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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22946306 No.22946306 [Reply] [Original]

Fix the space and jump in, just Fucking around with an account you can learn fast with me or stay broke

>> No.22946356

Imagine the smell

>> No.22946366


>> No.22946411

god i'd love to paypig her

>> No.22946469

the only reason i go for japanese bitches is coz they dont tat their bodies

>> No.22946574

Stream restart new link

>> No.22946608

where do you find them

>> No.22946770


in Japan

>> No.22947163
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bump, think you lost mic op

>> No.22947265

sir mic is muted can't feed village

>> No.22947340
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>> No.22947775

Can someone explain why some of these thots have Arabic tattoos? I read somewhere its because princes over in dubai and shit paid these thots to fly over to fuck them... and they force them to get these tats? And apparently the tats amount to something like "damaged goods" or pretty much saying there a whore? Anyone have real details?

>> No.22947812

>has false god allah scribble tat
>into the trash this whore goes

>> No.22947843

I know some chick that looks like exactly like this, she's persian. Has some moon runes on her facebook.

>> No.22947868

Pretty sure she's Arab anon.

>> No.22947899


Yeah but I'm talking about clearly white blonde bitches with Arabic tattos that are obviously whores

>> No.22948156
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Because they're marked and owned as property. Rich Arabs are known to fly out influencers to Dubai and UAE for a vacation in exchange for sex, with scat involved. These thots stay getting shit on for free vacations.

The tattoo is a symbol that she's property to one of these rich Middle Easterners. Its not a formal relationship usually, but she will do what shes told, visit and stay with him whenever asked, and is usually passed around in parties in exchange for travel, luxury items, money, and networking.

>t.works in social media and BAT thotposter.

The Tot twins (pic related) belong to some very powerful princelets. Like if they fuck around or do something to piss him off, they'll be killed. Thotting is serious business.

>> No.22948180

Whats up with the scat? Can you give more details on the whole thing

>> No.22948247
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this...thats why any female I meet with allah false god scribble on her is a hard pass. I could end up dead just for talking to her if her owner and master decides he doesnt want to share HIS toys with others. too many guys are clueless about what alot of tats on girls mean and how you can know some are marked property but most will just incel reply with have sex incel cuz it hurts their fantasy larp in their head of finding and being with a girl thats pure.
pretty much most tats are a hard pass for me... you'd be surprised at the amount of chicks that are marked and here comes dopey anon are full of simpery and white knight visions of happiness and a pure girl and she's been banged out by her master and his friends for awhile now. but she's pure acting for you for sure.

oh well as I said incel virgins will reply hurr incel have sex and other cope replies cuz reality hurts their virgin fee fees and shatters the larp lies in their head.

with enough money you can convince sluts like brittany venti she better show her giant milkers off and pretend it was for another reason she did that.

>> No.22948360

pretty much
even if its not an arab porta potty
a girl with tats has 99% chance fucked niggers in the past
when i see a husband and wife with their kid and the wife has a tat its basically a signal the guy is a beta cuck

>> No.22948370
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Heres an article about Dubai Porta Potties. Rich men love shitting on thots. They also do massive orgies, put live animals and shit in their pussies and asses, let them fuck royal dogs, horses, and other stuff.

Want to see some DMs about it in action and just other thot degeneracy

There's a lot of shit (no pun) you can read up on about it.

I dump thots and tell social media stories all the time in BAT threads if you ever want to hear some.

Well said and well educated, lad. Its sad to see so many simps on this board pay their hard earned money and fap endlessly to literally someone's toilet. These thots are haggard people as well. Work with them on a regular basis.

>> No.22948384

Tagged the wrong post, check >>22948370
so you can read up on it.

>> No.22948465

Thanks to who was interested enough to watch. Hope you learned a bit

>> No.22948469
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>muh pure Japanese waifus
Pure simp mentalilty. Property markings and tats on women in Asian countries in general, especially Japan and South Korea is a huge trend right now thats not going to stop anytime soon.

