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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22953199 No.22953199 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we all just shill one crypto together across the internet (Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, etc) where the normies go, that way we all can actually make it and dump our bags on normies?

>> No.22953220
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How about GEEQ? We can stake it and get 0.1% rewards daily and it's at an all time low, the project actually looks good too. If we get enough normies to buy in, we could get sweet neetbux every day

>> No.22953222

You had 3 years and I don't even have bags and know that

>> No.22953242

I have a Twitter bot that can automate likes, fuck it, let's do it.

>> No.22953258

we did it's called LINK and there's no phase 2

>> No.22953280

Why are we all shilling each shit vaporware projects to try to dump on each other when we can do a coordinated multi website shill and make real money? Imagine if we got all the biz autists on here to shill together and got a project to a bill marketcap, listed on Coinbase/Binance and dumped on normalfags then. I'll give it a go, at least you fags are honest about being bastards

>> No.22953300

ye, why not, count me in

>> No.22953311

What are we going to call this shilling operation? I might drop a couple ETH in on it, I can get a podcaster to talk about it

>> No.22953338

Operation Bizraeli

>> No.22953343

this, 4chan even managed to convince themselves it was going to change the world at one point

>> No.22953374
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I'm in

This shows we have power

>> No.22953394
File: 162 KB, 680x717, he cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if this is some pajeet bullshit, the project looks good and I like the sound of it, I'm in

>> No.22953435

we did it it was called LINK
now normies hold that cayman islands scam

>> No.22953457
File: 43 KB, 800x450, ohnononon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not buying LINK at $0.10, there's normies who unironically bought at $20 on Coinbase

>> No.22953566

So we fork yfi?

>> No.22953571

Uh we already did that its called Link and we all sold at $20
wait, you DID sell right anon? right?

>> No.22953632

I am thinking about this since 2013.

But it's not easy, because you can't get all of these 4chan people together, in one place...

FIRST, we need a TELEGRAM, DISCORD group

>> No.22953860

We should shill something super cheap but seems like it might have potential. Something like kat or amp?

>> No.22954176


>> No.22954293

its the Statera balancer pool. will moon with the other cryptos in it Btc Eth Link Snx and then we all withdraw our funds, no lockups, no rug pulls

>> No.22954616

definitely ALGO

>> No.22954653
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>> No.22954678
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>> No.22954695

How about Loopring?

>> No.22954764

Fuck you those bags are mine/ours. All ISO20022 coins should be just "forgotten" about as we accumulate before economic reset. Don't let the normans in on the real ones bros.... (if you don't agree with me whatever dyor I'm still down to get in on this. I wanna load ALGO and IOTA hard. Ocean is a possibility, should have bought in last night when I was looking at it again. Staking next week too maybe idk.