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22930027 No.22930027 [Reply] [Original]

Time for a comfy Kleros thread. Did you listen to the new podcast episode with the crypto futurist Joe Raczinski?
Summary of the kleros-related points:
>Joe thinks smartcontracts won't be used in law for at least another few years
>said crypto charity will become more and more common, so that people can actually see the results of their charity and approve the release of further funds
>thinks defi will find its feet, doesn't see a problem with 100% interest rates
>Federico says Argentina is a corrupt shithole and kleros can fix it

>linguo still not out
>omen going bananas - expect heaps of election-related cases to come in November
>xDAI bridge coming, already hinted at by Clement but officially announced on twitter. Should make gas reasonable.
>Peruvians have decided to use kleros as their real-world arbitrator

Come in, have a corona, be a pajeet, pass the time waiting for PNK to be worth 1k rupees ($14)

>> No.22930042
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350k faggot checking in
Feeling relatively comfy, desu

>> No.22930072

Hey would love to invest. Let me know when it's on binance. I don't use shitswap.

>> No.22930130

Sold for libertas

>> No.22930158

anyone with a pedestrian understanding of game theory gets that jurors are going to collude. no one will ever trust this as binding dispute resolution.
ways you can counter this argument: 0

>> No.22930179

You'll be paying $1 buy then. Hope that's okay, anon

>> No.22930247

Shitswap gave me 4k USD for free for buying 50$worth of shitcoin pnk

>> No.22930251

Only have 2.7k. I put most of my shit into CURV. Did I make a mistake?

>> No.22930742

Based. I'm torn between wanting to buy another 50k if it dips, while not wanting to see the 100k I already own go any lower. At least this way I won't lose, r-right?

not even revealing the votes of jurors in case 302 resulted in collusion. And that was when every juror was int he same telegram group. When we get to the point where 100k people hold kleros, collusion will be nigh impossible.

Yes. Sell your shitcoins and buy PNK. Don't worry about ponzi scams mooning in the meantime. Walk away from the screen for a year. You don't want to end up like the guy who sold his make it stack for EMN.

>> No.22930874
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20k pnklet checking in.
God I hope the fud keeps the price low for at least a few more months so I can try at least hit 100k

>> No.22930923
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you have until november maybe dec.
Then we go full retard.
>Dems when election results come in

>> No.22930944
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>>omen going bananas - expect heaps of election-related cases to come in November


>> No.22931045

FUCK thats not enough time.
Do I take out a loan? Maybe shift whatever tiny stacks I have elsewhere and just pray its enough?

>> No.22931123
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>taking out a loan
do NOT do this. Don't even overextend. Always have a few thousand in cash and never ever ever ever buy on leverage. Just be happy that your 20k PNK are going to be worth 200k in a few years, and use that 200k to buy the next big thing. Better to get rich slowly than to rope. You never know when there'll be another stock market crash, or personal emergency, or whatever.

>> No.22931427

>Peruvians have decided to use kleros as their real-world arbitrator

really? source pls

>> No.22931675

Listen up faggot. 20k is a nice stack.
I have big doubts on kleros but I belief more in kleros than other projects.

Imagine pnk hitting 10$ not out of reach. 20k is a nice stack then. Dont hate yourself.

Now imagine taking out a loan and pnk crashing and burning to 1cent or lower. Remember that feeling if pnk starts to climb.

Dont be a "never winner" meaningyou hateit if you win sinceyou shouldve sold all and you hate if you lose for obvious reasons

>> No.22931688

>and use that 200k to buy the next big thing.
Kinda retarded imo.
Keep in around 10k.
Put 150k in boomer funds. 10k for a nice holiday or whatever and 30k into whatever shitcoin/stock you like atm

>> No.22931752
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>said crypto charity will become more and more common, so that people can actually see the results of their charity and approve the release of further funds
This is specifically in regards to Alice.si which is a Kleros partner.
>Alice is a decentralised platform for the social finance sector. We help impact investors, governments and nonprofits to cut transaction costs and share verified impact data.
Based write up btw anon

>> No.22931789

Pretty sure OP means Venezuela.

>> No.22932681

Theres a kleros blog post about it and it's just a single contract between a peruvian and argentinian company. But then again, the first purchase with bitcoin was a pizza. You have to start somewhere.

>> No.22932754

Nobody is going to use this shitty app for court crypto are mostly scams, and 3rd world shithole won't even know what the fuck is ethereum cus they are own with their life trying to get by not to mention the limited resources of internet, are you guys so fucking delusional?

>> No.22932769

Not even talking about their monthly salary in ethereum transaction fees kek