>> No.22948555

I wont reveal any info about my life but yup I will verify that females with tats are a bad sign and some females you even can spot their marks of property. Allah scribble is a huge one. As I said in my prior its an automatic nope for me. One she's had dogs cum in her and her master might have me killed just for talking to her if he decides to remind her of her place as his pet.
I enjoy life far to much to risk it over someone's pet and property.
But these days I focus on money and profits so im reaching tiers where I run into alot more females in social circles that have various marks of guys or females on them. Always amusing how in my personal experience the females owned by another female is always extremely submissive. her lesbo mistress must beat that attitude out of her fairly quickly.

And yeah I remember you from the bat threads til we all kinda stopped posting in them. Ive posted about females and marks of property in those threads before but the mods would always ban me after I did.

>> No.22948749

Jesus fucking Christ I know these whorish women are literal retard babies but wow they really do produce nothing of value for society

>> No.22948829

What are some other tats that are marks?

>> No.22948836

Checked. You gotta start posting in the BAT threads again, at least in the Saturday threads when most of the oldfags meet up. Threads are so dead now.

You really know your shit though. Really unusual to see someone around these parts with that type of knowledge, and you’re right, these thots aren’t worth getting found in your house one day committing suicide by 6 rounds to the back of your head. The females are usually more sadistic and violent than the Princelets, kek. I’ve dealt with a few female owners and they’ve all be intense to be around.

Stay safe out there lad and keep making those big financial gains. Swing by a BAT thread sometime.

>> No.22948938

The most poisonous animals in the wild like snakes, insects and spiders tend to be very colourful, this lets others know that they are very poisonous or venomous.

Women are the same, tatoos or brightly coloured hair is to let people know that she is very toxic and keep away from her

>> No.22948940

one most people dont notice or realize is a mark in certain circles is the moon with 1-6 stars by it. means she's owned or property of a small set of business men and her priority is keeping them pleased. Dating her and life is perfect? well if those guys call her to a party she'll be sucking and fucking for them and will go home and kiss your lips and pretend it never happened.

another one people get all OMFG NO ITS NOT STOP LYING Over is when she has dog paws on her... it means she's fucking or is being fucked by dogs... be it her own or someone elses dog. usually was a prostitute at some point prior. no its not sex worker thats the safe space word s 0 y and females call it to downplay she's a prostitute.

obviously the bunny for her being owned by black men and cock.

certain crads in a deck of cards have different meanings.
A King means a guy with over 250mil owns her and she will always belong to him. never dateable never marriage material tends to outside of her life of ownership acts like a tradthot usually.

and some girls just get a tat for a guy to show she's loyal... expect to see shoe0nhead get a tat for vaush at some point since he owns her right now but thats not common knowledge and is surpressed. if you know who that is congrats we're dumber for it.. if you know who he is worse... but yeah he owns her its just not public knowledge and no tat yet

>> No.22949029

I had a chance a few times to play with those "lesbian" owners in a few sessions and they are ALWAYS aggressive and violent and very sadistic. one said she loved squeezing guys balls til they pass out than reviving them and doing it again over and over while the guys restrained. she said one chick she made get nipple and clit piercings and would make her show them off at parties to everyone and refer to herself as mollys slut pet.
Yeah they are a bit of a cruel sort and I avoid female owners even working with them if possible. they just cant stop trying to crush everyones balls full time.

And the only reason I post this kind of stuff is because I have you basically backing it up with your verions of stories and things that go on behind the scenes.
there's a few twitch youtube thots that you can tell by their mannerisms they are property. I mentioned one in my post here >>22948940. but simps and virgins will just continue forward clueless in life thinking oh boy oh boy this "7/10" is dating me I won the prize not knowing that those 30 dogs she fucked for master also thought the same sport. ... clueless males everywhere especially on /biz/

>> No.22949035


Imagine the smell

>> No.22949123
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To add on a bit to the other lad's posts, common shit like initials, name's, and most religious script, bible verse, etc are 99% markings.

Take Rhodes for example. This thot makes 350k PER MONTH, and she can't get her "exes" from years ago name off her ass. She will play it off, and admit shes owned. The relationships shes been in have all been cleared by her owner. The Paul brothers couldn't free her.

