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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22926637 No.22926637 [Reply] [Original]

did our good boy sleeper do anything wrong?

>> No.22926759

Yes, Andre should go kys

>> No.22926859

I can forgive him if he admits like an adult that his behaviour created the problem. You don't go tweeting about a project in crypto and have tokens live linked to his name and not expect in crypto for people to fomo in..People saying people were dumb and degen and greedy can stfu this is crypto landscape it's not fucking the Nasdaq. People will buy into stuff if they can and think it's got a trusted dev connected to it. He needs to grow up into the bigger responsibility he has now. Or he needs a handler who leads while he develops. This is what happens when autistic devs have no management.

>> No.22927037

I didn't buy this shitshow, but I kept reading the threads from that fateful day. I think that some anons literally sold everything to buy this $emn shit and lost everything. Never saw such huge financially ruin of so many anons before. This guy should seriously hire a bodyguard.

>> No.22927088

he is eternally based

>> No.22927448

Of course he didn't do anything wrong. Watch anons on /biz/ go on and on about the economic agency of the individual, about how people who are poor or have 'fallen on bad luck' deserve it because they are low IQ or something. Now watch how they react when their beyond ridiculously speculative investment into a project with no documentation, no website, no product blows up in their faces because they thought that a meme retweeted by a crypto architect was a dog whistle.

/biz/ is is a board filled to the fucking brim with mouth breathing morons who haven't got a fucking clue about what's going on. Did any of you read the thread about L2 solutions which had something like 100 replies where 90% of the anons who replied thought L2 was ETH 2.0? Even at the most basic level of crypto most /biz/illians prove to be absolutely clueless. If you're interacting with an anon on this board you should never forget that the extent of their interest into crypto begins and ends with "Graph go up" or "Graph go down".

>> No.22927495

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.22927529


>> No.22927611

>doesn’t realize how much he loves black people

>> No.22927618

andre cronje, the mentally ill scammer, used the "i was sleeping" excuse after he did an an interview saying he will quit yfi. hes sub human scum.

>> No.22927626
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>taking a nap
this nigger chronically looks tired kek

>> No.22927675

Did the entire event happen yesterday or something? I didn't see anything about it

>> No.22927732

he didnt post the link or contract address, it wasnt on the website, twitter or anywhere to be found. some retard went and dug it up then started shilling

>> No.22927794

Yes, pretty fast, intense, lots of anons, suddenly many contracts of the same shitcoin sprouted, and then a hacker got the useless shitcoins from the anon. Total despair scenario. Never saw such weird shit. And all started because of a retweet. I can undertand that many anons are already dealing with a tough September, bills to pay, anxiety to find a x10 or be early, but that shit was so crazy. I think some may have suicided even.

>> No.22927859
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>> No.22927878

got link to the thread?

>> No.22927947

There were many threads. This is the first one that I saw:


Later, those:





Absolute horror for many there, I guess. I hope this never happens again. I feel for those fooled.

>> No.22927961

>Absolute horror for many there, I guess. I hope this never happens again. I feel for those fooled.
zerosum lost 400k on nyan, then lost 100k on emn hack.

>> No.22927965

He needs to be investigated. At the very least any project or developer working with him needs to be ostracized for dealing with a professional scammer. I expect reputable projects to speak out against his actions and crypto corruption in general

>> No.22928040

some retard was the blue fucking kirby telling everyone to ape in saying its andres new project, which by the way is *was as of today* an official paid team member of YFI so yeah shut the fuck up

>> No.22928800

It doesn't get much more real than this. Thanks.

>> No.22928836

What’s wrong with wanting to make money in Crypto?

>> No.22929084
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the ones who think homeless people deserve to be poor and insane wealth disparity is no big deal definitely deserve to lose their money.

>> No.22929216

i work with homeless people, they unironically do deserve to be poor. vast majority are drug addicts, many are pedophiles, IE; convicted sex offenders, ALL refuse to work ANY job. i will have a longer conversation with homeless people, over the next 4 hours at work, than you will have combined experience with them over the course of your entire life. they created their situation, and they perpetuate their situation. any money you give them, goes to drugs. any food you give them, they sell to other homeless people, and buy drugs with the proceeds. that's just how it is, from someone who knows.

>> No.22929243

Parts of the YFI team were actively shilling it on Twitter and actively arbing the mint function as soon as it hit Uniswap. Within hours it was listed on coingecko/CMC. Andre himself announced a surprise launch on Twitter and verified the contracts with his well-known yearn address. I agree people speculate with risky assets and losing some of these gambles is part of the game. But don't act as if this was just some random test and not a failed product launch you would be just as gullible as everybody else.

>> No.22929271

Imagine trying to make this fucking argument lmao
>this is crypto landscape it's not fucking the Nasdaq
EXACTLY. It's crypto. How fucking stupid do you have to be to do zero due diligence beyond "muh andre" WHO OPENLY SAYS these are experimental ponzi memes with unaudited contracts.
>I threw money into an untested experimental asset as soon as it launched and my money disappeared
That's exactly the risk! That's exactly what you chose to do to try and get a 10,000x. Fucking dumb fucks everyone that lost money on this can either learn a lesson or can pout, but the lesson is really straightforward: Stop being degenerate gambling retard and blaming other people for the fact that YOU are a fucking retard.

>> No.22929340

>People will buy into stuff if they can and think it's got a trusted dev connected to it.
that's kinda the problem

>> No.22929351

Waaaaahh waaahhh

>> No.22929377

reputable projects are the more professional scams

>> No.22929413

This guy's correct. I don't mind the homeless, i volunteered at a soup kitchen for a few years, but not a single person who doesn't want to be homeless is still on the street after a week.

>> No.22929510

so how are we getting the refund

>> No.22929512

The guy's a rank amateur. Never heard of a testnet, seemingly.

>> No.22929533

yeah only way to end this would be to institutionalize them under state wardship but that is basically a prison for poor.

>> No.22929644

Well here (UK) they all have government housing but they all abscond from it anyway. Usually drugs, sometimes fighting. I feel sorry for them and like any druggy friend they can be fun to talk to but any image of some put upon guy who couldn't get a job, got in debt and ended up on the street is just naive shit young women say because it makes them feel virtuous making up for all the ass pumping they received the night before.

>> No.22929779

from what i heard about 60 to 80% of them are mentally ill. so basically unable to hold a job anyhow.

>> No.22930591
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>I can forgive him if he admits like an adult that his behaviour created the problem
>caring about the apologies or admission of guilt
ngmi, but unironically

>> No.22931057