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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22921998 No.22921998 [Reply] [Original]

my faith of making it before 30s is reborn since these two partnered

the future looks bright ahead, anon.

>> No.22922042


What's that on the right and why it should have my money?

>> No.22922047

You're damn right

>> No.22922068

are you straight retarded or just baiting?

>> No.22922098


i'm gay and retarded, thanks for asking. what's that?

>> No.22922118

I think he's just retarded and maybe he is in a punk band or some stupid shit like that whit no sense at all

>> No.22922140


>> No.22922148

Avalanche (avax)

>> No.22922159


is it worth investing and why?

>> No.22922167

If you want to make it before 30 then you have to fucking go all in PTF

>> No.22922174

ok understandable.

the token on the right side is AVAX, pretty new on the market w/ a lot of potential, recently partnered with chainlink (another incredible project)

already holding 2k on AVAX.

>> No.22922194

Do your own research. I've spoon fed you enough.

>> No.22922210
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>b-but fren

>> No.22922213

Been waiting for price of avax to be more appropriately valued before buying in. It’s starting to look pretty juicy now

>> No.22922232

well, i always recommend to do your own research, but i trust AVAX due to its technological background, u should research specifically about its subnet's structure, which allows a flexible legal compliance in pretty much every place of the world.

ok raheesh how many rupees are you even making per post?

>> No.22922252

>> recently partnered with chainlink

sauce plz

>> No.22922293

i think it's kinda stable already, it has like a whole week in $4 usd per coin, i first bought some at the ICO but i want to hold it as long as i can cause i have a feeling it will moon sooner or later.

>> No.22922300
File: 46 KB, 1125x356, 907EC0D9-E641-47DD-8707-48C7085D7B36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick to LINK. Avalanche may be a good project but will never moon because pic related.

>> No.22922344

there are plenty of examples on google but i think this one is specially interesting.


>> No.22922361

how is the picture ever related to AVAX getting stranded?

>> No.22922494

You literally just rebuffed 100s of thousands of LINK worth of buy pressure. You must be gay.

>> No.22922537

At current prices its pointless to buy AVAX when we know where LINK is going. AVAX COULD be good, buts its still peanuts compared to what we KNOW link is going to do.

>> No.22922559

Stranded? Wtf are you talking about faggot

>> No.22922564
File: 52 KB, 747x515, A07AB18D-92A2-43F6-8767-BD32E4B4A468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22922619


Where can I buy? I'm investigating and sounds like a golden chance I should take. I'm going with 1k.

>> No.22922728

it’s literally umpumpable

>> No.22922767

Smell of shit in the morning

>> No.22922787

i'm really relying my trust into AVAX's subnet proposal, i believe it could make them sneak through most institutions denial to seriously handle cryptos (due to legal issues).

you said it's never mooning, and i'd like to know why your retarded ass believes that.

binance and coinbase as far as i know.

>> No.22922790

Its also the completely wrong value....

>> No.22922861

Binance, Okex or Jellyswap. Pick your poison.

>> No.22922874

probably the smell of your people shitting on the streets

>> No.22922883

Look at the fucking image I posted you drooling retard. Only 5% of the supply is circulating. That means VCs own almost the entire supply and will dump on your ass for eternity.

>> No.22922912

no, by the look of the whole board, the game is over and you didn't got the memo - or the professional shills got called over for the debate

>> No.22922928
File: 472 KB, 1242x2104, EA105C3C-D815-4ECC-92BE-6DC51899A109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak FUD

>> No.22922935

Does anyone have that info graphic about how the BAND guy got doxxed via his LinkedIn in relation to SushiSwap? I believe it had to do with a card game or video game.

>> No.22922979

should be in the archives

>> No.22923010
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you could literally visit any thread on 4chan and always gaze 2 or 3 autists flaming the portrayed token.

it has nothing to do with AVAX dumbfuck, it has to do with the retarded fudders all over /biz/

>> No.22923060

It is different, if you see you see - we'll see after todays debate, but if it goes back to the former state then a very important question got answered

>> No.22923249

well, every cryptoproject has some certain "risk" attached to it, that's pretty much unavoidable, you can never be 100% sure a project is mooning.

i have 2k on AVAX due to the profits of my LINK's sellings, and i'm pretty confident about it. Real confidence is not a daily thing in crypto's environment.

>> No.22923297

I don't care for your shill, never did Ashvin

>> No.22923429

nor i care about your shit-tier fud Raheesh.

>> No.22923455


>> No.22923545

that's okay, so does nobody that wants to get sold on it. The fud narrative should be overhauled

>> No.22923850

i could literally say the same about the ETH fanboys that sold on to the idea of ETH being the ultimate god of cryptos, completely ignoring and flaming every other token on /biz/

>> No.22924062

yes basically, 'shilling' or 'fudding' will just enforce already existing believes, and can create funny shitstorms

>> No.22924141

The AVAX are overvalued at this price I would wait for peepee poopoo before I invest in the AVAX

>> No.22924247

Why do u believe it's overpriced?

>> No.22924448

Because he’s salty he missed out on the ICO. Loser mentality.

>> No.22925551

Launch hype + token distribution. These things always take 10x longer to deliver than the initial promises, if you want to buy AVAX wait 6 months until everyone is pumped about a new VC L1, then buy it when nobody is talking about it.
The thing is, by that point you probably won't want to buy it because you'll be hyped about the next big thing. Like is anyone buying Hedera or Algorand any more?

>> No.22925693

> pajeet thinking
because either shills = bots or indians = bots
Either way: how does avax solve the scaling issue

>> No.22925819
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 133F26C6-819B-407F-974F-DB272E42F668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this and all your questions will be answered: https://youtu.be/AXrrqtFlGow

>> No.22925974 [DELETED] 

that's actually a nice observation, i'll keep that in mind next time, thanks for the advice anon.

here in /biz/ it seems like every token that could potentially assaults ETH interests is automatically a shitcoin or a shilling kek

stop retardedly fudding and just switch your shitty ETH to AVAX, geez.

>> No.22926004

that's actually a nice observation, i'll keep that in mind next time, thanks for the advice anon.

here in /biz/ it seems like every token that could potentially assault ETH interests is automatically a shitcoin or a pajeet shilling kek

stop retardedly fudding promising projects and just switch your shitty ETH tokens to AVAX, geez.