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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22936166 No.22936166 [Reply] [Original]

Where ya gonna hide when it finally pops again? Hope ya have a stack ready, friends. :-)

>> No.22936207
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>> No.22936270
File: 155 KB, 886x400, 94BA8186-F9CE-4C63-83C2-3B93BB786670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly those who don’t care about STA stay outside the threads until it starts pumping again. Everyone else in the threads have bought or looking to buy at a lower price. There is no real fud, no one’s gonna hide anywhere unless the fudders don’t get what they want (lower price) and get prices out then it’s a bit funny

>> No.22936368
File: 86 KB, 645x430, Galway bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The house I'm gonna buy with my STA.

>> No.22937468

yeah i'm still up like a grand

>> No.22937526

looks comfy but you are not going to buy anything with this jeet shitcoin.

>> No.22937715

I'm in for the long hodl and want to remain bullish but the devs have been quiet recently, I know we are expecting a dashboard but haven't observed any hints of developing marketing/outreach - yes, I get it's a community effort but tg fags can't be bothered to muster up twitter likes. Someone prove me wrong please, we need a plan.

>> No.22937908

We suggested they would wait until cryptomarket is not permared. Especially ETH. For all we know they might have it ready but are focusing on other developtments currently as well. They haven’t let me down once yet.

>> No.22937976

how big is the team again? I though it was like 3 people before, but not sure about now.

>> No.22937984

And we do have a plan. If we get news that pump the price to new heights, great, pool at around $1. If we don’t, we all pool in Delta no matter the price. That will activate the balancer to create volume in the pool and thus it activates Sthanos to create burn which in turn creates deflation which means STA price will go up even if ETH didn’t. Once ETH inevitably starts going up it will also drag STA price up even more. So we force the price up while getting paid massively from the fees generated from the autobalancing. It’s solid.

>> No.22938071

I think they said it was a dozen or couple dozen at one point

>> No.22938234

ah okay

>> No.22938303

Top 100 holder here, I'm sorry frens I used to believe but with no announcements and a massive dump when I could have sold at major profit I'm abandoning ship here, no long worth it.

>> No.22938424

Go on, im seeing no sell order going through? Can’t be that you are fudding right. Get this ingrained into your skull.

Sta will never drop to 3c again. Fill your bag now or never.

>> No.22938643

yeah where's this order. Sell here. Do it!

>> No.22938696

wow so much fucking cope in one thread, have sex losers

>> No.22939044
File: 99 KB, 474x711, 1601486168499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STA will never drop to 3c again
>pic related
Also can you swear right here that you'll eat your own penis when it does?

>> No.22939073
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>> No.22939816
File: 114 KB, 1080x1506, 1601488106960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a matter of time before you're right back where you started.

>> No.22939979

I bought in when it was between .015 and .02, so im up no matter what. Swapped some RSR to STA yesterday, to get away from the loser shitcoin and get more of this winner.

>> No.22940066
File: 47 KB, 777x643, 9EDEA5FC-E700-4E74-ACF6-C77AB474C3F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to care more than me. One might wonder why that is.

>> No.22940103

If you have time and buddies. You can build that for pretty cheap if you arent retarded