off PC
>go to bed
>mfw I am going to make it.

>> No.2295422

Love you OP.

Best of luck.

>> No.2295455

>go to bed
>have restless sleep with intermittent checks on blockfolio every time you half wake up
>nightmares about losing money
>wake up screaming

>> No.2295460

It's already over for you boyo
>Tfw only measly profits from day trading
How do you choose the coins to daytrade with?

>> No.2295477

>years later, when my mind was largely mush from degenerate amphetamine abuse, the revelation came, followed by a rivulet of shame that trickled through me from my throat to my toes. I realized I could have sat on my coins and made four times as much BTC than I did by larping as a daytrader. I tried to by a gun online to kill myself but they didn't accept my DGB or BITB so I decided to fap but the aderall was kicking in so I just fapped and fapped until i cried

>> No.2295491

just a few more weeks...

>> No.2295495



>my $4 is now $10

>mfw i am going to make it

>> No.2295500

>>take amphetamines
>take amphetamines

he told u right there bro, this is ur weapon vs the chinese traders, this is how u get ahead

>> No.2295504
File: 87 KB, 292x292, 1496456762693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>bitbean is at 330 sats

>> No.2295506

you cashing out soon?

>> No.2295625
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Vyvanse god squad

>> No.2295637
File: 540 KB, 520x1232, pepe race war reasons to live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make fun of bitbeans on /biz/ in my downtime and post memes about it
>it's at the top of the exchange today with a high of +200%

>> No.2295647

I used to take RC amphetamines and would rather not get back into that.

>> No.2295664

>>take amphetamines

When does it crash to 1 sat?

>> No.2295683

how much did you invest?

>> No.2295725

>It's already over for you boyo
I am diagnosed with ADHD so I legitimately need 10-15mg to function like a normal adult, 20mg is when I get to "focus-beast mode" I respect this drug immensely, and feel shitty and guilty if I abuse it in a reckless fashion. Normie hedonists like to abuse dosage (like 30mg-90mg) and administration methods (ie take it for a more intense and shorter lasting effect like snorting it) Crypto investing is a large part of how I plan on starting to fund my dream venture.
>How do you choose the coins to daytrade with?
I got into crypto January 2016, when eth was $6 or $7. I have definitely done some fucking pants on head RETARDED moves, that resulted in me missing on mass gains (turning $200 into $2K) by as close as 2 days. I had 47 ETH for a long time but sold at like $12 because it wouldn't move in price for months at a time. So I have some experience of being a noob and how they think, and right now the market is filled with them. I know when a project usually has potential of being practical and breaking out into something big. I read opinions online, I keep up with the news, I discuss, I read about projects and I watch their graph behavior, market-cap, volume and other data etc and try to think analytically and rely on a combination of of logic, intuition and every once in a while I throw in some yolo too.
I have much more than that, but some dude on here is only going have $10 to invest, and if he does it right, he can grow his crypto-garden to $10K in months. More power to that guy for working hard.

>> No.2295851
File: 64 KB, 620x354, introverts-nguyen-hung-vu5452-620x354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you make money if your not doing hodl?

I know some coins are going to take off, but there is still some days left.

If I move my coins from wallet to wallet i will just bleed fees

>> No.2295883
File: 559 KB, 2626x782, 1496608760033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take amphetamines

what kind lad?

>tfw same routine here, 20mg vyvanse (XR dexamphetamine) in AM. 10mg dexedrine (IR dexamphetamine) post-lunch/gym

feels good getting shredded & rich at the same time

>quit my wagecuck job months ago and I make ~$800/week ((daytrading)) shitcoins

the wife loves it, home all the time now to play with pupper, fugg her, and trade cryptos with the cool kids