Heres an example of a joint ownership
>The red Dragon is Chinese. Shes known for being a high end escort for wealthy Chinese
>The Arabic markings on the thigh
>John tatoo'd on her ass

You pay for fame and she sold her soul to prostitute and be property to several people farming the money she makes.

>> No.22949210

Indeed... names are common and easy..
got a unique design near her crotch or butt also a chance its a mark. on her butt some sort of marking. Even if its just a heart most tats in those regions are of a sexual marking nature.

And yeah rhodes is a great example. 350k a month and she wont spend the pittance it'd cost to have laser removeal surgery? strange behavior unless you realize and know she's marked as property.
Names or initials on the cunt or right above it surefire owned or was at one point. Some even 10+yrs later will still show loyalty to that person.
forget your marriage vows JCW hit her up online and she went on a sudden road trip for the weekend and she came back and wasnt in the mood for over a week and cant explain some of her bruises but you beta billy will just dismiss it all and trust her cuz she would never hide anything or do that to you

>> No.22949326
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What does this moon with stars tat looks like? Is it a crescent moon and how are the stars arranged around it? I just googled it and there's a ton of variations so I think it might just be a popular design. The dog one is legit though cause I used to have a beast phase. I must say though, this all sounds kind of flimsy because is this just supposed to be common knowledge among hos cause anytime anyone claims there's a secret worldwide code it's like do they all get a handbook of what tattoos to get for each situation or something. Young girls are known to get tons of tattoos cause they are dumb. I'd have to see some examples of girls with these tattoos to make this even semi-believable.

>> No.22949401

That's a man

>> No.22949434

I honestly dont care what you beleive anon. and the stars are usually on the left and the moon is facing right.
doubt you'll find an article that's gonna be all this tat means she's property of so and so. this is insider stuff you get being on the insider of it.
but if you dont beleive it thats fine I didnt either til it was around me and I was seeing it at parties and various places working with various females of various levels of fame.
Same with the other anon he's been revealing these secrets for over half a year at least now.
And every time we get people that show up go hurr seems flimsy cuz well it just does and I need proof and articles and videos of girls confessing to all this inside stuff that isnt public knowledge or barely is public knowledge so until than its flimsy.
Cant convince you and thats ok i'll survive someone doesnt beleive this stuff.
And I wont have pics to share because I dont take pics of the owners marks. thats how you get "jumped" going to your car in a parking lot at 3pm on a bright sunny day and nobody saw it even tho there was 20 people right there. hard pass
have a good night anon

>> No.22949464
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The flower half/full/quarter sleeves as well as birds and tree branches are Pagan related groups that mostly use swinging as networking.

A black, dark cross is a good one too.

>> No.22949576

>. I'd have to see some examples of girls with these tattoos to make this even semi-believable.
90% of my posts have been examples of women with the tats. You can do your own research if you dont believe us either. Links, pics,, webms and everything have been posted by myself and this guy youre quoting is 100% on the mark.

>> No.22949698
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heh at least 1 mark for sure possible other on her back depending on circles. she is most def someone or ones property.
And they all have the same kinda robotic behaviors to them sexually. you can tell that alot of them in these vid clips arent into it but just going thru the motions they memorized to appease master and his friends. or her and her friends.
that chick in the webm def done that 100 times at least for her pet role.

now most females get paid decently and rather well but part of that is as said tats on their crotch or ass or tits or in some really fun cases their face and neck. got that one master that REALLY wants to mark you enjoy that neck tat that goes up half your face. but she'll post she wanted to do this for awhile now and its something she's always wanted yet 2 yrs prior she hated the thought of tats...guess that 50k and being dicked down by 10 dogs in multiple session changed her mind
and of course you end up with pics of these girls like this that leak on occasion that arent "supposed to be leaked" but oops maybe she didnt suck off master's friend properly that weekend so a little punishment and her cum face is now on the web.

>> No.22949714

Is this like the lollipop in girls profiles on IG? I've seenvthen too manyvtimes and usually those girls are posting pics of their asses and acting like thots

>> No.22949879

bump for more tattoo marking stories

>> No.22950013
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Watched most of the stream out of morbid curiosity. Lmao, what a fucking embarrassment. Then you went and deleted everything from your channel. Kek.
I subbed btw. Looking forward to your next one.

