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22946922 No.22946922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's so fucked up that we're all going to die. What the fuck is this some kind of simulation?

>> No.22946939

Life is a dream

>> No.22946981
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It is the only thing that makes us all equal.

Who in this picture was the fool? Who was the scholar? Who was the pauper, or the king?

>> No.22947009

Life is real. God is real and Just. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Thank Him and follow Him in all of your endeavors, seek to exalt Him and you will find true meaning in life.

>> No.22947058

It is. It's to see who will make their lives count. Those who do get access to Walhalla.

>> No.22947061

I do, but still, what is this? It's a creation, but is it that really much different to a simulation?

>> No.22947177
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How do you boys live knowing that all your actions have been predetermined at the big bang. I just feel like a robot fulfilling orders.

>> No.22947199

are you 12?

>> No.22947219

The King is the one who shaped his country and his people.
The Scholar is the one whose knowledge and study improved the quality of life for everyone to come after.
The Pauper is the one who brought forth life with his large family, to enjoy the world he and the other 2 have created for themselves and their people.
The Fool is the one who rejected all positive future impact for material pursuits, and left niothing but a skull.

>> No.22947243

Who gives a shit? This being simulation or not makes absolutely no difference on your life.

>> No.22947244

Read The World as Will and Representation

>> No.22947277
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>Who gives a shit?

>> No.22947307
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>> No.22947320

Life is a self-replicating acausal, negentropic holofractal algorithm.

>> No.22947325

take your meds, schizo

>> No.22947454

The body fulfills the orders, but what you are is utterly free.

>> No.22947455

The modern simulation theory is the most npc-tier conspiracy though. Completely pointless. If life's a simulation, none of the rules change from our perspective, so there's no point dwelling on it.

>> No.22947457
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>Life is a self-replicating acausal, negentropic holofractal algorithm.

>> No.22947539

I am in my mid 30's and I still hate the thought about death. Sometimes I wake up at night and say the words "I will die someday" and it makes me fucking anxious! Why do you ask him for being a teen? Is it something you simply get over at when you are 10 or 11? What am I missing here? To me the grasp for life is the one and most important thing that moves me forward. Death is shit and I hate it!!!!!!!

>> No.22947713

The lowest iq take. If the universe is a simulation then you can infer an absolute purpose (the nature of that purpose notwithstanding- the whole universe could be a fart joke and it wouldn't matter) to consciousness and therefore refutes philosophical pessimism that consciousness is an accident and that nature didn't just randomly create an aspect of itself that is separate from itself.

>> No.22947744
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based death pilled

Every king is nothing without a kingdom and all kingdoms die
Scholars improve the state of life until they're wrong and worsen it (think lobotomy and tranny pills)
The earth has been through 5 extinction events and it WILL go through another one, killing 99% - 100% off all the poorfags
The fool was to foolish to care

get rekt kiddo

nice get. universe is probabilistic based on muh quantum mechanics so the whole determinism thing is kinda moot from the cosmos perspective, but we're for sure limited by our bodies and social circles making our life basically deterministic, best cope imo is to work on something you find meaningful in a non self-righteous/sanctimonious way.To many self-help fags with their noses sky high thinking their bullshit is the be all end all like this fag here >>22947009

>> No.22947893

big bang theory is a larp

>> No.22947913

>all your actions have been predetermined at the big bang
You're acting like you have a model that covers everything but in every moment you observe the phenomena of qualia, something that's completely incompatible with your model which means your model is fundamentally flawed.
Based on the available data it's actually more reasonable to claim that the entire past arranges itself to fit your decision but neither claims are testable. Really we have no idea what's going on.

>> No.22947952

Do you realize how quickly civilization would end if the rich could live forever with enough money. The poor would hate the rich even more than they do now. People would hire hit squads on anyone older than 200

>> No.22947984

It is a simulation. That's a big running theory right now. We could just be part of a program running on gods pc.

>> No.22948095

and why does that matter again? You're still going to shitpost on an anime image board

>> No.22948127

we live in a simulacrum

bottom text

>> No.22948248

Not every iteration of life benefits life. That doesn't change the selective pressures from outside life refining life into more permanant forms. Humanity is life's current peak as we know it, its extinction isn't empirically known to you. You are declaring an inevitible future, when our very nature adapts to circumvent it. You can stand on the sidelines as a failed organism if you please, but the concept of life itself and its metaphysical nature will continue on until it either doesn't or achieves symbiosis with non-life. You an betting on an eventual 0 while I bet on eventual >0 that currently trends upward. Heat death is a meme btw.

>> No.22948285

>Why does existential philosophy matter?

>> No.22948311

It doesn't

>> No.22948343
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>Checked and rekt
Op, the scarier part is that we never actually die

>> No.22948380
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Pic related is how I'd like to imagine it really being.

>> No.22948398

I don't see the difference between a 200 year old with hundreds of years worth of wealth or his son that inherits all of it.

>> No.22948433

Death is what gives life it's value.
Without it it's a curse.

>> No.22948548

We long for the simple life, when the illusion of modern convenience and abstract value is eroded. However, could it be that the simple life is also a simulation? Who knows?

>> No.22948552

Everyone dies scared in pain and alone. Wouldn't you rather push that off indefinitely? If you could live to 100 what's another 100 years. Once you're at 200 what's another 200 years? I feel like 1000 years would be nice. Past that might get too boring. You can still die from suffocation/gun shots it's just that cancer/heart attacks/strokes/alsheimers etc get solved permanently is how I view it.

>> No.22948611

We do though, we weren’t supposed to, we were supposed to live forever, but we disobeyed God. So we die. At least in human form.

>> No.22948617
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>> No.22948620
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not sure OP but playing games and fucking pussy sure is nice