>> No.22950222

You guys sound like you photograph these whores or something else. What's are some good stories?

>> No.22950375
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ohhh you get pics of interest time to time.
most are done on the guys cameras so you dont really often get to take evidence with you

>> No.22950465
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>i go for japanese bitches

>> No.22950532
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>> No.22950559

sauce pls

>> No.22950585

have sex chud

>> No.22950627

This is the most retarded thread ever. Girls get tattoos of random shit that means something. Im sure some saudi prince shit goes on with the famous ones but a dog paw meaning a girl fucks dogs? Come on. Maybe it’s their dead dogs paw or they are a vet or just love dogs? No, they very obviously must be fucking them

>> No.22950697

Any photographer that constantly gets to shoot popular influencers are in on it. A lot of these thots scope them out specially for the networking. A good social media photographer is an influencer himself and is a middle man more times than not.

I work for a pretty large Social Media firm. I’ve dealt with some pretty large influencers as well as small ones. Not incriminating myself but OnlyFans leaks, stories with proof and etc have been in BAT threads and my own.

/biz/ is a small world. I swear to fuck you have to be in this industry Kek, you’re way too spot on. Well beyond what some Googling “woke” Anon would be.

>> No.22950719

Will do, thanks.

>> No.22950889

>These thots stay getting shit on for free vacations.

so it's like similar to the most of us who got a little bit late to a PnD party and got shit on by whales

>> No.22951054


Do these girls have high suicide rates or something? I can't imagine this type of lifestyle is sustainable.

>> No.22951071

If the woman is white, she's definitely fucking her dog.

>> No.22951090
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I will say nothing of my line of work but my money and who I know over the years has let me in on many many parties and photoshoots and even private sessions and private punishment sessions I wouldnt have 10yrs ago.
We run in the same circles and tiers we just are in different aspects of it but the same. We've probably stood next to eachother at table casually talking for 5mins while eating some snacks while things were going on in front of us we couldnt take pics of.
But yes /biz/ is a smol world indeed and we've def crossed paths on here multiple times especially the bat threads. And I might show up to those again on saturaday.. I havent had as much spare time to shit post and only lately have I had to sit and shitpost and buy shitcoins for my own amusement and reasons.
But I think you and I are probably at a point financially some of this crypto stuff we invest in is just for fun or to see what happens.

>> No.22951168

The paw prints just means she thinks she's an animal in bed. A ton of black bitches get that shit and ain't one of them fucking dogs you retard morons. Just cause a few retarded white bitches that fly out to Saudi to fuck dogs get that tattoo doesn't mean the vast vast majority of copy cat dumb bitches that get paw prints fuck dogs you morons. Do you people not even know that it's definitely a monkey see monkey do world when it comes to tattoos? All it takes is one dumb bitch to see paw prints hear that it means they are an animal sexually and boom she gets the tat.

>> No.22951190

paw prints and leopard spots. Same shit same meaning. It's meant to suggest they are sexually aggressive. I guarantee you the vast vast majority of hoes that get that do not fuck dogs.

>> No.22951377
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Well I think the other guy left so i'll head out in a minute. Have fun and beleive what you guys want its better for your sanity

>> No.22951657

The most important thing I've taken from this thread is that I should all in on BAT

>> No.22951661

Just cause you know a handful of mentally unstable white hoes that fuck dogs doesn't mean all the shots in the world do it too. Jesus, how is that hard to understand? No one is saying you are making things up. I am saying you weirdos are just speaking about a tiny niche subculture.

>> No.22951664
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Well that's good that you'll survive cause you realize that it's literally just your word on the internet. You see a bit flustered that I don't believe you but if it's true then have fun knowing the secrets of the world while I live in ignorant bliss. Let me ask you this, if I told you a fanciful story with absolutely no proof would you believe me on my word? No critical thinking person would.

>> No.22951990
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>the only reason i go for japanese bitches is coz they dont tat their bodies

>> No.22952697

You boys upset many individuals just by looking at this thread